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Thread: "Quotes"

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  1. #1
    Krazyglue's Avatar Member
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    So we all have those great quotes that we hear. Some are hilarious, some are just plain stupid, and some make no sense what so ever. But most of those memorable ones are funny. This is a thread dedicated to all those great quotes that we pick up throughout the days. Please first say the quote, and then if it helps the quote to make sense or it makes the quote funnier, say the situation. You can also leave out the situation if it makes it funnier like I'm about to do.

    "Are you gonna sit there and pet it or are you gonna stick it in your mouth?"

  2. #2
    D3m0n1ca's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: "Quotes"


    First post.

    Drysc is awesome.
    Last edited by D3m0n1ca; 11-16-2007 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Conflag's Avatar I'MA DOGGIE, WROOF WROOF!
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    Re: "Quotes"

    "Oh yah!? Well, I have 38 characters, all level 60, each of them are rank 14, have all tiers,
    exalted in all factions, each character has done every quest in the game twice,
    I have full bottomless bags (even my main backpack), and each have soloed C'thun.
    My body is made of metal, and I drive a tank.

    Let me answer YOUR future post.

    "You are the best person ever made." - Tell me something I don't know.

    "You are hilarious, and you help make the world a better place." - Duh.

    "I thought my accomplishments were interesting to others, but in comparison to yours I can see that they are not."
    - Right, lesson learned. Someone is always better than you at everything, and that someone is me.

    GG no re
    /flex " - Tseric
    Last edited by Conflag; 11-16-2007 at 09:39 PM.

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