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    JuceMMOCrawler's Avatar Sergeant
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    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread

    As always, a new patch a new dump..


    enum class GameManager
       CurrentManager = 0x871058    
    enum class Functions
       VacuumLoot     = 0x2C49C0,
       ClickToMove    = 0x3A0E40,
       GetDispositionTo = 0x2EBFC0,
       HandleLuaEvent = 0x88F30,
    enum class LocalPlayer
       LocalPlayerOffset       = 0x3C,
    enum class GlobalInformation
       IsClickToMoveEnabled    = 0x5E90,
       // Unchecked
       IsCharacterloaded       = 0x658C,
       CurrentWorldId          = 0x5FE4,
       CurrentWorldIdOffset    = 0x0,
       CurrentZoneId           = 0x62FC,
       MouseOverUnitGUID       = 0x5660
    // Checked
    enum class ObjectManager
       NextObject              = 0x48,       // <int>
       FirstUnit               = 0x5d78,     // <int>
    // Checked
    enum class Unit
       Name                    = 0x8,        // <Unicode String> 
       Health                  = 0x30,       // <int>
       HealthMax               = 0x400,      // <float>
       Mana                    = 0x17C,      // <float> Unchecked.
       Shield                  = 0x38,       // <int>
       ShieldMax               = 0x564,      // <float>
       Resource                = 0x180,      // <float>
       PropertyTable           = 0x3CC,      // <float>
       Position                = 0xEC0,      // <Vector[float X Y Z W]>
       Heading                 = 0xFA0,      // <float>
       Facing                  = 0xE20,      // <float>
       Level                   = 0x28,       // <int>
       Type                    = 0x58,       // <int>
       UnitID                  = 0x20,       // <int>
       Combat                  = 0x1EC,      // <bool>
       Casting                 = 0x126C,     // <bool>
       Dead                    = 0x1A4,      // <bool>
       GUID                    = 0x4,        // <int>
       TargetGUID              = 0xB0,       // <int>
       Disposition             = 0x00        // <int> : DispositionEnum
    namespace Properties
    	enum class CodeEnumCreationGearSet
    		Low = 0,
    		Mid = 1,
    		High = 2,
    	enum class CodeEnumRealmPopulation
    		Low = 0,
    		Medium = 1,
    		High = 2,
    		Full = 3,
    	enum class CodeEnumRealmPVPType
    		PVE = 0,
    		PVP = 1,
    	enum class CodeEnumRealmStatus
    		Unknown = 0,
    		Offline = 1,
    		Down = 2,
    		Standby = 3,
    		Up = 4,
    	enum class CodeEnumCharacterModifyResults
    		DeleteOk = 0,
    		DeleteFailed = 1,
    		DeleteFailed_GuildMaster = 2,
    		CreateOk = 3,
    		CreateFailed = 4,
    		CreateFailed_Items = 5,
    		CreateFailed_UniqueName = 6,
    		CreateFailed_ActionBar = 7,
    		CreateFailed_Quests = 8,
    		CreateFailed_AccountFull = 9,
    		CreateFailed_InvalidName = 10,
    		CreateFailed_Faction = 11,
    		CreateFailed_Internal = 12,
    		RenameFailed = 13,
    		RenameFailed_Internal = 14,
    		RenameFailed_InvalidName = 15,
    		RenameFailed_UniqueName = 16,
    		RenameFailed_NoRename = 17,
    		RenameOk = 18,
    		RenameFailed_NoCurrency = 19,
    		RealmTransferFailed_InvalidRealm = 20,
    		RealmTransferOk = 21,
    		RealmTransferFailed_ServerDown = 22,
    		RealmTransferFailed_CharacterOnline = 23,
    		RealmTransferFailed_InvalidCharacter = 24,
    		RealmTransferFailed_CharacterLocked = 25,
    		RealmTransferFailed_NoCurrency = 26,
    		RealmTransferFailed_DbError = 27,
    		RealmTransferFailed_HasAuction = 28,
    		RealmTransferFailed_InGuild = 29,
    		RealmTransferFailed_HasCREDDExchange = 30,
    		RealmTransferFailed_CharacterBusy = 31,
    		RealmTransferFailed_HasMail = 32,
    		RealmTransferFailed_ServerFull = 33,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_NoCREDD = 34,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_NoEntitlement = 35,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_Internal = 36,
    		RedeemCREDDOk = 37,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_InvalidCREDD = 38,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformError = 39,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformPermaFail = 40,
    		RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformTempFail = 41,
    		DeleteFailed_CharacterOnline = 42,
    		RenameFailed_CharacterOnline = 43,
    		CreateFailed_CharacterOnline = 44,
    		RealmTransferFailed_NoSubscription = 45,
    		RealmTransferFailed_Internal = 46,
    		RealmTransferFailed_Money = 47,
    		RealmTransferFailed_CharacterCooldown = 48,
    	enum class CodeEnumCharacterSelectResults
    		FailedRename = 1,
    		Failed = 2,
    		FailedDisabled = 3,
    		FailedCharacterInWorld = 4,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    		None = 0,
    		CREDD = 1,
    		RealmTransfer = 2,
    		NameChange = 3,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		Ok = 0,
    		GenericFail = 1,
    		DBError = 2,
    		MTXError = 3,
    		InvalidOffer = 4,
    		InvalidPrice = 5,
    		NotEnoughCurrency = 6,
    		NeedTransaction = 7,
    		InvalidAccountItem = 8,
    		InvalidPendingItem = 9,
    		InvalidInventoryItem = 10,
    		NoConnection = 11,
    		NoCharacter = 12,
    		AlreadyClaimed = 13,
    		MaxEntitlementCount = 14,
    		NoRegift = 15,
    		NoGifting = 16,
    		InvalidFriend = 17,
    		InvalidCoupon = 18,
    		CannotReturn = 19,
    		Prereq = 20,
    		CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21,
    		NoCREDD = 22,
    		NoMatchingOrder = 23,
    		InvalidCREDDOrder = 24,
    		Cooldown = 25,
    		MissingEntitlement = 26,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		MTXPurchase = 0,
    		ClaimPending = 1,
    		ReturnPending = 2,
    		TakeItem = 3,
    		GiftItem = 4,
    		RedeemCoupon = 5,
    		GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6,
    		SellCREDD = 7,
    		BuyCREDD = 8,
    		CancelCREDDOrder = 9,
    		ExpireCREDDOrder = 10,
    		SellCREDDComplete = 11,
    		BuyCREDDComplete = 12,
    		CREDDRedeem = 15,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    		None = 0,
    		CREDD = 1,
    		RealmTransfer = 2,
    		NameChange = 3,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		Ok = 0,
    		GenericFail = 1,
    		DBError = 2,
    		MTXError = 3,
    		InvalidOffer = 4,
    		InvalidPrice = 5,
    		NotEnoughCurrency = 6,
    		NeedTransaction = 7,
    		InvalidAccountItem = 8,
    		InvalidPendingItem = 9,
    		InvalidInventoryItem = 10,
    		NoConnection = 11,
    		NoCharacter = 12,
    		AlreadyClaimed = 13,
    		MaxEntitlementCount = 14,
    		NoRegift = 15,
    		NoGifting = 16,
    		InvalidFriend = 17,
    		InvalidCoupon = 18,
    		CannotReturn = 19,
    		Prereq = 20,
    		CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21,
    		NoCREDD = 22,
    		NoMatchingOrder = 23,
    		InvalidCREDDOrder = 24,
    		Cooldown = 25,
    		MissingEntitlement = 26,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		MTXPurchase = 0,
    		ClaimPending = 1,
    		ReturnPending = 2,
    		TakeItem = 3,
    		GiftItem = 4,
    		RedeemCoupon = 5,
    		GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6,
    		SellCREDD = 7,
    		BuyCREDD = 8,
    		CancelCREDDOrder = 9,
    		ExpireCREDDOrder = 10,
    		SellCREDDComplete = 11,
    		BuyCREDDComplete = 12,
    		CREDDRedeem = 15,
    	enum class CodeEnumAuctionRemaining
    		Expiring = 0,
    		LessThanHour = 1,
    		Short = 2,
    		Long = 3,
    		Very_Long = 4,
    	enum class CodeEnumCCState
    		Stun = 0,
    		Sleep = 1,
    		Root = 2,
    		Disarm = 3,
    		Silence = 4,
    		Polymorph = 5,
    		Fear = 6,
    		Hold = 7,
    		Knockdown = 8,
    		Vulnerability = 9,
    		VulnerabilityWithAct = 10,
    		Disorient = 11,
    		Disable = 12,
    		Taunt = 13,
    		DeTaunt = 14,
    		Blind = 15,
    		Knockback = 16,
    		Pushback = 17,
    		Pull = 18,
    		PositionSwitch = 19,
    		Tether = 20,
    		Snare = 21,
    		Interrupt = 22,
    		Daze = 23,
    		Subdue = 24,
    		Grounded = 25,
    		DisableCinematic = 26,
    		AbilityRestriction = 27,
    	enum class CodeEnumEliteness
    		Solo = 0,
    		Group = 1,
    		SmallRaid = 2,
    		LargeRaid = 3,
    	enum class CodeEnumRank
    		Fodder = 0,
    		Minion = 1,
    		Standard = 2,
    		Champion = 3,
    		Superior = 4,
    		Elite = 5,
    	enum class CodeEnumProperties
    		Strength = 0,
    		Dexterity = 1,
    		Technology = 2,
    		Magic = 3,
    		Wisdom = 4,
    		ManaBase = 5,
    		ManaPerFiveSeconds = 6,
    		BaseHealth = 7,
    		HealthRegenMultiplier = 8,
    		ResourceMax_0 = 9,
    		ResourceMax_1 = 10,
    		ResourceMax_2 = 11,
    		ResourceMax_3 = 12,
    		ResourceMax_4 = 13,
    		ResourceMax_5 = 14,
    		ResourceMax_6 = 15,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_0 = 16,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_1 = 17,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_2 = 18,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_3 = 19,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_4 = 20,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_5 = 21,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_6 = 22,
    		InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeTime = 23,
    		InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeCount = 24,
    		ResistPhysical = 26,
    		ResistTech = 27,
    		ResistMagic = 28,
    		StalkerWoundMultiplier = 29,
    		KillingSpreeOutOfCombatGracePeriodMS = 30,
    		Rating_AvoidReduce = 32,
    		Rating_AvoidIncrease = 33,
    		Rating_CritChanceIncrease = 34,
    		AssaultPower = 35,
    		SupportPower = 36,
    		ResourceMax_7 = 38,
    		ResourceRegenMultiplier_7 = 39,
    		Stamina = 40,
    		ShieldCapacityMax = 41,
    		Armor = 42,
    		Rating_CritChanceDecrease = 43,
    		InterruptArmor_Threshold = 44,
    		InterruptArmor_RechargeTime = 45,
    		InterruptArmor_RechargeCount = 46,
    		RatingCritSeverityIncrease = 47,
    		PvPOffensiveRating = 48,
    		PvPDefensiveRating = 49,
    		MoveSpeedMultiplier = 100,
    		BaseAvoidChance = 101,
    		BaseCritChance = 102,
    		DamageMitigationPctOffset = 103,
    		BaseAvoidReduceChance = 104,
    		BaseAvoidCritChance = 105,
    		StealthDetectionModifier = 106,
    		ManaRegenInCombat = 107,
    		ManaRegenOutOfCombat = 108,
    		SeeThroughStealth = 109,
    		FrictionMax = 110,
    		Deprecated1 = 111,
    		Deprecated2 = 112,
    		PvPPrestigeMultiplier = 113,
    		PvPXPMultiplier = 114,
    		RenownGainMultiplier = 115,
    		MoneyDropMultiplier = 116,
    		SpellMechanicEnergyRegenOrDecayMultiplier = 117,
    		SpellMechanicEnergyDecayOverdriveMultiplier = 118,
    		ItemArmor = 119,
    		ItemAssaultPower = 120,
    		ItemSupportPower = 121,
    		IgnoreArmorBase = 122,
    		IgnoreShieldBase = 123,
    		MaxThreatVsCreature = 124,
    		BreathDecay = 125,
    		CCPower = 126,
    		CriticalHitSeverityMultiplier = 127,
    		Health_Total_Multiplier = 128,
    		JumpHeight = 129,
    		GravityMultiplier = 130,
    		XpMultiplier = 131,
    		ThreatMultiplier = 132,
    		AutoAttackDelayMultiplier = 133,
    		FallingDamageMultiplier = 134,
    		ManaCostModifier = 135,
    		CooldownReductionModifier = 136,
    		BaseLifesteal = 137,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierMelee = 138,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierRanged = 139,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierSpell = 140,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierPhysical = 141,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierTech = 142,
    		DamageDealtMultiplierMagic = 143,
    		DamageMitigationPctOffsetPhysical = 144,
    		DamageMitigationPctOffsetTech = 145,
    		DamageMitigationPctOffsetMagic = 146,
    		MoneyQuestMultiplier = 147,
    		XpQuestMultiplier = 148,
    		ReputationQuestMultiplier = 149,
    		DamageTakenOffsetPhysical = 150,
    		DamageTakenOffsetTech = 151,
    		DamageTakenOffsetMagic = 152,
    		PrestigeQuestMultiplier = 153,
    		DamageTakenMultiplierPhysical = 159,
    		DamageTakenMultiplierTech = 160,
    		DamageTakenMultiplierMagic = 161,
    		HealingMultiplierOutgoing = 162,
    		HealingMultiplierIncoming = 163,
    		ExecutingEnergyRateMultiplier = 164,
    		CCDurationModifier = 165,
    		PvPOffensePctOffset = 166,
    		PvPDefensePctOffset = 167,
    		ResistPhysicalMitigationMultiplier = 168,
    		ResistTechMitigationMultiplier = 169,
    		ResistMagicMitigationMultiplier = 170,
    		KillSpreeCCVMulitplier = 171,
    		ManaFinalMultiplier = 172,
    		ReputationMultiplier = 173,
    		ShieldMitigationMin = 174,
    		ShieldMitigationMax = 175,
    		ShieldRegenPct = 176,
    		ShieldTickTime = 177,
    		ShieldRebootTime = 178,
    		ShieldDamageTypes = 179,
    		SlowFallMultiplier = 180,
    		PathXpMultiplier = 181,
    		ScientistScanBotThoroughnessMultiplier = 182,
    		ScientistScanBotScanTimeMultiplier = 183,
    		ScientistScanBotRangeMultiplier = 184,
    		ScientistScanBotHealthMultiplier = 185,
    		ScientistScanBotHealthRegenMultiplier = 186,
    		ScientistScanBotSpeedMultiplier = 187,
    		SettlerImprovementTimeMultiplier = 188,
    		CreatureScientistScanMultiplier = 189,
    		ScientistScanBotCooldownMultiplier = 190,
    		MountSpeedMultiplier = 191,
    	enum class CodeEnumSpellMechanic
    		None = 0,
    		Focus = 1,
    		MedicCore = 2,
    		Empathy = 3,
    		SpellSurge = 4,
    		Kinetic = 5,
    		Volatility = 6,
    	enum class CodeEnumItemDetailedTooltip
    		Basic = 0,
    		Spells = 1,
    		Economics = 2,
    		Sigils = 3,
    		Imbuements = 4,
    		Stats = 5,
    		Restrictions = 6,
    		Specifics = 7,
    	enum class CodeEnumCastResult
    		Ok = 0,
    		UnableToCreateSpell = 1,
    		MovingToCast = 2,
    		PendingSpellCast = 3,
    		SpellUnknown = 4,
    		SpellBad = 5,
    		SpellCancelled = 6,
    		SpellMaxChannel = 7,
    		SpellRemoved = 8,
    		SpellCountered = 9,
    		SpellCastingInterrupts = 10,
    		SpellInterrupted = 11,
    		SpellCombatModeActiveCount = 12,
    		SpellAlreadyCasting = 13,
    		SpellGlobalCooldown = 14,
    		SpellCooldown = 15,
    		SpellGroupCooldown = 16,
    		SpellPreRequisites = 17,
    		ActionBarSetDisallows = 18,
    		DamageInterrupts = 19,
    		InvalidInventoryIndex = 20,
    		ItemUnknown = 21,
    		ItemBad = 22,
    		ItemNoSpellId = 23,
    		ItemUnEquipped = 24,
    		ItemCharges = 25,
    		ItemTooHighLevel = 26,
    		ItemAchievementComplete = 27,
    		ItemQuestRequirementsNotMet = 28,
    		ItemObjectiveComplete = 29,
    		CasterUnknown = 30,
    		CasterMustHaveTarget = 31,
    		CasterCannotBePrimaryTarget = 32,
    		CasterNotIncontrolOfSelf = 33,
    		CasterMovement = 34,
    		CasterMaxCast = 35,
    		CCStun = 36,
    		CCSleep = 37,
    		CCRoot = 38,
    		CCDisarm = 39,
    		CCSilence = 40,
    		CCPolymorph = 41,
    		CCFear = 42,
    		CCHold = 43,
    		CasterVitalCostHealth = 44,
    		CasterVitalCostXp = 45,
    		CasterVitalCostMoney = 46,
    		CasterVitalCostCurrency1 = 47,
    		CasterVitalCostCurrency2 = 48,
    		CasterVitalCostCurrency3 = 49,
    		CasterVitalCostResource0 = 50,
    		CasterVitalCostResource1 = 51,
    		CasterVitalCostResource2 = 52,
    		CasterVitalCostResource3 = 53,
    		CasterVitalCostResource4 = 54,
    		CasterVitalCostResource5 = 55,
    		CasterVitalCostResource6 = 56,
    		Caster_CannotBeDead = 57,
    		Caster_MustBeDead = 58,
    		Caster_CannotBeInCombat = 59,
    		Caster_MustBeInCombat = 60,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Moving = 63,
    		Caster_MustBe_Moving = 64,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Stealth = 65,
    		Caster_MustBe_Stealth = 66,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Piloting = 67,
    		Caster_MustBe_Piloting = 68,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Embarked = 69,
    		Caster_MustBe_Embarked = 70,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Taxi = 71,
    		Caster_MustBe_Taxi = 72,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Stun = 73,
    		Caster_MustBe_Stun = 74,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Sleep = 75,
    		Caster_MustBe_Sleep = 76,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Root = 77,
    		Caster_MustBe_Root = 78,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Disarm = 79,
    		Caster_MustBe_Disarm = 80,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Silence = 81,
    		Caster_MustBe_Silence = 82,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Pacify = 83,
    		Caster_MustBe_Pacify = 84,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Fear = 85,
    		Caster_MustBe_Fear = 86,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Confuse = 87,
    		Caster_MustBe_Confuse = 88,
    		TargetGroup = 89,
    		TargetUnknown = 90,
    		NoTarget = 91,
    		Target_ImmuneToSpellType = 92,
    		Target_ImmuneToSpell = 93,
    		Target_ImmuneToSpellGroupList = 94,
    		Target_ImmuneToSpellGroup = 95,
    		Target_Invulnerable = 96,
    		TargetMaxTarget = 97,
    		TargetVital = 98,
    		TargetFaction = 99,
    		TargetIsNotUseable = 100,
    		TargetOrientation = 101,
    		TargetCannotBePlayer = 102,
    		TargetCannotBeNpc = 103,
    		TargetRangeMin = 104,
    		TargetRangeMax = 105,
    		Target_CannotBeDead = 106,
    		Target_MustBeDead = 107,
    		Target_CannotBeInCombat = 108,
    		Target_MustBeInCombat = 109,
    		Target_CannotBe_Moving = 112,
    		Target_MustBe_Moving = 113,
    		Target_CannotBe_Stealth = 114,
    		Target_MustBe_Stealth = 115,
    		Target_CannotBe_Piloting = 116,
    		Target_MustBe_Piloting = 117,
    		Target_CannotBe_Embarked = 118,
    		Target_MustBe_Embarked = 119,
    		Target_CannotBe_Taxi = 120,
    		Target_MustBe_Taxi = 121,
    		Target_CannotBe_Stun = 122,
    		Target_MustBe_Stun = 123,
    		Target_CannotBe_Sleep = 124,
    		Target_MustBe_Sleep = 125,
    		Target_CannotBe_Root = 126,
    		Target_MustBe_Root = 127,
    		Target_CannotBe_Disarm = 128,
    		Target_MustBe_Disarm = 129,
    		Target_CannotBe_Silence = 130,
    		Target_MustBe_Silence = 131,
    		Target_CannotBe_Pacify = 132,
    		Target_MustBe_Pacify = 133,
    		Target_CannotBe_Fear = 134,
    		Target_MustBe_Fear = 135,
    		Target_CannotBe_Confuse = 136,
    		Target_MustBe_Confuse = 137,
    		Target_CannotBe_Swimming = 138,
    		Target_MustBe_Swimming = 139,
    		InWrongWorldZone = 140,
    		DuelOver = 141,
    		UNUSED142 = 142,
    		UNUSED143 = 143,
    		MissingResult = 144,
    		IsP2PTrading = 145,
    		ClientSideInteractionFail = 146,
    		StackingRefreshExistingSpell = 147,
    		StackingTargetHasMorePowerfulSpells = 148,
    		StackingCasterHasMorePowerfulSpells = 149,
    		StackingError = 150,
    		Prereq_CasterCast = 151,
    		CCKnockdown = 152,
    		CCVulnerability = 153,
    		Target_MustBe_Knockdown = 154,
    		Target_MustBe_Vulnerability = 155,
    		Caster_MustBe_Vulnerability = 156,
    		Caster_MustBe_Knockdown = 157,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Knockdown = 158,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 159,
    		Target_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 160,
    		Target_CannotBe_Knockdown = 161,
    		MissingReagent_Item = 162,
    		MissingReagent_ItemFamily = 163,
    		MissingReagent_ItemCategory = 164,
    		MissingReagent_ItemType = 165,
    		Caster_Needs_LoS = 166,
    		CasterVitalCostMana = 167,
    		TargetImmuneToSpellEffect = 168,
    		WeaponSlot = 169,
    		Caster_MustBe_Jumping = 170,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Jumping = 171,
    		Target_CannotBe_Jumping = 172,
    		Target_MustBe_Jumping = 173,
    		InvalidPosition = 174,
    		CasterVitalCost = 175,
    		CasterVitalCostShieldCapacity = 176,
    		CasterVitalCostResource7 = 177,
    		FailSpecialRestrictions = 178,
    		NoValidActivateSpell = 179,
    		SchematicAlreadyKnown = 180,
    		TradeskillTier = 181,
    		SpellNoCharges = 182,
    		TargetRangeVertical = 183,
    		StackingDuplicateDurationalSpell = 184,
    		SpellMaxPhaseReached = 185,
    		CCVulnerabilityWithAct = 186,
    		CCDisorient = 187,
    		CCDisable = 188,
    		CCTaunt = 189,
    		CCDeTaunt = 190,
    		CCBlind = 191,
    		CCKnockback = 192,
    		CCPushback = 193,
    		CCPull = 194,
    		CCPositionSwitch = 195,
    		CCTether = 196,
    		CCSnare = 197,
    		Caster_MustBe_Polymorph = 198,
    		Target_MustBe_Polymorph = 199,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Polymorph = 200,
    		Target_CannotBe_Polymorph = 201,
    		Caster_MustBe_Hold = 202,
    		Target_MustBe_Hold = 203,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Hold = 204,
    		Target_CannotBe_Hold = 205,
    		Caster_MustBe_Disorient = 206,
    		Target_MustBe_Disorient = 207,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Disorient = 208,
    		Target_CannotBe_Disorient = 209,
    		Caster_MustBe_Disable = 210,
    		Target_MustBe_Disable = 211,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Disable = 212,
    		Target_CannotBe_Disable = 213,
    		Caster_MustBe_Taunt = 214,
    		Target_MustBe_Taunt = 215,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Taunt = 216,
    		Target_CannotBe_Taunt = 217,
    		Caster_MustBe_DeTaunt = 218,
    		Target_MustBe_DeTaunt = 219,
    		Caster_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 220,
    		Target_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 221,
    		Caster_MustBe_Blind = 222,
    		Target_MustBe_Blind = 223,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Blind = 224,
    		Target_CannotBe_Blind = 225,
    		Caster_MustBe_Knockback = 226,
    		Target_MustBe_Knockback = 227,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Knockback = 228,
    		Target_CannotBe_Knockback = 229,
    		Caster_MustBe_Pushback = 230,
    		Target_MustBe_Pushback = 231,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Pushback = 232,
    		Target_CannotBe_Pushback = 233,
    		Caster_MustBe_Pull = 234,
    		Target_MustBe_Pull = 235,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Pull = 236,
    		Target_CannotBe_Pull = 237,
    		Caster_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 238,
    		Target_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 239,
    		Caster_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 240,
    		Target_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 241,
    		Caster_MustBe_Tether = 242,
    		Target_MustBe_Tether = 243,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Tether = 244,
    		Target_CannotBe_Tether = 245,
    		Caster_MustBe_Snare = 246,
    		Target_MustBe_Snare = 247,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Snare = 248,
    		Target_CannotBe_Snare = 249,
    		CasterVitalCostInterruptArmor = 250,
    		CCNoAbilities = 251,
    		Blacklisted = 252,
    		TargetCannotBePickup = 253,
    		CasterVitalCostAbsorption = 254,
    		Target_MustBe_CastersPet = 255,
    		Target_MustBe_CastersMaster = 256,
    		CCInterrupt = 257,
    		Caster_MustBe_Interrupt = 258,
    		Target_MustBe_Interrupt = 259,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Interrupt = 260,
    		Target_CannotBe_Interrupt = 261,
    		CSICooldown = 262,
    		CCDaze = 263,
    		Caster_MustBe_Daze = 264,
    		Target_MustBe_Daze = 265,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Daze = 266,
    		Target_CannotBe_Daze = 267,
    		CCSubdue = 268,
    		Caster_MustBe_Subdue = 269,
    		Target_MustBe_Subdue = 270,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Subdue = 271,
    		Target_CannotBe_Subdue = 272,
    		Target_CannotBe_Evading = 273,
    		Target_StructuredPlugBenefitRestricted = 274,
    		CasterVitalCostPublicResource0 = 275,
    		CasterVitalCostPublicResource1 = 276,
    		CasterVitalCostPublicResource2 = 277,
    		InactiveInnateAbilitySpell = 278,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Swimming = 279,
    		Caster_MustBe_Swimming = 280,
    		Prereq_TargetCast = 281,
    		Prereq_CasterPersistence = 282,
    		Prereq_TargetPersistence = 283,
    		Prereq_Trap = 284,
    		IllegalSpellCast = 285,
    		TargetNotInSameGroup = 286,
    		BossToken_Permission = 287,
    		BossToken_NotReady = 288,
    		CCGrounded = 289,
    		Caster_MustBe_Grounded = 290,
    		Target_MustBe_Grounded = 291,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Grounded = 292,
    		Target_CannotBe_Grounded = 293,
    		CCDisableCinematic = 294,
    		Caster_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 295,
    		Target_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 296,
    		Caster_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 297,
    		Target_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 298,
    		CCAbilityRestriction = 299,
    		Caster_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 300,
    		Target_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 301,
    		Caster_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 302,
    		Target_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 303,
    		Target_VehicleBenefitRestricted = 304,
    		TargetCannotBePet = 305,
    		Target_HostileInvulnerability = 306,
    		Target_InvulnerableToOther = 307,
    		Target_BeneficialInvulnerability = 308,
    		Caster_MustBe_Falling = 309,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Falling = 310,
    		Target_CannotBe_Falling = 311,
    		Target_MustBe_Falling = 312,
    		Caster_MustBe_Sprinting = 313,
    		Caster_CannotBe_Sprinting = 314,
    		Target_CannotBe_Sprinting = 315,
    		Target_MustBe_Sprinting = 316,
    		Queued = 317,
    		ItemWrongRace = 318,
    		ItemWrongClass = 319,
    		ItemAlreadyUnlocked = 320,
    		PlayerSpellPending = 321,
    		Target_MustBe_PvpFlagged = 322,
    		Caster_MustBe_PvpFlagged = 323,
    		Target_OutsideTelegraph = 325,
    		ShieldsOverloaded = 326,
    	enum class CodeEnumSpellEffectType
    		UnitPropertyModifier = 0,
    		VitalModifier = 1,
    		SpellCounter = 2,
    		ForcedMove = 3,
    		CCStateSet = 4,
    		Transference = 5,
    		SummonVehicle = 6,
    		Activate = 7,
    		Damage = 8,
    		FactionSet = 9,
    		Heal = 10,
    		Harvest = 11,
    		DistanceDependentDamage = 12,
    		Script = 13,
    		Proc = 14,
    		UnitStateSet = 15,
    		Resurrect = 16,
    		Fluff = 17,
    		Scale = 18,
    		ProxyLinearAE = 19,
    		UnlockActionBar = 20,
    		SummonCreature = 21,
    		HousingTeleport = 22,
    		ActionBarSet = 23,
    		ForcedAction = 24,
    		ProxyChannel = 25,
    		Proxy = 26,
    		CCStateBreak = 27,
    		ForceFacing = 28,
    		Absorption = 29,
    		SapVital = 30,
    		Disguise = 31,
    		SpellImmunity = 32,
    		DistributedDamage = 33,
    		ChangePhase = 34,
    		NpcExecutionDelay = 35,
    		SummonMount = 36,
    		ReputationModify = 37,
    		GiveSchematic = 38,
    		ModifySchematic = 39,
    		UNUSED040 = 40,
    		TradeSkillProfession = 41,
    		QuestAdvanceObjective = 42,
    		GiveItemToPlayer = 43,
    		GiveLootTableToPlayer = 44,
    		NpcLootTableModify = 45,
    		ThreatModification = 46,
    		ThreatTransfer = 47,
    		WarplotTeleport = 48,
    		CraftItem = 49,
    		ItemBreakdown = 50,
    		SpellForceRemoveChanneled = 51,
    		ModifyInterruptArmor = 52,
    		SpellDispel = 53,
    		TradeSkillProfessionXp = 54,
    		ModifySpell = 55,
    		ModifySpellEffect = 56,
    		AddSpell = 57,
    		AddSpellEffect = 58,
    		SuppressSpellEffect = 59,
    		ModifyCreatureFlags = 60,
    		UNUSED061 = 61,
    		VacuumLoot = 62,
    		UNUSED063 = 63,
    		ShieldOverload = 64,
    		Teleport = 65,
    		TitleGrant = 66,
    		TitleRevoke = 67,
    		VendorPriceModifier = 68,
    		ApplyLASChanges = 69,
    		RechargeItemBatteries = 70,
    		FacilityModification = 71,
    		PetAIStanceSet = 72,
    		ModifySpellCooldown = 73,
    		FinishingMove = 74,
    		ChangeIcon = 75,
    		ItemVisualSwap = 76,
    		AggroImmune = 77,
    		GiveAbilityPointsToPlayer = 78,
    		SpellEffectImmunity = 79,
    		SpellForceRemove = 80,
    		RavelSignal = 81,
    		ChangeDisplayName = 82,
    		Stealth = 83,
    		RemoveStealth = 84,
    		PathActionExplorerDig = 85,
    		HazardEnable = 86,
    		HazardModify = 87,
    		HazardSuspend = 88,
    		NpcForceFacing = 89,
    		ModifyAbilityCharges = 90,
    		UNUSED091 = 91,
    		AchievementAdvance = 92,
    		PathXpModify = 93,
    		ProxyChannelVariableTime = 94,
    		FullScreenEffect = 95,
    		ProxyRandomExclusive = 96,
    		DespawnUnit = 97,
    		SummonPet = 98,
    		MimicDisplayName = 99,
    		MimicDisguise = 100,
    		GrantXP = 101,
    		DatacubeUpdate = 102,
    		DatacubeVolumeUpdate = 103,
    		UNUSED104 = 104,
    		SettlerCampfire = 105,
    		SummonTrap = 106,
    		SetBusy = 107,
    		CooldownReset = 108,
    		RestedXpDecorBonus = 109,
    		LearnDyeColor = 110,
    		PetCastSpell = 111,
    		DisguiseOutfit = 112,
    		RewardBuffModifier = 113,
    		HousingEscape = 116,
    		NPCForceAIMovement = 117,
    		HealShields = 118,
    		PathMissionIncrement = 119,
    		GrantLevelScaledXP = 120,
    		DelayDeath = 121,
    		GrantLevelScaledPrestige = 122,
    		UnlockPetFlair = 123,
    		WarplotPlugUpgrade = 124,
    		UnlockMount = 125,
    		SetMatchingEligibility = 126,
    		UnlockInlaidAugment = 127,
    		GiveAugmentPowerToPlayer = 128,
    		TemporarilyUnflagPvp = 129,
    		SupportStuck = 130,
    		MiniMapIcon = 131,
    		Disembark = 132,
    		ChangePlane = 133,
    		ModifyRestedXP = 134,
    	enum class CodeEnumSpellTag
    		Assault = 1,
    		Support = 2,
    		Path = 3,
    		Misc = 4,
    		Mount = 5,
    		DoesNotUseSpecIndex = 6,
    		Utility = 7,
    		NotAutoActivated = 8,
    	enum class CombatMessageType
    		General = 0,
    		Experience = 1,
    		QuestUpdate = 2,
    		LocationChange = 3,
    		Combat_Damage_Done = 4,
    		Combat_Damage_Done_Critical = 5,
    		Combat_Damage_Taken = 6,
    		Combat_Damage_Taken_Critical = 7,
    		Combat_Healing_Done = 8,
    		Combat_Healing_Done_Critical = 9,
    		Combat_Healing_Taken = 10,
    		Combat_Healing_Taken_Critical = 11,
    		Combat_Block_Taken = 12,
    		Combat_Block_Done = 13,
    		Combat_Parry_Taken = 14,
    		Combat_Parry_Done = 15,
    		Combat_Dodge_Taken = 16,
    		Combat_Dodge_Done = 17,
    		Combat_NoEffect_Taken = 18,
    		Combat_NoEffect_Done = 19,
    		Combat_Shallow_Taken = 20,
    		Combat_Shallow_Done = 21,
    		Combat_Falling_Damage_Done = 22,
    		Combat_Death = 23,
    		Error = 24,
    		SpellFailure = 25,
    		UNUSED00 = 26,
    		UNUSED01 = 27,
    		Faction = 28,
    		LootBase = 29,
    		LootAverage = 30,
    		LootGood = 31,
    		LootExcellent = 32,
    		LootSuperb = 33,
    		UNUSED04 = 34,
    		UNUSED03 = 35,
    		LootArtifact = 36,
    		LootLegendary = 37,
    		LootQuestActivation = 38,
    		Achievement = 39,
    		Experience_KillCreature = 40,
    		Experience_ClusterBonus = 41,
    		Experience_Quest = 42,
    		Absorption_Taken = 43,
    		Absorption_Done = 44,
    		Transference_Taken = 45,
    		Transference_Done = 46,
    		SpellFailure_Long = 47,
    		SpellFailure_Medium = 48,
    		SpellFailure_Short = 49,
    		SpellFailure_Target_Head = 50,
    		SpellFailure_Target_Feet = 51,
    		Special_Done = 52,
    		Special_Taken = 53,
    		UNUSED02 = 54,
    		PlayerPath = 55,
    		KillPerformanceReward = 56,
    		MultiKillReward = 57,
    		KillingSpreeReward = 58,
    		LootInferior = 59,
    		TelegraphEvadeReward = 60,
    		TelegraphInterruptReward = 61,
    		RestedReward = 62,
    	enum class CodeEnumSpellClass
    		BuffNonDispelRightClickOk = 14,
    		BuffDispellable = 36,
    		BuffNonDispellable = 37,
    		DebuffDispellable = 38,
    		DebuffNonDispellable = 39,
    	enum class ICCommJoinResult
    		TooManyChannels = 1,
    		NoGuild = 2,
    		NoGroup = 3,
    		BadName = 4,
    		Join = 5,
    		Left = 6,
    	enum class CodeEnumTradeskill
    		Weaponsmith = 1,
    		Cooking = 2,
    		Armorer = 12,
    		Mining = 13,
    		Outfitter = 14,
    		Survivalist = 15,
    		Augmentor = 16,
    		Architect = 17,
    		Relic_Hunter = 18,
    		Fishing = 19,
    		Farmer = 20,
    		Tailor = 21,
    		Runecrafting = 22,
    	enum class CodeEnumTradeskillTier
    		Zero = 0,
    		Novice = 1,
    		Apprentice = 2,
    		Journeyman = 3,
    		Artisan = 4,
    		Expert = 5,
    		Master = 6,
    		GrandMaster = 7,
    	enum class CodeEnumCraftingDirection
    		None = 0,
    		N = 1,
    		NE = 2,
    		E = 3,
    		SE = 4,
    		S = 5,
    		SW = 6,
    		W = 7,
    		NW = 8,
    	enum class CodeEnumInputAction
    		Nothing = 1,
    		Options = 2,
    		CharacterPanel = 3,
    		Inventory = 4,
    		QuestLog = 5,
    		Communicator = 6,
    		Escape = 7,
    		Shift = 8,
    		Control = 9,
    		Select = 10,
    		MouseInteract = 11,
    		Interact = 12,
    		HostileInteract = 13,
    		TargetSelf = 14,
    		TargetParty1 = 15,
    		TargetParty2 = 16,
    		TargetParty3 = 17,
    		TargetParty4 = 18,
    		TargetNextEnemy = 19,
    		TargetPreviousEnemy = 20,
    		TargetNextFriend = 21,
    		TargetPreviousFriend = 22,
    		AssistTarget = 23,
    		MoveForward = 24,
    		MoveBackward = 25,
    		StrafeLeft = 26,
    		StrafeRight = 27,
    		TurnLeft = 28,
    		TurnRight = 29,
    		PitchUp = 30,
    		PitchDown = 31,
    		MouseTurn = 32,
    		SprintModifier = 33,
    		VacuumLoot = 34,
    		PathAction = 35,
    		Jump = 36,
    		Dismount = 37,
    		ToggleSit = 38,
    		ToggleWalk = 39,
    		ToggleAutoRun = 40,
    		CameraUp = 41,
    		CameraDown = 42,
    		CameraLeft = 43,
    		CameraRight = 44,
    		CameraIn = 45,
    		CameraOut = 46,
    		MouseLook = 47,
    		CastObjectiveAbility = 48,
    		LimitedActionSet1 = 49,
    		LimitedActionSet2 = 50,
    		LimitedActionSet3 = 51,
    		LimitedActionSet4 = 52,
    		LimitedActionSet5 = 53,
    		LimitedActionSet6 = 54,
    		LimitedActionSet7 = 55,
    		LimitedActionSet8 = 56,
    		CastGadgetAbility = 57,
    		CastPathAbility = 58,
    		ActionBar0_Unused1 = 59,
    		ActionBar0_Unused2 = 60,
    		ActionBar1_Slot1 = 61,
    		ActionBar1_Slot2 = 62,
    		ActionBar1_Slot3 = 63,
    		ActionBar1_Slot4 = 64,
    		ActionBar1_Slot5 = 65,
    		ActionBar1_Slot6 = 66,
    		ActionBar1_Slot7 = 67,
    		ActionBar1_Slot8 = 68,
    		ActionBar1_Slot9 = 69,
    		ActionBar1_Slot10 = 70,
    		ActionBar1_Slot11 = 71,
    		ActionBar1_Slot12 = 72,
    		ActionBar2_Slot1 = 73,
    		ActionBar2_Slot2 = 74,
    		ActionBar2_Slot3 = 75,
    		ActionBar2_Slot4 = 76,
    		ActionBar2_Slot5 = 77,
    		ActionBar2_Slot6 = 78,
    		ActionBar2_Slot7 = 79,
    		ActionBar2_Slot8 = 80,
    		ActionBar2_Slot9 = 81,
    		ActionBar2_Slot10 = 82,
    		ActionBar2_Slot11 = 83,
    		ActionBar2_Slot12 = 84,
    		ActionBar3_Slot1 = 85,
    		ActionBar3_Slot2 = 86,
    		ActionBar3_Slot3 = 87,
    		ActionBar3_Slot4 = 88,
    		ActionBar3_Slot5 = 89,
    		ActionBar3_Slot6 = 90,
    		ActionBar3_Slot7 = 91,
    		ActionBar3_Slot8 = 92,
    		ActionBar3_Slot9 = 93,
    		ActionBar3_Slot10 = 94,
    		ActionBar3_Slot11 = 95,
    		ActionBar3_Slot12 = 96,
    		Unused1 = 97,
    		Unused2 = 98,
    		Unused3 = 99,
    		Unused4 = 100,
    		Unused5 = 101,
    		Unused6 = 102,
    		SetStance1 = 103,
    		SetStance2 = 104,
    		SetStance3 = 105,
    		Unused7 = 106,
    		Unused20 = 107,
    		Unused11 = 108,
    		ToggleInterface = 109,
    		ToggleFramerate = 110,
    		Unused21 = 111,
    		Unused23 = 112,
    		Unused22 = 113,
    		WorldMap = 114,
    		LimitedActionSetBuilder = 115,
    		Unused8 = 116,
    		Unused9 = 117,
    		ExplicitMouseLook = 118,
    		ToggleWeapons = 119,
    		LeftMouseHold = 120,
    		RightMouseHold = 121,
    		CenterMouseHold = 122,
    		CastInnateAbility = 123,
    		MarkingMenuLeftClick = 124,
    		MarkingMenuLeftHold = 125,
    		MarkingMenuRightClick = 126,
    		MarkingMenuRightHold = 127,
    		HUDShowQuests = 128,
    		ToggleCameraAngle = 129,
    		ToggleScannerBot = 130,
    		Codex = 131,
    		PathAction2 = 133,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot1 = 134,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot2 = 135,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot3 = 136,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot4 = 137,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot5 = 138,
    		FloatingActionBar_Slot6 = 139,
    		ScaleRampedMotion = 146,
    		ScaleRampedRotation = 147,
    		BrakeRampedMotion = 148,
    		BrakeRampedRotation = 149,
    		MoveDown = 150,
    		GroupFinder = 151,
    		CastMiscSpell = 152,
    		SetTargetMark1 = 154,
    		SetTargetMark2 = 155,
    		SetTargetMark3 = 156,
    		SetTargetMark4 = 157,
    		SetTargetMark5 = 158,
    		SetTargetMark6 = 159,
    		SetTargetMark7 = 160,
    		SetTargetMark8 = 161,
    		DashForward = 162,
    		DashBackward = 163,
    		DashLeft = 164,
    		DashRight = 165,
    		Unused12 = 166,
    		Unused13 = 167,
    		ChatReply = 168,
    		ChatReWhisper = 169,
    		Unused14 = 170,
    		Unused15 = 171,
    		Unused16 = 172,
    		Unused17 = 173,
    		Unused18 = 174,
    		Unused19 = 175,
    		TargetNearestEnemy = 176,
    		TargetNearestFriend = 177,
    		Achievements = 178,
    		AuctionListings = 179,
    		Challenges = 180,
    		Unused10 = 181,
    		FriendsList = 182,
    		Lore = 183,
    		Mail = 184,
    		Path = 185,
    		Reputation = 186,
    		Social = 187,
    		Tradeskills = 188,
    		DirectionalDash = 189,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot1 = 190,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot2 = 191,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot3 = 192,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot4 = 193,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot5 = 194,
    		PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot6 = 195,
    		GhostModeMap = 196,
    		Mount = 197,
    		UsePotion = 198,
    		Guild = 199,
    	enum class CodeEnumVital
    		Invalid = 0,
    		Health = 1,
    		Breath = 2,
    		ShieldCapacity = 3,
    		KineticCell = 4,
    		Resource0 = 5,
    		Resource1 = 6,
    		Resource2 = 7,
    		Resource3 = 8,
    		Resource4 = 9,
    		Resource5 = 10,
    		Resource6 = 11,
    		StalkerA = 12,
    		StalkerB = 13,
    		StalkerC = 14,
    		Mana = 15,
    		Resource7 = 16,
    		MedicCore = 18,
    		SpellSurge = 19,
    		InterruptArmor = 20,
    		Absorption = 21,
    		PublicResource0 = 22,
    		PublicResource1 = 23,
    		PublicResource2 = 24,
    		Volatility = 26,
    	enum class CodeEnumStoryPanel
    		Default = 1,
    		Low = 2,
    		Center = 3,
    		FullScreen = 4,
    		Whiteout = 5,
    		Urgent = 6,
    		FullScreenBlackNoFlash = 7,
    		Informational = 8,
    	enum class CodeEnumStoryPanelStyle
    		Default = 0,
    		Paper = 1,
    		Electronic = 2,
    		Eldan = 3,
    		Arcane = 4,
    		Natural = 5,
    		Exile = 6,
    		Dominion = 7,
    	enum class CodeEnumTutorial
    		Crafting_UI_Tutorial = 23,
    		Special_Ability_Chips = 26,
    		Tradeskill_Codex_Tutorial = 28,
    		Crafting_Components_Tutorial = 29,
    		Crafting_Station_Tutorial = 30,
    		Basic_Salvaging_Tutorial = 56,
    		QuestCommunicatorGiven = 62,
    		QuestAccepted = 63,
    		QuestAchieved = 64,
    		QuestBotched = 65,
    		QuestCommunicatorReceived = 66,
    		ChallengeUnlocked = 68,
    		ChallengeCompleted = 70,
    		ChallengeRewardPanel = 71,
    		AchievementCompleted = 72,
    		Telegraphs = 73,
    		NewBindpoint = 74,
    		Path_MissionComplete = 75,
    		Path_EpisodeComplete = 76,
    		Soldier_MissionUnlock = 78,
    		Soldier_TowerDefense = 82,
    		Soldier_Assassinate = 83,
    		Soldier_SWAT = 84,
    		Soldier_Demolition = 85,
    		Soldier_Rescue = 86,
    		Explorer_MissionUnlock = 87,
    		Explorer_Vista = 88,
    		Explorer_ClaimTerritory = 89,
    		Explorer_Door = 90,
    		Explorer_ScavengerHunt = 91,
    		Explorer_PowerMap = 92,
    		Scientist_FieldStudy = 94,
    		Settler_MissionUnlock = 95,
    		Settler_Infrastructure = 97,
    		Settler_DepotActivate = 98,
    		Codex = 99,
    		CharacterPanel = 100,
    		AbilityWindow = 102,
    		Death = 103,
    		Hazards = 106,
    		PublicEventStart = 108,
    		GalacticArchive_NewEntry = 111,
    		Soldier_StopTheThieves = 114,
    		Soldier_WhackAMole = 115,
    		Farmer_Powershrooms = 116,
    		General_Quest_SpellShortcut = 126,
    		CoordinateCrafting = 129,
    		CombatBuff = 132,
    		General_Social = 138,
    		QuestCommunicatorMissed = 146,
    		MailMenu = 156,
    		CSI_PressAndHold = 164,
    		CSI_RapidTapping = 165,
    		CSI_PrecisionTapping = 166,
    		CSI_Memory = 167,
    		CSI_KeyPad = 168,
    		CSI_Metronome = 169,
    		QuestCommunicatorDeclined = 177,
    		General_Lore = 184,
    		GroupFinderMenu = 191,
    		Renown = 194,
    		AMPs = 195,
    		Reputation = 196,
    		Housing_Landscape = 249,
    		Housing_House = 250,
    		Housing_Crate = 251,
    		Housing_Vendor = 252,
    		Housing_Room = 253,
    		General_CREDD = 306,
    		General_AccountServices = 307,
    	enum class CodeEnumTutorialCategory
    		General = 0,
    		Beginner = 1,
    		Combat = 2,
    		PVP = 3,
    		Housing = 4,
    		Challenges = 5,
    		PublicEvents = 6,
    		Adventures = 7,
    		Path_Soldier = 8,
    		Path_Settler = 9,
    		Path_Scientist = 10,
    		Path_Explorer = 11,
    		UNUSED12 = 12,
    		UNUSED13 = 13,
    		UNUSED14 = 14,
    		UNUSED15 = 15,
    		UNUSED16 = 16,
    		UNUSED17 = 17,
    		UNUSED18 = 18,
    		UNUSED19 = 19,
    		UNUSED20 = 20,
    		UNUSED21 = 21,
    		UNUSED22 = 22,
    		UNUSED23 = 23,
    		UNUSED24 = 24,
    		UNUSED25 = 25,
    		UNUSED26 = 26,
    		UNUSED27 = 27,
    		Tradeskills = 28,
    		Zones = 29,
    		Classes = 30,
    	enum class CodeEnumTutorialAnchor
    		None = 0,
    		Codex = 1,
    		Abilities = 2,
    		Character = 3,
    		Mail = 4,
    		GalacticArchive = 5,
    		Social = 6,
    		GroupFinder = 7,
    		Challenge = 8,
    		Datachron = 9,
    		Inventory = 10,
    		AbilityBar = 11,
    		MiniMap = 12,
    		QuestTracker = 13,
    		HUDAlert = 14,
    		PressAndHold = 15,
    		RapidTapping = 16,
    		PrecisionTapping = 17,
    		Memory = 19,
    		Keypad = 20,
    		Metronome = 21,
    		ShieldBar = 22,
    		InnateAbility = 23,
    		DashMeter = 24,
    		SprintMeter = 25,
    		HealthBar = 26,
    		BuffFrame = 27,
    		ClassResource = 28,
    		QuestCommunicatorReceived = 29,
    		DatachronBody = 30,
    		Recall = 31,
    	enum class CodeEnumWhoResult
    		OK = 0,
    		Partial = 1,
    		UnderCooldown = 2,
    	enum class CodeEnumGenericError
    		Ok = 0,
    		Params = 1,
    		PlayerBusy = 2,
    		UnknownTargetUnit = 3,
    		TargetFaction = 4,
    		DbFailure = 5,
    		Item_BadId = 6,
    		Reserved02 = 7,
    		Reserved03 = 8,
    		Reserved04 = 9,
    		Vendor_StackSize = 11,
    		Vendor_SoldOut = 13,
    		Vendor_UnknownItem = 14,
    		Vendor_FailedPreReq = 15,
    		Vendor_NotAVendor = 16,
    		Vendor_TooFar = 17,
    		Vendor_BadItemRec = 18,
    		Vendor_NotEnoughToFillQuantity = 19,
    		Vendor_NotEnoughCash = 20,
    		Vendor_UniqueConstraint = 21,
    		Vendor_ItemLocked = 22,
    		Vendor_IWontBuyThat = 23,
    		Vendor_NoQuantity = 24,
    		Vendor_BagIsNotEmpty = 25,
    		Item_OverFlowChestCreated = 26,
    		Item_InventoryFull = 27,
    		Item_UnknownItem = 28,
    		Item_QuestViolation = 29,
    		Item_Unique = 30,
    		Item_NotValidforSlot = 31,
    		Item_Locked = 32,
    		Item_AlreadyEquipped = 33,
    		Item_NotEquipped = 34,
    		Item_BagMustBeEmpty = 35,
    		Item_CannotFindBag = 36,
    		Item_BagToSmall = 37,
    		Item_CantPutBagInItself = 38,
    		Item_WrongRace = 39,
    		Item_WrongClass = 40,
    		Item_FailedProficiency = 41,
    		Item_LevelToLow = 42,
    		Embark_PlayerAlreadyinSeat = 43,
    		Embark_PlayerUnableToEmbark = 44,
    		Embark_InvalidVehicleUnit = 45,
    		Embark_NoSplineForTaxi = 46,
    		Embark_VehicleIsBroken = 47,
    		Embark_InvalidSeat = 48,
    		Embark_SeatTaken = 49,
    		Embark_SeatEmpty = 50,
    		Embark_NotInRange = 51,
    		Embark_CannotDoWhileOnTaxi = 52,
    		Mail_CannotFindPlayer = 53,
    		Mail_FailedToCreate = 54,
    		Vendor_CuratorOnlyBuysRelics = 55,
    		Vendor_CannotBuyRelics = 56,
    		Player_CantDoWhileDead = 57,
    		Vendor_NoBuyer = 58,
    		Vendor_NoVendor = 59,
    		Vendor_Buyer_NoActionCC = 60,
    		Vendor_Vendor_NoActionCC = 61,
    		Vendor_Vendor_Disposition = 62,
    		Player_CannotWhileInCombat = 63,
    		Mail_Busy = 64,
    		Mail_MailBoxOutOfRange = 65,
    		Mail_NoAttachment = 66,
    		Mail_InsufficientFunds = 67,
    		Mail_InvalidInventorySlot = 68,
    		Mail_UniqueExists = 69,
    		Mail_CannotDelete = 70,
    		Mail_DoesNotExist = 71,
    		Item_CannotBeSalvaged = 72,
    		Conversion_BadConversionRec = 73,
    		Conversion_CannotRemoveSource = 74,
    		Conversion_CannotAddTarget = 75,
    		Faction_NotEnoughRep = 76,
    		Item_NoItems = 77,
    		Craft_TierTooLow = 78,
    		Craft_MissingMaterials = 79,
    		Craft_IncompleteCircuit = 80,
    		Craft_SocketNotModdable = 81,
    		Craft_DuplicateChip = 82,
    		DisEmbark_PlayerNotInWorld = 83,
    		Item_NeedsRepair = 84,
    		Craft_TooManyAdditives = 85,
    		Item_SlotDisabled = 86,
    		Matching_NoRoleSelected = 87,
    		Instance_NotFound = 88,
    		Auction_NotReady = 89,
    		Auction_CannotFillOrder = 90,
    		Mail_CannotTransferItem = 91,
    		Mail_InvalidText = 92,
    		Mail_CanNotHaveCoDAndGift = 93,
    		Auction_TooManyOrders = 94,
    		Auction_OrderTooBig = 95,
    		Auction_NotFound = 96,
    		Auction_BidTooLow = 97,
    		Auction_OwnItem = 98,
    		Auction_BidTooHigh = 99,
    		Auction_AlreadyHasBid = 100,
    		Mail_InvalidDeliverySpeed = 101,
    		Housing_InvalidDecorPlacement = 103,
    		Instance_LimitExceeded = 110,
    		Craft_UnknownSchematic = 111,
    		Craft_MicrochipInvalidSocket = 112,
    		Craft_MicrochipInvalidSlot = 113,
    		Craft_FailChanceTooHigh = 114,
    		Instance_EncounterInProgress = 115,
    		Instance_Full = 116,
    		Housing_CrateFull = 117,
    		TargetBusy = 118,
    		Mail_CannotReturn = 119,
    		Mail_CannotMailSelf = 120,
    		Faction_AtMax = 121,
    		Housing_MaxDecor = 122,
    		Auction_ItemAuctionDisabled = 123,
    		Auction_CommodityDisabled = 124,
    		Mail_CannotMailTrialAccount = 125,
    		MissingEntitlement = 126,
    		Instance_TransferPending = 127,
    		Instance_InvalidDestination = 128,
    		Instance_NotInGroup = 129,
    		Instance_DifferentSavedInstance = 130,
    		Instance_InstanceInUse = 131,
    		Item_WrongFaction = 132,
    		Instance_WrongLevel = 133,
    		Mail_Squelched = 134,
    	enum class SupportStuckAction
    		RecallBind = 1,
    		RecallHouse = 2,
    		RecallDeath = 3,
    	enum class LevelUpUnlock
    		WorldMapDungeon_Stormtalon = 1,
    		WorldMapDungeon_KelVoreth = 2,
    		WorldMapDungeon_Skullcano = 3,
    		WorldMapDungeon_SwordMaiden = 4,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Algoroc = 11,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Celestion = 12,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Deradune = 13,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Ellevar = 14,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Galeras = 15,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Auroria = 16,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Whitevale = 17,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Farside = 18,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Wilderrun = 19,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Malgrave = 20,
    		WorldMapNewZone_Grimvault = 21,
    		WorldMapNewZone_NorthernWilds = 22,
    		WorldMapNewZone_EverstarGrove = 23,
    		WorldMapNewZone_CrimsonIsle = 24,
    		WorldMapNewZone_LevianBay = 25,
    		Builder_AMPSystem = 26,
    		Builder_TierPointSystem = 27,
    		Builder_LASSlot2 = 28,
    		Builder_LASSlot3 = 29,
    		Builder_LASSlot4 = 30,
    		Builder_LASSlot5 = 31,
    		Builder_LASSlot6 = 32,
    		Builder_LASSlot7 = 33,
    		Builder_LASSlot8 = 34,
    		Builder_AMPPoint = 36,
    		Character_GearSlot_Shield = 101,
    		Character_GearSlot_Gloves = 102,
    		Character_GearSlot_WeaponAttachment = 103,
    		Character_GearSlot_SupportSystem = 104,
    		Character_GearSlot_Shoulders = 105,
    		Character_GearSlot_Gadgets = 106,
    		Character_GearSlot_Implants = 107,
    		Character_GearSlot_Helm = 108,
    		Character_GearSlot_RaidKey = 109,
    		GroupFinder_General = 110,
    		GroupFinder_Arenas = 111,
    		GroupFinder_Warplots = 112,
    		WorldMapAdventure_Hycrest = 116,
    		WorldMapAdventure_Astrovoid = 117,
    		WorldMapAdventure_NorthernWilds = 118,
    		WorldMapAdventure_Malgrave = 119,
    		GroupFinder_Dungeons = 120,
    		GroupFinder_Adventures = 121,
    		Inventory_Salvage = 127,
    		Customization_Mount = 135,
    		Customization_Scanbot = 136,
    		WorldMapAdventure_Whitevale = 138,
    		Character_CostumeSystem = 142,
    		Character_CostumeSlot2 = 143,
    		Character_CostumeSlot3 = 144,
    		Character_CostumeSlot4 = 145,
    		Character_CostumeSlot5 = 146,
    		Character_CostumeSlot6 = 147,
    		WorldMapCapital_Thayd = 161,
    		WorldMapCapital_Illium = 162,
    		Builder_AbilityTier2 = 165,
    		Builder_AbilityTier3 = 166,
    		Builder_AbilityTier4 = 167,
    		Builder_AbilityTier5 = 168,
    		WorldMapAdventure_Galeras = 169,
    		Builder_NewTierPoint = 170,
    		Builder_AbilityTier6 = 171,
    		Builder_AbilityTier7 = 172,
    		Builder_AbilityTier8 = 173,
    	enum class LevelUpUnlockSystem
    		Level = 0,
    		Path = 1,
    	enum class LevelUpUnlockType
    		Dungeon_New = 1,
    		Adventure_New = 2,
    		Content_Zone = 3,
    		Content_Feature = 20,
    		Class_Feature = 21,
    		Class_Ability = 22,
    		Class_LAS_Slot = 23,
    		Class_Improvement = 24,
    		PvP_Feature = 25,
    		PvP_Battleground = 26,
    		Social_Feature = 27,
    		General_Feature = 28,
    		Gear_Slot = 29,
    		Raid_20 = 30,
    		Raid_40 = 31,
    		General_Expanded_Feature = 32,
    		Content_Capital = 33,
    		Class_Tier = 34,
    		Path_Item = 36,
    		Path_Spell = 37,
    		Path_Title = 38,
    		Path_Quest = 39,
    		Path_ScanBot = 40,
    		Class_Attribute = 41,
    	enum class DuelStateDuelState
    		None = 0,
    		WaitingToAccept = 1,
    		Pending = 2,
    		Dueling = 3,
    	enum class SharedChallengePreference
    		AutoAccept = 0,
    		Prompt = 1,
    		AutoReject = 2,
    	enum class CodeEnumGameCommandType
    		GadgetAbility = 0,
    		DefaultAttack = 1,
    		ClassInnateAbility = 2,
    		ActivateTarget = 3,
    		FollowTarget = 4,
    		Sprint = 5,
    		ToggleWalk = 6,
    		Dismount = 8,
    		Vacuum = 9,
    		PathAction = 10,
    		ToggleScannerBot = 11,
    		DashForward = 12,
    		DashBackward = 13,
    		DashLeft = 14,
    		DashRight = 15,
    		PathAction2 = 16,
    		Interact = 17,
    		GoToBind = 18,
    		GoToHouse = 19,
    		EscapeHouse = 20,
    		GoToWarplot = 21,
    		WarplotBossTokenUI = 23,
    		SummonMount = 26,
    		UsePotion = 27,
    		GoToIllium = 28,
    		GoToThayd = 29,
    		HousingLandscape = 30,
    		HousingRemodel = 31,
    		HousingCrate = 32,
    		HousingVendor = 33,
    		HousingList = 34,
    		HousingEditMode = 35,
    	enum class CodeEnumLimitedActionSetResult
    		Ok = 1,
    		SlotUnlockPrereqFalse = 2,
    		UnknownSpellId = 3,
    		UnknownClassId = 4,
    		UnknownSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlacement = 5,
    		UnknownSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowed = 6,
    		InvalidSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlacement = 7,
    		InvalidSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowed = 8,
    		SlotSpellAnyMatchFail = 9,
    		SlotSpellAllMatchFail = 10,
    		SlotSpellNoneMatchFail = 11,
    		UnknownSpellActionSetGroupMatchType = 12,
    		DuplicateSpell = 13,
    		SpellActionSetPrereqFalse = 14,
    		SpellDependencyAnyMatchFail = 15,
    		SpellDependencyAllMatchFail = 16,
    		SpellDependencyNoneMatchFail = 17,
    		BadSpellInActionSet = 18,
    		ActionSetRequirementAnyMatchFail = 19,
    		ActionSetRequirementAllMatchFail = 20,
    		ActionSetRequirementNoneMatchFail = 21,
    		InvalidActionSetSize = 22,
    		InvalidUnit = 23,
    		InvalidSlot = 24,
    		InvalidActionSetTable = 25,
    		SpellDependencyMaxMatchFail = 26,
    		PlayerIsDead = 27,
    		RestrictedInPVP = 28,
    		MissingTag = 29,
    		InCombat = 30,
    		EldanAugmentation_NotEnoughPower = 31,
    		EldanAugmentation_LockedInlaid = 32,
    		EldanAugmentation_LockedCategoryTier = 33,
    		EldanAugmentation_InvalidSeries = 34,
    		EldanAugmentation_InvalidId = 35,
    		EldanAugmentation_InvalidCategoryId = 36,
    		EldanAugmentation_InvalidCategoryTier = 37,
    		UpdateSpellInProgress = 38,
    		InVoid = 39,
    		InvalidSpecIndex = 40,
    		InvalidSpellTier = 41,
    		InsufficientAbilityPoints = 42,
    		EldanAugmentation_VersionMismatch = 43,
    		EldanAugmentation_SpecNotFound = 44,
    	enum class CodeEnumGuildEventType
    		Achievement = 0,
    		PerkUnlock = 1,
    		PerkActivate = 2,
    		MemberAdded = 3,
    		MemberRemoved = 4,
    		MemberRankChanged = 5,
    		MessageOfTheDay = 6,
    		BankMoney = 1000,
    		ItemRepair = 2000,
    		BankTab = 100000,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		Ok = 0,
    		GenericFail = 1,
    		DBError = 2,
    		MTXError = 3,
    		InvalidOffer = 4,
    		InvalidPrice = 5,
    		NotEnoughCurrency = 6,
    		NeedTransaction = 7,
    		InvalidAccountItem = 8,
    		InvalidPendingItem = 9,
    		InvalidInventoryItem = 10,
    		NoConnection = 11,
    		NoCharacter = 12,
    		AlreadyClaimed = 13,
    		MaxEntitlementCount = 14,
    		NoRegift = 15,
    		NoGifting = 16,
    		InvalidFriend = 17,
    		InvalidCoupon = 18,
    		CannotReturn = 19,
    		Prereq = 20,
    		CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21,
    		NoCREDD = 22,
    		NoMatchingOrder = 23,
    		InvalidCREDDOrder = 24,
    		Cooldown = 25,
    		MissingEntitlement = 26,
    	enum class CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		MTXPurchase = 0,
    		ClaimPending = 1,
    		ReturnPending = 2,
    		TakeItem = 3,
    		GiftItem = 4,
    		RedeemCoupon = 5,
    		GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6,
    		SellCREDD = 7,
    		BuyCREDD = 8,
    		CancelCREDDOrder = 9,
    		ExpireCREDDOrder = 10,
    		SellCREDDComplete = 11,
    		BuyCREDDComplete = 12,
    		CREDDRedeem = 15,
    	enum class PetCustomizeResult
    		NotUnlocked = 1,
    		PetTypeNotSupported = 2,
    		UnknownFlairType = 3,
    		InvalidObject = 4,
    		InvalidFlair = 5,
    		InvalidSlot = 6,
    		InvalidName = 7,
    Last edited by JuceMMOCrawler; 06-20-2014 at 02:05 PM.

    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. Thanks yopilax (1 members gave Thanks to JuceMMOCrawler for this useful post)
  3. #2
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Hello and tnx you so much for keeping all pointers up to date.

    I'm a noob ex scripter full off misleading information and bad behaviors, trying to learn C#, i read alot.

    I'm been able to create my unit and player reader and recently figured a personal way to create a CTM function too.
    But i had to find my way because i can't understand how you use :

    enum class Functions
       VacuumLoot     = 0x2C49C0,
       ClickToMove    = 0x3A0E40,
       GetDispositionTo = 0x2EBFC0,
       HandleLuaEvent = 0x88F30,
    So i figured this pointer:

    enum movements
            ClickToMoveX = 0x5eb0, // can be sent as vector4 to cover x, y,z,w and 1 time
            ClickToMoveY = 0x5eb8,
            ClickToMoveZ = 0x5eb4,
            ClickToMoveW = 0x5ebc,
            ClickToMoveGo = 0x5e94, // trigger the movment,  byte[] data = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; to activate, byte[] data = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; to stop
    and i call it with this:

    public void CTM(Vector4 v4)
                IntPtr g = gamemanagerptr();
                memory.Write<Vector4>(g + (int)GameManager.movements.ClickToMoveX, v4);
                byte[] data = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
                memory.WriteBytes(g + (int)GameManager.movements.ClickToMoveGo, data);
    public void stopCTM()
                IntPtr g = gamemanagerptr();
                byte[] data = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
                memory.WriteBytes(g + (int)GameManager.movements.ClickToMoveGo, data);
    And it work pretty well, and i'm impressed to have figured it, but i wish i can go deeper and undestand the enum function you posted.
    Are them relater to the CurrentManager ? i tryed to look for them with Cheat engine but without luck, i'm trying with ida next, but i'm not a genious there, so any little help would be appreciated.

    Tnx again

  4. #3
    JuceMMOCrawler's Avatar Sergeant
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    You should call functions with one of these possible methods:

    1. Inject, write a function typedef, cast memory address in that typedef, call.
    2. Remote ASM.

  5. #4
    Narache's Avatar Member
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    Hello Juce,

    I'm totally new to DLL injection, and i i understand correctly i just to put the address of the 0x3A0E40 function into a function pointer and call it.
    Bu what does it take for argument? What it's prototype? I try to search for address
    0x3A0E40 into IDA but no result.
    How can i get it?

  6. #5
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    Originally Posted by Narache View Post
    Hello Juce,

    I'm totally new to DLL injection, and i i understand correctly i just to put the address of the 0x3A0E40 function into a function pointer and call it.
    Bu what does it take for argument? What it's prototype? I try to search for address
    0x3A0E40 into IDA but no result.
    How can i get it?
    I'm guessing the offsets he posted are rebased to 0 to allow for ASLR. IDA ignores ASLR and rebases executables to 0x00400000 by default. So you can find his functions in IDA by adding 0x00400000, or simply tell IDA to rebase to 0 (Edit->Segments->Rebase program...) The latter is quite often a lot easier to work with, personally I do it every time I start analysing a new binary.

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