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    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    [Wildstar] Constant Data Thread

    This thread is for constants data over version (like enums) used by the game.

    Here is my findings (mostly enums from lua reversing)

    namespace Globals
    	namespace UnitType
    		enum UnitType
    			NonPlayer = 0,
    			Unknown					// UnitType > 33 ? Unknown : Known
    	namespace UnitDisposition
    		enum UnitDisposition
    			Hostile = 0,
    			Neutral = 1,
    			Friendly = 2,
    			Unknown = 3
    	namespace Gender
    		enum Gender
    			Male = 0,
    	namespace Faction
    		enum Faction
    			Dominion = 166,
    			Exile = 167
    	namespace Race
    		enum Race
    			Human = 1,
    			Granok = 3,
    			Aurin = 4,
    			Draken = 5,
    			Mechari = 12,
    			Chua = 13,
    			Mordesh = 16
    	namespace Class
    		enum Class
    			Warrior = 1,
    			Engineer = 2,
    			Esper = 3,
    			Medic = 4,
    			Stalker = 5,
    			Spellslinger = 7
    	namespace PlayerPath
    		enum PlayerPath
    			Soldier = 0,
    			Settler = 1,
    			Scientist = 2,
    			Explorer = 3
    	namespace MouseOverType
    		enum MouseOverType
    			// not simple, need more reverse (found name by hardcoded strings)
    	namespace PublicEventParticipantRemoveReason
    		enum PublicEventParticipantRemoveReason
    	namespace PublicEventRewardTier
    		enum PublicEventRewardTier
    	namespace PublicEventRewardType
    		enum PublicEventRewardType
    	namespace PublicEventType
    		enum PublicEventType
    	namespace EmailType
    		enum EmailType
    	namespace MailDeliverySpeed
    		enum MailDeliverySpeed
    	namespace CurrencyType
    		enum CurrencyType
    			Credits = 1,
    			Renown = 2,
    			ElderGems = 3,
    			CraftingVouchers = 4,
    			Prestige = 5,
    			GroupCurrency = 6,
    		enum GroupCurrency
    			None = 0,
    			Warcoins = 1
    	namespace CastBarType
    		enum CastBarType
    			None = 0,
    			Normal = 1,
    			Telegraph_Backlash = 2,
    			Telegraph_Evade = 3
    	namespace LevelDifferentialAttribute
    		enum LevelDifferentialAttribute
    			Grey = 1,
    	namespace ResourceConversionType
    		enum ResourceConversionType
    			Item2Item = 0,
    			Item2Rep = 1,
    			Prereq2Rep = 2
    	namespace FlightPathType
    		enum FlightPathType
    			Local = 0,
    			Transfer = 1
    	namespace SpellMechanic
    		enum SpellMechanic
    			None = 0x0,
    			Focus = 0x1,
    			MedicCore = 0x2,
    			Empathy = 0x3,
    			SpellSurge = 0x4,
    			Kinetic = 0x5,
    			Volatility = 0x6,
    	namespace CCState
    		enum CCState
    			Stun = 0x0,
    			Sleep = 0x1,
    			Root = 0x2,
    			Disarm = 0x3,
    			Silence = 0x4,
    			Polymorph = 0x5,
    			Fear = 0x6,
    			Hold = 0x7,
    			Knockdown = 0x8,
    			Vulnerability = 0x9,
    			VulnerabilityWithAct = 0x0A,
    			Disorient = 0x0B,
    			Disable = 0x0C,
    			Taunt = 0x0D,
    			DeTaunt = 0x0E,
    			Blind = 0x0F,
    			Knockback = 0x10,
    			Pushback = 0x11,
    			Pull = 0x12,
    			PositionSwitch = 0x13,
    			Tether = 0x14,
    			Snare = 0x15,
    			Interrupt = 0x16,
    			Daze = 0x17,
    			Subdue = 0x18,
    			Grounded = 0x19,
    			DisableCinematic = 0x1A,
    			AbilityRestriction = 0x1B,
    	namespace Elitness
    		enum Elitness
    	namespace Rank
    		enum Rank
    	namespace Properties
    		enum Properties
    			Strength = 0x0,
    			Dexterity = 0x1,
    			Technology = 0x2,
    			Magic = 0x3,
    			Wisdom = 0x4,
    			ManaBase = 0x5,
    			ManaPerFiveSeconds = 0x6,
    			BaseHealth = 0x7,
    			HealthRegenMultiplier = 0x8,
    			ResourceMax_0 = 0x9,
    			ResourceMax_1 = 0x0A,
    			ResourceMax_2 = 0x0B,
    			ResourceMax_3 = 0x0C,
    			ResourceMax_4 = 0x0D,
    			ResourceMax_5 = 0x0E,
    			ResourceMax_6 = 0x0F,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_0 = 0x10,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_1 = 0x11,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_2 = 0x12,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_3 = 0x13,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_4 = 0x14,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_5 = 0x15,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_6 = 0x16,
    			InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeTime = 0x17,
    			InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeCount = 0x18,
    			ResistPhysical = 0x1A,
    			ResistTech = 0x1B,
    			ResistMagic = 0x1C,
    			StalkerWoundMultiplier = 0x1D,
    			KillingSpreeOutOfCombatGracePeriodMS = 0x1E,
    			Rating_AvoidReduce = 0x20,
    			Rating_AvoidIncrease = 0x21,
    			Rating_CritChanceIncrease = 0x22,
    			AssaultPower = 0x23,
    			SupportPower = 0x24,
    			ResourceMax_7 = 0x26,
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_7 = 0x27,
    			Stamina = 0x28,
    			ShieldCapacityMax = 0x29,
    			Armor = 0x2A,
    			Rating_CritChanceDecrease = 0x2B,
    			InterruptArmor_Threshold = 0x2C,
    			InterruptArmor_RechargeTime = 0x2D,
    			InterruptArmor_RechargeCount = 0x2E,
    			RatingCritSeverityIncrease = 0x2F,
    			PvPOffensiveRating = 0x30,
    			PvPDefensiveRating = 0x31,
    			MoveSpeedMultiplier = 0x64,
    			BaseAvoidChance = 0x65,
    			BaseCritChance = 0x66,
    			DamageMitigationPctOffset = 0x67,
    			BaseAvoidReduceChance = 0x68,
    			BaseAvoidCritChance = 0x69,
    			StealthDetectionModifier = 0x6A,
    			ManaRegenInCombat = 0x6B,
    			ManaRegenOutOfCombat = 0x6C,
    			SeeThroughStealth = 0x6D,
    			FrictionMax = 0x6E,
    			Deprecated1 = 0x6F,
    			Deprecated2 = 0x70,
    			PvPPrestigeMultiplier = 0x71,
    			PvPXPMultiplier = 0x72,
    			RenownGainMultiplier = 0x73,
    			MoneyDropMultiplier = 0x74,
    			SpellMechanicEnergyRegenOrDecayMultipli = 0x75,
    			SpellMechanicEnergyDecayOverdriveMultip = 0x76,
    			ItemArmor = 0x77,
    			ItemAssaultPower = 0x78,
    			ItemSupportPower = 0x79,
    			IgnoreArmorBase = 0x7A,
    			IgnoreShieldBase = 0x7B,
    			MaxThreatVsCreature = 0x7C,
    			BreathDecay = 0x7D,
    			CCPower = 0x7E,
    			CriticalHitSeverityMultiplier = 0x7F,
    			Health_Total_Multiplier = 0x80,
    			JumpHeight = 0x81,
    			GravityMultiplier = 0x82,
    			XpMultiplier = 0x83,
    			ThreatMultiplier = 0x84,
    			AutoAttackDelayMultiplier = 0x85,
    			FallingDamageMultiplier = 0x86,
    			ManaCostModifier = 0x87,
    			CooldownReductionModifier = 0x88,
    			BaseLifesteal = 0x89,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierMelee = 0x8A,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierRanged = 0x8B,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierSpell = 0x8C,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierPhysical = 0x8D,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierTech = 0x8E,
    			DamageDealtMultiplierMagic = 0x8F,
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetPhysical = 0x90,
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetTech = 0x91,
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetMagic = 0x92,
    			DamageTakenOffsetPhysical = 0x96,
    			DamageTakenOffsetTech = 0x97,
    			DamageTakenOffsetMagic = 0x98,
    			DamageTakenMultiplierPhysical = 0x9F,
    			DamageTakenMultiplierTech = 0x0A0,
    			DamageTakenMultiplierMagic = 0x0A1,
    			HealingMultiplierOutgoing = 0x0A2,
    			HealingMultiplierIncoming = 0x0A3,
    			ExecutingEnergyRateMultiplier = 0x0A4,
    			CCDurationModifier = 0x0A5,
    			PvPOffensePctOffset = 0x0A6,
    			PvPDefensePctOffset = 0x0A7,
    			ResistPhysicalMitigationMultiplier = 0x0A8,
    			ResistTechMitigationMultiplier = 0x0A9,
    			ResistMagicMitigationMultiplier = 0x0AA,
    			KillSpreeCCVMulitplier = 0x0AB,
    			ManaFinalMultiplier = 0x0AC,
    			ReputationMultiplier = 0x0AD,
    			ShieldMitigationMin = 0x0AE,
    			ShieldMitigationMax = 0x0AF,
    			ShieldRegenPct = 0x0B0,
    			ShieldTickTime = 0x0B1,
    			ShieldRebootTime = 0x0B2,
    			ShieldDamageTypes = 0x0B3,
    			SlowFallMultiplier = 0x0B4,
    			PathXpMultiplier = 0x0B5,
    			ScientistScanBotThoroughnessMultiplier = 0x0B6,
    			ScientistScanBotScanTimeMultiplier = 0x0B7,
    			ScientistScanBotRangeMultiplier = 0x0B8,
    			ScientistScanBotHealthMultiplier = 0x0B9,
    			ScientistScanBotHealthRegenMultiplier = 0x0BA,
    			ScientistScanBotSpeedMultiplier = 0x0BB,
    			SettlerImprovementTimeMultiplier = 0x0BC,
    			CreatureScientistScanMultiplier = 0x0BD,
    			ScientistScanBotCooldownMultiplier = 0x0BE,
    			MountSpeedMultiplier = 0x0BF,
    	namespace LootItemType
    		enum LootItemType
    			StaticItem = 0,
    			Cash = 2,
    			VirtualItem = 6,
    			AdventureSpell = 7
    	namespace ItemType
    		enum ItemType
    			ArmorArcaneChest = 1,
    			ArmorArcaneLegs = 2,
    			ArmorArcaneHead = 3,
    			ArmorArcaneShoulder = 4,
    			ArmorArcaneFeet = 5,
    			ArmorArcaneHands = 6,
    			ArmorArcaneBuckle = 7,
    			ArmorReflexChest = 8,
    			ArmorReflexLegs = 9,
    			ArmorReflexHead = 10,
    			ArmorReflexShoulder = 11,
    			ArmorReflexFeet = 12,
    			ArmorReflexHands = 13,
    			ArmorReflexBuckle = 14,
    			ArmorFocalChest = 15,
    			ArmorFocalLegs = 16,
    			ArmorFocalHead = 17,
    			ArmorFocalShoulder = 18,
    			ArmorFocalFeet = 19,
    			ArmorFocalHands = 20,
    			ArmorFocalBuckle = 21,
    			ArmorBattleChest = 22,
    			ArmorBattleLegs = 23,
    			ArmorBattleHead = 24,
    			ArmorBattleShoulder = 25,
    			ArmorBattleFeet = 26,
    			ArmorBattleHands = 27,
    			ArmorBattleBuckle = 28,
    			ArmorJewelryRing = 29,
    			ArmorJewelryFace = 30,
    			ArmorJewelryNeck = 31,
    			ArmorJewelryTrinket = 32,
    			ArmorMiscChest = 33,
    			ArmorMiscLegs = 34,
    			ArmorMiscHead = 35,
    			ArmorMiscShoulder = 36,
    			ArmorMiscFeet = 37,
    			ArmorMiscHands = 38,
    			ArmorMiscBuckle = 39,
    			ArmorMiscRing = 40,
    			ArmorMiscFace = 41,
    			ArmorMiscNeck = 42,
    			ArmorMiscTrinket = 43,
    			WeaponMHAxe = 44,
    			WeaponMHPistols = 45,
    			WeaponMHEnergy = 46,
    			WeaponMHCrook = 47,
    			WeaponMHFist = 48,
    			WeaponMHPlasmaGun = 49,
    			WeaponMHStave = 50,
    			WeaponMHSword = 51,
    			WeaponMHMace = 52,
    			WeaponMHClawsAttached = 348,
    			WeaponOHShadowCrystal = 53,
    			WeaponOHBatteryPack = 54,
    			WeaponOHInstrument = 55,
    			WeaponOHBook = 56,
    			WeaponOHMindGem = 57,
    			WeaponOHWrench = 58,
    			WeaponOHSword = 59,
    			WeaponOHShotgun = 60,
    			WeaponOHRelic = 61,
    			BodySkin = 62,
    			BodyFace = 63,
    			BodyEye = 64,
    			BodyEar = 65,
    			BodyHair = 66,
    			BodyTatoo = 67,
    			BodyTail = 68,
    			BodyHand = 69,
    			BodyUnderwear = 70,
    			BodyFacialHair = 71,
    			Bag = 72,
    			SpellBook = 73,
    			ItemFood = 74,
    			ItemPotion = 75,
    			Spell = 76,
    			QuestItem = 77,
    			WeaponMHScythe = 78,
    			WeaponMHShockPaddles = 79,
    			Spell_Temporary = 86,
    			WeaponOHMagicthingy = 88,
    			ItemBandage = 90,
    			BrokenWeapon = 92,
    			BrokenRanged = 93,
    			BrokenMagic = 94,
    			Seeds = 95,
    			CookingStaple = 96,
    			CookingMeat = 97,
    			CookingHerb = 98,
    			CookingVeggie = 99,
    			CookingSeasoning = 100,
    			MiningMineral = 101,
    			WildGrowth = 102,
    			HarvestingPlant = 103,
    			RelicAndLore = 104,
    			Power = 105,
    			MineralComponent = 106,
    			WildComponent = 107,
    			PowerComponent = 108,
    			RelicComponent = 109,
    			ArmsmasterSchematic = 110,
    			TechsmithSchematic = 111,
    			WeaponchanterSchematic = 112,
    			ArcaneWeaverSchematic = 113,
    			ApothecarySchematic = 114,
    			TinkererSchematic = 115,
    			CookingSchematic = 116,
    			ArtisanSchematic = 117,
    			AssayConsumable = 118,
    			RefiningConsumable = 119,
    			ClubSoldiers = 120,
    			DiamondMerchants = 121,
    			SpadeCraftspeople = 122,
    			HeartArtists = 123,
    			StarPoliticans = 124,
    			OmniWild = 125,
    			OmniMining = 126,
    			OmniRelics = 127,
    			OmniPower = 128,
    			AssayMinigame = 129,
    			RefiningMinigame = 130,
    			HousingAddon = 131,
    			ArmorEnchantment = 132,
    			WeaponEnchantment = 133,
    			TempBag = 134,
    			TaxiRoute = 135,
    			TempMount = 137,
    			RepItem = 138
    	namespace ItemQuality
    		enum ItemQuality
    			Inferior = 1,
    	namespace ItemUpdateReason
    		enum ItemUpdateReason
    			StackSplit = 0,
    			None = 29
    	namespace MicrochipType
    		enum MicrochipType
    			PowerSource = 1,
    			Stat = 2,
    			PowerUp = 3,
    			Special = 4,
    			Set = 5,
    			Omni = 6,
    			Resistor = 15,
    			Inductor = 16,
    			Capacitor = 17
    	namespace SigilType
    		enum SigilType
    			Air = 7,
    			Water = 8,
    			Earth = 9,
    			Fire = 10,
    			Logic = 11,
    			Life = 12,
    			Fusion = 13,
    			Omni = 14
    	namespace ItemDetailedTooltip
    		enum ItemDetailedTooltip
    			Basic = 0,
    	namespace CastResult
    		enum CastResult
    			Ok = 0x0,
    			UnableToCreateSpell = 0x1,
    			MovingToCast = 0x2,
    			PendingSpellCast = 0x3,
    			SpellUnknown = 0x4,
    			SpellBad = 0x5,
    			SpellCancelled = 0x6,
    			SpellMaxChannel = 0x7,
    			SpellRemoved = 0x8,
    			SpellCountered = 0x9,
    			SpellCastingInterrupts = 0x0A,
    			SpellInterrupted = 0x0B,
    			SpellCombatModeActiveCount = 0x0C,
    			SpellAlreadyCasting = 0x0D,
    			SpellGlobalCooldown = 0x0E,
    			SpellCooldown = 0x0F,
    			SpellGroupCooldown = 0x10,
    			SpellPreRequisites = 0x11,
    			ActionBarSetDisallows = 0x12,
    			DamageInterrupts = 0x13,
    			InvalidInventoryIndex = 0x14,
    			ItemUnknown = 0x15,
    			ItemBad = 0x16,
    			ItemNoSpellId = 0x17,
    			ItemUnEquipped = 0x18,
    			ItemCharges = 0x19,
    			ItemTooHighLevel = 0x1A,
    			ItemAchievementComplete = 0x1B,
    			ItemQuestRequirementsNotMet = 0x1C,
    			ItemObjectiveComplete = 0x1D,
    			CasterUnknown = 0x1E,
    			CasterMustHaveTarget = 0x1F,
    			CasterCannotBePrimaryTarget = 0x20,
    			CasterNotIncontrolOfSelf = 0x21,
    			CasterMovement = 0x22,
    			CasterMaxCast = 0x23,
    			CCStun = 0x24,
    			CCSleep = 0x25,
    			CCRoot = 0x26,
    			CCDisarm = 0x27,
    			CCSilence = 0x28,
    			CCPolymorph = 0x29,
    			CCFear = 0x2A,
    			CCHold = 0x2B,
    			CasterVitalCostHealth = 0x2C,
    			CasterVitalCostXp = 0x2D,
    			CasterVitalCostMoney = 0x2E,
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency1 = 0x2F,
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency2 = 0x30,
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency3 = 0x31,
    			CasterVitalCostResource0 = 0x32,
    			CasterVitalCostResource1 = 0x33,
    			CasterVitalCostResource2 = 0x34,
    			CasterVitalCostResource3 = 0x35,
    			CasterVitalCostResource4 = 0x36,
    			CasterVitalCostResource5 = 0x37,
    			CasterVitalCostResource6 = 0x38,
    			Caster_CannotBeDead = 0x39,
    			Caster_MustBeDead = 0x3A,
    			Caster_CannotBeInCombat = 0x3B,
    			Caster_MustBeInCombat = 0x3C,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Moving = 0x3F,
    			Caster_MustBe_Moving = 0x40,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Stealth = 0x41,
    			Caster_MustBe_Stealth = 0x42,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Piloting = 0x43,
    			Caster_MustBe_Piloting = 0x44,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Embarked = 0x45,
    			Caster_MustBe_Embarked = 0x46,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Taxi = 0x47,
    			Caster_MustBe_Taxi = 0x48,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Stun = 0x49,
    			Caster_MustBe_Stun = 0x4A,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Sleep = 0x4B,
    			Caster_MustBe_Sleep = 0x4C,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Root = 0x4D,
    			Caster_MustBe_Root = 0x4E,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disarm = 0x4F,
    			Caster_MustBe_Disarm = 0x50,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Silence = 0x51,
    			Caster_MustBe_Silence = 0x52,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pacify = 0x53,
    			Caster_MustBe_Pacify = 0x54,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Fear = 0x55,
    			Caster_MustBe_Fear = 0x56,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Confuse = 0x57,
    			Caster_MustBe_Confuse = 0x58,
    			TargetGroup = 0x59,
    			TargetUnknown = 0x5A,
    			NoTarget = 0x5B,
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellType = 0x5C,
    			Target_ImmuneToSpell = 0x5D,
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellGroupList = 0x5E,
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellGroup = 0x5F,
    			Target_Invulnerable = 0x60,
    			TargetMaxTarget = 0x61,
    			TargetVital = 0x62,
    			TargetFaction = 0x63,
    			TargetIsNotUseable = 0x64,
    			TargetOrientation = 0x65,
    			TargetCannotBePlayer = 0x66,
    			TargetCannotBeNpc = 0x67,
    			TargetRangeMin = 0x68,
    			TargetRangeMax = 0x69,
    			Target_CannotBeDead = 0x6A,
    			Target_MustBeDead = 0x6B,
    			Target_CannotBeInCombat = 0x6C,
    			Target_MustBeInCombat = 0x6D,
    			Target_CannotBe_Moving = 0x70,
    			Target_MustBe_Moving = 0x71,
    			Target_CannotBe_Stealth = 0x72,
    			Target_MustBe_Stealth = 0x73,
    			Target_CannotBe_Piloting = 0x74,
    			Target_MustBe_Piloting = 0x75,
    			Target_CannotBe_Embarked = 0x76,
    			Target_MustBe_Embarked = 0x77,
    			Target_CannotBe_Taxi = 0x78,
    			Target_MustBe_Taxi = 0x79,
    			Target_CannotBe_Stun = 0x7A,
    			Target_MustBe_Stun = 0x7B,
    			Target_CannotBe_Sleep = 0x7C,
    			Target_MustBe_Sleep = 0x7D,
    			Target_CannotBe_Root = 0x7E,
    			Target_MustBe_Root = 0x7F,
    			Target_CannotBe_Disarm = 0x80,
    			Target_MustBe_Disarm = 0x81,
    			Target_CannotBe_Silence = 0x82,
    			Target_MustBe_Silence = 0x83,
    			Target_CannotBe_Pacify = 0x84,
    			Target_MustBe_Pacify = 0x85,
    			Target_CannotBe_Fear = 0x86,
    			Target_MustBe_Fear = 0x87,
    			Target_CannotBe_Confuse = 0x88,
    			Target_MustBe_Confuse = 0x89,
    			Target_CannotBe_Swimming = 0x8A,
    			Target_MustBe_Swimming = 0x8B,
    			InWrongWorldZone = 0x8C,
    			DuelOver = 0x8D,
    			UNUSED142 = 0x8E,
    			UNUSED143 = 0x8F,
    			MissingResult = 0x90,
    			IsP2PTrading = 0x91,
    			ClientSideInteractionFail = 0x92,
    			StackingRefreshExistingSpell = 0x93,
    			StackingTargetHasMorePowerfulSpells = 0x94,
    			StackingCasterHasMorePowerfulSpells = 0x95,
    			StackingError = 0x96,
    			Prereq_CasterCast = 0x97,
    			CCKnockdown = 0x98,
    			CCVulnerability = 0x99,
    			Target_MustBe_Knockdown = 0x9A,
    			Target_MustBe_Vulnerability = 0x9B,
    			Caster_MustBe_Vulnerability = 0x9C,
    			Caster_MustBe_Knockdown = 0x9D,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Knockdown = 0x9E,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 0x9F,
    			Target_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 0x0A0,
    			Target_CannotBe_Knockdown = 0x0A1,
    			MissingReagent_Item = 0x0A2,
    			MissingReagent_ItemFamily = 0x0A3,
    			MissingReagent_ItemCategory = 0x0A4,
    			MissingReagent_ItemType = 0x0A5,
    			Caster_Needs_LoS = 0x0A6,
    			CasterVitalCostMana = 0x0A7,
    			TargetImmuneToSpellEffect = 0x0A8,
    			WeaponSlot = 0x0A9,
    			Caster_MustBe_Jumping = 0x0AA,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Jumping = 0x0AB,
    			Target_CannotBe_Jumping = 0x0AC,
    			Target_MustBe_Jumping = 0x0AD,
    			InvalidPosition = 0x0AE,
    			CasterVitalCost = 0x0AF,
    			CasterVitalCostShieldCapacity = 0x0B0,
    			CasterVitalCostResource7 = 0x0B1,
    			FailSpecialRestrictions = 0x0B2,
    			NoValidActivateSpell = 0x0B3,
    			SchematicAlreadyKnown = 0x0B4,
    			TradeskillTier = 0x0B5,
    			SpellNoCharges = 0x0B6,
    			TargetRangeVertical = 0x0B7,
    			StackingDuplicateDurationalSpell = 0x0B8,
    			SpellMaxPhaseReached = 0x0B9,
    			CCVulnerabilityWithAct = 0x0BA,
    			CCDisorient = 0x0BB,
    			CCDisable = 0x0BC,
    			CCTaunt = 0x0BD,
    			CCDeTaunt = 0x0BE,
    			CCBlind = 0x0BF,
    			CCKnockback = 0x0C0,
    			CCPushback = 0x0C1,
    			CCPull = 0x0C2,
    			CCPositionSwitch = 0x0C3,
    			CCTether = 0x0C4,
    			CCSnare = 0x0C5,
    			Caster_MustBe_Polymorph = 0x0C6,
    			Target_MustBe_Polymorph = 0x0C7,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Polymorph = 0x0C8,
    			Target_CannotBe_Polymorph = 0x0C9,
    			Caster_MustBe_Hold = 0x0CA,
    			Target_MustBe_Hold = 0x0CB,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Hold = 0x0CC,
    			Target_CannotBe_Hold = 0x0CD,
    			Caster_MustBe_Disorient = 0x0CE,
    			Target_MustBe_Disorient = 0x0CF,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disorient = 0x0D0,
    			Target_CannotBe_Disorient = 0x0D1,
    			Caster_MustBe_Disable = 0x0D2,
    			Target_MustBe_Disable = 0x0D3,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disable = 0x0D4,
    			Target_CannotBe_Disable = 0x0D5,
    			Caster_MustBe_Taunt = 0x0D6,
    			Target_MustBe_Taunt = 0x0D7,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Taunt = 0x0D8,
    			Target_CannotBe_Taunt = 0x0D9,
    			Caster_MustBe_DeTaunt = 0x0DA,
    			Target_MustBe_DeTaunt = 0x0DB,
    			Caster_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 0x0DC,
    			Target_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 0x0DD,
    			Caster_MustBe_Blind = 0x0DE,
    			Target_MustBe_Blind = 0x0DF,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Blind = 0x0E0,
    			Target_CannotBe_Blind = 0x0E1,
    			Caster_MustBe_Knockback = 0x0E2,
    			Target_MustBe_Knockback = 0x0E3,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Knockback = 0x0E4,
    			Target_CannotBe_Knockback = 0x0E5,
    			Caster_MustBe_Pushback = 0x0E6,
    			Target_MustBe_Pushback = 0x0E7,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pushback = 0x0E8,
    			Target_CannotBe_Pushback = 0x0E9,
    			Caster_MustBe_Pull = 0x0EA,
    			Target_MustBe_Pull = 0x0EB,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pull = 0x0EC,
    			Target_CannotBe_Pull = 0x0ED,
    			Caster_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 0x0EE,
    			Target_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 0x0EF,
    			Caster_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 0x0F0,
    			Target_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 0x0F1,
    			Caster_MustBe_Tether = 0x0F2,
    			Target_MustBe_Tether = 0x0F3,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Tether = 0x0F4,
    			Target_CannotBe_Tether = 0x0F5,
    			Caster_MustBe_Snare = 0x0F6,
    			Target_MustBe_Snare = 0x0F7,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Snare = 0x0F8,
    			Target_CannotBe_Snare = 0x0F9,
    			CasterVitalCostInterruptArmor = 0x0FA,
    			CCNoAbilities = 0x0FB,
    			Blacklisted = 0x0FC,
    			TargetCannotBePickup = 0x0FD,
    			CasterVitalCostAbsorption = 0x0FE,
    			Target_MustBe_CastersPet = 0x0FF,
    			Target_MustBe_CastersMaster = 0x100,
    			CCInterrupt = 0x101,
    			Caster_MustBe_Interrupt = 0x102,
    			Target_MustBe_Interrupt = 0x103,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Interrupt = 0x104,
    			Target_CannotBe_Interrupt = 0x105,
    			CSICooldown = 0x106,
    			CCDaze = 0x107,
    			Caster_MustBe_Daze = 0x108,
    			Target_MustBe_Daze = 0x109,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Daze = 0x10A,
    			Target_CannotBe_Daze = 0x10B,
    			CCSubdue = 0x10C,
    			Caster_MustBe_Subdue = 0x10D,
    			Target_MustBe_Subdue = 0x10E,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Subdue = 0x10F,
    			Target_CannotBe_Subdue = 0x110,
    			Target_CannotBe_Evading = 0x111,
    			Target_StructuredPlugBenefitRestricted = 0x112,
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource0 = 0x113,
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource1 = 0x114,
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource2 = 0x115,
    			InactiveInnateAbilitySpell = 0x116,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Swimming = 0x117,
    			Caster_MustBe_Swimming = 0x118,
    			Prereq_TargetCast = 0x119,
    			Prereq_CasterPersistence = 0x11A,
    			Prereq_TargetPersistence = 0x11B,
    			Prereq_Trap = 0x11C,
    			IllegalSpellCast = 0x11D,
    			TargetNotInSameGroup = 0x11E,
    			BossToken_Permission = 0x11F,
    			BossToken_NotReady = 0x120,
    			CCGrounded = 0x121,
    			Caster_MustBe_Grounded = 0x122,
    			Target_MustBe_Grounded = 0x123,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Grounded = 0x124,
    			Target_CannotBe_Grounded = 0x125,
    			CCDisableCinematic = 0x126,
    			Caster_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 0x127,
    			Target_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 0x128,
    			Caster_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 0x129,
    			Target_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 0x12A,
    			CCAbilityRestriction = 0x12B,
    			Caster_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 0x12C,
    			Target_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 0x12D,
    			Caster_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 0x12E,
    			Target_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 0x12F,
    			Target_VehicleBenefitRestricted = 0x130,
    			TargetCannotBePet = 0x131,
    			Target_HostileInvulnerability = 0x132,
    			Target_InvulnerableToOther = 0x133,
    			Target_BeneficialInvulnerability = 0x134,
    			Caster_MustBe_Falling = 0x135,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Falling = 0x136,
    			Target_CannotBe_Falling = 0x137,
    			Target_MustBe_Falling = 0x138,
    			Caster_MustBe_Sprinting = 0x139,
    			Caster_CannotBe_Sprinting = 0x13A,
    			Target_CannotBe_Sprinting = 0x13B,
    			Target_MustBe_Sprinting = 0x13C,
    			Queued = 0x13D,
    			ItemWrongRace = 0x13E,
    			ItemWrongClass = 0x13F,
    			ItemAlreadyUnlocked = 0x140,
    			PlayerSpellPending = 0x141,
    	namespace SpellEffectType
    		enum SpellEffectType
    			UnitPropertyModifier = 0x0,
    			VitalModifier = 0x1,
    			SpellCounter = 0x2,
    			ForcedMove = 0x3,
    			CCStateSet = 0x4,
    			Transference = 0x5,
    			SummonVehicle = 0x6,
    			Activate = 0x7,
    			Damage = 0x8,
    			FactionSet = 0x9,
    			Heal = 0x0A,
    			Harvest = 0x0B,
    			DistanceDependentDamage = 0x0C,
    			Script = 0x0D,
    			Proc = 0x0E,
    			UnitStateSet = 0x0F,
    			Resurrect = 0x10,
    			Fluff = 0x11,
    			Scale = 0x12,
    			ProxyLinearAE = 0x13,
    			UnlockActionBar = 0x14,
    			SummonCreature = 0x15,
    			HousingTeleport = 0x16,
    			ActionBarSet = 0x17,
    			ForcedAction = 0x18,
    			ProxyChannel = 0x19,
    			Proxy = 0x1A,
    			CCStateBreak = 0x1B,
    			ForceFacing = 0x1C,
    			Absorption = 0x1D,
    			SapVital = 0x1E,
    			Disguise = 0x1F,
    			SpellImmunity = 0x20,
    			DistributedDamage = 0x21,
    			ChangePhase = 0x22,
    			NpcExecutionDelay = 0x23,
    			SummonMount = 0x24,
    			ReputationModify = 0x25,
    			GiveSchematic = 0x26,
    			ModifySchematic = 0x27,
    			UNUSED040 = 0x28,
    			TradeSkillProfession = 0x29,
    			QuestAdvanceObjective = 0x2A,
    			GiveItemToPlayer = 0x2B,
    			GiveLootTableToPlayer = 0x2C,
    			NpcLootTableModify = 0x2D,
    			ThreatModification = 0x2E,
    			ThreatTransfer = 0x2F,
    			WarplotTeleport = 0x30,
    			CraftItem = 0x31,
    			ItemBreakdown = 0x32,
    			SpellForceRemoveChanneled = 0x33,
    			ModifyInterruptArmor = 0x34,
    			SpellDispel = 0x35,
    			TradeSkillProfessionXp = 0x36,
    			ModifySpell = 0x37,
    			ModifySpellEffect = 0x38,
    			AddSpell = 0x39,
    			AddSpellEffect = 0x3A,
    			SuppressSpellEffect = 0x3B,
    			ModifyCreatureFlags = 0x3C,
    			UNUSED061 = 0x3D,
    			VacuumLoot = 0x3E,
    			UNUSED063 = 0x3F,
    			ShieldOverload = 0x40,
    			Teleport = 0x41,
    			TitleGrant = 0x42,
    			TitleRevoke = 0x43,
    			VendorPriceModifier = 0x44,
    			ApplyLASChanges = 0x45,
    			RechargeItemBatteries = 0x46,
    			FacilityModification = 0x47,
    			PetAIStanceSet = 0x48,
    			ModifySpellCooldown = 0x49,
    			FinishingMove = 0x4A,
    			ChangeIcon = 0x4B,
    			ItemVisualSwap = 0x4C,
    			AggroImmune = 0x4D,
    			GiveAbilityPointsToPlayer = 0x4E,
    			SpellEffectImmunity = 0x4F,
    			SpellForceRemove = 0x50,
    			RavelSignal = 0x51,
    			ChangeDisplayName = 0x52,
    			Stealth = 0x53,
    			RemoveStealth = 0x54,
    			PathActionExplorerDig = 0x55,
    			HazardEnable = 0x56,
    			HazardModify = 0x57,
    			HazardSuspend = 0x58,
    			NpcForceFacing = 0x59,
    			ModifyAbilityCharges = 0x5A,
    			UNUSED091 = 0x5B,
    			AchievementAdvance = 0x5C,
    			PathXpModify = 0x5D,
    			ProxyChannelVariableTime = 0x5E,
    			FullScreenEffect = 0x5F,
    			ProxyRandomExclusive = 0x60,
    			DespawnUnit = 0x61,
    			SummonPet = 0x62,
    			MimicDisplayName = 0x63,
    			MimicDisguise = 0x64,
    			GrantXP = 0x65,
    			DatacubeUpdate = 0x66,
    			DatacubeVolumeUpdate = 0x67,
    			UNUSED104 = 0x68,
    			SettlerCampfire = 0x69,
    			SummonTrap = 0x6A,
    			SetBusy = 0x6B,
    			CooldownReset = 0x6C,
    			RestedXpDecorBonus = 0x6D,
    			LearnDyeColor = 0x6E,
    			PetCastSpell = 0x6F,
    			DisguiseOutfit = 0x70,
    			RewardBuffModifier = 0x71,
    			HousingEscape = 0x74,
    			NPCForceAIMovement = 0x75,
    			HealShields = 0x76,
    			PathMissionIncrement = 0x77,
    			GrantLevelScaledXP = 0x78,
    			DelayDeath = 0x79,
    			GrantLevelScaledPrestige = 0x7A,
    			UnlockPetFlair = 0x7B,
    			WarplotPlugUpgrade = 0x7C,
    			UnlockMount = 0x7D,
    			SetMatchingEligibility = 0x7E,
    			UnlockInlaidAugment = 0x7F,
    			GiveAugmentPowerToPlayer = 0x80,
    			TemporarilyUnflagPvp = 0x81,
    			SupportStuck = 0x82,
    			MiniMapIcon = 0x83,
    			Disembark = 0x84,
    			ChangePlane = 0x85,
    	namespace SpellTag
    		enum SpellTag
    			Assault = 0x1,
    			Support = 0x2,
    			Path = 0x3,
    			Misc = 0x4,
    			Mount = 0x5,
    			DoesNotUseSpecIndex = 0x6,
    			Utility = 0x7,
    	namespace ReagentType
    		enum ReagentType
    			Item = 0,
    	namespace CastMethod
    		enum CastMethod
    			Normal = 0,
    	namespace School
    		enum School
    			Spell = 0,
    	namespace Comparison
    		enum Comparison
    			Equals = 0,
    	namespace AOESelectionType
    		enum SelectionType
    			None = 0,
    	namespace SpellClass
    		enum SpellClass
    			BuffNonDispelRightClickOk = 0x0E,
    			BuffDispellable = 0x24,
    			BuffNonDispellable = 0x25,
    			DebuffDispellable = 0x26,
    			DebuffNonDispellable = 0x27,
    	namespace MessageType
    		enum MessageType
    			General = 0x0,
    			Experience = 0x1,
    			QuestUpdate = 0x2,
    			LocationChange = 0x3,
    			Combat_Damage_Done = 0x4,
    			Combat_Damage_Done_Critical = 0x5,
    			Combat_Damage_Taken = 0x6,
    			Combat_Damage_Taken_Critical = 0x7,
    			Combat_Healing_Done = 0x8,
    			Combat_Healing_Done_Critical = 0x9,
    			Combat_Healing_Taken = 0x0A,
    			Combat_Healing_Taken_Critical = 0x0B,
    			Combat_Block_Taken = 0x0C,
    			Combat_Block_Done = 0x0D,
    			Combat_Parry_Taken = 0x0E,
    			Combat_Parry_Done = 0x0F,
    			Combat_Dodge_Taken = 0x10,
    			Combat_Dodge_Done = 0x11,
    			Combat_NoEffect_Taken = 0x12,
    			Combat_NoEffect_Done = 0x13,
    			Combat_Shallow_Taken = 0x14,
    			Combat_Shallow_Done = 0x15,
    			Combat_Falling_Damage_Done = 0x16,
    			Combat_Death = 0x17,
    			Error = 0x18,
    			SpellFailure = 0x19,
    			UNUSED00 = 0x1A,
    			UNUSED01 = 0x1B,
    			Faction = 0x1C,
    			LootBase = 0x1D,
    			LootAverage = 0x1E,
    			LootGood = 0x1F,
    			LootExcellent = 0x20,
    			LootSuperb = 0x21,
    			UNUSED04 = 0x22,
    			UNUSED03 = 0x23,
    			LootArtifact = 0x24,
    			LootLegendary = 0x25,
    			LootQuestActivation = 0x26,
    			Achievement = 0x27,
    			Experience_KillCreature = 0x28,
    			Experience_ClusterBonus = 0x29,
    			Experience_Quest = 0x2A,
    			Absorption_Taken = 0x2B,
    			Absorption_Done = 0x2C,
    			Transference_Taken = 0x2D,
    			Transference_Done = 0x2E,
    			SpellFailure_Long = 0x2F,
    			SpellFailure_Medium = 0x30,
    			SpellFailure_Short = 0x31,
    			SpellFailure_Target_Head = 0x32,
    			SpellFailure_Target_Feet = 0x33,
    			Special_Done = 0x34,
    			Special_Taken = 0x35,
    			UNUSED02 = 0x36,
    			PlayerPath = 0x37,
    			KillPerformanceReward = 0x38,
    			MultiKillReward = 0x39,
    			KillingSpreeReward = 0x3A,
    			LootInferior = 0x3B,
    			TelegraphEvadeReward = 0x3C,
    			TelegraphInterruptReward = 0x3D,
    			RestedReward = 0x3E,
    	namespace DisplayMode
    		enum DisplayMode
    			SuperPanning = 1,
    	namespace AuctionRemaining
    		enum AuctionRemaining
    			Expiring = 0x0,
    			LessThanHour = 0x1,
    			Short = 0x2,
    			Long = 0x3,
    			Very_Long = 0x4,
    	namespace DecorHookType
    		enum DecorHookType
    			Roof = 1,
    			Entryway = 2,
    			Door = 3,
    			Wallpaper = 4,
    			FreePlace = 5,
    			WarplotFreePlace = 6,
    			DefaultHook = 7,
    			Crate = 8,
    			Landscape = 9,
    			Mannequin = 10,
    	namespace HousingUpkeepType
    		enum HousingUpkeepType
    			Permanent = 0,
    	namespace NeighborPermissionLevel
    		enum NeighborPermissionLevel
    			Normal = 0,
    	namespace ResidencePrivileges
    		enum ResidencePrivileges
    			None = 0,
    	namespace ResidencePrivacyLevel
    		enum ResidencePrivacyLevel
    			Public = 0,
    	namespace DecorCategoryLimit
    		enum DecorCategoryLimit
    			Mannequin = 1,
    	namespace ResidenceCustomizationMode
    		enum ResidenceCustomizationMode
    			Advanced = 3,
    	namespace RemodelOptionTypeInterior
    		enum RemodelOptionTypeInterior
    			Wallpaper = 1,
    	namespace RemodelOptionTypeExterior
    		enum RemodelOptionTypeExterior
    			Roof = 1,
    	namespace HousingPlugFacing
    		enum HousingPlugFacing
    			North = 0,
    	namespace Tradeskill
    		enum Tradeskill
    			Weaponsmith = 0x1,
    			Cooking = 0x2,
    			Armorer = 0x0C,
    			Mining = 0x0D,
    			Outfitter = 0x0E,
    			Survivalist = 0x0F,
    			Augmentor = 0x10,
    			Architect = 0x11,
    			Relic_Hunter = 0x12,
    			Fishing = 0x13,
    			Farmer = 0x14,
    			Tailor = 0x15,
    			Runecrafting = 0x16,
    	namespace TradeskillTier
    		enum TradeskillTier
    			Zero = 0x0,
    			Novice = 0x1,
    			Apprentice = 0x2,
    			Journeyman = 0x3,
    			Artisan = 0x4,
    			Expert = 0x5,
    			Master = 0x6,
    			GrandMaster = 0x7,
    	namespace CraftingDirection
    		enum CraftingDirection
    			None = 0x0,
    			N = 0x1,
    			NE = 0x2,
    			E = 0x3,
    			SE = 0x4,
    			S = 0x5,
    			SW = 0x6,
    			W = 0x7,
    			NW = 0x8,
    	namespace CraftingDiscoveryHotCold
    		enum CraftingDiscoveryHotCold
    			Cold = 0,
    			Warm = 1,
    			Hot = 2,
    			Success = 3
    	namespace TradeskillResult
    		enum TradeskillResult
    			Success = 0,
    			InsufficentFund = 1,
    			InvalidItem = 2,
    			InvalidSlot = 3,
    			MissingEngravingStation = 4,
    			Unlocked = 5,
    			UnknownError = 6,
    			GlyphExists = 7,
    			MissingGlyph = 8,
    			DuplicateGlyph = 9,
    			AttemptFailed = 10,
    			GlyphSlotLimit = 11,
    	namespace SurveyType
    		enum SurveyType
    			General = 0,
    			Quest = 1,
    			PathMission = 2,
    			Challenge = 3,
    	namespace MapOverlayType
    		enum MapOverlayType
    			Unit = 0,
    			Object = 1,
    			PathObjective = 2,
    			QuestObjective = 3,
    	namespace AddonSaveLevel
    		enum AddonSaveLevel
    			General = 1,
    			Account = 2,
    			Realm = 3,
    			Character = 4,
    	namespace InputDevice
    		enum InputDevice
    			None = 0,
    			Keyboard = 1,
    			Mouse = 2,
    	namespace InputEventType
    		enum InputEventType
    			Raw = 0,
    			Click = 1,
    			Hold = 2,
    			DoubleClick = 3,
    			DoubleHold = 4,
    			Rapid = 5,
    	namespace InputMouse
    		enum InputMouse
    			Left = 0,
    			Right = 1,
    			Middle = 2,
    			X1 = 3,
    			X2 = 4,
    			WheelUp = 5,
    			WheelDown = 6,
    	namespace InputModifier
    		enum InputModifier
    			Shift = 1,
    			Control = 2,
    			Alt = 4,
    	namespace ModifierScancode
    		enum ModifierScancode
    			LeftShift = 42,
    			LeftCtrl = 29,
    			LeftAlt = 56,
    			RightShift = 54,
    			RightCtrl = 285,
    			RightAlt = 312,
    	namespace InputSets
    		enum InputSets
    			Default1 = 0,
    			Default2 = 1,
    			Default3 = 2,
    			Account = 3,
    			Character = 4,
    			Count = 6,
    	namespace InputAction
    		enum InputAction
    			Nothing = 0x1,
    			Options = 0x2,
    			CharacterPanel = 0x3,
    			Inventory = 0x4,
    			QuestLog = 0x5,
    			Communicator = 0x6,
    			Escape = 0x7,
    			Shift = 0x8,
    			Control = 0x9,
    			Select = 0x0A,
    			MouseInteract = 0x0B,
    			Interact = 0x0C,
    			HostileInteract = 0x0D,
    			TargetSelf = 0x0E,
    			TargetParty1 = 0x0F,
    			TargetParty2 = 0x10,
    			TargetParty3 = 0x11,
    			TargetParty4 = 0x12,
    			TargetNextEnemy = 0x13,
    			TargetPreviousEnemy = 0x14,
    			TargetNextFriend = 0x15,
    			TargetPreviousFriend = 0x16,
    			AssistTarget = 0x17,
    			MoveForward = 0x18,
    			MoveBackward = 0x19,
    			StrafeLeft = 0x1A,
    			StrafeRight = 0x1B,
    			TurnLeft = 0x1C,
    			TurnRight = 0x1D,
    			PitchUp = 0x1E,
    			PitchDown = 0x1F,
    			MouseTurn = 0x20,
    			SprintModifier = 0x21,
    			VacuumLoot = 0x22,
    			PathAction = 0x23,
    			Jump = 0x24,
    			Dismount = 0x25,
    			ToggleSit = 0x26,
    			ToggleWalk = 0x27,
    			ToggleAutoRun = 0x28,
    			CameraUp = 0x29,
    			CameraDown = 0x2A,
    			CameraLeft = 0x2B,
    			CameraRight = 0x2C,
    			CameraIn = 0x2D,
    			CameraOut = 0x2E,
    			MouseLook = 0x2F,
    			CastObjectiveAbility = 0x30,
    			LimitedActionSet1 = 0x31,
    			LimitedActionSet2 = 0x32,
    			LimitedActionSet3 = 0x33,
    			LimitedActionSet4 = 0x34,
    			LimitedActionSet5 = 0x35,
    			LimitedActionSet6 = 0x36,
    			LimitedActionSet7 = 0x37,
    			LimitedActionSet8 = 0x38,
    			CastGadgetAbility = 0x39,
    			CastPathAbility = 0x3A,
    			ActionBar0_Unused1 = 0x3B,
    			ActionBar0_Unused2 = 0x3C,
    			ActionBar1_Slot1 = 0x3D,
    			ActionBar1_Slot2 = 0x3E,
    			ActionBar1_Slot3 = 0x3F,
    			ActionBar1_Slot4 = 0x40,
    			ActionBar1_Slot5 = 0x41,
    			ActionBar1_Slot6 = 0x42,
    			ActionBar1_Slot7 = 0x43,
    			ActionBar1_Slot8 = 0x44,
    			ActionBar1_Slot9 = 0x45,
    			ActionBar1_Slot10 = 0x46,
    			ActionBar1_Slot11 = 0x47,
    			ActionBar1_Slot12 = 0x48,
    			ActionBar2_Slot1 = 0x49,
    			ActionBar2_Slot2 = 0x4A,
    			ActionBar2_Slot3 = 0x4B,
    			ActionBar2_Slot4 = 0x4C,
    			ActionBar2_Slot5 = 0x4D,
    			ActionBar2_Slot6 = 0x4E,
    			ActionBar2_Slot7 = 0x4F,
    			ActionBar2_Slot8 = 0x50,
    			ActionBar2_Slot9 = 0x51,
    			ActionBar2_Slot10 = 0x52,
    			ActionBar2_Slot11 = 0x53,
    			ActionBar2_Slot12 = 0x54,
    			ActionBar3_Slot1 = 0x55,
    			ActionBar3_Slot2 = 0x56,
    			ActionBar3_Slot3 = 0x57,
    			ActionBar3_Slot4 = 0x58,
    			ActionBar3_Slot5 = 0x59,
    			ActionBar3_Slot6 = 0x5A,
    			ActionBar3_Slot7 = 0x5B,
    			ActionBar3_Slot8 = 0x5C,
    			ActionBar3_Slot9 = 0x5D,
    			ActionBar3_Slot10 = 0x5E,
    			ActionBar3_Slot11 = 0x5F,
    			ActionBar3_Slot12 = 0x60,
    			Unused1 = 0x61,
    			Unused2 = 0x62,
    			Unused3 = 0x63,
    			Unused4 = 0x64,
    			Unused5 = 0x65,
    			Unused6 = 0x66,
    			SetStance1 = 0x67,
    			SetStance2 = 0x68,
    			SetStance3 = 0x69,
    			Unused7 = 0x6A,
    			Unused20 = 0x6B,
    			Unused11 = 0x6C,
    			ToggleInterface = 0x6D,
    			ToggleFramerate = 0x6E,
    			Unused21 = 0x6F,
    			Unused23 = 0x70,
    			Unused22 = 0x71,
    			WorldMap = 0x72,
    			LimitedActionSetBuilder = 0x73,
    			Unused8 = 0x74,
    			Unused9 = 0x75,
    			ExplicitMouseLook = 0x76,
    			ToggleWeapons = 0x77,
    			LeftMouseHold = 0x78,
    			RightMouseHold = 0x79,
    			CenterMouseHold = 0x7A,
    			CastInnateAbility = 0x7B,
    			MarkingMenuLeftClick = 0x7C,
    			MarkingMenuLeftHold = 0x7D,
    			MarkingMenuRightClick = 0x7E,
    			MarkingMenuRightHold = 0x7F,
    			HUDShowQuests = 0x80,
    			ToggleCameraAngle = 0x81,
    			ToggleScannerBot = 0x82,
    			Codex = 0x83,
    			PathAction2 = 0x85,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot1 = 0x86,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot2 = 0x87,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot3 = 0x88,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot4 = 0x89,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot5 = 0x8A,
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot6 = 0x8B,
    			ScaleRampedMotion = 0x92,
    			ScaleRampedRotation = 0x93,
    			BrakeRampedMotion = 0x94,
    			BrakeRampedRotation = 0x95,
    			MoveDown = 0x96,
    			GroupFinder = 0x97,
    			CastMiscSpell = 0x98,
    			SetTargetMark1 = 0x9A,
    			SetTargetMark2 = 0x9B,
    			SetTargetMark3 = 0x9C,
    			SetTargetMark4 = 0x9D,
    			SetTargetMark5 = 0x9E,
    			SetTargetMark6 = 0x9F,
    			SetTargetMark7 = 0x0A0,
    			SetTargetMark8 = 0x0A1,
    			DashForward = 0x0A2,
    			DashBackward = 0x0A3,
    			DashLeft = 0x0A4,
    			DashRight = 0x0A5,
    			Unused12 = 0x0A6,
    			Unused13 = 0x0A7,
    			ChatReply = 0x0A8,
    			ChatReWhisper = 0x0A9,
    			Unused14 = 0x0AA,
    			Unused15 = 0x0AB,
    			Unused16 = 0x0AC,
    			Unused17 = 0x0AD,
    			Unused18 = 0x0AE,
    			Unused19 = 0x0AF,
    			TargetNearestEnemy = 0x0B0,
    			TargetNearestFriend = 0x0B1,
    			Achievements = 0x0B2,
    			AuctionListings = 0x0B3,
    			Challenges = 0x0B4,
    			Unused10 = 0x0B5,
    			FriendsList = 0x0B6,
    			Lore = 0x0B7,
    			Mail = 0x0B8,
    			Path = 0x0B9,
    			Reputation = 0x0BA,
    			Social = 0x0BB,
    			Tradeskills = 0x0BC,
    			DirectionalDash = 0x0BD,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot1 = 0x0BE,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot2 = 0x0BF,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot3 = 0x0C0,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot4 = 0x0C1,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot5 = 0x0C2,
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot6 = 0x0C3,
    			GhostModeMap = 0x0C4,
    	namespace DamageType
    		enum DamageType
    			Physical = 0,
    			Tech = 1,
    			Magic = 2,
    			Heal = 3,
    			HealShields = 4,
    			Fall = 5,
    			Suffocate = 6,
    	namespace MissType
    		enum MissType
    			Dodge = 0
    	namespace CombatResult
    		enum CombatResult
    			Avoid = 0,
    			Critical = 1,
    			Hit = 2,
    			NeedsTelegraphEvaluation = 3,
    			OutsideTelegraph = 4,
    			OutsideTelegraphInvalid = 5,
    			InsideTelegraph = 6,
    			NeedsHitResultCalc = 7,
    	namespace Vital
    		enum Vital
    			Invalid = 0x0,
    			Health = 0x1,
    			Breath = 0x2,
    			ShieldCapacity = 0x3,
    			KineticCell = 0x4,
    			Resource0 = 0x5,
    			Resource1 = 0x6,
    			Resource2 = 0x7,
    			Resource3 = 0x8,
    			Resource4 = 0x9,
    			Resource5 = 0x0A,
    			Resource6 = 0x0B,
    			StalkerA = 0x0C,
    			StalkerB = 0x0D,
    			StalkerC = 0x0E,
    			Mana = 0x0F,
    			Resource7 = 0x10,
    			MedicCore = 0x12,
    			SpellSurge = 0x13,
    			InterruptArmor = 0x14,
    			Absorption = 0x15,
    			PublicResource0 = 0x16,
    			PublicResource1 = 0x17,
    			PublicResource2 = 0x18,
    			Volatility = 0x1A,
    	namespace StoryPanel
    		enum StoryPanel
    			Default = 0x1,
    			Low = 0x2,
    			Center = 0x3,
    			FullScreen = 0x4,
    			Whiteout = 0x5,
    			Urgent = 0x6,
    			FullScreenBlackNoFlash = 0x7,
    			Informational = 0x8,
    	namespace StoryPanelStyle
    		enum StoryPanelStyle
    			Default = 0x0,
    			Paper = 0x1,
    			Electronic = 0x2,
    			Eldan = 0x3,
    			Arcane = 0x4,
    			Natural = 0x5,
    			Exile = 0x6,
    			Dominion = 0x7,
    	namespace Tutorial
    		enum Tutorial
    			Crafting_UI_Tutorial = 0x17,
    			Special_Ability_Chips = 0x1A,
    			Tradeskill_Codex_Tutorial = 0x1C,
    			Crafting_Components_Tutorial = 0x1D,
    			Crafting_Station_Tutorial = 0x1E,
    			Basic_Salvaging_Tutorial = 0x38,
    			QuestCommunicatorGiven = 0x3E,
    			QuestAccepted = 0x3F,
    			QuestAchieved = 0x40,
    			QuestBotched = 0x41,
    			QuestCommunicatorReceived = 0x42,
    			ChallengeUnlocked = 0x44,
    			ChallengeCompleted = 0x46,
    			ChallengeRewardPanel = 0x47,
    			AchievementCompleted = 0x48,
    			Telegraphs = 0x49,
    			NewBindpoint = 0x4A,
    			Path_MissionComplete = 0x4B,
    			Path_EpisodeComplete = 0x4C,
    			Soldier_MissionUnlock = 0x4E,
    			Soldier_TowerDefense = 0x52,
    			Soldier_Assassinate = 0x53,
    			Soldier_SWAT = 0x54,
    			Soldier_Demolition = 0x55,
    			Soldier_Rescue = 0x56,
    			Explorer_MissionUnlock = 0x57,
    			Explorer_Vista = 0x58,
    			Explorer_ClaimTerritory = 0x59,
    			Explorer_Door = 0x5A,
    			Explorer_ScavengerHunt = 0x5B,
    			Explorer_PowerMap = 0x5C,
    			Scientist_FieldStudy = 0x5E,
    			Settler_MissionUnlock = 0x5F,
    			Settler_Infrastructure = 0x61,
    			Settler_DepotActivate = 0x62,
    			Codex = 0x63,
    			CharacterPanel = 0x64,
    			AbilityWindow = 0x66,
    			Death = 0x67,
    			Hazards = 0x6A,
    			PublicEventStart = 0x6C,
    			GalacticArchive_NewEntry = 0x6F,
    			Soldier_StopTheThieves = 0x72,
    			Soldier_WhackAMole = 0x73,
    			Farmer_Powershrooms = 0x74,
    			General_Quest_SpellShortcut = 0x7E,
    			CoordinateCrafting = 0x81,
    			CombatBuff = 0x84,
    			General_Social = 0x8A,
    			QuestCommunicatorMissed = 0x92,
    			MailMenu = 0x9C,
    			CSI_PressAndHold = 0x0A4,
    			CSI_RapidTapping = 0x0A5,
    			CSI_PrecisionTapping = 0x0A6,
    			CSI_Memory = 0x0A7,
    			CSI_KeyPad = 0x0A8,
    			CSI_Metronome = 0x0A9,
    			QuestCommunicatorDeclined = 0x0B1,
    			General_Lore = 0x0B8,
    			GroupFinderMenu = 0x0BF,
    			Renown = 0x0C2,
    			AMPs = 0x0C3,
    			Reputation = 0x0C4,
    			Housing_Landscape = 0x0F9,
    			Housing_House = 0x0FA,
    			Housing_Crate = 0x0FB,
    			Housing_Vendor = 0x0FC,
    			Housing_Room = 0x0FD,
    	namespace TutorialCategory
    		enum TutorialCategory
    			General = 0x0,
    			Beginner = 0x1,
    			Combat = 0x2,
    			PVP = 0x3,
    			Housing = 0x4,
    			Challenges = 0x5,
    			PublicEvents = 0x6,
    			Adventures = 0x7,
    			Path_Soldier = 0x8,
    			Path_Settler = 0x9,
    			Path_Scientist = 0x0A,
    			Path_Explorer = 0x0B,
    			Class_Warrior = 0x0C,
    			Class_Esper = 0x0D,
    			Class_Spellslinger = 0x0E,
    			Class_Stalker = 0x0F,
    			Class_Medic = 0x10,
    			Class_Engineer = 0x11,
    			Class_Charmer = 0x12,
    			Tradeskill_Outfitter = 0x13,
    			Tradeskill_Tailor = 0x14,
    			Tradeskill_Architect = 0x15,
    			Tradeskill_Miner = 0x16,
    			Tradeskill_Augmentor = 0x17,
    			Tradeskill_Survivalist = 0x18,
    			Tradeskill_Farmer = 0x19,
    			Tradeskill_Weaponsmith = 0x1A,
    			Tradeskill_Armorer = 0x1B,
    	namespace TutorialAnchor
    		enum TutorialAnchor
    			None = 0x0,
    			Codex = 0x1,
    			Abilities = 0x2,
    			Character = 0x3,
    			Mail = 0x4,
    			GalacticArchive = 0x5,
    			Social = 0x6,
    			GroupFinder = 0x7,
    			Challenge = 0x8,
    			Datachron = 0x9,
    			Inventory = 0x0A,
    			AbilityBar = 0x0B,
    			MiniMap = 0x0C,
    			QuestTracker = 0x0D,
    			HUDAlert = 0x0E,
    			PressAndHold = 0x0F,
    			RapidTapping = 0x10,
    			PrecisionTapping = 0x11,
    			Memory = 0x13,
    			Keypad = 0x14,
    			Metronome = 0x15,
    			ShieldBar = 0x16,
    			InnateAbility = 0x17,
    			DashMeter = 0x18,
    			SprintMeter = 0x19,
    			HealthBar = 0x1A,
    			BuffFrame = 0x1B,
    			ClassResource = 0x1C,
    			QuestCommunicatorReceived = 0x1D,
    			DatachronBody = 0x1E,
    			Recall = 0x1F,
    	namespace RecallCommand
    		enum RecallCommand
    			BindPoint = 18,
    			House = 19,
    			Warplot = 21
    	//unchecked (need more work i guess)
    	namespace PetStance
    		v120 = 0;
    		while ( !((1 << v120) & 2) )
    		if ( v120 >= 5 )
    		v120 = 0;
    		enum PetStance
    	namespace UserText
    		enum UserText
    			CharacterName = 0,
    			ScientistScanbotName = 1,
    			GuildName = 2,
    			GuildRankName = 4,
    			GuildBankTabName = 5,
    			HousingResidenceName = 6,
    			Chat = 7,
    			MailSubject = 8,
    			MailBody = 9,
    			ChatCustomChannelName = 10,
    			ReadyCheck = 11,
    			FriendshipNote = 12,
    			ChatCustomChannelPassword = 13,
    			GuildMessageOfTheDay = 14,
    			GuildMemberNote = 15,
    			GuildRercuitDescription = 16,
    			GuildInfoMessage = 17,
    			FriendshipAccountName = 18,
    			FriendshipAccountPrivateNote = 19,
    			FriendshipAccountPublicNote = 20,
    			FriendshipAccountEmail = 21,
    			FriendshipInviteNote = 22,
    	namespace UserTextFilterClass
    		enum UserTextFilterClass
    			Strict = 0,
    			Standard = 1,
    			Low = 2,
    	namespace GenericError
    		enum GenericError
    			Ok = 0x0,
    			Params = 0x1,
    			PlayerBusy = 0x2,
    			UnknownTargetUnit = 0x3,
    			TargetFaction = 0x4,
    			DbFailure = 0x5,
    			Item_BadId = 0x6,
    			Reserved02 = 0x7,
    			Reserved03 = 0x8,
    			Reserved04 = 0x9,
    			Vendor_StackSize = 0x0B,
    			Vendor_SoldOut = 0x0D,
    			Vendor_UnknownItem = 0x0E,
    			Vendor_FailedPreReq = 0x0F,
    			Vendor_NotAVendor = 0x10,
    			Vendor_TooFar = 0x11,
    			Vendor_BadItemRec = 0x12,
    			Vendor_NotEnoughToFillQuantity = 0x13,
    			Vendor_NotEnoughCash = 0x14,
    			Vendor_UniqueConstraint = 0x15,
    			Vendor_ItemLocked = 0x16,
    			Vendor_IWontBuyThat = 0x17,
    			Vendor_NoQuantity = 0x18,
    			Vendor_BagIsNotEmpty = 0x19,
    			Item_OverFlowChestCreated = 0x1A,
    			Item_InventoryFull = 0x1B,
    			Item_UnknownItem = 0x1C,
    			Item_QuestViolation = 0x1D,
    			Item_Unique = 0x1E,
    			Item_NotValidforSlot = 0x1F,
    			Item_Locked = 0x20,
    			Item_AlreadyEquipped = 0x21,
    			Item_NotEquipped = 0x22,
    			Item_BagMustBeEmpty = 0x23,
    			Item_CannotFindBag = 0x24,
    			Item_BagToSmall = 0x25,
    			Item_CantPutBagInItself = 0x26,
    			Item_WrongRace = 0x27,
    			Item_WrongClass = 0x28,
    			Item_FailedProficiency = 0x29,
    			Item_LevelToLow = 0x2A,
    			Embark_PlayerAlreadyinSeat = 0x2B,
    			Embark_PlayerUnableToEmbark = 0x2C,
    			Embark_InvalidVehicleUnit = 0x2D,
    			Embark_NoSplineForTaxi = 0x2E,
    			Embark_VehicleIsBroken = 0x2F,
    			Embark_InvalidSeat = 0x30,
    			Embark_SeatTaken = 0x31,
    			Embark_SeatEmpty = 0x32,
    			Embark_NotInRange = 0x33,
    			Embark_CannotDoWhileOnTaxi = 0x34,
    			Mail_CannotFindPlayer = 0x35,
    			Mail_FailedToCreate = 0x36,
    			Vendor_CuratorOnlyBuysRelics = 0x37,
    			Vendor_CannotBuyRelics = 0x38,
    			Player_CantDoWhileDead = 0x39,
    			Vendor_NoBuyer = 0x3A,
    			Vendor_NoVendor = 0x3B,
    			Vendor_Buyer_NoActionCC = 0x3C,
    			Vendor_Vendor_NoActionCC = 0x3D,
    			Vendor_Vendor_Disposition = 0x3E,
    			Player_CannotWhileInCombat = 0x3F,
    			Mail_Busy = 0x40,
    			Mail_MailBoxOutOfRange = 0x41,
    			Mail_NoAttachment = 0x42,
    			Mail_InsufficientFunds = 0x43,
    			Mail_InvalidInventorySlot = 0x44,
    			Mail_UniqueExists = 0x45,
    			Mail_CannotDelete = 0x46,
    			Mail_DoesNotExist = 0x47,
    			Item_CannotBeSalvaged = 0x48,
    			Conversion_BadConversionRec = 0x49,
    			Conversion_CannotRemoveSource = 0x4A,
    			Conversion_CannotAddTarget = 0x4B,
    			Faction_NotEnoughRep = 0x4C,
    			Item_NoItems = 0x4D,
    			Craft_TierTooLow = 0x4E,
    			Craft_MissingMaterials = 0x4F,
    			Craft_IncompleteCircuit = 0x50,
    			Craft_SocketNotModdable = 0x51,
    			Craft_DuplicateChip = 0x52,
    			DisEmbark_PlayerNotInWorld = 0x53,
    			Item_NeedsRepair = 0x54,
    			Craft_TooManyAdditives = 0x55,
    			Item_SlotDisabled = 0x56,
    			Matching_NoRoleSelected = 0x57,
    			Instance_NotFound = 0x58,
    			Auction_NotReady = 0x59,
    			Auction_CannotFillOrder = 0x5A,
    			Mail_CannotTransferItem = 0x5B,
    			Mail_InvalidText = 0x5C,
    			Mail_CanNotHaveCoDAndGift = 0x5D,
    			Auction_TooManyOrders = 0x5E,
    			Auction_OrderTooBig = 0x5F,
    			Auction_NotFound = 0x60,
    			Auction_BidTooLow = 0x61,
    			Auction_OwnItem = 0x62,
    			Auction_BidTooHigh = 0x63,
    			Auction_AlreadyHasBid = 0x64,
    			Mail_InvalidDeliverySpeed = 0x65,
    			Housing_InvalidDecorPlacement = 0x67,
    			Instance_LimitExceeded = 0x6E,
    			Craft_UnknownSchematic = 0x6F,
    			Craft_MicrochipInvalidSocket = 0x70,
    			Craft_MicrochipInvalidSlot = 0x71,
    			Craft_FailChanceTooHigh = 0x72,
    			Instance_EncounterInProgress = 0x73,
    			Instance_Full = 0x74,
    			Housing_CrateFull = 0x75,
    			TargetBusy = 0x76,
    			Mail_CannotReturn = 0x77,
    			Mail_CannotMailSelf = 0x78,
    			Faction_AtMax = 0x79,
    			Housing_MaxDecor = 0x7A,
    			Auction_ItemAuctionDisabled = 0x7B,
    			Auction_CommodityDisabled = 0x7C,
    	namespace ExitEvent
    		enum ExitEvent
    			None = 0,
    	namespace DuelState
    		enum DuelState
    			None = 0,
    			Pending = 2,
    			WaitingToAccept = 1,
    			Dueling = 3
    	namespace ZonePvpRules
    		enum ZonePvpRules
    			None = 0,
    			ExileStronghold = 1,
    			DominionStronghold = 2,
    			Sanctuary = 3,
    			Pvp = 4,
    			ExilePVPStronghold = 5,
    			DominionPVPStronghold = 6,
    	namespace EquippedItems
    		enum EquippedItems
    			Chest = 0,
    			Legs = 1,
    			Head = 2,
    			Shoulder = 3,
    			Feet = 4,
    			Hands = 5,
    			WeaponTool = 6,
    			WeaponAttachment = 7,
    			System = 8,
    			Augment = 9,
    			Implant = 10,
    			Gadget = 11,
    			Shields = 15,
    			WeaponPrimary = 16,
    			Bag0 = 17,
    			Bag1 = 18,
    			Bag2 = 19,
    			Bag3 = 20,
    			BankBag0 = 21,
    			BankBag1 = 22,
    			BankBag2 = 23,
    			BankBag3 = 24,
    			BankBag4 = 25
    	namespace ItemSlots
    		enum ItemSlots
    			Chest = 1,
    			Legs = 2,
    			Head = 3,
    			Shoulder = 4,
    			Feet = 5,
    			Hands = 6,
    			Tool = 7,
    			Weapon = 20,
    			Shields = 43,
    			Gadget = 46,
    			Attachment = 57,
    			System = 58,
    			Augment = 59,
    			Implant = 60,
    	namespace ZoneCompletionType
    		enum ZoneCompletionType
    			EpisodeQuest = 0,
    			TaskQuest = 1,
    			Challenge = 2,
    			TaxiNode = 3,
    			Datacube = 4,
    			Tale = 5,
    			Journal = 6,
    	namespace CityDirectionType
    		enum CityDirectionType
    			Mailbox = 1,
    			Bank = 2,
    			AuctionHouse = 3,
    			CommodityMarket = 4,
    			AbilityVendor = 5,
    			Tradeskill = 6,
    			General = 7,
    			HousingNpc = 8,
    			Transport = 9,
    	namespace SupportStuckAction
    		enum SupportStuckAction
    			RecallBind = 0x1,
    			RecallHouse = 0x2,
    			RecallDeath = 0x3,
    	namespace LevelUpUnlock
    		enum LevelUpUnlock
    			WorldMapDungeon_Stormtalon = 0x1,
    			WorldMapDungeon_KelVoreth = 0x2,
    			WorldMapDungeon_Skullcano = 0x3,
    			WorldMapDungeon_SwordMaiden = 0x4,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Algoroc = 0x0B,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Celestion = 0x0C,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Deradune = 0x0D,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Ellevar = 0x0E,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Galeras = 0x0F,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Auroria = 0x10,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Whitevale = 0x11,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Farside = 0x12,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Wilderrun = 0x13,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Malgrave = 0x14,
    			WorldMapNewZone_Grimvault = 0x15,
    			WorldMapNewZone_NorthernWilds = 0x16,
    			WorldMapNewZone_EverstarGrove = 0x17,
    			WorldMapNewZone_CrimsonIsle = 0x18,
    			WorldMapNewZone_LevianBay = 0x19,
    			Builder_AMPSystem = 0x1A,
    			Builder_TierPointSystem = 0x1B,
    			Builder_LASSlot2 = 0x1C,
    			Builder_LASSlot3 = 0x1D,
    			Builder_LASSlot4 = 0x1E,
    			Builder_LASSlot5 = 0x1F,
    			Builder_LASSlot6 = 0x20,
    			Builder_LASSlot7 = 0x21,
    			Builder_LASSlot8 = 0x22,
    			Builder_AMPPoint = 0x24,
    			Character_GearSlot_Shield = 0x65,
    			Character_GearSlot_Gloves = 0x66,
    			Character_GearSlot_WeaponAttachment = 0x67,
    			Character_GearSlot_SupportSystem = 0x68,
    			Character_GearSlot_Shoulders = 0x69,
    			Character_GearSlot_Gadgets = 0x6A,
    			Character_GearSlot_Implants = 0x6B,
    			Character_GearSlot_Helm = 0x6C,
    			Character_GearSlot_RaidKey = 0x6D,
    			GroupFinder_General = 0x6E,
    			GroupFinder_Arenas = 0x6F,
    			GroupFinder_Warplots = 0x70,
    			WorldMapAdventure_Hycrest = 0x74,
    			WorldMapAdventure_Astrovoid = 0x75,
    			WorldMapAdventure_NorthernWilds = 0x76,
    			WorldMapAdventure_Malgrave = 0x77,
    			GroupFinder_Dungeons = 0x78,
    			GroupFinder_Adventures = 0x79,
    			Inventory_Salvage = 0x7F,
    			Customization_Mount = 0x87,
    			Customization_Scanbot = 0x88,
    			WorldMapAdventure_Whitevale = 0x8A,
    			Character_CostumeSystem = 0x8E,
    			Character_CostumeSlot2 = 0x8F,
    			Character_CostumeSlot3 = 0x90,
    			Character_CostumeSlot4 = 0x91,
    			Character_CostumeSlot5 = 0x92,
    			Character_CostumeSlot6 = 0x93,
    			WorldMapCapital_Thayd = 0x0A1,
    			WorldMapCapital_Illium = 0x0A2,
    			Builder_AbilityTier2 = 0x0A5,
    			Builder_AbilityTier3 = 0x0A6,
    			Builder_AbilityTier4 = 0x0A7,
    			Builder_AbilityTier5 = 0x0A8,
    			WorldMapAdventure_Galeras = 0x0A9,
    			Builder_NewTierPoint = 0x0AA,
    			Builder_AbilityTier6 = 0x0AB,
    			Builder_AbilityTier7 = 0x0AC,
    			Builder_AbilityTier8 = 0x0AD,
    	namespace LevelUpUnlockSystem
    		enum LevelUpUnlockSystem
    			Level = 0x0,
    			Path = 0x1,
    	namespace LevelUpUnlockType
    		enum LevelUpUnlockType
    			Dungeon_New = 0x1,
    			Adventure_New = 0x2,
    			Content_Zone = 0x3,
    			Content_Feature = 0x14,
    			Class_Feature = 0x15,
    			Class_Ability = 0x16,
    			Class_LAS_Slot = 0x17,
    			Class_Improvement = 0x18,
    			PvP_Feature = 0x19,
    			PvP_Battleground = 0x1A,
    			Social_Feature = 0x1B,
    			General_Feature = 0x1C,
    			Gear_Slot = 0x1D,
    			Raid_20 = 0x1E,
    			Raid_40 = 0x1F,
    			General_Expanded_Feature = 0x20,
    			Content_Capital = 0x21,
    			Class_Tier = 0x22,
    			Path_Item = 0x24,
    			Path_Spell = 0x25,
    			Path_Title = 0x26,
    			Path_Quest = 0x27,
    			Path_ScanBot = 0x28,
    			Class_Attribute = 0x29,
    	namespace ConfirmButtonType
    		enum ConfirmButtonType
    			SendMail = 1,
    			CommitTrade = 2,
    			DeleteItem = 3,
    			SalvageItem = 4,
    	namespace GuildHolomark
    		enum GuildHolomark
    			Left = 0,
    			Right = 1,
    			Back = 2,
    	namespace DuelStateDuelState
    		enum DuelStateDuelState
    			None = 0x0,
    			WaitingToAccept = 0x1,
    			Pending = 0x2,
    			Dueling = 0x3,
    	namespace SharedChallengePreference
    		enum SharedChallengePreference
    			AutoAccept = 0x0,
    			Prompt = 0x1,
    			AutoReject = 0x2,
    	namespace MapZone
    		enum MapZone
    			//cant dump directly
    	namespace SpecConstant
    		enum SpecConstant
    			MaxNumSpecs = 4,
    	namespace SpecError
    		enum SpecError
    			Ok = 0,
    			InvalidIndex = 1,
    			NoChange = 2,
    			InCombat = 3,
    			InvalidPlayer = 4,
    			IndexLocked = 5,
    	namespace EldanAugmentationSpecValidationResult
    		enum EldanAugmentationSpecValidationResult
    			Ok = 0,
    			NotEnoughPower = 1,
    			LockedInlaidAugmentation = 2,
    			LockedCategoryTier = 3,
    			InvalidClass = 4,
    			InvalidSeries = 5,
    			InvalidEldanAugmentationId = 6,
    			InvalidEldanAugmentationCategoryId = 7,
    			InvalidEldanAugmentationCategoryTier = 8,
    	namespace EldanAvailability
    		enum EldanAvailability
    			Unavailable = 0,
    			Inaccessible = 1,
    			Inactivated = 2,
    			Activated = 3,
    	namespace FloaterLocation
    		enum FloaterLocation
    			Top = 1,
    			Head = 15,
    			Chest = 14,
    			Back = 4,
    			Bottom = 9,
    	namespace FloaterCollisionMode
    		enum FloaterCollisionMode
    			IgnoreCollision = 2,
    			Horizontal = 0,
    			Vertical = 1,
    	namespace FloaterEffect
    		enum FloaterEffect
    			Flames = 0,
    			BluishWhite = 1,
    			Sparks = 2,
    			Spiral = 3,
    			Cloud = 4,
    			Splotches = 5,
    			SlashBlood = 6,
    			Impact = 7,
    			SplatBlood = 8,
    			Helix = 9,
    			ShadowFire = 10,
    			Cold = 11,
    			Stars = 12,
    	namespace ExpReason
    		enum ExpReason
    			Invalid = -1,
    			Load = 0,
    			Cheat = 1,
    			KillCreature = 2,
    			Quest = 3,
    			ClusterBonus = 4,
    			Spell = 5,
    			Exploration = 6,
    			QuestEpisodeCompletion = 7,
    			PathMission = 8,
    			PathEpisode = 9,
    			KillPerformance = 10,
    			MultiKill = 11,
    			KillingSpree = 12,
    			TelegraphInterrupt = 13,
    			TelegraphEvade = 14,
    			Momentum = 15,
    			Rested = 16,
    			PublicEvent = 17,
    			DailyQuest = 18,
    	namespace CombatMomentum
    		enum CombatMomentum
    			Impulse = 23,
    			KillingPerformance = 24,
    			KillChain = 25,
    			Evade = 26,
    			Interrupt = 27,
    			CCBreak = 28,
    	namespace CCStateApplyRulesResult
    		enum CCStateApplyRulesResult
    			Ok = 0,
    			InvalidCCState = 1,
    			NoTargetSpecified = 2,
    			Target_Immune = 3,
    			Target_InfiniteInterruptArmor = 4,
    			Target_InterruptArmorReduced = 5,
    			Target_InterruptArmorBlocked = 6,
    			Stacking_DoesNotStack = 7,
    			Stacking_ShorterDuration = 8,
    			DiminishingReturns_TriggerCap = 9,
    	namespace LimitedActionSetResult
    		enum LimitedActionSetResult
    			Ok = 0x1,
    			SlotUnlockPrereqFalse = 0x2,
    			UnknownSpellId = 0x3,
    			UnknownClassId = 0x4,
    			UnknownSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlace = 0x5,
    			UnknownSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowe = 0x6,
    			InvalidSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlace = 0x7,
    			InvalidSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowe = 0x8,
    			SlotSpellAnyMatchFail = 0x9,
    			SlotSpellAllMatchFail = 0x0A,
    			SlotSpellNoneMatchFail = 0x0B,
    			UnknownSpellActionSetGroupMatchType = 0x0C,
    			DuplicateSpell = 0x0D,
    			SpellActionSetPrereqFalse = 0x0E,
    			SpellDependencyAnyMatchFail = 0x0F,
    			SpellDependencyAllMatchFail = 0x10,
    			SpellDependencyNoneMatchFail = 0x11,
    			BadSpellInActionSet = 0x12,
    			ActionSetRequirementAnyMatchFail = 0x13,
    			ActionSetRequirementAllMatchFail = 0x14,
    			ActionSetRequirementNoneMatchFail = 0x15,
    			InvalidActionSetSize = 0x16,
    			InvalidUnit = 0x17,
    			InvalidSlot = 0x18,
    			InvalidActionSetTable = 0x19,
    			SpellDependencyMaxMatchFail = 0x1A,
    			PlayerIsDead = 0x1B,
    			RestrictedInPVP = 0x1C,
    			MissingTag = 0x1D,
    			InCombat = 0x1E,
    	namespace ShortcutSet
    		enum ShortcutSet
    			PetMiniBar0 = 2,
    			PetMiniBar1 = 3,
    			PetMiniBar2 = 4,
    			PetMiniBar3 = 5,
    			PetMiniBar4 = 6,
    			FloatingSpellBar = 7,
    			FloatingDynamicSpellBar = 8,
    			Count = 9,
    	namespace AttributeMilestoneResult
    		enum AttributeMilestoneResult
    			Ok = 1,
    			InvalidUnit = 3,
    			UnknownClassId = 5,
    	namespace AccountCurrency
    		enum AccountCurrency
    			None = 0,
    			CREDD = 1,
    			RealmTransfer = 2,

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