i was thinking that with the lich king coming that a sweet sig could be made with this. ENJOY , dont flame, rep.
Create a new file (500x400), white background
Use Gradient Tool to make a background like this:
Type a text, set the text color = 2bbefe
Hold CTRL + Select layer text, Edit -> Copy Merged
Create a new layer, then Paste (Layer 1)
Layer -> Layer Style -> Blending Option, Set as follow
We have:
Next, We will create Snow for the text.
Hold CTRL + Select layer text, Edit -> Copy Merged
Create a new layer, and paste (Layer 2)
Change text color to White (use Paint Bucket Tool)
Add a vector Mask
Use Pencil Tool , erase some area in Layer 2 mark , like this
Then, Right Click -> Apply Layer Mark
Use Filter -> Stylize -> Diffuse, Select Normal
Edit -> Transform -> Rotate 90 CW
Then, Use Filter -> Stylize -> Wind, Set as:
Edit -> Transform -> Rotate 90 CCW
Blending Options, Set as:
We have
Hold CTRL + Select layer text, Edit -> Copy Merged
Create a new layer, and paste (Layer 3)
Set Blending mode = Overlay
This is final step to create a Snow Text, But if you want , you can use more effect, ex:
Create new file, with snow is falling, like that
Copy this file, and paste in Snow Text file, Set Soft Light to mix, and we have: