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    OwnedCore Report #37

    Greetings OC and welcome to our 37th OwnedCore Report. This week we have some cool gaming news such as a new POE season, Artifact, CS:GO going free, and more.

    Community Highlights

    Apparently you can 1 shot people with Shrukien Toss as a rogue right now. Bboystyle82 has the information in his latest thread.

    To go to the thread click HERE

    As if BM hunters couldn't be more mindless. Hell8317, with the power of Google Translate, has found something interesting.

    To go to the thread click HERE

    Apparently Heroic Missions count toward "Expert Expeditioner". Mollyy was looking out for us in this thread.

    To go to the thread click HERE

    Fwee shows us a a PVP quick honor farm in this detailed thread.

    To go to the thread click HERE

    Annaisha has given us an insanely detailed guide on Faction changing and how that can be a fast route to Exalted with reputations in WoW

    To go to the thread click HERE

    Gaming News from Around the Globe

    The World of Warcraft Diary

    So if you haven't seen it yet there was a new Kickstarter by John Staats, Blizzard's first 3D Level Designer, to fund the World of Warcraft Diary. I think this is the second attempt to get it funded but I could be wrong on that. The goal this time around was $10,000 and as I am writing this they have raised $250,000. This Diary includes a ton of early development pictures and explanations from classic WoW including AQ, Kara, RFD/RFK, Scholo, UBS, WSG, and many more. According to the kick starter the expected delivery is December of this year if you decide to back the project. The Kickstarter can be seen here. Also a cool bit was that John did an AMA on reddit which he answers some very cool questions about why things like Hyjal weren't used even though they looked almost complete in vanilla. This can be seen by clicking here.

    CS:GO now has a F2P version

    Recently Valve has released CS:GO's first free version. In this version you can do things such as compete in offline matches against the bots. On top of this the old UI known as Scaleform is officially gone and Panorama has been pushed on to all clients. A lot of players didn't like that they couldn't choose between the two but I am sure Valve has a good reason for keeping everybody on the same UI. As far as the offline mode goes one worry would be that it could inflate bot viewership for the upcoming major. The way Valve, like many companies these days, retains viewers for their big tournaments called Majors is by giving incentive to watch. Well the incentive with CS:GO is that depending on the match being played at the time there is a chance a weapon crate for that map may drop. Some maps have crates worth up to $50 USD because the skins in the crate are so sought after. Because of this a lot of people hook up their Twitch to a Steam account that owns CS:GO watch even if they don't care about the eSport. But now that there is a free version of CS:GO people are wondering if this will spike viewership even more.

    POE: Delve League

    The popular ARPG, Path of Exile, has officially launched its newest league "Delve". The official trailer can be seen here. . This League is featured around an infinite mining map system where you use things like torches to see in the dark. On top of that concept are additions such as socketable currency items. The mine being infinite means the further down you go the harder it will get. This means eventually it will become harder than end-game Maps. "Your progress is only limited by the power of your character build." This will all be tracked and there will be a ladder on who has gone the deepest into the mines. Every time I see a new POE league and all the stuff that comes with it I just cant fathom how a game like Diablo will ever captivate the hardcore ARPG fan base ever again over a game like POE.


    If you haven't heard of this game yet than the best way to get your attention would be "Valve hired the guy that made Magic the Gathering, Richard Garfield, after he pitched his new card game idea to Valve". This is now Artifact. A 3 board card online card game coming to Steam very very soon. The game will be using Dota 2's "lore". This weekend we got to see a lot of cool stuff with Artifact at PAX West. So this is what we got away from it.

    • There is 3 boards with towers at the end of each with 40 hp. You win the game by taking out 2 of the 3 towers your opponent has"

    • You can defend the towers with your friendly cards. This includes your heroes as well which you have 5 of at the start.

    • You receive mana at the start of each turn like Hearthstone. You start the game with 3 and gain more each turn with no limit.

    • Card colors include green, blue, red, and black. You can only play a card in a lane that matches the Hero you set to that lane. Black hero in middle board/lane means only black cards in middle board/lane.

    • It looks like there is a lot of setup each turn by both players and once the setup is done you end the turn and the combat takes place.

    OwnedCore Report #37

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