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    LuckyLL's Avatar Sergeant
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    [For Free] Luckys Spacebot

    Special thanks to all coders and donors.

    Update V5.31:

    - Fixed Accept after Dailys
    - Fixed Diplomacy Dark Side
    - Fixed some Imagesearch start pictures
    - Added "Imagesearch Mission Start" in Option Tab:
    If the option is activated the bot will try to sync the missions using Imagesearch.
    If that fails after the first try the 5.2 timer will be activated automatically.
    If the option is deactivated the bot will always go for 5.2 timer (on the missions that dont need imagesearch for syncing)

    Explanation on Dailys:
    The Daily Tab is for finishing the daily missions.
    All checked missions will be done in a row and repeated as long as the missions are finished successfully.

    Explanation on different Loop options:
    Standard Mission Loop: Searches for Accept and Leave buttons and uses a fixed wait time for the loading screen. (not recommended for slow computers)
    Alternative Adaptive Mission Loop: Searches for Accept and Leave buttons and waits for beeing back on ship by recognizing the world map button on the radar hud (highly recommended for everyone)
    Alternative Loop without Imagesearch and Counter: Just clicks at the spots where Accept and Leave buttons are supposed to be and uses a fixed wait time for the loading screen (recommended for everyone who has problems with the other two options)

    Explanation on "Crewskill Only" Button:
    The Crewskill function gets started without the Spacebot.
    If you position your character in front of a cargo bay the "bank it" function will start automatically.

    Explanation on Drexel and Sullust Custom Timing:
    If you got major crashs into rocks (at 2:55 ingame timer) you need to change the standard custom timer entry. First of all try to find the correct timing for the rock at 2:55 by adding 1000 if the evasion comes too early and subtracting 1000 if too late.
    The last rock is as the name says the latest rock that needs a very precise timing and needs to be changed most of the time if you do some changes on the Overall timer.

    I´m releasing the Spacebot that i have written in Autoit for free usage.
    It uses Pixelsearch and Imagesearch and supports the English and German client.


    1. Set the resolution to 1024x768 windowed mode, quality: low, move the game window to the top left corner and restart the game.

    2. Activate Default interface or set "Global Scale" to "1" (ESC -> Interface Options)

    3. Stand in front of the chair in your Spaceship and position the camera behind the chair.

    4. Start the bot , click onto the mission you wish to start and wait.

    5. Press F2 to stop the bot.

    Main missions for leveling:

    Missions Empire:

    - Jaabim (Start)
    - Sarapin (Level 20)
    - Ezran (Level 28) -> needs LVL 29 shield and power converter
    - Skaross (Level 34)
    - Sullust (Level 40) -> works properly only for Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent -> alternative mission = Polith
    - Aeten (Level 44)

    Missions Republic:

    - Fondor (Start)
    - Makem Te (Level 20)
    - Syvris (Level 28)
    - Pakuuni (Level 34)
    - Drexel (Level 40)
    - Kalee (Level 44)

    For the minimum equipment requirement on these missions checkout the README.txt

    Additional missions:

    Missions Empire:

    - Saleucami (minimum Grade 1 equipment)
    - Cartel (minimum Grade 3 equipment)
    - Nez Peron (minimum Grade 3 equipment)
    - Taspan (minimum Grade 5 equipment)
    - Polith (minimum Level 40 equipment)
    - Clouds (minimum Level 44 equipment)

    Missions Republic:

    - Javaal (minimum Grade 1 equipment)
    - Balosar (minimum Grade 3 equipment)
    - Archenar (minimum Grade 1 equipment)
    - Llanic (minimum Grade 3 equipment)
    - Hydian (minimum Level 40 equipment)
    - Zosha (minimum Level 44 equipment)


    - Jedi Knight, Jedi consular and Smuggler should work best. (Bounty Hunter and Trooper wont work on all missions)
    - The equipment of the ship should always be on the current level.
    - Special equipment (power converter, EMP, etc.) should not be forgotten.
    - If you got problems with running the Spacebot together with Crewskills you need to restart the game.
    - If the bot misses the right clickpoint on the starmap move the game window a bit or use windows aero theme.
    - Program needs to be run with administrator privileges
    - Default keybindings on button 1 to 4
    - Active Missions should be untracked
    - If you got the error "subscript used with non-Array variable" and you got a 64 bit windows try to click on "Run Script (x86)" or copy the imagesearch.dll into "SysWOW64" folder.
    - If your mouse coordinations are off and you got a widescreen monitor you need to change the resolustion to "square screen" like 1280x1024.
    On ATI:
    ---> Radeon settings
    ---> Flat panel properties
    ---> Enable GPU scale
    ---> Use centered timings
    - If you're having problems with the bot clicking the wrong place no matter the resolution or the GPU scaling options on your computer you have to set the resolution to 1024x768 windowed mode and then completely reboot the game with those settings.
    - If a mission doesnt work check if it should work for your class if you got the minimum equipment and then you can also play around with desktop brightness and color settings of your graphic card.
    - If you have problems with the mouse pointer clicking onto the right position or other problems its a good idea to create your own .exe file:
    1. Download Autoit 3 and install it.
    2. Go to Lucky Spacebot folder and "right" click onto Luckys_Spacebot.au3 and choose "Compile Script" (if an error occurs try again)

    Have Fun!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by LuckyLL; 07-11-2012 at 05:10 AM.

    [For Free] Luckys Spacebot
  2. #2
    fusaadvos's Avatar Private
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    Epic bot. its ben running for about 2½ hours and got 2 levels and around 100.000 creds had to move the screen abit even thouge it says i should not do that. but the mouse was just abit under the yes butten but othere then that just epic. mutch easyer then and simpler then UntzBot Good work.

  3. #3
    cbrebel's Avatar Member
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    Looks great ....sorry about previous statement musta been drunk .
    Last edited by cbrebel; 03-04-2012 at 11:31 AM.

  4. #4
    hideko's Avatar Member
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    virus scan

    Luckys_Spacebot_v2.rar - Jotti's malware scan

    to the author;
    i ran the space mission for kalee once, and aside from laughing pretty hard as it looks like the ship is having a seizure, the drawback to pixel monitoring on that mission is pretty evident, aside from the fact that it just flat out dies (with all the upgrades possible at 45+purps) but not a bad first start?

  5. #5
    Relentless904's Avatar Sergeant
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    Nice work.

  6. #6
    D4rk5tyl3z's Avatar Corporal
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    i have a feeling that this bot has potential but i can´t get Republic mission level 40 Drexel to work the mission starts fine but my ship does nothing -.- before that i tried Pakuuni and it did the mission but didn´t do the bonus and didn´t accept the reward. thats hardly botting if i need to accept the rewards manually -.- pls work on that. i tried it with the english and german client everytime the same problems.

  7. #7
    Anarki's Avatar Member
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    Lol, this bot is playing better than me. No kidding, first and only time I ran Fondor mission, I managed to escort the friendly ship with about 50% hp, this bot did it with 100%!
    Very interesting, I will test it some more. Pity it lacks statistics on completed/failed missions, as well as faster clicking while choosing the missions.

  8. #8
    fusaadvos's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by cbrebel View Post
    Virus scan and video? seems kind of fishy your first rep post is someone who join half hour after you and says they run for 2.5 hours already
    first you cant see what time i joint only the date.. i have been around these forums sens the beta of swtor, not as member only as a reader and i have tryed UntzBot as it could be DL without beeing a member of this site. i got this boot from anothere member on this site. and i just had to give this kid some rep as it really is good. i havent tryed anything over lvl 28 so i cant say if the but will fail at higher lvl.

    and im a jedi and he sys that jedis work best. maybe thats the prob some ppl have.

  9. #9
    D4rk5tyl3z's Avatar Corporal
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    i am also a jedi shadow but drexel won´t work no matter what i do -.-

  10. #10
    LuckyLL's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by cbrebel View Post
    Virus scan and video? seems kind of fishy your first rep post is someone who join half hour after you and says they run for 2.5 hours already
    If you have doubts please wait and observe the feedback. You will see that everything is allright.

    Originally Posted by hideko View Post
    virus scan
    to the author;
    i ran the space mission for kalee once, and aside from laughing pretty hard as it looks like the ship is having a seizure, the drawback to pixel monitoring on that mission is pretty evident, aside from the fact that it just flat out dies (with all the upgrades possible at 45+purps) but not a bad first start?
    Bounty Hunter and Troopers are the two classes that wont work on all missions right now because they got yellow thrusters (conflicting with pixel detection).

    Originally Posted by D4rk5tyl3z View Post
    i am also a jedi shadow but drexel won´t work no matter what i do -.-
    Drexel is a bit tricky as it needs a script to avoid the asteroids to work. The script gets triggered at 3:42 ingame timer.
    If your computer is too slow he might has a longer loading time. Can you tell me at which time the missions starts for you please?

  11. #11
    D4rk5tyl3z's Avatar Corporal
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    it starts at 3:42 but my ship doesn´t do a damn thing it doesn´t shoot or move just stays in the middle of the screen all other missions work so far -.-

  12. #12
    LuckyLL's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by D4rk5tyl3z View Post
    it starts at 3:42 but my ship doesn´t do a damn thing it doesn´t shoot or move just stays in the middle of the screen all other missions work so far -.-
    Try to restart the Drexel Mission several times before starting the bot for loading time improvement.
    I will add an option in the next version for a later mission trigger.

  13. #13
    eric823's Avatar Private
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    wow, awesome bot! i had a buddy PL me till 12 and got my spaceship real fast. Started on jabiim with NO ship mods and went to sleep, woke up at 17 with 2 bubbles left sure it would fail jabiim sometimes and let the ship get shot down at the LAST 12 seconds, but it worked more than not. 75 ship commedations.

  14. #14
    Rhematos's Avatar Member
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    Absolutely fantastic. Much better than the one I had previously purchased.

  15. #15
    dontospame's Avatar Private
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    I too am very impressed with the bot, but I'm stuck at the Drexel mission also. Can't get it to do anything. Sadly, I can't do the Kalee successfully, guess my ship just doesn't have the equipment to pull it off. I've got Grade 5 everything, but only armor upgraded to purple gear so far. I have the lvl 46 and 47 gear in inventory but I'm only lvl 45.

    My mission starts at 3:48 if that makes any difference.
    Last edited by dontospame; 03-03-2012 at 04:33 PM.

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