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  1. #1
    Doodac's Avatar Active Member
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    Guide to Mercenary Healing

    The Talent Setup(s)

    I have been trying to mix a few different talent setups, but this is the one I have found the best. (Skill Calculator - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Database)
    The reason why I don't take Reactive Armor, is because it is bugged, simple as that. I tested it out with an Assassin friend of mine. He had ~6.5k armor without it, and about ~6.7k with it. Some fast math geniuses will say that's not 10% - You're right!
    From what I could see, his damage reduction rose with a whole - hold tight - 0.03%. Amazing.
    So instead I went for the extra overall healing/10% extra for Kolto Missile as that is better.

    The Stats

    As far as I can conclude, the best stats are (in order): Aim, Crit Rating, Surge Rating, Alacrity Rating, Power.
    Those stats are the only ones you should really worry about. But it shouldn't be too hard to get them, as long as you go for 'Combat Medic' gear with natural Aim on.

    The Skill Rotation

    In most cases you would want to keep Kolto Shell up on tank, an exception to this being the security it provides for the kiter in Boarding Party. But you have to decide for yourself, I found it useful.
    Kolto Missile should be used when 2 or more have taken 1.5k or more in damage (mine crits for about 2.6k currently). Or if you feel sure that your tank can hold it, right after a big hit, as it provides additional healing taken.
    Rapid Scan and Healing Scan should be used together with Critical Efficiency, meaning Healing Scan -> Rapid Scan, if tank is taking steady damage.
    If everyone is dying or someone is being nuked really badly, spam Rapid Scan along with Emergency Scan, as it provides no heat and therefore is more effiicient.
    Otherwise, just spam your Auto Attack to heal without the cost of heat, beware though, this might not be a good idea for some fights, just keep that in mind.
    I rarely use my Supercharged Gas, but when I do I use it to reduce damage taken on the tank on some bosses, for example the Kaon Under Siege bonus boss, this comes in handy
    Your vent heat, this is very crucial: Only use it when you have 62 or MORE heat, because with the talents its going to vent ~62-70 heat, depending on what you're currently doing, as in casting Rapid scan or stuff like that. In most cases its going to vent 65. Atleast in my experience.

    The Mindset

    Keep in mind that the more heat you currently have, the slower it degenerates. This is very crucial to successful healing.
    Most trash packs can be done without any sweat and you might actually be able to do some damage.
    Remember to help your group stun or cc, as Mercs (currently) is one the only classes to have combat cc.
    You don't have any interrupts so don't bother wasting CD's like stun or knockback on this, except for a few bosses, like The False Emperor.
    Your cooldowns should be managed any way you see fit, just don't blow them cos you feel like it, blow them because its needed. Most of the time you can get away with not using them at all. I have in 11/12 HMs so far.

    Additional Info

    Mercs are generally fun to play, you're doing fairly decent healing, atleast if your group doesn't mess up too often.
    The heat system is punishing, you have to figure out how to use it (heat) most efficiently, I tried giving my views on it and ways to work with it.
    Positioning is very easy but Kolto Missile can be a pain to use correctly. Trial and Error.
    This is mostly for PvE, as I dont really do PvP as much with the new Hard Modes tunings.
    AND REMEMBER! Use your relics wisely.
    Hope you enjoy or at the very least get inspired by my very first guide.

    PS: Any Feedback is appreciated.

    Last edited by Doodac; 01-22-2012 at 10:34 AM.

    Guide to Mercenary Healing
  2. #2
    Distiny's Avatar Site Donator Cheat or Die!
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    if this is done completely by you +rep

    nice guide

  3. #3
    Doodac's Avatar Active Member
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    This is indeed done 100% by me well, except for the torhead site

  4. #4
    teth1's Avatar Private
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    Nice guide, thanks.

  5. #5
    Devswtor's Avatar Member
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    Power should be right under aim.

    Aim > Power > Crit > Surge > Alacrity

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