What do you think about OwnedCore's design and visual profile? menu

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  1. #1
    Eryx's Avatar Former Staff ✲ B26354 ✲ CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    What do you think about OwnedCore's design and visual profile?

    Dear OwnedCore community!

    Time goes forwards, and so must OwnedCore!

    We'd like to hear your honest feedback on our visual profile and design and if you got ideas/feedback we could use to improve, we'd love to see/hear it in this thread! Feel free to post all ideas, sketches and whatever comes to your mind what it takes to improve our favorite site on the internet

    It doesn't matter if you're an experienced graphical designer, car mechanic or a psychology professor; we wanna hear YOUR opinion!

    The best ideas posted in this thread will be rewarded with up to 25'000 CoreCoins

    Keep'em coming! We can't wait to hear what our most important resource, our members, think!
    Last edited by Eryx; 02-12-2018 at 06:16 PM.

    What do you think about OwnedCore's design and visual profile?
  2. #2
    Dante's Avatar M.L.G. ╰ ╯╰ ╯ ╰ ╯ ╰ ╯ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    We need more gambling and less gaming! OT: the site does look kinda dated now. Would love for it to run on something different than what we have now but thats probably not going to happen?
    Last edited by Dante; 02-12-2018 at 06:35 PM.
    I don't have a skype account. Contact me through pms or through discord.

  3. Thanks Eryx (1 members gave Thanks to Dante for this useful post)
  4. #3
    sed-'s Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    So it boils down to what are corecoins and what are they used for. right now there is no drive to lets say sell a game for corecoins so in return i could use those coins to buy something else. Corecoins are good for selling/trade threads but i dont see them being used outside of that. so it boils down to what do you guys want us to use them for? i feel like they were just introduced like here you go enjoy without any real reason to use them.

    If you guys want people to use them outside of just buying them for auto bump or thread color we would need the circle effect so i could for example sell off fortnite for corecoins and be able to lets say buy another game someone has for sale for corecoins or trade off wow gold for corecoins. not only that but the glow name was a cool start but imo to expensive for the little coins are used. Maybe for a limited time of corecoins 2.0 special promotions to draw people to them with a special section dedicated to the buy/sell/trade of corecoins but for that to really work the buying of corecoins will have to align with a number, like the 5k core coins for 5$ lets us know that 1k=1$ but when you guys start doing half off 40$ for 80k it throws off the balance a little bit. This wont be something that will be done in a year but if the system in place is good and is a healthy buy/sell/trade community and if its set up properly it will give a nice outlet and open a lot of doors for people to offer services for corecoins without the feeling of getting fucked over or dealing with chargebacks ect and still feel like your getting close to the value of real money.
    Last edited by sed-; 02-12-2018 at 08:04 PM.

  5. Thanks KuRIoS, Eryx (2 members gave Thanks to sed- for this useful post)
  6. #4
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Design-wise, I honestly think it's in a pretty good place despite the age. Some of the site's graphics could use some updating (the old D3 background, for example), and perhaps the header of the site could be a little more streamlined and compartmentalized since there are currently four different lines of menu options if you include forum navigation. The CoreGold section of the site is a disaster though. I don't even know how to fix it.

    Feature-wise, to build on what sed- was mentioning about the current implementation of CoreCoins, it would be very cool to have a marketplace of sorts where you could exchange access to private cheats for coins (as in, a developer could sell their work in exchange for coins) and the creation of the respective user groups, etc, was all automated. This is already possible with the current system, of course, but it would be cool to have a streamlined infrastructure in place for authors of programs to manage it all themselves. Essentially it would be a version of what exists in the subscriptions portion of vBulletin, but opened up to people on the site who want to sell their own subscriptions. I hope that makes sense. It would probably be wise to gate the ability to create your own subscription on a certain reputation level so that it wasn't flooded with garbage. Of course, with this idea might come some issues with becoming lawyer fodder.

  7. Thanks Dante, KuRIoS, Eryx, artemarkantos (4 members gave Thanks to maper for this useful post)
  8. #5
    ChimpeonFan's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I think getting the site mobile friendly would be a good update. According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices (although usage of the OwnedCore site is likely to skew more towards desktop use due to the nature of its content).

    I would also like to see banner adverts handled in a different way. Clicks instead of impressions as I feel some impressions are instigated by bots trawling the site.

  9. Thanks Eryx, DvASystems (2 members gave Thanks to ChimpeonFan for this useful post)
  10. #6
    HunterHero's Avatar Legendary
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    I think the site could benefit from a lighter theme that what we've got now and changing the overall theme from the 2008 upper opacity shine look.

  11. #7
    Laykith's Avatar Legendary a lemon and a frogs leg CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Darker theme so i can lurk the site at night without hurting my eyes.

  12. #8
    DarkLinux's Avatar Former Staff
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    I'm not much for looks, still a fan of sites like unknowncheats. Simple and clean.

    I do miss the old home page, I guess discord/reddit has filled the void of random wow news and screenshots. https://i.imgur.com/pV4cXwR.png

    Not a fan of darker themes as I still run into posts with white text.

    I don't see a point in displaying CoreCoins amount for each user, also don't like the title bar spam ie "CoreCoin User". Same for the top of the forum, as well as the CoreCoins raffle. It just feels a little tacky. Would be nice to have it all under the corecoin tab. Side node, Username Glow auto renew does not work.

    The trade threads could be completed redone, but then it would not even be a thread system I guess. Would be nice to have a list of all provers for a single service, vs opening every thread looking for a price. Hate how most just link off to another site, making searching for thing much harder.

    Would like to see an end to signatures. I'm not a fan of images taking up most of the page, it takes away from the content of the thread. Seeing the same images over and over, 1 line of text, 1/4 of the screen of pointless images. If people want to be different they have an avatar. Would be nice to have content separate from personal info.

    Sorry for being way off topic

  13. Thanks Eryx, Zab (2 members gave Thanks to DarkLinux for this useful post)
  14. #9
    maper's Avatar Elite User __readgsqword(0x188); CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by DarkLinux View Post
    I don't see a point in displaying CoreCoins amount for each user, also don't like the title bar spam ie "CoreCoin User". Same for the top of the forum, as well as the CoreCoins raffle. It just feels a little tacky. Would be nice to have it all under the corecoin tab.

    Would like to see an end to signatures. I'm not a fan of images taking up most of the page, it takes away from the content of the thread. Seeing the same images over and over, 1 line of text, 1/4 of the screen of pointless images. If people want to be different they have an avatar. Would be nice to have content separate from personal info.
    Big yes from me to both of these points as well.

  15. #10
    Zaphry's Avatar Contributor
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    We need minigames and scoreboards on this website.

    Playing a game for the graphics is like watching porn for the storyline.

  16. #11
    Smitten's Avatar i want to believe who even plays wow anymore 🤔
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    I have a lot of feelings about OC's current design and what I'd like to personally see in the future, going in both directions. I'll do my best to lay them out and keep it short and combine as many things as I can.

    The Good

    1) Unique Look and Identity - One great thing about OC's design right now is that it is distinctly identifiable. If I saw the site from a distance, I'd know exactly what it is. I believe the blue on grey style is near synonymous with OC design wise. The same could be said for the current logo. The head is unquestionably OwnedCore.

    2) Forum Layout - Though that's mainly VBulletin I suppose, thread layout both when browsing sections and reading threads is nice. Everything seems in the logical place when comparing to any other forum. Text is easy to read and the userbar shows anything someone would want to know at a glace - Rank, rep, any special things (emu expert and the like).

    With that said, the actual design of the site could be considered dated when compared to what websites are doing these days. Here are some things I think should be updated.

    The Not So Good

    1) Mobile support and general website responsiveness - The fluid theme is something, but actually changing and scaling the layout for both tablets and mobiles is ideal. I don't know how many users come from mobile devices, but in the future, whenever a new theme is developed this should be a priority. As ChimpeonFan pointed out, a lot of searches are on mobile these days. But Google also gives priority to mobile-friendly websites in their mobile search rankings which clearly isn't something that should be overlooked or written off. Though it passes the Google test, I don't think any new user to the site would be particularly pleased with what they are greeted with.

    2) Trade Section is an eyesore - I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love the idea of upgrades for trade threads. The issue is as it currently is implemented, it's a really headache inducing browsing through that section. Bright colours and emojis everywhere. It looks like an old MySpace profile with all those colours and emotes going on. I think a better way to highlight threads is needed without it being so visually unappealing to look at.

    When everything looks the same upgraded, nothing is standing out. It's almost at the point where non-upgraded threads actually stand out the most.

    3) It just looks (subjectively) dated - I personally have a soft spot for websites that look like this. So many websites today look the same because everyone is using the same few frameworks. That said, I don't know how newer visitors and members feel. It works, but websites that could be considered competition have cleaner, newer websites using more modern technology and designs.

    I'm sure part of it is old VBulletin limitations, but there's no denying it does look dated.

    Overall Verdict and Thoughts
    I think it certainly wouldn't hurt to give OC a facelift. Any change to a website as large as this will be controversial. People like what they like, and everyone has their own ideas. Any change to sites like YouTube, Facebook or Twitter show this. Charge some margins slightly and some people lose their shit like YouTube has just been utterly destroyed.

    With that said, it should still keep with the spirit of OC. Any future designs should retain the best and most identifiable parts of OC, while bringing it well into the late 2010s in terms of functionality, design and user experience. User experience enhancements like posting without having to redirect or refresh the page like the official WoW forums, the aforementioned mobile device usability experience and more could go a long way.

    The recently added Discord in user profile & forum search feature are great starts.

    At the end of the day, I simply think it's important to keep OC visually up to date, if for nothing else than to keep up with "competitors." First impressions are everything, and while OC doesn't look like Geocities site from 2002, it doesn't look overly modern either. It's like that guy who's cool, but he's getting a bit old and still wearing the cool clothes from 4-5 years ago that look a bit strange and out of place today. We love him, but he can't dress like that forever.

  17. Thanks Eryx, Azuben12 (2 members gave Thanks to Smitten for this useful post)
  18. #12
    HUSKY BOOST's Avatar Banned 100% trusted CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I do not know how others, but I'm happy with how ownedcore looks like atm.
    It was possible to add something new for corecoins. Because I do not particularly see where they can be spent with profit.
    Perhaps it would be good to add a shift from a light theme to a dark one. The function that people could change themselves.

  19. Thanks Eryx, Zab (2 members gave Thanks to HUSKY BOOST for this useful post)
  20. #13
    MistiServices's Avatar Contributor Top Quality - Low Price !
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    So far Legendary Thread for corecoins is not something attractive anymore,sections are full of legendary threads adn its better to be non legendary.
    Also its really hard to find some sections such as dispute section.Forum homepage should be abit changed so things are more clear.Dark theme would be great addition.

  21. Thanks Eryx (1 members gave Thanks to MistiServices for this useful post)
  22. #14
    Eryx's Avatar Former Staff ✲ B26354 ✲ CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Thanks for all the input guys!
    The best suggestions have been awarded corecoins for your useful replies.

  23. Thanks MistiServices, Dante, DarkLinux (3 members gave Thanks to Eryx for this useful post)
  24. #15
    CryptoGMR's Avatar Contributor
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    Removed cause im a noob who doesn't delete cookies =p I thought you totally revamped the entire site rofl, based on what i was seeing it was mobile i believe.

    On topic: i think oc should have some sort of system to middle man any and all trades could help with scams and what not.Think Epicnpc has a system like this just a thought
    Last edited by CryptoGMR; 04-21-2018 at 06:57 AM.

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