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  1. #61
    CreativeXtent's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    they are not weird, this is beta shit nut ball
    "the true wow experience is Maclone"

    WildStar... Is it worth it? Come Discuss
  2. #62
    DarkheartMMO's Avatar Active Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I played during Beta and didn't find it very fun, but it was also Laggy as hell for me. My computer handles AoC and ESO on full graphics too. I assume this has been worked out since launch?

  3. #63
    mxzeal's Avatar Member
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    i like it better than wow but im sick of mmos ..

  4. #64
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    Originally Posted by TrstNadie View Post
    I played during Beta and didn't find it very fun, but it was also Laggy as hell for me. My computer handles AoC and ESO on full graphics too. I assume this has been worked out since launch?
    I have about twice the FPS I was getting in beta. The latest (really quite new) NVIDIA graphics drivers really helped, too.

  5. #65
    Ashton187's Avatar Member
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    I'd say its definitely worth it. Feels more like WoW than WoW does.

    Combat while crazy at times is tactical and fun, very responsive and imo enjoyable.

    Took me completely by surprise.

  6. #66
    HI5's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Some Random Leacher
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    Originally Posted by Ashton187 View Post
    Feels more like WoW than WoW does.
    Strangely... this is one of the best comments to sum it up I've seen so far...

  7. #67
    naph's Avatar Member
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    >WildStar... Is it worth it?

    If u have 20-40mates - yes, nice pve content for large groups
    If u soloplayer, or +1+2 - nope, not worth 60$. Quest - minimums lore, maximume grind. Main storyline borring. Pve 5ppl - easy and 90% leaver(also w/o any punishment for that)

    ps: have 2 guest passes, pm me. only for instant activation, not for selling.

  8. #68
    number2's Avatar Member
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    Worth it make friends pvp is fun I am enjoying it and I have not enjoyed another MMO since WoW when it first came out , got on board!

  9. #69
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    Originally Posted by naph View Post
    >WildStar... Is it worth it?

    If u have 20-40mates - yes, nice pve content for large groups
    If u soloplayer, or +1+2 - nope, not worth 60$. Quest - minimums lore, maximume grind. Main storyline borring. Pve 5ppl - easy and 90% leaver(also w/o any punishment for that)
    I would argue that half the fun is finding new friends to play with.

    My brother and I were duo-queueing for random veteran dungeons and he did good heals, I did good DPS. Eventually we came across a good tank on our server who invited us to join his guild. Now we're constantly doing runs with our guildmates, and they're all quite good and friendly.

    But maybe American servers are different. The way you put it, they all sound like dickheads .

  10. #70
    jmulhern345help's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by ThaiCargo View Post
    I started playing wow in late classic and got my first Glad title in S3 (Veng) and for some reason all the games I've played since then have been terrible. The movement is not responsive enough which makes the character control very strange and that's a big minus IMO.

    No-go for me, this game is for PvE/House building not for competitive PvP.

    World of Warcraft is hardly competitive now either.

  11. #71
    Avcai's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    I think that Wild Star is currently worth it, and that with a little bit of work it will become a lot more polished.

    -interesting animation style. For me personally, I like the fantasy animation of games like WoW and Wild Star. When games liek TESO try to look realistic, it just points out how unrealistic it is.

    -Story: Yes, a lot of people will say the story is boring, but I think this really depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you're the type to just automatically accept quests, then of course every story line is going to be boring--because you are only getting a fragment of it. For me, every story has the potential and I think it is interesting to see the potential that Wild Star has.

    -combat system.Not gonna lie, the more active combat system has really mixed things up for me. In WoW I was a feral druid so I'm pretty used to being a melee character, but the stalker class in Wild Star is unreal. Even though its more of the same (go through your rotation, watch for procs), it feels more active and engaging with the aiming system, dodging and telegraphs. I'm sure at some point, it will lose its lackluster, but right now I am more than excited to see how this will spice up raiding.

    -20/40 man raiding: oh yeah, its gonna be a pain, but there is also something really exciting about teaming up with that many people to work toward a common goal. 25 man raiding in WoW had a similar feel, but with how raiding has gone, it just couldn't keep the same excitement. This isn't any fault of Blizzard's; they've certainly tried to keep the excitement there, but something has been lost along the way. With Wild Star being new, its exciting to see how much people are willing to learn.

    -World Bosses: this is something I never thought i'd say, but each zone having world raid bosses is actually really cool. Give me awesome loot, great xp, and help me learn how to start working in a raid environment as i level? Its brilliant. For people who are new to mmo's, world bosses are a way of learning how to work in a group, what mechanics look like and how their class/role works without being completely dependent on in a dungeon. When you let people learn their class in a raiding environment without all the stress, I think people are more willing and able to learn, thus increasing the number of potential raiders.

    -new spec and talent design is fun, plain and simple. For one thing, anything that's new is fun to learn and explore, and by allowing your talent points (Not AMP, but talent) to be reset at whim, it gives players a lot more flexibility to change skill sets as needed. Plus, I personally think that the AMP's are pretty cool. They go beyond simple "increase damge of x skill by y percent" without having the gimmicky useless feel to them.

    -Housing: It's freaking awesome. I've been waiting for a game to incorporate player housing for years now and Wild Star did it just the way I imagined. Yes, for hardcore players, its nothing but a time and money sink, but its also a physical representation of achievements. Its a way to incorporate more casual players and make the game fun for a wider audience.

    -Costumes: Kinda like transmog in wow...but better. If you took the "gotta catch em all" mentality of achievements, threw it into transmog and then gave you multiple different sets so you weren't stuck to just one transmog look, this is what Costumes in Wild Star is like. You can collect all the dye's in the game, customize and micro-manage your costumes to your heart's content and have multiple different costumes depending on your mood. Again, its one of those things that is more targeted to casual players, but I can see it working out well in PvE content as well. Got that super rare epic chest piece from the final boss? Make it neon green so everyone can see what a bamf you are.


    -bugs. Every game, new and old, is going to have bugs and Wild Star is no exception. It is irritating that some of the World Story quests are bugged to the point that you sometimes can't even see the story progress because the mob you have to kill is stuck in the floor. Very irritating.

    -class balance: Okay, this is a pretty weak con since basically every game struggles with this throughout the lifetime of the game. But some things about this game do seem unfair. For one, the fact that some classes can solo elites (primes?) kinda sucks. Kill an elite on your own grants more quest progress, thus allowing you to quest faster and level faster etc. Some could argue its my fault for choosing the squishy stalker, but choices are choices and I think that with the amount of player skill inherently added into this game with things such as dodging, that any class should be able to solo harder level mobs with the right amount of skill.

    -professions: Arguably, this one could be a pro as well, but i'm listing it here since its more of an annoyance at the moment. The first issue I have with professions is the fact that anyone can loot relic nodes. Why. It irritates me to no end that I have limited myself to relic hunter/technologist when I should have chosen mining or some other gathering profession (and likely will make this switch). Yes, I know, it takes longer for others to loot relic nodes but it is still beyond aggravating that this difference exists. I will also say that while I think its kind of unique and cool how you have to use extra additives to make certain items, it can also be a pain if you're not exactly sure what to use. The profession development map is pretty cool and the way there are different mini-games can be considered fun, but really, professions are there to craft things and make money. The last point I'll make about professions is that having to manually click ever craft is super annoying (though I should likely work on finding an addon that likely exists for this very problem).

    -The grind to 50: now this may just be me, expecting the instant gratification that WoW eventually became in regards to leveling to max, but getting to 50 is hard. I don't remember ever dying this much when leveling in WoW, the number of kills you have to do feels double or triple what it is in wow and the amount of experience you get per quest and per kill is pathetically low. A part of this might be because the game is new; make it take longer to get to 50 so that less people are waiting around for new content. This may also be because I am not quite the hard core gamer i once was and it takes me longer now. Whatever it is, the amount I have died while getting to 50 (and I'm currently 50% through 49 so not quite there yet) is humbling. For a casual gamer or someone new to mmo's, I can see this being a huge turn off though (as my friend showed me. she's new to mmo's and was quite upset at how much she "sucked" when dying in Rift over and over again) and think that something in regards to that should change.

    Wild Star is a great game that will hopefully get even better. If WoW is your lover who has been missing that spark in the bedroom lately, take Wild Star on as your dirty mistress.

  12. #72
    Harambeqt's Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Has this game died yet or whats up?
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