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    OwnedCore Report #82 - Race to World First >Sponsored by Eldorado<

    Hello OC and welcome to a jam packed 82nd OC Report. This week we have a ton of news under the Blizzard umbrella once again. This includes Method and Red Bull going their separate ways in the Race to World First streams, news about EU Classic WoW servers, Diablo4.com being owned by Blizzard, and more. Also be sure to check out our community highlight we want your feedback!!!

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    This OwnedCore Report is Sponsored by Eldorado

    The team behind Eldorado started trading almost 10 years ago. Since then we have bought and sold billions in in-game gold and millions of items in RuneScape, Path of Exile, World of Warcraft, Rocket League, CS:GO, and more. As buyers, sellers and gamers, we have seen it all, from honest-to-goodness dealers to scam victims with zero customer support. Harnessing years of experience and love for the market, and with a strong belief that together we can revolutionise in-game trading, we set out to build what Eldorado is today — a secure, easy-to-use marketplace with sterling support that empowers both sides of the trading community.

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    Community Highlight

    We here at OC are always trying to improve the website by taking requests, suggestions, and more from the community. The community is the website so we really promote sharing your thoughts with us. This week Ashoran requested we add Achievements and Badges to OC. This is something that has kind of existed already and also been talked about internally to re-add in some variation or another. But before we really look into it we want community feedback first and foremost so if you have the time definitely head over to Ashoran's thread which I will link right below this text and let us know your ideas. Maybe you have your own variation of the same system that you think might fit better.

    Thread found (Adding Achievements/Badges to Ownedcore)HERE

    Gaming News from Around the Globe

    WoW News

    First and foremost some big news for European players looking forward to Classic WoW. At first Blizzard stated the European servers would separate English and Russian speaking servers but that is it. After a good chunk of backlash they released this blue post stating the following.

    After further review and consideration of your feedback, we will launch WoW Classic in the European region with French and German realms, in addition to the expected English and Russian realms. This will allow WoW Classic players in Europe who wish to communicate with others in French or German to start in those languages from day one 562.

    We really appreciate the high degree of interest and passionate feedback we’ve seen on this subject for the last few days. Our plan is to have English, French, German, and Russian language realms designated in the final stress test. While we haven’t yet finalized the numbers of realms and realm types for each language, we’ll let you know those details before name reservations start on August 13.

    Thank you very much! Vielen Dank! Merci beaucoup!
    This is great news for Europe and to me shows that this Classic team is always listening to feedback and are more willing than retails team to go back on a decision and make it right for the community if need be.

    Second we have the news about the Race to World First (RWF). Sco, the GM and owner of Method, put out a TwitLonger about the current status of the RWF as far as Method and Red Bull. If you are completely out of the loop let me fill you in really fast. Method, the number one guild in the world, has been streaming their Mythic progression raiding for two tiers now in World of Warcraft. This was a huge step as far as world first raiding goes because in the past most guilds didn't want to stream progression due to strategies, comp setups, and more being stolen by competition was almost 100% going to occur. Method broke this barrier by partnering up with Red Bull and streaming Uldir mythic progression.

    According to Sco it was as simple as Red Bull provides the venue and in return they would sponsor the event. Red Bull, after Uldir, wanted to "own and operate the event themselves." This means they wanted the streams to be on their Twitch Channel instead of Method streaming it across all of their raiders individual channels under the Method Twitch umbrella along with the main RWF live stream that included commentators. Method didn't want to do because 'we see the long-term damage of handing off the 14-year-old community run RWF competition to a 3rd party corporation." Keep in mind Method did not receive any compensation from Red Bull and state the RWF live stream channel was the only way to interact with the viewers and to bring on sponsors. Giving Red Bull full control would mean not being able to compensate the raiders in Method who many are students and 9-5 workers who take vacation time off to do this race. Red Bull allows Method to stream it on their RWF live stream again for Battle of Dazar'alor.

    After Battle of Dazar'alor Red Bull still pursued the route of taking ownership of RWF events. Method thought this wasn't fair as Red Bull gained millions of hours in viewership for basically providing just a venue. Eventually a leak came out that Red Bull had reached out to Limit and Pieces who are World First progression guilds. Limit being #1 in NA and Pieces being #1 in the world last tier. This was a huge breach of trust for Method for obvious reasons and to make matters worse Red bull used a lot of Method's concepts and ideas for expanding the RWF.

    So what can we expect in the 8.2 race coming soon? Red Bull will probably be hosting their own on their channel but Sco states Method has their own plans.

    Allowing a 3rd party corporation to take ownership of the Race to World First is conflicting with the interests of the guilds who compete in the race. The goal of the 3rd party corporation is to promote their own brand as much as possible (less incentive to bring on other sponsors as it dilutes their brand exposure), run the event at the lowest cost possible, while also owning the run of show and all other aspects (branding, marketing, event sales etc) surrounding the show which severely limits the guilds oversight and return from the event. The guilds become powerless and restricted in terms of the event itself, the exposure they get, the revenue generated from the event, and other elements. All of this has a direct impact on how the long term raiding scene develops from here on out.
    Method is in the early stages of communicating with other top guilds on a collective agreement that will have the Race to World First remain in the hands of the community. An agreement that will prevent exploitation of the guilds. The agreement in broad strokes:
    - The guilds elect a commissioner to act on their behalf. The commissioner will assume the role of executive director for RWF events.
    - The commissioner and the guilds choose a production company and venue(s) which will be engaged on a contractor basis.
    - The commissioner, on behalf of the guilds, will oversee the creation and execution of a Race to World First broadcast, to ensure the event reflects the competitive nature of the race and the passion of the raid guilds.
    - Sponsorships for the RWF events will be brought in by the guilds and external agents. All revenue will be distributed in a fair manner which will be agreed upon between the guilds.
    - Blizzard, as creator and IP owner of World of Warcraft, will hopefully continue to provide support to what has always made World of Warcraft special, its community. We would be keen to work directly with Blizzard with the above aforementioned points in mind.

    This agreement ensures that; 1) The Race to World First will be the best it can be, because it is in the hands of the guilds and their raiders, who have passion and dedication to this competition. 2) The guilds and raiders are not taken advantage of by external for-profit companies which have no interest in the RWF other than its commercial exploitation. 3) The long term sustainability of the raiding scene is secured.
    All in all it seems like Red Bull got a little greedy here but the viewer numbers will tell the truth when the new raid hits. To read Sco's full tweet click HERE

    What are your thought's on this whole situation?

    Lastly it seems that more stuff from the Warcraft movie is being auctioned. This happened once before but I guess this is different stuff because from what I saw in the last one months ago everything had a bid. If you're interested in buying or just browsing you can check it out by clicking here


    Netease, the company Blizzard is working with to make Diablo Immortal, is a huge competitor in China to Tencent. Tencent decided to make their own version of Diablo Immortal called Raziel. Raziel is a loot-based dungeon crawler just like Diablo. Tencent states they have been working on it for 4 years but obviously people are skeptical and think this was to get ahead of Diablo Immortal in China. This ended up biting Tencent in the backside because the reviews came in and it wasn't great.

    “After I reached level 60, I still couldn’t collect a basic build of equipment after spending a week fighting monsters. After I reached level 60, I still couldn’t collect a basic build of equipment after spending a week fighting monsters,”
    This along with slow map load times, limited classes, and a poor in-game shop have been in the laundry list of complaints about Raziel. Now this is definitely bad for Tencent but it raises the question. Are people not into Raziel or are people not into a Diablo-like mobile game. It should be interesting to see if Diablo Immortal can change the minds of those who have wrote a Raziel off in China already.

    Lastly we have small Diablo 4 news. There is no doubt Diablo 4 is coming and most likely being announced at the 2019 Blizzcon this fall but that doesn't make the fact that Blizzard owns diablo4.com any less interesting. Thanks to Reddit user Randomman00 we now know Diablo 4 is FOR SURE FOR SURE coming out. You can check out his full breakdown of the website on his thread HERE

    Clips of the Week

    When somebody finds your Mario Maker cheat

    CSGO is #1 esport dont @ me

    Uhhh? Kobe?

    The clutch is real


    OwnedCore Report #82 - Race to World First &gt;Sponsored by Eldorado&lt;
  2. Thanks Ashoran, hackerlol (2 members gave Thanks to Kenneth for this useful post)
  3. #2
    hackerlol's Avatar Admin(kind of) ShoutBox Dweller
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    well I personally have never been that interested in streamers as I've always found a lot of them to be a bunch of prima donnas.

    As for Diablo 4,

  4. Thanks Kenneth (1 members gave Thanks to hackerlol for this useful post)

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