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    Something to get you out bugged WZ

    Lately almost all Warzones have been bugged. If you wait long enough for the bugged warzone to be over you can go play again.

    But if you want to make it shorter, after you went to the Character loading screen and relogin. The server still thinks you are inside the WZ so everytime you queue it's instant.

    Just type /afk and you will be out of the bugged warzone.
    Don't queue directly afterward, because if not enough people are queued it will just put you back in bugged WZ.
    If a lot of people are queued, some other will join the bugged WZ and you can go wait for a non-bugged WZ to come up.

    Don't count on it to be working 100% of the time.

    Something to get you out bugged WZ

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