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    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    dtoast's Autoloot and Combat Assistant: Never press V again!

    dtoast's Autoloot and Combat Assistant

    Updated v1.11

    v1.0 - Release
    v1.1 - Support for any resolution. May be slower as it now scans the whole screen regardless of resolution.[/URL]
    v1.2 - Corrected in-app instructions that I should have corrected in v1.1.
    v1.3 - Increased sensitivity and decreased loop delay. It should now be a little more responsive when the loot icon pops up.
    v1.4 - Updated with a button that takes users to this thread. I've noticed some folks are grabbing it from elsewhere. This way they can get help if needed.
    v1.5 - Added an ini file where you can change the keybind for vac loot: try to keep it in the a-z 0-9 range or it might not work. Changed system to a check-box style: check the options you want and then start the app. You don't have to start/stop whenever you want to enable or disable an option, just check or uncheck the box with it still running is ok. Added a check to see if the ability QuickBurst is up, and if so, uses it (its an on-crit ability): The app will tell you what slot to put it in based on the keybinding set in dal.ini. I will add other abilities, please see below about what I need from you to help make it happen. Added crappy icon: I got sick of the default app icon. If someone wants to make me a nice 32x32 ico file for me to use instead of the crap I threw together in ps, I'd appreciate it
    v1.6.2 - Cleaned up the UI. Added a button to start and stop for those of you who don't have a numpad. Increased response time significantly. Fixed non-working buttons (hopefully).
    v1.7 - Added OnCrit box for 'Punish' Ability. Default slot 5, can edit in dal.ini.
    v1.8.3 - Added & tested Dual Shock and Flame Burst auto casting. Keybinds can be edited in dal.ini.
    v1.8.6 - Added Atomize and Feedback auto casting. Keybinds can be edited in dal.ini as usual.
    v1.9 - New function time! I've added a fix to one of the most annoying things wrong with deadlock (and other mouselock addons) at the moment: The reticle targeting doesn't work due to API changes. Currently, when you activate DL and it pulls up the "targeting" reticle, it doesn't actually move the mouse to the reticle to target; instead it targets whatever is under where your mouse was when you activated DL (so if your mouse was near your chatbox, it'll target things when you move them near your chatbox). This new function I've added will move your mouse to the centre of your screen and enable deadlock.
    Some important things of note for setting it up:
    • If you're NOT running at 1920x1080 and fullscreen borderless, you need to open dal.ini and set the X and Y of the centre of the reticle using 'DeadlockX' and 'DeadlockY' (go find a mouse coordinate script for autoit to help with this)
    • You can change the keys in dal.ini for activating DL (default is set to Q), activating the fix (default also set to Q) and turning off the fix (default E) - 'Deadlock' is the in-game key used to activate deadlock, 'DeadlockOn' is the key you press to use the fix, and 'DeadlockOff' is what you press to turn off the fix.
    • When you want to 'turn on' deadlock and use mouse steering, press your 'DeadlockOn' key, and when you want to go back to using the mouse normally press your 'DeadlockOff' key. The 'Deadlock' key is only used internally for sending the right activation key to the game client (and so you can change the binding to whatever you use for deadlock).

    The reason for separate on and off buttons is that sometimes the mouse will spin around if I use the same binding for turning it off (as the mousemove happens before the keypress). You can use just the DeadlockOn key to turn on and off, but YMMV.
    In case you have any troubles with this version, I'm also leaving up the previous version. Depending on feedback for this function, it may or may not survive to future builds.
    v1.10 - Removed the deadlock fix as the API has been fixed by Carbine and it's no longer necessary. Added Breaching Strikes. If anyone still has a use for the mouse centring fix, please post here and let me know and I'll add it back in.
    v1.10.2 - Fixed mis-named variable for BS. Also, I realise the window title still says 1.9, I'll correct it next revision.
    v1.10.3 - Added Decimate. Haven't tested it but I did double check my variable names this time so should be ok. Still haven't added stun unlock. I promise I will, but it may take longer than I expected to find the free time for it as I'm (quite unexpectedly) moving interstate this week.
    v1.11 - Added Bioshell. Also added stun-out feature. Only works for ASDW keys (as that's all the keys I have been sent images for). This version is untested as I've stopped subscribing to the game. If there's any problems, please post a detailed description of the problem and I'll try fix it. If it works OK, this will probably be the last release. Download here.

    How to:
    This is a fix to one of those minor annoyances that drive us all mad. It will check for the loot icon and if it is present, will vacuum loot. I wasn't happy with having to press 'v' all the time (as it's an inconvenient distance from 'wasd'), and I was too annoyed with it to just change the key-binding.

    It's a fairly simple app. Extract the files anywhere you like, run the exe, and you've got the instructions right here:

    • Autoloot: presses your loot keybind when there's loot to be picked up. Default keybind is v. You can change the keybinding for this in dal.ini
    • Auto Abilities: presses your keybind for the ability Quick Burst when it is activated (typically, when you crit). Will not do anything if you don't have it on your bar. You can change the keybinding/bar slot for this in dal.ini
    • Numpad + to start and stop (removed individual start/stop keys).
    • Numpad / to quickly exit without having to go back to the app.
    • To change keybinds, open dal.ini and edit as you like. Currently only supports a-z and 0-9 keys (numpad, function and other misc keys not yet supported).

    It has had very limited testing - just on my PC - so I'm interested to see what problems might crop up.

    If it's running but not working for you do ALL of these first before asking for help:
    • Check game resolution: 1920x1080 (only if you're using v1.0. v1.1+ should run at any resolution. Link at top of post).
    • Check game window: borderless windowed or windowed mode ONLY (no exclusive fullscreen - sorry SLI users). If you're worried about an FPS drop, unless you're running a low-end system (which isn't recommended for W* anyway), you shouldn't notice more than a 5% decrease in any of the windowed modes.
    • Disable ALL your addons and reset your UI to default. This app relies on the loot icon being the original icon that comes with the game. This also includes UI scale % - it needs to be the default 1.0. If you change its size or look in any way, you break it. If it works after disabling addons, enable them one at a time until you find the one that broke it and post here which addon that is.
    • Make sure your vacuum loot keybind is set to 'v', or change the binding in dal.ini to your loot keybind.

    If its not even running, please post the full error that pops up - and make sure you're not running an absurd antivirus that might be blocking it.

    If you would like some help getting it working, please post your game resolution, window mode, and state that you've disabled all addons that don't come with the game by default (this is so I know that you've read the instructions above).

    If you're concerned about malware or viruses go here and run a scan. There will be a couple false-positives at the top (because they're rubbish).

    Thanks to the anonymous users who have made donations. Your support is appreciated.

    For those wanting to help me add more on-event abilities, this is how you can help: Stick the on-event ability on your bar and when it activates, take a screenshot. Make sure its not a lossy compressed screenshot (no JPG; PNG or BMP only please) and crop out the icon with plenty of space around it like in this example.

    Once you have done that, please zip or rar it and upload to mediafire or dropbox and PM me the link. When I get time, I'll add the ability into the app (but I can't necessarily test it - you will need to let me know how well it works).

    Thanks to the following people for helping me add extra abilities:

    To do:
    The frequency of updates will depend on donations if this becomes more widely used; however, I'll probably still keep putting out releases so long as I'm playing the game and needing particular things done that I'm too lazy to do myself.
    • Add option to auto/keybind Accept/Complete quests (for when using Deadlock Ext. - so no need to toggle/untoggle every time I want to pick up a new quest). CANCELLED: There's an addon for this here.
    • Add option to allow a change vacuum loot binding (and save to a .ini so it can be recalled next time). DONE
    • Add option to change autoloot's start/stop/exit keybinds (and save to a .ini so it can be recalled next time). Lazy to do this. Added start/stop button for manual activation instead.
    • Add more on-event abilities, like quickburst (see above for how you can help). ONGOING
    • Add stun removal (thanks RuNKino for the images).
    • Remove the Deadlock mod mouse fix (as the latest patch fixed what carbine broke). DONE
    Last edited by dtoast; 07-02-2014 at 05:16 AM. Reason: 1.11

    dtoast's Autoloot: Never press V again!
  2. #2
    Dwink's Avatar Private
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    could you please make this for 1366x768 since i only have a crappy lo res monitor

  3. #3
    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Dwink View Post
    could you please make this for 1366x768 since i only have a crappy lo res monitor
    Made one that should work with any resolution. Link is at the bottom of the first post.

  4. #4
    Toldorn's Avatar Contributor
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    this was amazing - but for some reason it appears to not work for me tonight

  5. #5
    BotinChief's Avatar Banned
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    Thanks for the app, your saving my V key

  6. #6
    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by BlackBook View Post
    this was amazing - but for some reason it appears to not work for me tonight
    Is it working again? If there's problems with it not picking up I might have to adjust the sensitivity of it (which could lead to false-positives in loot detection, but its not like V does anything else anyway).

    Just in case its not picking up again for you, I've pre-emptively adjusted sensitivity. Also shortened the loop delay so it checks twice as frequently as before. If anyone experiences slow-downs when running it please post and let me know, otherwise I'll assume it is fine (only older systems may have issues).
    Last edited by dtoast; 05-14-2014 at 03:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Toldorn's Avatar Contributor
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    I'll try it again tonight

  8. #8
    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    Let us hope the new one works better for you.

    I just tested it at my end before uploading and it picks up fine, so if it continues to not work for you can you supply me with some info? Just game resolution, window mode, and if you're running any third party add-ons - in fact, if it still doesn't work, try disabling all your addons first and give it another go and then let me know if there's no improvement. The feedback is appreciated and helps me get to the bottom of issues like this

    Oh, one more thing before I forget. UI scale other than default might break it as well - so let me know if you've changed that (and if changing it back fixes it). I haven't actually tested for that.
    Last edited by dtoast; 05-14-2014 at 03:34 AM.

  9. #9
    Toldorn's Avatar Contributor
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    working great again not sure what problem was.

  10. #10
    T10H's Avatar Member
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    This is awesome, thank you

  11. #11
    Alth0r's Avatar Private
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    Would this be considered as a 3rd party program and bannable ?

  12. #12
    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Alth0r View Post
    Would this be considered as a 3rd party program and bannable ?
    Yes it can be considered as a 3rd party program.

  13. #13
    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by BlackBook View Post
    working great again not sure what problem was.
    Glad to hear! Maybe it was just the sensitivity. Regardless, I'm happy its working for you again.

    Originally Posted by Alth0r View Post
    Would this be considered as a 3rd party program and bannable ?
    Absolutely. Anything that interacts with the game that isn't an addon (that goes in the addon folder) is a third party app and can potentially get you banned. That said, it doesn't hook into the game at all so it is highly unlikely to be detected unless carbine run a memory scan for all apps running on your computer (specifically programs that don't interact directly with the game like, for example, MS Office or Photoshop) and specifically look for this app's memory signature.

    The way this app works is it does an image match for whatever is on the screen and presses V if it finds a match to its search parameter - this is regardless of what app is running. If I had mspaint open with a screenshot of the game with a loot button up, it would still try pressing V (this is on purpose).

  14. #14
    Alth0r's Avatar Private
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    I see, it's kinda ridiculous that u have to use a third party to do something as simple as that, when its common in plenty other games to simply have an auto-loot option.
    Well, untill they add the option...
    thanks for the work

  15. #15
    dtoast's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Alth0r View Post
    I see, it's kinda ridiculous that u have to use a third party to do something as simple as that, when its common in plenty other games to simply have an auto-loot option.
    Well, untill they add the option...
    thanks for the work
    I've yet to find an MMO that has a real, true autoloot. You always have to interact with a corpse, click the loot, or do something else to initiate the loot. This app just automates that process.

    Carbine wont add the option of a true autoloot, so don't hold out for it

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