Auction House gold guide, basics/advanced menu

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    egg1337lol's Avatar Contributor
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    Auction House gold guide, basics/advanced

    Whatsup with this guide bro?

    1. This is the basics, played a few hours in 3 days to have not had anything else and do.(from 1 year wow break)
    2nd This is no OP GET RICH IN 1 SEC Tips
    3th Everything is common sense when you know it; D
    4th Will surely be added soon, however. :>

    And once again, have not checked everything to get it perfect, ill change, etc. when I have nothing better to do.

    Auction House is not so complicated, really, of course when the basics are:


    Buy low sell high
    Buy regeants create item sell item
    Buy regeant create item disenchant & sell item

    And a bit more complicated

    When to sell and buy, day / time
    How to sell
    What to do to maximize profits?

    Something to start with is the addon Auctioneer:

    Auctioneer addon for World of Warcraft /
    Do not forget to scan the AH after install, you'd need to scan like atleast first week pretty often to get accurate prices.

    there are FAQ about the addon on the site.

    Knowing the PvE activity on your server

    Try to keep track on when the big guilds have their raids, because when they get new epics they'll surely wants to enchant/gem their precious epics, try to be a seller for the guild for 100% gold profit, sell enchanting/gems mats to them.

    What time and day has a meaning, to sell at 4 on a Tuesday morning does not sell as good as at 1 on a Saturday night.

    You should try to buy items early in the day and week and sell at the end of the weekend.
    Although the attractiveness to sell an item, you can try but dont go too big, will just lose gold, trying to sell something at the wrong time is mostly just a waste of time, but keep an eye on trade however, today I just sold titanium ores for 7k gold on the morning, using trade.

    Keeping track of trade is something you should do, people do sell their stuff cheap as hell just because they need emergency cash, buy from them = cheaper than AH.
    You'll not be alone with earning gold, so /Friend your competition to see when they're online to compete with them and when they're offline.
    If someone tries to "own" you, never back down, will give profit.

    They're be war on the items, if you spend your time on undercutting your competition every day he comes online eventually he will stop trying.

    It's a mind game, to sell and buy, you must be smart. You can get what you want, in principle, only using the right methods..

    to get 4 Abyss for 45g, or 50% off, just by using the right method.
    He says clearly 50 or No Deal, when you say politely no, and wait, do not respond to what he writes, if I had answered "No" on 47g, it would probably not become a deal.

    50 and 45g big difference? No, is the principle that counts, right now, it was 5g, but when it comes to larger sums and more profit, you know what to do.

    When someone buys something from you on the AH, more than 3-4 items, click on your Auctions and whisper them if they want to buy more for a cheaper price / or stacks, though you sell for more or less the same price, but yet you do not have to pay the Auction House fee = more profit for you

    I bought 8 abyss's that were 10g cheaper than the rest, the one I bought from putted up new and I putted up 4 new but 7g cheaper than him, allthough it's a risk here, either he buys yours or he relist cheaper, to make you buy his but über cheap.

    To be on the safe side, be ready to cancel your auctions if you see "An buyer has bought your..."

    In order to create a monopoly, it means buying all the items such as Enchanting mats and lay them out 4 or 5 times more expensive than normal price (depending on what you sell).
    People are forced to buy because no one else are selling. (more on that later on)

    Req. Error - Wowhead 4057
    Req. = 69,412

    [Abyss Crystal] is 20-30g on my realm, I myself do not buy if it costs more than 22g.
    "[Abyssal Shatter] Disenchants into an Abyss Crystal Greater Cosmic Essence s Infinite Dust."

    ~ 1.5g per Infinite Dust x 175 = ~ 280g
    ~ 8.5g per Lesser Cosmic x 105 = ~ 940g
    -500g of the cost, I added on the Abyss (x2
    ~ 1400g profit, ++/-- what time you spend, the day of the week, and so on.

    Bid on items can make you rich, some put 1 bid and buy out 13g, bid on item and cash in 12g99s profit, so check through AH and just bid.

    @Auctioneer you c
    an bind "double mouseclick on item" = bids!

    I sat in Ironforge and I saw someone were buying all my Lesser Cosmic Essence, as it happens, I usually runs to the AH, check auctions to see the name of the buyer and whisper him if he wants more, but I assumed that he tried to run a monopoly game, because he bought like 2 pages and 1 page were mine I waited for him to buy the real expensive ones with like 90% overprice.

    When it were 1 or 2 LCE(the item) left I putted up my items (because he will refresh the AH before he puts out his) for 14g each (~ 7 is common) x10, he bought them, I putted out another 10 but 16g each, he bought them also, so I putted up another 10 but this time 18g.
    And I whispered "good that u stop i have no left xD cya im go to bed:P"

    To entice him to buy and try again, so I logged off and logged on to another alt and scouted Lesser Cosmic Essence, though he stopped.
    so I logged in again and took the opportunity to put some at bid 11 and no Buy Out. Why?

    Well, for people who do not have any idea what's going on, the newbs sees the 11g bid cheap as fuk compared to my 18g buy out, so they'll bid on the 11g, also 7g BO is common, as they have no clue!
    (had like 8 at bids, screenshotted before gettin em up)

    Okay, so now it was the people who bought my for 18g each, usual price 7g, GREATER cosmic essence for 15g that gives you 3 Lesser, people are idiots.

    So, say something nice to convince them to buy, hint, if they are noobs act like noobs, talk like a noob, they'll be more understanding for it instead of using "real" english.


    1. method: random seller. This guy has no industry. He is a scribe, leveling it and wants to sell the glyphs or maybe the guild needed one or he just wants to skip Hodir repgrind. He manually lists some glyphs. There are many of these guys and they list many glyphs at different prices.

    2nd Method: AH-camps. He notices that crafting price is much, much lower than market price. He also notices that glyphs have no deposit cost, so you can cancel-repost without fee. He scans the AH, craft a few glyphs of each and drop them 1c below current price. He checks the market regularly (AH-camp), cancel all the glyphs that have been undercut and repost again. His aim is to be the cheapest every time, but only by 1c. He usually drop few glyphs of each (profitable) type because the time-limiting factor in this method is getting the Unsold glyphs out of the mailbox.

    AH-camp vs random guy: Random guy posts. Unless he is lucky to find a buyer until the camps logs in, he will not sell anything and intakes out of the market place. AH campers make sure that random guy keeps away from glyphs and ordinary (non-goblin) people say "there is no money in inscription.

    AH Camper vs monopolistic: monopolist buys up the glyphs of the Random and campers. Campers and Randoms happy. Camper logs in, undercuts monopolist by a copper. Monopolist can not sell anything and going bankrupt (or turns into an AH camps himself).

    AH-AH-vs camps camps: the one who checked the load time is cheaper by a copper. They have each other on Friends list and try to camp more. The market is divided according to the number of cancel-repost cycles. If you repost once a day, and others repost altogether 100 times, you'll have 1% of the sales on average. While prices are still high, gold / hour ratios can be terrible until the competition gives up.

    3rd method: deep in the cutter. "Deep" is a relative term, but it's surely not 1c. It means that in finite, note large number of cycles undercuts the price reaches 0. For example I currently run with 60s undercut. It means I can drive a 20G price to 0 in 33 cycles. The deep under the cutter does not camp the AH. Crafts many glyphs of each type (I currently run with 9), posts them undercutting the currently listed ones and forget them for 48 hours.

    Deep under the cutter vs. random Seller: random guy lists glyphs, sells some. During Cutter logs in, lists below sells him some. Other random guy logs in, lists below, sells some. Prices come down, random guy does not drop more, the absence of competition in the cutter posts in the "normal price" + 20-30% again, price reset, random guy listen again. More or less peaceful coexistence, the market is divided according to number of glpyhs posted.

    Deep under the cutter vs. monopolistic: The Cutter lists glyphs at "normal price" + 20-30%, as he find no cheap glyphs. Monopolist buys them up, the cutter happy. Monopolist sells high, happy too. Prices Steady climb up as the auctioneer "normal price" includes the monopolist's price. Peaceful coexistence, everyone sell, customers suck.

    Deep under the cutter vs. AH-Camp: Under Cutter lists at current price - undercuts value. Camper undercuts him by a copper, he sells, deep in the cutter's everything back. Since the glyphs of the camps are still there, he lists below undercut them by value. Camper undercuts him by a copper, he sells, deep in the cutter's everything back. This cycle goes on, and everytime the price decreases by undercut value. When's price to the bottom, the deep during the cutter still does not sell anything, so his work is only to empty the mailbox and repost glyphs once every 48 hours. On the other hand the AH camps sells, so he has to mill, craft, cunning, cancel, relist, fight other campers and random guys, for 0.1-0.5G/glyph profit or even for a loss. It's clear who will give this up (after creating some materials to my "morons of the week" posts). As soon as the camps leaves, the prices slowly climb up.

    Since people keep posting "he does not give up and keep dominating the market", I have to brake it down: it's the point that he keeps on dominating a dead market. The cutter wastes in 2hrs AFK time/2days for 0 profit, the camps loses 6hrs AFK, 2 hrs online / day for near-0 profit. Some campers are professional gold farmers or no-life kids and it may take some weeks until they give up, but it's only matter of time. All the the cutter has to do is clicking the "get all mail" once a minute while reading news / blogs and Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Batch Post before going to eat to make the life of the miserable camps. The only way for him to have not miserable life is to give it up (or turning the cutter deep).

    Deep under the cutter vs. deep in cutter: Price Drop down, and soon reach near-zero profit. After the cargo camps gives it up, they both start to sell, so they have to mill and Crafts for nothing. The one with less patience, money (or the one with an idea to enter other business like JC) will leave, giving the market to the other one.


    Earn gold through massguildinvite? Nigga say whaaaat?

    • The link is to an addon called rapedotty. (creds eggsamp on mmo.)

    Uh .. so what is this for kind of addon?

    • An addon that basically runs the /who lvl 1-70 guildless and invites. For 80 you get to change:

    Local levelEnd = 80;
    @ interface/add0n/rapedotty/Rape Dotty.LUA

    To start addon.
    /rapedotty start

    The addon goesthrough all races + classes at each level and invites them to your guild.
    • Make the chat you will see that addonet looking.
    • Try not to spam the addon too much.
    • After 2 / rapedotty start.

    Okay buddy, an addon that massinvites peeps, wtf am I goin to do with that?

    Either you have a chill guild with 400 people, or you do something out of the guild with 400 people.

    Write a awesome text in Guild Information about they should donate items and gold for repairs and usage for the lower lvl'd guys, instead of vendorselling etc, like..

    "So this is the most awesome low-level guild ever, just for chillin' or lvling. Donate yo shit to guildbank instead of trashselling, and donate a few shiny coins for more guildtabs and such.
    Like 1g more or less aint that much eh? Bought tabard+guildtab.

    For repairs for others and items for the lowbies to use.


    Guild Bank after ~ 2 days. I have now 700g and more or less items worth 500g++
    (now have 460 peeps)

    The guild after ~ 3 days, around 1-60 minutes addon abuse.

    Aight, the downside is of course when that's spamming you too much, like 20 times a day, then 2 things happen:
    1. Ignore
    2. Reported

    The chance to get reported is very low though, and you will not be banned nor an addon lawl.

    Alchemy is nice, as usual, Flask of the Frost Wyrm sells like a beast.

    Mats for 2 flasks (2 extra if elixir specc and procc)

    ATM @ Server:

    Lichbloom: 22g per stack
    Icethorn: 18g per stack
    Frost lotus: 38g individually, buy 4, 192g.
    1 flask sold for ~ 30g

    Costs for 1 craft = ~ 46g

    For one craft you'll get 2 flasks, if you're lucky, you get 4 = 240g, ~ 200g profit

    Note, this is after ~ 3 hours per day after not having played for 1 year, maybe more to come.


    Never panic, if you try to monopolilze an item and you end up with everything in your bags, not selling shit, just log out, log in another day and sell it, it works!

    I bought Titanium ore, tried to monopolize, I had to leave my computer cam back and all were at my mail, so I waited a few days and advertised in trade while waiting for the prices to go up on AH(to gain profit) but instead I sold 30 stacks with Titanium ore in trade, and got 2000g profit.

    Why I write this is because most of them tend to "Sellin ALL TITANIUM VERY CHEAP 4000g FOR ALL !!!!" gtfo, chilling sign in another day and put them out then, it is not immensely rich in 1 day, it takes time kiddies. relaxx

    Here you can scout through the lowest bid, have to scan AH first though!

    Last edited by egg1337lol; 01-06-2010 at 07:20 AM.
    My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

    Auction House gold guide, basics/advanced
  2. #2
    gippy's Avatar Elite User
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    lol rapedotty is awesome, +rep just for that

    just set it off with my old locks bank guild, got 40 members so far, ill report back later.

  3. #3
    Devitt's Avatar Member
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    Woah.. massive wall of text crit...

    There's some good info in there but this guide needs a major overhaul. Section titles would be very helpful and you may need to re-write some of it.
    Also, what's with the random guide on that guild invite addon you randomly threw in the middle?

    Appreciate the attempt to contribute but this is too poorly written to rep+, sorry.

  4. #4
    egg1337lol's Avatar Contributor
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    I wrote it till the bank thingy, saved .txt file and continued after dat :<

    Haha, NVM I understand now what were completely wrong, I'm sorry, fixed it now though.

    Should be fixed now, I wrote the guide in swedish for another website, and did it through google translate, and it went fail and I copy pasted wrong "english version" in here, thats why.
    Last edited by egg1337lol; 01-06-2010 at 06:58 AM.
    My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

  5. #5
    Unholyshaman's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by Jchunx View Post
    Due to a recent increase in spam related to AH tips, pointers, and techniques in the WoW Guides section, we will now be deleting all 'AH Tips' threads.

    Please post all of your AH tips, pointers, advice and techniques in this thread.

  6. #6
    egg1337lol's Avatar Contributor
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    Oh snap, sorry bro.
    My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

  7. #7
    rykku's Avatar Member
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    I know someone of my server that is farming fishs, and always AH-Camp.. I also farm fishs but I have lot of trouble to sell it.... I just don't know what to do versus him.. he have unlimited fishs because he farm way more than me, and always log out after me...

  8. #8
    Fatherjesus's Avatar Corporal
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    Maybe it's because I'm drunk I don't know but the guy that wrote this needs to shut up.

    Time is important. Starting at 4 pm that's PRIME TIME shit there. This is the time to unload your characters because it's going to fly off the shelves. Then around 12 am prime time is over and people aren't posting as much and all the cheap stuff got bought so you can finally get the decent price for your items but you just have to be patient and let the night crowd buy it up gradually. Just remember someone is always going to be powerleveling a profession at 3 am and nobody is putting stuff up this is the time when the auction house will empty out of items.

  9. #9
    KingYoshi9's Avatar Site Donator
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    Amazing guide! This guide has a rediculous amount of good information about the market!


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