Ima noob to this site, but not WOW. I haven't played in about 8 months. :S Up till the 8 months ago point i was <GM>Speedo on the Solidwow free server @ I loved playing the game till i became a GM. I ached to be a GM, then got the chance through a friend. Power is awesome, but gets old. heh. My GM story is that i got tired of all the players complaining all the time about pvp in the wrong places, glitches, and the lot. I had no idea that it was gonna be that bad. :S If you have dreams of becoming a GM, it's not all it's cracked up to be. If you value being able to play the game give the GM idea up. Patience and aspirin are necessary. lol Maybe free servers have some diff rules than blizz, i dunno. Anyway having GM power in a way makes you lazy to try to play the game as a regular player 'cause you know you can get what you want. Well, that's my <GM> story. Thx for listening and glad to be here. Maybe you already knew this. haha