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    Master674's Avatar Elite User
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    May 2008
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    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread



    Functions dump:

    start                                                              .text 00402910 00000030 R . . . . . .
    EnumFunc                                                           .text 00402940 00000011 R . . . B T .
    CNetworkDriverIOCompletion__PostRead                               .text 004149C0 00000064 R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_GetAccountRealmCharacter                            .text 0041D260 000000B7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Sound_Play                                                  .text 0042B0D0 00000090 R . . . B . .
    Script_Sound_PlayFile                                              .text 0042B160 00000099 R . . . B . .
    Script_Sound_PlayLootItemSound                                     .text 0042B200 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Sound_PlayLootMoneySound                                    .text 0042B290 00000008 R . . . . . .
    lua_xmove                                                          .text 0042EBD0 00000065 R . . . B . .
    lua_remove_0                                                       .text 0042EC80 00000034 R . . . . . .
    lua_pushvalue                                                      .text 0042ED10 00000023 R . . . . . .
    lua_tolstring                                                      .text 0042EF00 0000006D R . . . B . .
    lua_objlen                                                         .text 0042EF70 0000004E R . . . . . .
    lua_topointer                                                      .text 0042F000 00000049 R . . . . . .
    lua_pushstring                                                     .text 0042F0B0 00000068 R . . . B . .
    lua_pushfstring                                                    .text 0042F120 0000002F R . . . B . .
    lua_pushcclosure                                                   .text 0042F150 00000096 R . . . B . .
    lua_gettable                                                       .text 0042F1F0 0000001E R . . . . . .
    lua_getfield                                                       .text 0042F210 0000005C R . . . B . .
    lua_getfenv                                                        .text 0042F330 00000059 R . . . . . .
    lua_setfield                                                       .text 0042F3C0 00000063 R . . . B . .
    lua_rawseti                                                        .text 0042F4F0 00000097 R . . . B . .
    lua_setmetatable                                                   .text 0042F590 000000A1 R . . . . . .
    lua_pcall                                                          .text 0042F700 0000006A R . . . B . .
    lua_next                                                           .text 0042F860 0000002B R . . . . . .
    lua_concat                                                         .text 0042F890 0000006A R . . . . . .
    lua_newuserdata                                                    .text 0042F900 00000050 R . . . . . .
    luaL_argerror                                                      .text 0042FA40 000000EA R . . . B . .
    luaL_typerror                                                      .text 0042FB30 0000004D R . . . B . .
    luaL_where                                                         .text 0042FB80 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    luaL_error                                                         .text 0042FC30 00000074 R . . . B . .
    luaL_checklstring                                                  .text 0042FF40 00000071 R . . . B . .
    luaL_checkinteger                                                  .text 0042FFC0 000000EE R . . . B . .
    luaL_checknumber                                                   .text 004300B0 000000D9 R . . . B . .
    luaL_openlib                                                       .text 00430330 000001C1 R . . . B . .
    luaL_gsub                                                          .text 00430500 00000165 R . . . B . .
    luaL_addlstring                                                    .text 00430A00 000000A1 R . . . B . .
    luaL_addvalue_0                                                    .text 00430AB0 00000070 R . . . B . .
    luaL_unref                                                         .text 00430C30 00000079 R . . . B . .
    lua_tointeger                                                      .text 00431190 000000A7 R . . . B . .
    lua_getstack                                                       .text 004317F0 00000072 R . . . B . .
    lua_getinfo                                                        .text 00431C40 000000B3 R . . . B . .
    lua_rawget                                                         .text 00433810 00000062 R . . . B . .
    luaM_toobig                                                        .text 00437BA0 00000088 R . . . B . .
    lua_resume                                                         .text 00438550 0000009D R . . . . . .
    lua_newstate                                                       .text 00439200 00000156 R . . . . . .
    lua_close                                                          .text 00439370 00000053 R . . . . . .
    Script_DemoSummary_GetChallengeList                                .text 004473C0 00000003 R . . . . . .
    luaopen_io                                                         .text 004525A0 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloMgr__HandleLuaEvent_0                                .text 0046D710 000000D1 R . . . B . .
    luaL_checktype                                                     .text 0046D840 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloTimedEvent__Callback                                 .text 0046EA80 000000BC R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloMgr__UpdateCursor                                    .text 00471C70 000002A4 R . . . . . .
    Apollo__ApolloMgr__ProcessFrame                                    .text 00472100 000002E2 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloMgr__HandleLuaEvent                                  .text 00474980 0000023C R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloMgr__SetGameInt                                      .text 004750E0 0000016E R . . . B . .
    lua_createtable                                                    .text 00479410 000000F0 R . . . B . .
    lua_settable                                                       .text 00479EE0 0000009E R . . . . . .
    Apollo__Window__InvalidateLocation                                 .text 0048EC50 00000077 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__Window__InvalidateIfUsingNamedAnchors                      .text 0048ECD0 000000BC R . . . . . .
    Apollo__Window__OnMessage                                          .text 00493AB0 0000030E R . . . B T .
    Apollo__Window__OnMouseMove                                        .text 00494050 0000019B R . . . B . .
    luaopen_base                                                       .text 00496040 000000ED R . . . B . .
    Apollo__Window__Window_New                                         .text 00496500 000000F5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Window_is                                                   .text 00496640 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    luaL_newstate                                                      .text 004A3820 00000087 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__LuaLander__ProtectedCall                                   .text 004A41B0 000002EA R . . . B . .
    Apollo__LuaLander__CallLua                                         .text 004A4EB0 00000525 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__LuaLander__LuaLineHook                                     .text 004A5820 0000017E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_RegisterEventHandler                                 .text 004A80F0 0000012B R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetAddon                                             .text 004A8220 000000A3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_RegisterSlashCommand                                 .text 004A82D0 00000185 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetTickCount                                         .text 004A8460 0000003E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetObjectSize                                        .text 004A84A0 00000083 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_AlertAppWindow                                       .text 004A8530 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_RegisterTimerHandler                                 .text 004A8580 00000168 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_CreateTimer                                          .text 004A86F0 00000145 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_StopTimer                                            .text 004A8840 000000B8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_StartTimer                                           .text 004A8900 0000007E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SetCursor                                            .text 004A8980 00000049 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_ParseInput                                           .text 004A89D0 00000116 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetScreenSize                                        .text 004A8DB0 000000A0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetMinResolutionWidth                                .text 004A8E50 00000035 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetMaxResolutionWidth                                .text 004A8E90 00000035 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SetMinResolutionWidth                                .text 004A8ED0 0000008C R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SetMaxResolutionWidth                                .text 004A8F60 0000008C R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetDisplaySize                                       .text 004A8FF0 000000F3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetMouse                                             .text 004A90F0 00000089 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_CloseEscapableWindows                                .text 004A9180 0000003E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_FindWindowByName                                     .text 004A91C0 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_LoadSprites                                          .text 004A9230 000000B5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_LoadAnimations                                       .text 004A92F0 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetAssetFolder                                       .text 004A9380 00000094 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetMouseTargetWindow                                 .text 004A9420 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_LoadForm                                             .text 004A9450 000002D5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_LoadGlobalAnchors                                    .text 004A9730 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_BeginDragDrop                                        .text 004A9790 0000011E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_BeginClickStick                                      .text 004A98B0 0000011E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetMetaKeysDown                                      .text 004A9D90 00000032 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_IsShiftKeyDown                                       .text 004A9DD0 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_IsControlKeyDown                                     .text 004A9E00 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_IsAltKeyDown                                         .text 004A9E30 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_IsCapsLockOn                                         .text 004A9E60 00000033 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_DPF                                                  .text 004A9EA0 000000F0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SetConsoleVariable                                   .text 004A9F90 000004A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetConsoleVariable                                   .text 004AA460 000002A0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_ResetConsoleVariable                                 .text 004AA730 0000010D R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SetGlobalAnchor                                      .text 004AA870 00000140 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_AssetFileSizeString                                  .text 004AA9B0 00000119 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_AssetFileTimeString                                  .text 004AAAD0 000001A0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetString                                            .text 004AAC70 00000193 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetTextWidth                                         .text 004AAE10 000001DF R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetGameFonts                                         .text 004AAFF0 000003F9 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_SimpleMessage                                 .text 004AB3F0 000001F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_OkCancel                                      .text 004AB5F0 000001F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_YesNoCancel                                   .text 004AB7F0 000001F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_AbortRetryCancel                              .text 004AB9F0 000001F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_SpinnerDialog                                 .text 004ABBF0 000002CA R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_SliderBarDialog                               .text 004ABEC0 00000160 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_TextInput                                     .text 004AC020 00000239 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_ColorPicker                                   .text 004AC260 00000293 R . . . B . .
    Script_GenericDialog_SetModal                                      .text 004AC500 0000007E R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_RegisterAddon                                        .text 004BA3C0 000000B2 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_LinkAddon                                            .text 004BA480 000000B3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_UnlinkAddon                                          .text 004BA540 000000C3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_SuspendAddon                                         .text 004BA610 000000B7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_DisableAddon                                         .text 004BA6D0 000000ED R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_GetAddonInfo                                         .text 004BAF30 000000AF R . . . B . .
    Script_Apollo_AddAddonErrorText                                    .text 004BAFF0 00000103 R . . . B . .
    Apollo__ApolloGlue__LoadForm                                       .text 004CBCF0 000001B3 R . . . B . .
    luaopen_math                                                       .text 004E3390 00000058 R . . . B . .
    CZombieManager__Update                                             .text 004F0310 000001E0 R . . . B . .
    CEventQueue__Poll                                                  .text 004F5430 00000499 R . . . B . .
    StartAddress                                                       .text 004F6A20 00000118 R . . . B T .
    CTaskSystem__Poll                                                  .text 00515240 0000025D R . . . B . .
    fnInternetCallback                                                 .text 00517730 000000E9 R . . . B T .
    luaL_newmetatable                                                  .text 005203A0 000000B0 R . . . B . .
    CCostume__Update                                                   .text 00525660 000002D7 R . . . B . .
    lua_equal                                                          .text 0052B180 0000006C R . . . B . .
    CWorld__UpdateTextureLod                                           .text 00636900 00000193 R . . . B . .
    CWorld__CalculateLandOcclusion                                     .text 00639E80 000009C5 R . . . B . .
    CWorld__GetFacets                                                  .text 006480E0 0000053C R . . . B . .
    CWorld__GetIntersection                                            .text 00648620 00000A25 R . . . B . .
    CWorld__GetIntersectionSet                                         .text 00649050 0000089C R . . . B . .
    CWorld__Update                                                     .text 0064A270 00000358 R . . . B . .
    CWorld__Draw                                                       .text 0064A5D0 000006B5 R . . . B . .
    CWorldChunk__UpdateClutterGeometry                                 .text 0065A720 00001556 R . . . B . .
    lua_isstring                                                       .text 006B7E20 0000005D R . . . B . .
    CSpellCooldown__Remove                                             .text 006BB420 000001D4 R . . . B . .
    CUnit__UpdateSound                                                 .text 006C2260 000007FF R . . . B . .
    lua_tonumber                                                       .text 006D1B30 00000105 R . . . . . .
    luaL_ref                                                           .text 006E89D0 0000003C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEvent_ShouldShowOnMiniMapEdge                    .text 00716F90 00000021 R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetState                                          .text 00719560 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetResponses                                      .text 00719590 00000122 R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_End                                               .text 007196C0 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetViewableQuest                                  .text 00719730 00000058 R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetCommCreatureId                                 .text 00719790 00000035 R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetNPC                                            .text 007197D0 0000001E R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetNPCText                                        .text 007197F0 000001CA R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_GetResponseText                                   .text 007199C0 0000007F R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogSys_IsItemQuestGiver                                  .text 00719A40 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_GetNodes                                     .text 00719C20 000004CF R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_SaveNode                                     .text 0071A850 000003DF R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_FormatDisplayName                            .text 0071AC30 000000C1 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_GetFormats                                   .text 0071AD00 00000169 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_GetLocations                                 .text 0071AE70 00000158 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_GetAttachments                               .text 0071AFD0 000001FF R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_CombatMessageStringCount                     .text 0071B1D0 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloaters_CombatMessageString_None                     .text 0071B200 00000022 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogPositionChange                               .text 0071B9F0 000000DD R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogKill                                         .text 0071BAD0 00000140 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogDeath                                        .text 0071BC10 0000012D R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogDamageTaken                                  .text 0071BD40 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogDamageGiven                                  .text 0071BDA0 000000DD R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogQuestTaken                                   .text 0071BE80 00000179 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogQuestCompleted                               .text 0071C000 00000185 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogPathMissionCompleted                         .text 0071C190 000000D5 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogPathMissionTaken                             .text 0071C270 000000D5 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogChallengeGiven                               .text 0071C350 0000014C R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogChallengeCompleted                           .text 0071C4A0 0000014C R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_LogChallengeFailed                              .text 0071C5F0 0000014C R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_GetEventList                                    .text 0071C740 000002C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_DemoSummary_GetStats                                        .text 0071CA00 000000D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item___gc                                                   .text 0072C870 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_Item___eq                                                   .text 0072DF80 000000D3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetDetailedInfo                                        .text 0072E130 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetEquippedItemForItemType                             .text 0072E180 00000079 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_IsEquippable                                           .text 0072E200 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanEquip                                               .text 0072E260 000000C9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBackpackCount                                       .text 0072E330 000000AC R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetEquippedCount                                       .text 0072E3E0 00000061 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetEffectiveLevel                                      .text 0072E450 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetLevelOffset                                         .text 0072E4E0 000000B8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemPower                                           .text 0072E5A0 000000CB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBaseItemPower                                       .text 0072E670 000000CD R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetAmplifierPower                                      .text 0072E740 000000CE R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRequiredItemPower                                   .text 0072E810 0000008A R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRequiredSocketPower                                 .text 0072E8A0 0000008A R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemType                                            .text 0072E930 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemTypeName                                        .text 0072E980 000000D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemCategory                                        .text 0072EA60 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemCategoryName                                    .text 0072EAB0 000000D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemFamily                                          .text 0072EB90 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemFamilyName                                      .text 0072EBE0 000000D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetProficiencyInfo                                     .text 0072ECC0 000000EB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSlot                                                .text 0072EDB0 00000094 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSlotName                                            .text 0072EE50 00000101 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMakerName                                           .text 0072EF60 000000C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBinding                                             .text 0072F020 0000018E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetWeaponPower                                         .text 0072F1B0 00000096 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetWeaponDamageMin                                     .text 0072F250 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetWeaponDamageMax                                     .text 0072F300 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetWeaponSpeed                                         .text 0072F3B0 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetPropertiesSequential                                .text 0072F460 000001EA R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetPropertiesKeyed                                     .text 0072FC00 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBasePropertiesKeyed                                 .text 0072FC70 00000071 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSigilPropertiesKeyed                                .text 0072FCF0 00000071 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetPropertyName                                        .text 0072FD70 000000DF R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetPropertyString                                      .text 0072FE50 00000256 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetArmor                                               .text 007300B0 0000008F R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetResistances                                         .text 00730140 00000163 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemFlavor                                          .text 007302B0 000000B3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemQuality                                         .text 00730370 000000C4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRequiredLevel                                       .text 00730440 00000073 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetPowerLevel                                          .text 007304C0 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRequiredClass                                       .text 00730540 000001C9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRequiredRace                                        .text 00730710 00000215 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetUniqueStatus                                        .text 00730930 00000113 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSpecial                                             .text 00730A50 000005AA R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_IsUnique                                               .text 00731000 00000066 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetGivenQuest                                          .text 00731070 00000079 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanSalvage                                             .text 007310F0 000000C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanAutoSalvage                                         .text 007311C0 0000010E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanMod                                                 .text 007312D0 0000008E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanMoveToSupplySatchel                                 .text 00731360 00000064 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_MoveToSupplySatchel                                    .text 007313D0 000000BD R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_CanTakeFromSupplySatchel                               .text 00731490 000000DB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_TakeFromSupplySatchel                                  .text 00731570 000000D7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_PlayEquipSound                                         .text 00731650 00000044 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemId                                              .text 007316A0 0000007D R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetInventoryId                                         .text 00731720 000000BB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetModdableData                                        .text 007317E0 00000073 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSchematicId                                         .text 00731860 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetItemChallenges                                      .text 007318B0 00000219 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetAdditiveInfo                                        .text 00731AD0 000002D8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetGlobalCatalystInfo                                  .text 00731DB0 00000146 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBagSlots                                            .text 00731F00 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMaxDurability                                       .text 00731F70 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetDurability                                          .text 00731FD0 00000082 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRepairCost                                          .text 00732060 00000092 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSetBonuses                                          .text 00732630 00000491 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetRandomCircuitGroups                                 .text 00732AD0 00000520 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetEmptySockets                                        .text 007333A0 0000032C R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMicrochipInfo                                       .text 007336D0 000003E8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetGlyphInfo                                           .text 00733AC0 00000009 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetQuestItem                                           .text 00733AD0 000000CB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetQuestDrop                                           .text 00733BA0 000000CB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetConsumable                                          .text 00733C70 000000D1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetActivateSpell                                       .text 00733D50 0000013D R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetEquipSpell                                          .text 00733E90 0000013D R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetProcSpell                                           .text 00733FD0 0000013D R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMicrochipSpells                                     .text 00734110 0000015C R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetGlyphSpells                                         .text 00734270 00000009 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetNoRequiredLevel                                     .text 00734280 000000CB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMaxCharges                                          .text 00734350 00000061 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetCharges                                             .text 007343C0 00000041 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetMaxStackCount                                       .text 00734410 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetStackCount                                          .text 00734470 00000065 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetSellPrice                                           .text 007344E0 00000478 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetBuyPrice                                            .text 00734960 000003AB R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetIcon                                                .text 00734D10 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetName                                                .text 00734DD0 00000180 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Item_IsCommodity                                            .text 00734FB0 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_IsAuctionable                                          .text 00735010 00000079 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetDurationTotal                                       .text 00735090 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetDurationRemaining                                   .text 00735100 000000B0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_IsDestroyOnLogout                                      .text 007351B0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_IsDestroyOnZone                                        .text 00735200 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_GetChatLinkString                                      .text 00735250 000000AF R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnUpdate_Sound                                              .text 00735E60 000016DB R . . . B . .
    CGame__UnderwaterSoundCB                                           .text 00737A10 00000175 R . . . B . .
    lua_sethook                                                        .text 007560B0 00000041 R . . . B . .
    ClickToMove                                                        .text 007648B0 0000005D R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellPlayerCastSuccess                                    .text 0076F8A0 0000011E R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellUnitCastSuccess                                      .text 0076FA60 000002A9 R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellMiss                                                 .text 0076FE90 0000007A R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellEffectTick                                           .text 0076FF10 0000007A R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellPlayerCastFail                                       .text 0076FF90 000000B8 R . . . B . .
    CGame__OnSpellTargetReplaceEffects                                 .text 00770050 000000B4 R . . . B . .
    BuffWindow__OnProcessFrame                                         .text 007A1EA0 0000057D R . . . B . .
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    BuffContainerWindow__OnProcessFrame                                .text 007A2D30 0000008A R . . . B . .
    Script_Item_SetUnit                                                .text 007A2E40 0000002C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Money___eq                                             .text 007CFD50 00000098 R . . . B . .
    Script_Money_is                                                    .text 007CFDF0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Money_new                                                   .text 007D0110 00000063 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Money_AppendToTooltip                                  .text 007D05E0 000000AC R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Money_GetAmount                                        .text 007D0960 00000060 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Money_GetDenomAmounts                                  .text 007D0D10 00000183 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Quest_is                                                    .text 007D10E0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest___gc                                             .text 007D1910 0000007F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest___lt                                             .text 007D1990 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest___gt                                             .text 007D1A00 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetId                                            .text 007D1A70 00000049 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetState                                         .text 007D1AC0 00000057 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetGroup                                         .text 007D1B20 00000080 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_GetSummary                                       .text 007D1C90 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetCompletedSummary                              .text 007D1D00 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetIntroductionText                              .text 007D1D70 00000085 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_GetCompletionObjectiveText                       .text 007D20E0 000000B0 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_IsIgnored                                        .text 007D24B0 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsMentioned                                      .text 007D2510 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsTracked                                        .text 007D2570 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsActiveQuest                                    .text 007D25D0 00000092 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsInactive                                       .text 007D2670 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsCommunicatorReceived                           .text 007D26C0 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsCommunicatorReceivedFromRec                    .text 007D2710 00000046 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsAbleToAdvanceInRaid                            .text 007D2760 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_SetActiveQuest                                   .text 007D27B0 000000FA R . . . B . .
    Script_Quest_GetActiveQuest                                        .text 007D28B0 0000005C R . . . B . .
    Script_Quest_GetCallbackList                                       .text 007D2910 0000016E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_ToggleActiveQuest                                .text 007D2A80 0000010B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_SetTracked                                       .text 007D2B90 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_ToggleTracked                                    .text 007D2C40 0000009F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_ToggleIgnored                                    .text 007D2CE0 0000004A R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_PulseTrackBlinkTime                              .text 007D2DB0 000000DB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_CanAbandon                                       .text 007D2E90 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsInLog                                          .text 007D2EF0 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsSelectedInLog                                  .text 007D2F80 0000008F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_Abandon                                          .text 007D3010 00000057 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetObjectiveCount                                .text 007D3070 00000049 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_GetConLevel                                      .text 007D3490 0000004A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetMinLevel                                      .text 007D34E0 0000004A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetColoredDifficulty                             .text 007D3530 00000078 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetRewardData                                    .text 007D35B0 000008A9 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_IsObjectiveTimed                                 .text 007D3F10 0000009C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetObjectiveTimeRemaining                        .text 007D3FB0 000000A0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetObjectiveMaxTime                              .text 007D4050 000000A0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_SetSelectedInLog                                 .text 007D40F0 00000039 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_IsPathQuest                                      .text 007D4130 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetPathQuestType                                 .text 007D41A0 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetType                                          .text 007D4210 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetSubType                                       .text 007D4260 0000004A R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_RejectShare                                      .text 007D4300 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_CanShare                                         .text 007D4350 00000098 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_Share                                            .text 007D43F0 00000041 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetQuestItemCount                                .text 007D4440 00000066 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetQuestItemData                                 .text 007D44B0 000000A8 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Quest_GetObjectiveShortDescription                     .text 007D4730 000000F4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_ObjectiveIsVisible                               .text 007D4830 000000C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_CanCompleteObjective                             .text 007D4900 0000009C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetSpell                                         .text 007D49A0 00000107 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_ShowHintArrow                                    .text 007D4AB0 00000068 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetEpisode                                       .text 007D4B20 0000007C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetCategory                                      .text 007D4BA0 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Quest_GetTradeskillSchematicsRequired                  .text 007D4C10 000000D7 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PathEpisode___eq                                       .text 007D4E00 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_PathEpisode_is                                              .text 007D4EB0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode___gc                                       .text 007D4FA0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission___eq                                       .text 007D5000 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_PathMission_is                                              .text 007D50B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission___gc                                       .text 007D51A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement___eq                                .text 007D5200 000000AB R . . . B . .
    Script_SettlerImprovement_is                                       .text 007D52B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement___gc                                .text 007D53A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement___eq                                .text 007D5400 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_SoldierImprovement_is                                       .text 007D54B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement___gc                                .text 007D55A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
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    Script_SoldierEvent_is                                             .text 007D56B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent___gc                                      .text 007D57A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile___eq                           .text 007D5800 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_ScientistScanBotProfile_is                                  .text 007D58B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile___gc                           .text 007D59A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetName                                    .text 007D5AA0 00000116 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetSummary                                 .text 007D5BC0 00000223 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetWorldZone                               .text 007D5DF0 00000173 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_IsComplete                                 .text 007D5F70 0000009A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetNumCompleted                            .text 007D6010 0000009B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetMissions                                .text 007D60B0 0000016E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathEpisode_GetRewards                                 .text 007D6220 000000F6 R . . . B . .
    luaopen_string                                                     .text 007D6320 0000161A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetId                                      .text 007D79A0 0000006A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetName                                    .text 007D7A10 000000E6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSummary                                 .text 007D7B00 000001B3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetType                                    .text 007D7CC0 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSubType                                 .text 007D7D30 000000B2 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetRewardData                              .text 007D7E10 000000BC R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetRewardXp                                .text 007D7ED0 0000009A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetDistance                                .text 007D7F70 00000118 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_IsInArea                                   .text 007D8090 000000B5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_IsComplete                                 .text 007D8150 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetNumCompleted                            .text 007D81A0 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetNumNeeded                               .text 007D8210 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetMissionState                            .text 007D8280 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_IsStarted                                  .text 007D82E0 0000004F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetUnlockString                            .text 007D8330 00000189 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetCompletedString                         .text 007D84C0 00000189 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetMapIcon                                 .text 007D8650 00000157 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetMapLocations                            .text 007D87B0 00000235 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetMapRegions                              .text 007D89F0 0000022E R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PathMission_GetScientistSpecimenSurvey                 .text 007D8F00 00000133 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_ShowSpecimenSurveyHintArrow                .text 007D9040 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetScientistDatacubeDiscoveryZone          .text 007D90D0 000000F0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetScientistExperimentationInfo            .text 007D91C0 00000211 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetScientistExperimentationCurrentPatterns .text 007D93E0 00000276 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_AttemptScientistExperimentation            .text 007D9660 00000134 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_RefreshScientistExperimentation            .text 007D97A0 0000003E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerNodeInfo                        .text 007D97E0 000001A6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerNodeCount                       .text 007D9990 00000076 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerHuntStartCreature               .text 007D9A10 00000086 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerHuntStartText                   .text 007D9AA0 00000146 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerHuntSprite                      .text 007D9BF0 00000159 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerClueRatio                       .text 007D9E10 000000AB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerClueString                      .text 007D9EC0 000001D8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerClueType                        .text 007DA0A0 000001C7 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PathMission_GetExplorerPowerMapInfo                    .text 007DA380 0000013F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_IsExplorerPowerMapActive                   .text 007DA4C0 00000099 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_IsExplorerPowerMapReady                    .text 007DA560 00000099 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_ShowExplorerClueHintArrow                  .text 007DA600 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSettlerMayorInfo                        .text 007DA690 00000143 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSettlerSheriffInfo                      .text 007DA7E0 00000190 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSettlerScoutInfo                        .text 007DA970 000001F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSettlerResourceRegions                  .text 007DAB70 00000223 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSoldierHoldout                          .text 007DADA0 0000006A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_GetSpell                                   .text 007DAE10 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PathMission_ShowHintArrow                              .text 007DAE80 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetName                             .text 007DAF90 000000F9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetPosition                         .text 007DB090 00000111 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetContributionValue                .text 007DB1B0 000000FD R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetRemainingTime                    .text 007DB2B0 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_IsInfiniteDuration                  .text 007DB330 00000086 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetCurrentTier                      .text 007DB3C0 00000073 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetAvenueType                       .text 007DB440 00000084 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_GetImprovements                     .text 007DB4D0 00000750 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SettlerImprovement_BuildTier                           .text 007DBC20 000000EF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_GetName                             .text 007DBDB0 00000131 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_GetPosition                         .text 007DBEF0 000000FC R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_GetCost                             .text 007DBFF0 000000A3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_IsBuilt                             .text 007DC0A0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_Build                               .text 007DC150 00000083 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_GetEvent                            .text 007DC1E0 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierImprovement_GetImprovementType                  .text 007DC260 0000007A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetType                                   .text 007DC380 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetState                                  .text 007DC410 0000008A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_IsBoss                                    .text 007DC4A0 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetElapsedTime                            .text 007DC530 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetMaxTime                                .text 007DC5E0 00000098 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_IsDefendType                              .text 007DC680 000000AA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_IsTimedType                               .text 007DC740 000000B0 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetAuxiliaryHealth                        .text 007DC8A0 00000098 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetMaxDefendHealth                        .text 007DC940 00000093 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetMaxAuxiliaryHealth                     .text 007DC9E0 00000093 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetEscapingUnits                          .text 007DCA80 00000189 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetWaveCount                              .text 007DCC10 0000008C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetWavesReleased                          .text 007DCCA0 00000098 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetDefendUnits                            .text 007DCD40 00000189 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetAuxiliaryUnits                         .text 007DCED0 00000189 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetBuildCredits                           .text 007DD060 0000008C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_SoldierEvent_GetImprovements                           .text 007DD0F0 000001A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetName                        .text 007DD340 000000EC R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetMinCooldown                 .text 007DD4C0 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetMaxCooldown                 .text 007DD550 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetSocketCount                 .text 007DD5E0 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetAOERange                    .text 007DD670 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetMaxSeekDistance             .text 007DD700 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetSpeedMultiplier             .text 007DD790 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetScanMultiplier              .text 007DD820 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetHealthMultiplier            .text 007DD8B0 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ScientistScanBotProfile_GetCustomization               .text 007DD940 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEvent___eq                                       .text 007DDFF0 000000B3 R . . . B . .
    Script_PublicEvent_is                                              .text 007DE0B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEvent___gc                                       .text 007DE1A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEventObjective___eq                              .text 007DE200 000000AB R . . . B . .
    Script_PublicEventObjective_is                                     .text 007DE2B0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEventObjective___gc                              .text 007DE3A0 0000005F R . . . B . .
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    Script_PublicEvent_CanVote                                         .text 007DF430 0000005C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEvent_GetName                                    .text 007DF490 00000110 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PublicEvent_IsActive                                   .text 007DF5A0 00000087 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PublicEvent_GetTotalTime                               .text 007DF860 000000A4 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PublicEventObjective_ShouldShowOnMinimapEdge           .text 007E3750 000000C9 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_CommodityOrder_Post                                    .text 007F1640 00000066 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CommodityOrder_Cancel                                  .text 007F16B0 00000066 R . . . B . .
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    Script_PetCustomization_is                                         .text 007F21A0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PetCustomization___gc                                  .text 007F2290 0000005F R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PetFlair_GetDescription                                .text 007F25B0 000000D3 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PetCustomization_GetObjectId                           .text 007F29D0 00000066 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_PetCustomization_SetFlairInSlot                        .text 007F2C30 000000C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PetCustomization_ClearFlairInSlot                      .text 007F2D00 0000009E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_PetCustomization_GetSlotsByFlairType                   .text 007F2DA0 0000020E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit___eq                                              .text 007F3090 0000007C R . . . B . .
    Script_Unit_is                                                     .text 007F3110 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    LuaGameTypes_Unit__CheckUnitParam                                  .text 007F3C40 00000097 R . . . B . .
    LuaGameTypes_Unit__CheckUnitParamOptional                          .text 007F3CE0 00000097 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_ShouldShowNamePlate                               .text 007F3EA0 00000084 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetId                                             .text 007F3F30 0000003D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetInfo                                           .text 007F3F70 00000058 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetType                                           .text 007F3FD0 00000156 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetRaceId                                         .text 007F4130 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetUnitRaceId                                     .text 007F4170 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetClassId                                        .text 007F41C0 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetGender                                         .text 007F4200 0000003D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetArchetype                                      .text 007F4240 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetSpellMechanicId                                .text 007F42D0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetHealth                                         .text 007F4330 00000061 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMaxHealth                                      .text 007F43A0 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMana                                           .text 007F4420 00000056 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMaxMana                                        .text 007F4480 00000054 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetManaRegenInCombat                              .text 007F44E0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetManaRegenNonCombat                             .text 007F4530 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAssaultPower                                   .text 007F4580 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetSupportPower                                   .text 007F45D0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAssaultAndSupportPowerSoftcap                  .text 007F4620 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetStrikethroughChance                            .text 007F4670 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCritChance                                     .text 007F46C0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCritSeverity                                   .text 007F4710 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetDeflectChance                                  .text 007F4760 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetDeflectCritChance                              .text 007F47B0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPhysicalMitigation                             .text 007F4800 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetTechMitigation                                 .text 007F4860 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMagicMitigation                                .text 007F48C0 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPvPDefenseRating                               .text 007F4920 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPvPOffenseRating                               .text 007F4970 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPvPDefensePercent                              .text 007F49C0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPvPOffensePercent                              .text 007F4A10 00000047 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetShieldCapacityMax                              .text 007F4AD0 00000061 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAbsorptionValue                                .text 007F4B40 00000061 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAbsorptionMax                                  .text 007F4BB0 00000061 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetSpellMechanicPercentage                        .text 007F4D10 00000136 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetResourceIcon                                   .text 007F4E50 00000180 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetResourceTooltip                                .text 007F4FD0 00000180 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMaxResource                                    .text 007F5150 00000195 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetMinResource                                    .text 007F52F0 0000015B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetBasicStats                                     .text 007F5450 0000036C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetUnitProperty                                   .text 007F58A0 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetUnitProperties                                 .text 007F5930 0000021F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetName                                           .text 007F5B50 000000D8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetPosition                                       .text 007F5C30 000000B9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetFacing                                         .text 007F5CF0 000000B9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetHeading                                        .text 007F5DB0 00000058 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAttachmentPosition                             .text 007F5E10 0000015C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAffiliationName                                .text 007F5F70 000000E3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_HasTitle                                          .text 007F6060 0000004F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetTitle                                          .text 007F60B0 000000D3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetTitleOrName                                    .text 007F6190 00000118 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetTargetOfTarget                                 .text 007F62E0 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAlternateTarget                                .text 007F6340 00000020 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_SetAlternateTarget                                .text 007F6360 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetClusterUnits                                   .text 007F63E0 000000C4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetClusterInformation                             .text 007F64B0 000000F4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetLevel                                          .text 007F65B0 00000056 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetLevelString                                    .text 007F6610 000000FB R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_IsCasting                                         .text 007F6770 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsDead                                            .text 007F67C0 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsOccluded                                        .text 007F6810 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsThePlayer                                       .text 007F6880 00000069 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsMyGhost                                         .text 007F68F0 00000060 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsACharacter                                      .text 007F6950 0000004D R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_IsInCCState                                       .text 007F6C60 00000085 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetInterruptArmorMax                              .text 007F6D50 00000071 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetBindPointString                                .text 007F6E40 000000E1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_ShouldShowCastBar                                 .text 007F6F30 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCastName                                       .text 007F6F70 000000E0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCastDuration                                   .text 007F7050 00000067 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCastElapsed                                    .text 007F70C0 00000059 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCastTotalPercent                               .text 007F7120 00000077 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetDispositionTo                                  .text 007F71A0 0000006A R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetLevelDifferential                              .text 007F7330 00000077 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetConValue                                       .text 007F73B0 00000067 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetDifficulty                                     .text 007F7420 0000006A R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetCastBarType                                    .text 007F8230 00000086 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetEliteness                                      .text 007F8520 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetRank                                           .text 007F8580 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetGroupValue                                     .text 007F85E0 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetClusterContributionValue                       .text 007F8650 00000075 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetActivationState                                .text 007F86D0 00000209 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_AddTextBubble                                     .text 007F89F0 00000081 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetRepTurninItems                                 .text 007F9C60 00000450 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_UnlockInventorySlot                               .text 007FA260 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsInventorySlotLocked                             .text 007FA310 000000FB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_UnlockAllInventorySlots                           .text 007FA410 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetInventoryItems                                 .text 007FA440 000001AE R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetResourceConversions                            .text 007FAE80 00000232 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetCraftingStationTradeskills                     .text 007FB2E0 0000017E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetRepairableItems                                .text 007FB460 000002E5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetCommodityItems                                 .text 007FB750 0000012B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_GetAuctionableItems                               .text 007FB880 0000012B R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetPrereqInfo                                     .text 007FBA50 000001BE R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_IsPublicEventHub                                  .text 007FBE60 00000092 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetGuildType                                      .text 007FBFB0 0000004D R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_IsIgnored                                         .text 007FC070 00000068 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsRival                                           .text 007FC0E0 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsFriend                                          .text 007FC160 00000071 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsAccountFriend                                   .text 007FC1E0 00000054 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_IsTagged                                          .text 007FC280 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsTaggedByMe                                      .text 007FC2F0 00000045 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsSoftKill                                        .text 007FC340 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsScaled                                          .text 007FC390 0000004A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_IsVisibleOnCurrentZoneMinimap                     .text 007FC3E0 000001EF R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetTargetMarker                                   .text 007FC640 00000069 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Unit_ClearTargetMarker                                 .text 007FC6B0 0000004F R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Unit_GetMountHealth                                    .text 007FC800 00000083 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell___eq                                             .text 007FCB00 0000008E R . . . B . .
    Script_Spell_is                                                    .text 007FCB90 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell___gc                                             .text 007FCC80 0000005F R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetBaseSpellId                                   .text 007FD460 00000091 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetName                                          .text 007FD500 000000FF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetTier                                          .text 007FD600 0000009B R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetCastTime                                      .text 007FD800 000000D0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCastTimeOverride                              .text 007FD8D0 000000C4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCastInfoString                                .text 007FD9A0 00000161 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetMaximumRange                                  .text 007FDCF0 000000B3 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetCooldownRemaining                             .text 007FDE80 000000F7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCasterInnateCosts                             .text 007FDF80 000001E3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetFlavor                                        .text 007FE170 00000163 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetPrice                                         .text 007FE2E0 000000E8 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetRequiredLevel                                 .text 007FE3D0 000000D3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_IsNew                                            .text 007FE4B0 000000C0 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_IsBeneficial                                     .text 007FE650 00000095 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCasterInnateRequirements                      .text 007FE6F0 00000190 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetTargetInnateRequirements                      .text 007FE880 0000012F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetReagents                                      .text 007FE9B0 000001FA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCastMethod                                    .text 007FEBB0 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetSchool                                        .text 007FEC30 00000083 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetCombatMode                                    .text 007FECC0 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetClass                                         .text 007FED40 00000083 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetPrerequisites                                 .text 007FEF20 0000027D R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Spell_GetAbilityCharges                                .text 007FF8D0 0000017A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_IsSelfSpell                                      .text 007FFA50 00000138 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_IsFreeformTarget                                 .text 007FFB90 00000122 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_IsMovingInterrupted                              .text 007FFCC0 00000092 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetLasTierDesc                                   .text 007FFD60 00000163 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Spell_GetLasBonusEachTierDesc                          .text 007FFED0 00000163 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_GetMessageInfo                              .text 00800650 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_GetIdStr                                    .text 00800740 00000083 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_GetExpirationTime                           .text 008007D0 000000DB R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetInbox                                      .text 008008B0 000000C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetItemFromInventoryId                        .text 00800970 00000083 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_MailSystem_ReturnToSender                              .text 00800A50 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_TakeAttachment                              .text 00800AA0 0000008C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_TakeMoney                                   .text 00800B30 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_PayCoD                                      .text 00800B80 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_MarkAsRead                                  .text 00800BD0 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_IsThereUnreadMail                             .text 00800C50 00000067 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_AtMailbox                                     .text 00800D60 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MailSystem_DeleteMessage                               .text 00800D90 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetNameCharacterLimit                         .text 00800DE0 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetRealmCharacterLimit                        .text 00800E10 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetMessageCharacterLimit                      .text 00800E40 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetSubjectCharacterLimit                      .text 00800E70 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetAttachmentMaxCount                         .text 00800EA0 00000027 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_GetSendCost                                   .text 00800ED0 00000255 R . . . B . .
    Script_MailSystemLib_is                                            .text 00801130 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_ICCommLib_is                                                .text 00803190 00000032 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ICComm___eq                                            .text 008031D0 0000009B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ICComm___gc                                            .text 00803330 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_ICCommLib_JoinChannel                                       .text 00803360 0000014E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ICComm_SendMessage                                     .text 008034B0 000000CC R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ICComm_SendPrivateMessage                              .text 00803580 00000232 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_ICComm_SetControlFunction                              .text 008037C0 0000005D R . . . B . .
    lua_cpcall                                                         .text 00821220 00000094 R . . . . . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetCurrentEpisode                             .text 00829B10 0000004F R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetEpisodes                                   .text 00829B60 0000018A R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathLevel                                  .text 00829CF0 00000079 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathXP                                     .text 00829D70 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathXPAtLevel                              .text 00829DC0 000000A7 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathXPForLevel                             .text 00829E70 000000A3 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathXPForNextLevel                         .text 00829F20 000000EC R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathLevelData                              .text 0082A010 00000120 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPathEpisodeForZone                         .text 0082A130 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistToggleScanBot                        .text 0082A860 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistHasScanBot                           .text 0082A8C0 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistAllGetScanBotProfiles                .text 0082A920 00000154 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistGetScanBotProfile                    .text 0082AA80 00000042 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistSetScanBotProfile                    .text 0082AAD0 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ScientistGetScanBotUnit                       .text 0082AB30 0000004A R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_CanExplorerShowHint                           .text 0082AB80 00000113 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ExplorerShowHint                              .text 0082ACA0 000000BE R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_ExplorerApplyRelicSpell                       .text 0082AD60 00000074 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetSettlerHubValues                           .text 0082ADE0 00000547 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetCurrentSettlerHubMission                   .text 0082B330 00000042 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetCurrentSettlerInfrastructure               .text 0082B380 00000124 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetInfrastructureStatusForMission             .text 0082B4B0 00000179 R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetPlayerPathType                             .text 0082B630 0000003E R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_PathAction                                    .text 0082B670 00000022 R . . . . . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_PathAction2                                   .text 0082B6A0 00000022 R . . . . . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_SetScannerName                                .text 0082B6D0 0000008B R . . . B . .
    Script_PlayerPathLib_GetScannerName                                .text 0082B760 000000CF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle___eq                                    .text 00860DB0 0000008E R . . . B . .
    Script_CharacterTitle_is                                           .text 00860E40 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle___gc                                    .text 00860F30 0000005F R . . . B . .
    Script_CharacterTitle_GetAvailableTitles                           .text 00861030 000001E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_CharacterTitle_SetTitle                                     .text 00861220 0000009F R . . . B . .
    Script_CharacterTitle_CanUseTitle                                  .text 008612C0 0000008D R . . . B . .
    Script_CharacterTitle_IsActiveTitle                                .text 00861350 000000AD R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_GetTitle                                .text 00861400 00000175 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_GetCategory                             .text 00861580 00000153 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_GetForUnit                              .text 008616E0 000001E3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_GetSpell                                .text 008618D0 00000065 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_GetLifetime                             .text 00861940 00000085 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CharacterTitle_CannotRemove                            .text 008619D0 0000007A R . . . B . .
    Script_Episode_is                                                  .text 00861D00 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode___eq                                           .text 00861DF0 00000096 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetId                                          .text 00861E90 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetState                                       .text 00861EE0 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetTitle                                       .text 00861F30 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetDesc                                        .text 00861FF0 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetSummary                                     .text 008620B0 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetConLevel                                    .text 00862170 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_IsTaskOnly                                     .text 008621C0 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetZoneId                                      .text 00862210 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetZoneName                                    .text 00862260 000000C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetVisibleQuests                               .text 00862330 00000455 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetTrackedQuests                               .text 008627A0 0000020F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetQuest                                       .text 008629B0 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetProgress                                    .text 00862A20 0000016B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetCategories                                  .text 00862B90 000000F1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Episode_GetAllQuests                                   .text 00862C90 000001A6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse___gc                                    .text 00863490 00000036 R . . . B . .
    Script_DialogResponse_is                                           .text 008634D0 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_GetType                                 .text 008635C0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_GetText                                 .text 00863610 00000045 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_GetUniqueId                             .text 00863660 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_GetQuestId                              .text 008636B0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_GetRewardId                             .text 00863700 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_DialogResponse_Select                                  .text 00863750 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_GetChannels                                   .text 00864240 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_PostOnChannel                                 .text 00864300 00000295 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_JoinChannel                                   .text 008645A0 0000015F R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_SplitInput                                    .text 00864700 0000029C R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_Command                                       .text 008649A0 00000064 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_GetEmotes                                     .text 00864A10 0000008E R . . . B . .
    Script_ChatSystemLib_GetCommands                                   .text 00864AA0 00000095 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsHousingWorld                                 .text 00864BC0 0000009B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsResidenceOwner                               .text 00864C60 00000042 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsOnMyResidence                                .text 00864CB0 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetResidencePrivileges                         .text 00864D20 00000063 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPropertyName                                .text 00864D90 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RenameProperty                                 .text 00864E40 00000083 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetResidenceCount                              .text 00864ED0 00000035 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlotCount                                   .text 00864F10 00000045 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsWarplotResidence                             .text 00864F60 00000028 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetBakedDecorDetails                           .text 008653D0 000001CA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorDetailsBySector                        .text 008655A0 000001C1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetNumPlacedDecor                              .text 00865770 000000EF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetMaxPlacedDecor                              .text 00865860 00000074 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetNumCratedDecor                              .text 008658E0 000000DA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetMaxCratedDecor                              .text 008659C0 000000B4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetNumPlacedDecorFromCategory                  .text 00865A80 00000185 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetMaxPlacedDecorFromCategory                  .text 00865C10 000000FF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_ModifyResidenceDecor                           .text 00865D10 00000309 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewResidenceBakedDecor                     .text 00866020 0000031D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewResidenceSectorDecor                    .text 00866340 000003AD R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewVendorDecor                             .text 008666F0 000000C5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewCrateDecor                              .text 008667C0 0000016F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewPlacedDecor                             .text 00866930 000001A7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PreviewDecor_Cancel                            .text 00866AE0 000000F1 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_ValidateDecorPlacement                         .text 00866BE0 000000FE R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PurchaseInteriorWallpaper                      .text 00866CE0 000004FA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RemoveInteriorWallpaper                        .text 008671E0 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_FreePlaceDecorDisplacement_Cancel              .text 00867290 0000000B R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_FreePlaceDecorDisplacement_Confirm             .text 008672A0 0000000B R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PlaceDecorFromCrate                            .text 008672B0 000000AB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_CrateDecor                                     .text 00867360 000000AB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_DestroyDecor                                   .text 00867410 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_DestroyDecorFromCrate                          .text 008674C0 00000150 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Housing_TranslateDecor                                 .text 008677D0 00000113 R . . . B . .
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    Script_Game_Housing_RotateDecor_ResetOrientation                   .text 00867A00 0000002B R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_ScaleDecor                                     .text 00867A30 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_LinkDecor                                      .text 00867AA0 0000003B R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_UnlinkDecor                                    .text 00867AE0 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_UnlinkDecorAllChildren                         .text 00867B90 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsDecorParent                                  .text 00867C40 00000137 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_IsDecorChild                                   .text 00867D80 00000137 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RefreshUI                                      .text 00867EC0 00000011 R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_ClearPlot                                      .text 00867EE0 000000A2 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_PlaceFromVendor                                .text 00867F90 0000017B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_SetPlugRotation                                .text 00868110 000001D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetVendorList                                  .text 00869290 0000014C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetBlueprintList                               .text 008693E0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetStorageList                                 .text 00869490 0000014C R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlugUpgradeList                             .text 008695E0 00000241 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRandomResidenceList                         .text 00869830 000001EF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelRoofList                             .text 00869F40 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelEntryList                            .text 00869FA0 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelWallpaperInteriorList                .text 0086A000 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelWallpaperExteriorList                .text 0086A130 00000014 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelSkyExteriorList                      .text 0086A150 00000019 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetRemodelDoorList                             .text 0086A170 00000051 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorCrateListWarplot                       .text 0086A1D0 00000070 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorCrateListInterior                      .text 0086A240 00000084 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorCrateListExterior                      .text 0086A2D0 00000084 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorListWarplot                            .text 0086AC80 0000001E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorListInterior                           .text 0086ACA0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorListExterior                           .text 0086ACD0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetFreePlaceDecorList                          .text 0086AD00 000002DA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorTypeListWarplot                        .text 0086AFE0 000002AF R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorTypeListInterior                       .text 0086B290 0000032F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorTypeListExterior                       .text 0086B5C0 0000032F R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlacedDecorListWarplot                      .text 0086B8F0 000002CA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlacedDecorListExterior                     .text 0086BBC0 000002FE R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetNeighborList                                .text 0086BEC0 00000162 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_NeighborInviteByName                           .text 0086C030 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_NeighborEvict                                  .text 0086C0E0 000000AD R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_NeighborInviteAccept                           .text 0086C190 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_NeighborInviteDecline                          .text 0086C1C0 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_NeighborSetPermission                          .text 0086C1F0 000000C3 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_VisitNeighborResidence                         .text 0086C2C0 000000AA R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_Decorate                                       .text 0086C370 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetResourcesMetDetails                         .text 0086C420 000002B7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlot                                        .text 0086C6E0 000000C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetPlugItem                                    .text 0086C7A0 000001F0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RequestTakeMeHome                              .text 0086DD30 00000032 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RequestVendorList                              .text 0086DD70 00000057 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RequestRandomResidenceList                     .text 0086DDD0 00000032 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RequestRandomVisit                             .text 0086DE10 000000A9 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_DisplayHooks                                   .text 0086DEC0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetDecorIconInfo                               .text 0086DF70 00000324 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_SetEditMode                                    .text 0086E2A0 00000067 R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_Housing_RepairPlot                                     .text 0086E310 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetResidencePrivacyLevel                       .text 0086E3C0 00000054 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_SetResidencePrivacyLevel                       .text 0086E420 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_SetNeighborHarvestSplit                        .text 0086E4A0 00000071 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_Housing_GetNeighborHarvestSplit                        .text 0086E520 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame___eq                                      .text 0087FD70 0000009B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_is                                             .text 0087FE10 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_Queue                                          .text 008807F0 0000033D R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_QueueAsGroup                                   .text 00880B30 0000034C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetAvailableMatchingGames                      .text 00880EA0 00000271 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_LeaveMatchingQueue                             .text 00881120 00000039 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_LeaveMatchingQueueAsGroup                      .text 00881160 0000002E R . . . . . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsQueuedForMatching                            .text 00881190 0000002C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsQueuedAsGroup                                .text 008811C0 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsQueuedForRealmOnly                           .text 008811F0 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_RespondToPendingGame                           .text 00881220 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsInMatchingGame                               .text 00881270 00000045 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsInPVPGame                                    .text 008812C0 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsInMatchingInstance                           .text 00881330 0000003B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsMatchingGameFinished                         .text 00881370 0000003B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetPVPMatchState                               .text 008813B0 0000031B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_LeaveMatchingGame                              .text 008816D0 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_TransferIntoMatchingGame                       .text 00881720 0000007A R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsGamePending                                  .text 008817A0 0000002D R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetPendingInfo                                 .text 008817D0 00000162 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_CanQueueAsGroup                                .text 00881940 00000073 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_CanLeaveQueueAsGroup                           .text 008819C0 0000007A R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetAverageWaitTime                             .text 00881A40 0000003C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetTimeInQueue                                 .text 00881A80 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetEligibleRoles                               .text 00881AD0 000000B9 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetSelectedRoles                               .text 00881BB0 00000099 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_SelectRole                                     .text 00881C50 0000005B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsRoleCheckActive                              .text 00881CB0 0000002C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_ConfirmRole                                    .text 00881CE0 00000008 R . . . . . .
    Script_MatchingGame_DeclineRoleCheck                               .text 00881CF0 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetPvpRating                                   .text 00881D20 00000199 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsVoteKickActive                               .text 00881EC0 0000004C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_CastVoteKick                                   .text 00881F10 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_InitiateVoteToKick                             .text 00881F60 0000011B R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsVoteSurrenderActive                          .text 00882080 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_CastVoteSurrender                              .text 008820B0 00000069 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_InitiateVoteToSurrender                        .text 00882120 00000044 R . . . . . .
    Script_MatchingGame_CanLookForReplacements                         .text 00882170 0000003A R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsLookingForReplacements                       .text 008821B0 0000002C R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_LookForReplacements                            .text 008821E0 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_StopLookingForReplacements                     .text 00882240 00000013 R . . . . . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetName                                   .text 00882260 00000157 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetDescription                            .text 008823D0 00000173 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetType                                   .text 00882560 00000060 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_IsRandom                                  .text 008825C0 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_IsQueued                                  .text 00882630 000000DF R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_DoesRequestWarplotInit                         .text 00882710 0000002A R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_IsWarpartyQueued                               .text 00882740 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_MatchingGame_GetWarPlotBattleState                          .text 008827A0 0000021D R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_DoesGroupMeetRequirements                 .text 008829C0 0000007E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetMinLevel                               .text 00882A40 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetMaxLevel                               .text 00882AA0 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetTeamSize                               .text 00882B00 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_MatchingGame_GetMinGearScore                           .text 00882B60 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_QuestCategory___eq                                     .text 00882BC0 00000097 R . . . B . .
    Script_QuestCategory_is                                            .text 00882C60 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_QuestCategory_GetId                                    .text 00882EB0 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_QuestCategory_GetTitle                                 .text 00882F00 000000BB R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_QuestCategory_GetEpisodes                              .text 00882FC0 000000F6 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_isCustomerSurvey                        .text 00883220 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_GetTitle                                .text 00883310 0000022E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_GetQuestions                            .text 00883540 00000182 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_GetSurveyType                           .text 008836D0 00000067 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_GetResults                              .text 00883740 00000107 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_GetComment                              .text 00883850 000000E0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_SetResults                              .text 00883930 00000186 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_SetComment                              .text 00883AC0 000000C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_SendResult                              .text 00883B80 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey_Cancel                                  .text 00883BE0 0000005E R . . . B . .
    Script_Game_CustomerSurvey___eq                                    .text 00883C40 000000D7 R . . . B . .
    Script_CustomerSurveyLib_GetPending                                .text 00883E00 000000F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_CustomerSurveyLib_GetPendingCount                           .text 00883F00 00000037 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_PauseGameActionInput                                .text 00884610 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetInputKeyNameText                                 .text 00884660 00000101 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetKeyBinding                                       .text 00884770 00000147 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsKeyBindable                                       .text 00884C20 00000042 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetKeyBindings                                      .text 00884C70 0000000E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetKeyBindings                                      .text 00884C80 00000376 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetInputActionCategories                            .text 00885000 000001B0 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrInputKeySet                                  .text 008851B0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetCurrInputKeySet                                  .text 008851E0 0000006A R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCharacterList                                    .text 00885250 0000014F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetInputKeySet                                      .text 008853A0 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCharInputKeySet                                  .text 008853F0 0000008F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_CanEditKeySet                                       .text 00885480 00000049 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetFrameRate                                        .text 008854D0 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ToggleQuestUnitCallouts                             .text 00885510 00000017 R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_AreQuestUnitCalloutsVisible                         .text 00885530 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetWorldDifficulty                                  .text 00885590 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetWorldGameMode                                    .text 008855C0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerUnit                                       .text 008855F0 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerLevel                                      .text 00885620 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetControlledUnit                                   .text 00885680 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTargetUnit                                       .text 008856B0 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsControlledUnit                                    .text 00885710 0000004E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsCharacterLoaded                                   .text 00885760 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetRealmName                                        .text 00885790 00000094 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetClassName                                        .text 00885830 000000FB R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetClassInnateAbilitySpells                         .text 00885930 0000015D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetNumClassInnateAbilitySpells                      .text 00885A90 00000041 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentClassInnateAbilitySpell                   .text 00885AE0 0000003E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsCurrentInnateAbilityActive                        .text 00885B20 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsSpellSurgeActive                                  .text 00885B60 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsOverdriveActive                                   .text 00885BA0 00000040 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentClassInnateAbilityIndex                   .text 00885BE0 00000045 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetCurrentClassInnateAbilityIndex                   .text 00885C30 00000076 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetGadgetAbility                                    .text 00885CB0 0000006C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerMountUnit                                  .text 00885D20 00000036 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerTaxiUnit                                   .text 00885D60 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerVehicleUnit                                .text 00885D90 00000036 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerGenericVehicleUnit                         .text 00885DD0 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetUnitById                                         .text 00885E40 0000005C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_Disembark                                           .text 00885EA0 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetTargetUnit                                       .text 00885EF0 00000058 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerUnitByName                                 .text 00885F50 0000005D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetGameTime                                         .text 00885FB0 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetLocalTime                                        .text 00886000 000000EB R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTickCount                                        .text 008860F0 0000003C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerCurrency                                   .text 00886130 00000088 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPlayerPets                                       .text 008861C0 000000F8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetWorldTimeOfDay                                   .text 008862C0 0000003F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_UIStartCinematics                                   .text 00886300 000000B8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_UIExitCinematics                                    .text 008863C0 00000010 R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_WhiteOutFadeIn                                      .text 008863D0 00000047 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_WhiteOutFadeOut                                     .text 00886420 00000026 R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_CanVacuum                                           .text 00886450 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetSpell                                            .text 00886480 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetXpBonusData                                      .text 008864B0 000002FD R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetInteractiveUnit                                  .text 008867B0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetNumBankBagSlots                                  .text 008867E0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetNextBankBagCost                                  .text 00886810 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_BuyBankBagSlot                                      .text 00886860 00000028 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_CanRepairAll                                        .text 00886890 0000010B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetRepairAllCost                                    .text 008869A0 00000166 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetKnownDyes                                        .text 00886B10 00000212 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetDyeCost                                          .text 00886D30 00000322 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetDyeUnlockLevel                                   .text 00887060 00000050 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_CanDye                                              .text 008870B0 0000004C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_DyeItems                                            .text 00887100 000002CE R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetGearScore                                        .text 008873D0 00000034 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ShowGuildHolomark                                   .text 00887410 00000103 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetGuildHolomarkVisible                             .text 00887520 00000110 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SearchRelationshipStatusByCharacterName             .text 00887630 00000516 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetSpellThresholdTimePrcntDone                      .text 00887B50 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsInWorldZone                                       .text 00887BD0 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsInLocation                                        .text 00887C60 00000081 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsZoneInZone                                        .text 00887CF0 000000E3 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentWorldId                                   .text 00887DE0 0000003C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentZoneId                                    .text 00887E20 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentZonePvpRules                              .text 00887E50 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCurrentZoneMap                                   .text 00887E80 0000010C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetAllZoneCompletionMapZones                        .text 00887F90 00000237 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_DragDropDataToItemLocation                          .text 008881D0 000000D7 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ItemLocationToDragDropData                          .text 008882B0 000000FE R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetBindPoint                                        .text 008883B0 0000019E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_HasBindPoint                                        .text 00888550 0000006E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetDefaultRecallCommand                             .text 008885C0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetDefaultRecallCommand                             .text 008885F0 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTutorial                                         .text 00888620 0000091D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTutorialPopupContext                             .text 00888F40 0000011A R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPendingTutorials                                 .text 00889060 00000188 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTutorialsForCategory                             .text 008891F0 0000001B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetAllTutorials                                     .text 00889210 0000000F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsTutorialViewed                                    .text 00889220 0000003F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_MarkTutorialViewed                                  .text 00889260 00000056 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTutorialLayouts                                  .text 008892C0 0000023E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_DisableTutorialType                                 .text 00889500 0000001E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetTutorialVisibilityFlags                          .text 00889520 000000FB R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ResetTutorials                                      .text 00889620 0000002F R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_ToggleTutorialVisibilityFlags                       .text 00889650 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsTutorialNoPageAlert                               .text 008896A0 00000049 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_StopTutorialSound                                   .text 00889760 0000001A R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_HasTutorialSound                                    .text 00889780 00000093 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCostumeCount                                     .text 00889820 00000086 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCostumeUnlockLevel                               .text 008898B0 000000EE R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCostumeIndex                                     .text 008899A0 00000038 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetCostumeIndex                                     .text 008899E0 0000009F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCostumeItemIcon                                  .text 00889A80 000001AF R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetCostumeItem                                      .text 00889C30 0000023D R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_SetCostumeSlotVisible                               .text 0088A000 00000178 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_GetReputationLevels                                 .text 0088A680 0000023B R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_GetTotalAbilityPoints                               .text 0088A8F0 00000030 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_SpendAttributePoints                                .text 0088A950 00000119 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ResetAttributePoints                                .text 0088AA70 00000057 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_IsNeedRollAllowed                                   .text 0088AE90 00000146 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_RollOnLoot                                          .text 0088AFE0 00000177 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_PassOnLoot                                          .text 0088B160 00000135 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetMasterLoot                                       .text 0088B2A0 000004E1 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetErrorCategories                                  .text 0088B790 00000663 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_GetStuckCooldowns                                   .text 0088BF30 0000024B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_AssignMasterLoot                                    .text 0088C180 000000B1 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetCCStateStunTimeRemaining                         .text 0088C240 00000065 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_TogglePvpFlags                                      .text 0088C470 0000001F R . . . . . .
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    Script_GameLib_AcceptDuel                                          .text 0088C4C0 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_DeclineDuel                                         .text 0088C4F0 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ForfeitDuel                                         .text 0088C520 0000002B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetDuelState                                        .text 0088C550 00000030 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetDuelOpponent                                     .text 0088C580 00000056 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsIgnoringDuelRequests                              .text 0088C5E0 0000002E R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetIgnoreDuelRequests                               .text 0088C610 00000072 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsPvpServer                                         .text 0088C690 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ShowUI                                              .text 0088C6C0 0000004C R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsTextValid                                         .text 0088C710 0000007B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetInstanceSettings                                 .text 0088C790 000001A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_OnClosedInstanceSettings                            .text 0088C940 0000006B R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_ClearAllTargetMarkers                               .text 0088CAE0 000000AA R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetAvailableTargetMarkers                           .text 0088CB90 00000194 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_CanDisembarkVehicle                                 .text 0088CDF0 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetUnitScreenPosition                               .text 0088CE50 0000022D R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetMouseLock                                        .text 0088D080 00000059 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsMouseLockOn                                       .text 0088D0E0 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetMounts                                           .text 0088D110 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetGameCommand                                      .text 0088D160 0000016A R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetLevelUpUnlockTypes                               .text 0088D2D0 00000211 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetLevelUpUnlock                                    .text 0088D4F0 000000DB R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetPendingLevelUpUnlocks                            .text 0088D5D0 00000163 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetUnlocksForLevel                                  .text 0088D740 0000017B R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_IsLevelUpUnlockViewed                               .text 0088D8C0 0000003F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_MarkLevelUpUnlockViewed                             .text 0088D900 000000B9 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_ResetLevelUpUnlocks                                 .text 0088D9C0 00000011 R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_GetLevelUpFanfareDuration                           .text 0088D9E0 000000A8 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_GetZoneCompletion                                   .text 0088DC60 00000858 R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetWorldCompletionPercent                           .text 0088E4C0 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_SetWorldTooltipContainer                            .text 0088E4F0 0000006F R . . . B . .
    Script_GameLib_GetWorldTooltipContainer                            .text 0088E560 00000025 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GameLib_ClearCityDirection                                  .text 0088E5D0 0000003C R . . . . . .
    Script_GameLib_GetZoneExplorationPercent                           .text 0088E610 000000F9 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_InGroup                                            .text 008903C0 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_InRaid                                             .text 008903F0 00000041 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_InInstance                                         .text 00890440 00000044 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_AmILeader                                          .text 00890490 00000069 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetMemberCount                                     .text 00890500 00000039 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetGroupMaxSize                                    .text 00890540 00000039 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetUnitForGroupMember                              .text 00890580 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetGroupMember                                     .text 00890690 000000C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetInvite                                          .text 00890760 00000033 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_Join                                               .text 008907A0 0000011C R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_Invite                                             .text 008908C0 0000011C R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_DisbandGroup                                       .text 008909E0 0000004A R . . . B . .
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    Script_GroupLib_DeclineInvite                                      .text 00890BB0 00000014 R . . . . . .
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    Script_GroupLib_DenyRequest                                        .text 00890C40 0000006F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_AcceptMentoring                                    .text 00890CB0 00000031 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_CancelMentoring                                    .text 00890CF0 00000014 R . . . . . .
    Script_GroupLib_CloseMentoringDialog                               .text 00890D10 0000003A R . . . . . .
    Script_GroupLib_CloseMentoringAOIDialog                            .text 00890D50 00000014 R . . . . . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetMentoringList                                   .text 00890D70 00000033 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_LeaveGroup                                         .text 00890DB0 0000004A R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetKickPermission                                  .text 00890E00 0000010C R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetInvitePermission                                .text 00890F10 0000010C R . . . B . .
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    Script_GroupLib_SetRoleTank                                        .text 00891340 0000010C R . . . B . .
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    Script_GroupLib_SetMainTank                                        .text 00891560 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetMainAssist                                      .text 00891670 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetRoleLocked                                      .text 00891780 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetCanMark                                         .text 00891890 0000010F R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_ReadyCheck                                         .text 008919A0 000000AC R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_ConvertToRaid                                      .text 00891A50 0000004C R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetJoinRequestMethod                               .text 00891AA0 00000026 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetJoinRequestMethod                               .text 00891AD0 00000053 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GroupLib_GetReferralMethod                                  .text 00891B60 00000053 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetInstanceDifficulty                              .text 00891BC0 0000003C R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_SetInstanceGameMode                                .text 00891C00 00000048 R . . . B . .
    Script_GroupLib_GetInstanceGameMode                                .text 00891C50 0000003C R . . . B . .
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    Script_GroupLib_GetLootRules                                       .text 00891E40 00000252 R . . . B . .
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    Script_MacrosLib_GetMacro                                          .text 00892D00 0000004C R . . . B . .
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    Script_MacrosLib_SetMacroData                                      .text 00893050 000002AD R . . . B . .
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    Script_MacrosLib_DoMacro                                           .text 00893330 00000028 R . . . B . .
    Script_MacrosLib_SaveMacros                                        .text 00893360 00000036 R . . . B . .
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    Script_AbilityBook_GetAbilityInfo                                  .text 00893620 00000230 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_ActivateSpell                                   .text 00893850 00000221 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_UpdateSpellTier                                 .text 00893A80 000002F2 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_GetSpellTierLevelRequirements                   .text 00893D80 0000008D R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_SetCurrectSpec                                  .text 00893E10 00000162 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_GetCurrectSpec                                  .text 00893F80 00000034 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_GetTotalPower                                   .text 00893FC0 00000033 R . . . B . .
    Script_AbilityBook_GetAvailablePower                               .text 00894000 00000031 R . . . B . .
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    Script_AbilityBook_CommitEldanAugmentationSpec                     .text 00894190 00000062 R . . . B . .
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    Script_AbilityBook_ValidateEldanAugmentationSpec                   .text 008944A0 000002C6 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_IsTrading                                        .text 00894950 0000002F R . . . B . .
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    Script_P2PTrading_InitiateTrade                                    .text 00894A30 0000004B R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_AcceptInvite                                     .text 00894A80 0000006D R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_DeclineInvite                                    .text 00894AF0 00000062 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_AddItem                                          .text 00894B60 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_RemoveItem                                       .text 00894C50 000000C5 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_SetMoney                                         .text 00894D20 000000C5 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_UnCommit                                         .text 00894DF0 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_GetTradeItems                                    .text 00895090 000000BF R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_GetMyTradeMoney                                  .text 00895150 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_GetPartnerTradeMoney                             .text 008951C0 0000006B R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_CancelTrade                                      .text 00895230 00000044 R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_IsPartnerCommitted                               .text 00895280 0000004D R . . . B . .
    Script_P2PTrading_AmICommitted                                     .text 008952D0 0000004D R . . . B . .
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    Script_AchievementsLib_GetAchievementsForCategory                  .text 008961E0 000001D5 R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetAchievementZones                         .text 008963C0 000001DF R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetTradeskillAchievements                   .text 008965F0 000003AE R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetAchievementCategoryTree                  .text 008969A0 000008D3 R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetTradeskillAchievementCategoryTree        .text 00897280 000005F4 R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetTradeskillAchievementLayout              .text 00897880 00000185 R . . . B . .
    Script_AchievementsLib_GetAchievementPoints                        .text 00897A10 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GetActiveChallengeList                        .text 008980A0 0000017B R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_ActivateChallenge                             .text 00898220 000000DC R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_ShowAbandonChallenge                          .text 00898300 000000A6 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_AbandonChallenge                              .text 008983B0 000000DC R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GetTimeRemaining                              .text 00898490 000001D2 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GenerateRewardList                            .text 00898670 000000DC R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_ProcessRewards                                .text 00898750 00000175 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GetRewardList                                 .text 008988D0 000003DD R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_AcceptRewards                                 .text 00898CD0 000000E0 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_ShowHintArrow                                 .text 00898DB0 000000AA R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GetLootBonusMultiplier                        .text 00898E60 000000D2 R . . . B . .
    Script_ChallengesLib_GetTierName                                   .text 00898F40 00000133 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_ShowTextFloater                               .text 00899CF0 00001065 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_HideTextFloater                               .text 0089AD60 00000043 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_ShowParticleEffect                            .text 0089ADB0 000002A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_AddDigitSpriteSet                             .text 0089B060 00000064 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_AddTextBGSprite                               .text 0089B0D0 0000006F R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_TestTextFloater                               .text 0089B140 000000F7 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_SetMaxFloaterCount                            .text 0089B240 00000019 R . . . B . .
    Script_CombatFloater_SetMaxFloaterPerUnitCount                     .text 0089B260 00000019 R . . . B . .
    Script_MessageManagerLib_DisplayStoryPanel                         .text 0089BB60 000005F3 R . . . B . .
    Script_MessageManagerLib_HideStoryPanel                            .text 0089C160 00000020 R . . . . . .
    Script_HazardsLib_GetHazardActiveList                              .text 0089C1B0 000002E8 R . . . B . .
    Script_CSIsLib_GetActiveCSI                                        .text 0089C670 0000009B R . . . B . .
    Script_CSIsLib_StartActiveCSI                                      .text 0089C710 0000001B R . . . . . .
    Script_CSIsLib_CancelActiveCSI                                     .text 0089C730 0000001B R . . . . . .
    Script_CSIsLib_IsCSIRunning                                        .text 0089C750 0000005C R . . . B . .
    Script_CSIsLib_CSIProcessInteraction                               .text 0089C7B0 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_CSIsLib_SelectCSIOption                                     .text 0089C810 00000089 R . . . B . .
    Script_CSIsLib_GetTimeRemainingForActiveCSI                        .text 0089C8A0 00000065 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_IsDatacubeComplete                              .text 0089CFB0 00000064 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetVolumes                                      .text 0089D020 00000168 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetLastUpdatedDatacube                          .text 0089D190 000000A7 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetDatacubesForZone                             .text 0089D240 000000CA R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetTotalDatacubesForZone                        .text 0089D310 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetJournalsForZone                              .text 0089D370 000000C8 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetTotalJournalsForZone                         .text 0089D440 00000052 R . . . B . .
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    Script_DatacubeLib_GetTotalTalesForZone                            .text 0089D570 00000052 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetDatacubesForVolume                           .text 0089D5D0 000000C5 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetTales                                        .text 0089D6A0 0000010C R . . . B . .
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    Script_DatacubeLib_GetZonesWithJournals                            .text 0089D960 000001A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_DatacubeLib_GetZonesWithTales                               .text 0089DB10 000001A5 R . . . B . .
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    Script_DatacubeLib_StopDatacubeSound                               .text 0089DDD0 0000001E R . . . . . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_GetMessageLayoutForQuest                    .text 0089DF20 000000A5 R . . . B . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_GetMessageLayoutForSpam                     .text 0089DFD0 00000174 R . . . B . .
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    Script_CommunicatorLib_CallbackLastContact                         .text 0089E220 0000000A R . . . . . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_QueueNextCall                               .text 0089E230 00000039 R . . . B . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_IgnoreCallback                              .text 0089E270 00000008 R . . . . . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_PlaySpamVO                                  .text 0089E280 00000055 R . . . B . .
    Script_CommunicatorLib_Close                                       .text 0089E2E0 0000000F R . . . . . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_IsSlotUnlocked                                 .text 0089E7B0 00000080 R . . . B . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_IsSpellCompatibleWithSlot                      .text 0089E830 000000D3 R . . . B . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_IsSpellCompatibleWithActionSet                 .text 0089E910 00000180 R . . . B . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_RequestActionSetChanges                        .text 0089EA90 00000254 R . . . B . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_DoesActionSetMeetRequirements                  .text 0089ECF0 00000107 R . . . B . .
    Script_ActionSetLib_GetCurrentActionSet                            .text 0089EE00 000000C9 R . . . B . .
    Script_AttributeMilestonesLib_GetAttributeMilestoneInfo            .text 0089F2F0 00000D67 R . . . B . .
    lua_remove                                                         .text 008A0A70 0000004D R . . . . . .
    Script_GuildLib_Accept                                             .text 008A2A60 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_GuildLib_Decline                                            .text 008A2A90 00000025 R . . . B . .
    Script_GuildLib_Create                                             .text 008A2AC0 00000273 R . . . B . .
    Script_GuildLib_GetGuilds                                          .text 008A2D50 000000A8 R . . . B . .
    Script_GuildLib_IsLoading                                          .text 008A2E00 00000028 R . . . B . .
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    Script_GuildLib_GetCreateCost                                      .text 008A3680 000000A2 R . . . B . .
    Script_GuildLib_GetMinimumLevel                                    .text 008A3730 00000089 R . . . B . .
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    Script_MarketplaceLib_GetItemProperties                            .text 008A5130 00000191 R . . . B . .
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    Script_FriendshipLib_AddByName                                     .text 008A5890 0000011C R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AddByUnit                                     .text 008A59B0 000000CF R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AddByGroupIndex                               .text 008A5A80 000000FC R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AddBySuggested                                .text 008A5B80 000000EF R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetInviteList                                 .text 008A5C70 0000015F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetInviteById                                 .text 008A5DD0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_InviteMarkSeen                                .text 008A5E80 00000028 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_Remove                                        .text 008A5EB0 000000BB R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetNote                                       .text 008A5F90 000000A7 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetType                                       .text 008A6040 000000F9 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetById                                       .text 008A6140 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetList                                       .text 008A61F0 00000162 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_IsLoaded                                      .text 008A6360 0000002F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_IsLocked                                      .text 008A6390 0000002D R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetLock                                       .text 008A63C0 0000004C R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetLocations                                  .text 008A6410 0000017C R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetPersonalStatus                             .text 008A6590 00000071 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetPersonalPresenceState                      .text 008A6610 00000092 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetPersonalIgnoreStrangersState               .text 008A66B0 00000060 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetAccountInviteList                          .text 008A6710 0000015F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetAccountList                                .text 008A6870 0000015F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AccountAddByEmail                             .text 008A69D0 000000EB R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AccountAddByUpgrade                           .text 008A6AC0 000000CF R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AccountInviteMarkSeen                         .text 008A6B90 00000075 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AccountInviteRespond                          .text 008A6C10 0000005A R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_AccountRemove                                 .text 008A6C70 00000026 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetAccountById                                .text 008A6CA0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_IsAccountFriendByName                         .text 008A6D50 00000059 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetAccountInviteById                          .text 008A6DB0 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetPublicNote                                 .text 008A6E60 0000004F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetPublicDisplayName                          .text 008A6EB0 0000004F R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_SetFriendPrivateData                          .text 008A6F00 000000D6 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetSuggestedList                              .text 008A6FE0 00000162 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_GetSuggestedById                              .text 008A7150 000000A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_VisitResidence                                .text 008A7200 000000A7 R . . . B . .
    Script_FriendshipLib_NeighborInvite                                .text 008A72B0 000000AA R . . . B . .
    Script_PetCustomizationLib_GetUnlockedPetFlairByType               .text 008A8340 000000E3 R . . . B . .
    Script_PetCustomizationLib_GetCustomization                        .text 008A8430 00000064 R . . . B . .
    Script_PublicEventsLib_GetActivePublicEventList                    .text 008A8780 00000198 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetPendingAccountSingleItems                 .text 008A8950 00000668 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetPendingAccountItemGroups                  .text 008A8FC0 00000A92 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetAccountItems                              .text 008A9A60 0000059D R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetAccountEntitlements                       .text 008AA000 000002D4 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetCharacterEntitlements                     .text 008AA2E0 000002DD R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_ClaimPendingSingleItem                       .text 008AA5C0 000000BD R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_ClaimPendingItemGroup                        .text 008AA680 000000C0 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_ReturnPendingSingleItem                      .text 008AA740 000000CB R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_ReturnPendingItemGroup                       .text 008AA810 000000EA R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_TakeAccountItem                              .text 008AA900 000000BD R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GiftPendingItemToCharacter                   .text 008AA9C0 000001A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GiftPendingItemGroupToCharacter              .text 008AAB70 000001AF R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GiftPendingItemToAccount                     .text 008AAD20 000001A4 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GiftPendingItemGroupToAccount                .text 008AAED0 000001AF R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_RedeemCoupon                                 .text 008AB080 00000093 R . . . B . .
    Script_AccountItemLib_GetInstantEventCount                         .text 008AB120 000000DE R . . . B . .
    luaL_checkany                                                      .text 008C7B00 0000008D R . . . B . .
    luaL_checkudata                                                    .text 008C8610 00000011 R . . . B . .
    lua_rawset                                                         .text 008C87A0 000000BD R . . . . . .
    luaopen_debug                                                      .text 008C9270 00000020 R . . . B . .
    lua_yield                                                          .text 008CF3B0 0000003C R . . . B . .
    luaopen_os                                                         .text 008CFE50 00000020 R . . . B . .
    luaopen_table                                                      .text 008D2C50 00000020 R . . . B . .
    CNetworkManager__Poll                                              .text 008D7500 000000C2 R . . . B . .
    lua_touserdata                                                     .text 008DDA40 0000003A R . . . B . .
    Collision__CCollision__Simulate                                    .text 008E5650 000000DC R . . . B . .
    Collision__CCollision__ForcedMove_Knock                            .text 008E6910 000006FC R . . . B . .
    ___security_init_cookie                                            .text 008FD4A7 0000009A R . . . B . .
    _atexit                                                            .text 008FE6C1 00000015 R . . . B T .
    __onexit                                                           .text 00901399 00000055 R . . . B T .
    HandlerRoutine                                                     .text 00901772 00000099 R . . . B T .
    GetCurrentProcessId                                                .text 0090215F 00000006 R . . . . T .
    __FindPESection                                                    .text 00903910 00000043 R . . . B . .
    __IsNonwritableInCurrentImage                                      .text 00903960 000000BA R . . . B . .
    __SEH_prolog4                                                      .text 00903E10 00000045 R . L . . . .
    __SEH_epilog4                                                      .text 00903E55 00000014 R . L . . . .
    TopLevelExceptionFilter                                            .text 009047DF 0000004F R . . . B T .
    LocaleEnumProc                                                     .text 00908EBA 000000AE R . . . B T .
    _has_osfxsr_set                                                    .text 0090CAF7 00000044 R . . . B . .
    luaL_callmeta                                                      .text 0095BBE0 00000069 R . . . B . .
    luaL_addvalue                                                      .text 0095BCA0 00000015 R . . . . . .
    lua_insert                                                         .text 009DB510 000000E7 R . . . B . .
    IsProcessorFeaturePresent                                          .text 009DF3D6 00000006 R . . . . T .
    RtlUnwind                                                          .text 009DF3DC 00000006 R . . . . T .
    __ftol2_sse                                                        .text 009DF860 0000001C R . . . . . .
    __ftol2                                                            .text 009DF896 00000075 R . . . B . .
    luaL_addstring                                                     .text 009F8D10 00000020 R . . . . . .
    Last edited by Master674; 11-30-2013 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Added more!

    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. #2
    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    Hi, I looked into your IDB (which is very interesting) because i'll try to make a WS bot, i noticed the s_currentManager label, is it the objectmanager base like into WoW ?

  3. #3
    Master674's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by Midi12 View Post
    Hi, I looked into your IDB (which is very interesting) because i'll try to make a WS bot, i noticed the s_currentManager label, is it the objectmanager base like into WoW ?
    Yes, also contains a lot of other stuff like camera instance etc.
    In build 6581 (current iirc) s_currentManager is at 0x81BD40 and the first unit in the list is at s_currentManager + 0x5C7C, every unit has a pointer to the next unit (unit + 0x54). The local player is at s_currentManager + 0x5610.

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    Thanks for the reply, i work on the x64 client, because i only have the x64 version on my current computer.
    Using your idb i succeed to port it to the x64 6582 (i have the 6582 build not 6581 ^^), if i did it right s_currentManager is at 0x0000000140A34B00, will try to find the x64 offsets tonight according to data in your reply.

  5. #5
    Master674's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by Midi12 View Post
    Thanks for the reply, i work on the x64 client, because i only have the x64 version on my current computer.
    Using your idb i succeed to port it to the x64 6582 (i have the 6582 build not 6581 ^^), if i did it right s_currentManager is at 0x0000000140A34B00, will try to find the x64 offsets tonight according to data in your reply.
    Run the Wildstar Launcher in compatibility mode to Windows XP and it will download the 32 bit client for you.

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