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    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Ok, since i know there are some good scripters, coders, modelers , drawers and technicans (or so i call u all that from what iv seen)

    i decided to look here for a development team for an mmorpg iv decided to setup, me and a friend are already getting some concept drawings done and ideas setup of the basic foundations of the game and we need a team because neither of us is exactly good at some of the parts required for creating an mmoprg.

    so i was estimating it and we need around..

    5-10 Scripters/coders( just to script stuff out)

    15 Modelers (to build ingame models and maps)

    5 technicians at most (just maybe for networking issues)

    if you want to join the time just send me an email at [email protected]

    thanks again , cya.

    Looking for MMORPG dev team.
  2. #2
    Enfeebleness's Avatar Elite User
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    That's a LOT of people that are going to be working for free.

    Even finding the people that want to do that would be hard, but now to tell them "Oh yeah, and all your work will be appreciated. I guess that's about it, though." :\

  3. #3
    Marlo's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Haha i think this guy needs a lesson on "incentive"

    If you are going to ask people to do stuff for free you should sugar coat it a bit xD

  4. #4
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Well since were deving it for free currently, once we get it through enough testing and it becomes popular were gonna see about making it pay to play so thats when the dev team begins reaping in cash.

  5. #5
    Enfeebleness's Avatar Elite User
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Originally Posted by shade599 View Post
    Well since were deving it for free currently, once we get it through enough testing and it becomes popular were gonna see about making it pay to play so thats when the dev team begins reaping in cash.
    And for every dollar that comes in, you get ~1/32 of it, roughly 3 cents.


  6. #6
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    every dollar that comes in yes, at a 5$ rate for 100 players thats 500$

    500$ / 32 = 15.63$

    so for every 100 we get asking for only 5 dollars we make 15$ each, or triple that if we ask for 15$.

    thats 46.88$ a person for only 100 players.

    usualy an mmo even a freelancer-created one from my expirence has around 1000 players AT LEAST, thats with the worst mmo's out there, thats just around after its first beta stage is finished.

    468.80$ per person, for only 1000 players.

    now if we add in an item mall system or "point" system where you can purchase points (this is if poeple really want extra income) then it can double the income we make each to around

    937.50$ if they buy a certain amount of points and pay for thier account monthly.

    along with that only at 1000 players.

    now as time goes on more and more players come if we keep it up to date lets say in a few months we have 4000 players.

    3750$ each a month with a steady supply of points and accounts.

    thats pretty good for a start. If we can just keep it up and smooth out some difficulties it could get to an extremley proffesional point of up to 10,000+ players boosting our income also.

    9375$ per month for a steady point supply and accounts for 10,000 players.

    some nice pay for starting out as a freelancer project, if you ask me.

    so in short if we do work hard on this the makers each of us gets.

    9375$ per month. with a steady supply of points (which could be useful to some players who just wanna show of [alot of players actauly]) and accounts.
    Last edited by shade599; 08-09-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  7. #7
    Obex's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Well for thast kinda cash you need a fan base.....

    so do u have a revolutionry physics engine that will totaly redefine gaming ?
    5-10 scripters i doubt it

    if u want a hook rember this TALENT TREE.

    The best games suck you into lvling if you feel ur geting intresting and cool spells every lvl.You can defintly see load of possiblieitys, play the diablo games, you got new and intresting item/spell every lvl (almost) this ment u wanted to lvl up

    So id make it a 80 lvl cap and after 30 u gota pay subscription this opens up tons more stuff look at runescape (i know it sucks but the shear amount of content at ur fingers after becoming a member makes more people stay that way wich is why RS is popular)

    EDIT: Allso even the worst MMO's like in ur previouse post take a good year to make so no money for a year ?
    Last edited by Obex; 08-09-2007 at 05:30 AM.
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  8. #8
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    ok let me put it this way,

    we had this idea (me and my friend whove been developing the structures and classes and stuff and ideas for the game)

    that we begin with you having 1 class, after a certain level you gain a secondary class (weaker version of a primary) then at a 3rd set level they officialy combine into another class (if your priest/warrior in any way you become like a paladin or something of the such) and stuff like that, then you can choose a spec-like focus of power.

    the system would be constantly giving players new fun skills and things to look forward to with each new class upgrade.

    so yah make it pay to play after a certain amount of level would make sense with this system. we were building on 2 diffrent class systems, so far this one is the dominating one the other is more of a straight-forward system where u choose a class and stick to it so i think the one i alrdy explained and went into was the one were gonna use.
    Last edited by shade599; 08-09-2007 at 05:45 AM.

  9. #9
    Obex's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Highly origan i suggest introducing payment if u wanna unlock 3rd tier i imagine the 1st and 2nd teir thnig is allot like what they have in G wars
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  10. #10
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    yes i played multiple mmorpgs and sorta used my expirences to try and come up with a nice idea, probably got some of that influence from guild wars.

    but yah i was thinking so players dont get to accustomed to only using 1 class we introduce the second around a low lvl like maybe 15, then around lvl 30 you get the second one, 3rd one possibly starts 10 lvls later at 40, possibly even taking it to the extent of the spec turning u into another new class entirly like 30 lvls after that at 70 so lets say in wow if you were a holy pally, maybe u could be then upgraded to a bishop class? that way itd leave alot of new skills being thrown at the player along with a constant change in thier class, keeping them having new content to have fun with constantly, and to keep mastering it all as it comes at them.

  11. #11
    Enfeebleness's Avatar Elite User
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    9375 / 32 = $292

    With MMO's it's not just a "Make the game, we finished it, you can all leave now, you'll get your money"

    MMO's kind of are expected to get... patched?

    And the games are expected to get watched over, so if there's some guy that's hacking, that something is actually done about them.

    And new things are usually expected too, not just "I got to the highest level, awesome, i'm done now, nothing else to do."

    You're also going to need to be paying for things, there are charges for other things.

    The money sounds decent, but after the shares, and people that are needed in any regular MMO, the money just isn't major enough to pull them away from even the simplist of jobs such as working at a gas station, stocking shelves, anything really.

    In my state (Wisconsin), the minimum wage is $6.50, not the highest, not the lowest.

    Working for exactly 1.5 hours a day for a (30 day) month pulls in 50 cents more, 292.5.
    And that's with you flipping a burger, not sitting there "MAN, this stupid thing just isn't working as i want it to!"

  12. #12
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    uh the 9375$ was

    9375$ for each person..... for all 32 creators.

  13. #13
    Enfeebleness's Avatar Elite User
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    lawl, yeah, ok, HF with that

  14. #14
    shade599's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    lol thats pretty good pay monthly id say for only 10,000 players for every member of the team to get that much.

    If the team were to have a good structured game (thats where me and my friend come in) and it was smoothed out like wow (1st patch i heard all the models and gameplay was actualy rlly crudey) it could possibly hit 50,000 or more in due time, and if you really think about it, wed be boosting our income by 5 so thats 46875$

    a month.

    46 thousand dollars per person (before removing expense costs)

    but i mean exspense costs wouldnt be that much, if we just bought a server and had the "technician" run it with some of the income then wed only be taking out 2-3 thousand everytime we need a new server.
    which isnt much if we share the cost. its only like

    62.50$ out of each of our income for that month for a 2000$ server machine.
    and 156.25$ for a 5000 server machine (thats out of each of our income equally)

    so if the team works hard they make a bunch of money thats how it works, and me and my friend have been through alot of mmo's and have some good ideas set out, only thing is we have so many were also gonna need the dev team to help us choose which ones to use in some cases. like classes or level system.

    Im not gonna lie to you though, the coders and modelers especially are gonna have alot of work the first few weeks and will be really busy to pull of what we have planned, but if it works we will get a high amount of players rushing into the game.

    Me and my friend decided to have it sorta like warcraft style but setting up the story line , but only for the first 2 weeks. what it really just means is, Its like normal game play cept the camera is zoomed out more , and you have specific skills and a few more guide lines.

    You can command troops based on "rank" ranks achieve by slaying other players in fights, and as the first 2 week session goes on itll get to points where like some players through a ritual performed by npcs become a new race that we were already planning on putting it so it was prepared but then the players using the race get to choose who they strike an alliance with an who they kill to form this sort of player-made team thing, sort of like if youd chosen as an orc through killing humans and helping trolls that the trolls would side with you on the horde and the humans would be against you on the alliance. But with this system we have 2 races already set to the sides, both are human but one has a huge feature overhaul, the first is a normal human the second is what a human would look like if they stayed underground their entire life and the second human race is slightly insane but dark too, they specialize in all sorts of chaotic and dark stuff while the first one is like the good-orderly civilization. so yah players are gonna be able to shape the world which brings alot of players wanting to "create" their own game when they really are just influencing a story line that has a few preset sides to it.

    In the end of the "beta" as we call this stage were gonna zoom in the camera on ur toon , have players restart (there was gonna be a max of 20 lvls to the toon and itd be more influential in the "beta" then in the real game) but what they did in the beta sort of shapes the world, so if a group of cryptic (our concept name for the under-ground human race) agree to form a city somewhere then after beta that city will be created where it was placed, and things like that, it should bring in alot of players fast in the first few weeks.
    Last edited by shade599; 08-10-2007 at 02:43 PM.

  15. #15
    Squirr3l's Avatar Member
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    Re: Looking for MMORPG dev team.

    Are you factoring expenses into this plan? I mean, I assume you are, but what about such things as....

    Risk Management
    Owning the copies of any licensed products used to develop the game, I.E. - photoshop, and a plethora of coding and scripting programs.
    (of course this would be offset if you were using all free, open source applications and etc...and assuming anyone checks into it at the first place)
    - Anything else, perhaps game engine wise, you were putting your creations through...

    Overhead Costs
    - for a player base of 1-4 thousand customers, willing to subscribe and pay to log in, I'd bet you'd have to have some beefy hosting capability, considering it would have to be 24/7.
    - Time is money, which is obvious, and time becomes even more valuable once you need to have someone or various someones constantly monitoring and updating certain aspects of your whole process, (touched on in the patches and hacking comment from Enfeebleness)

    I could probably go on and on and on, but I'm sure you've noodled all this out or will once there's a SET structure to 100% of the game, before it goes into a solid development, requiring the free time and patience of all 32 of those people.

    Also, you'll have to find people with alot of free time...or a willingness to quit whatever job or career they may hold now, only because the less downtime the project has, where people have commitments that keep them from working on this or that...the longer the project takes to get into effect, and the longer that takes, the longer others are working without any real reward.

    All in all, good luck, be careful, and I'd like to see how this comes along over time, If you don't mind posting more info when it becomes available?


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