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    Another Beta tester Review

    Hallo, first i would like to say that this is not mine, and its taken from somewhere else, please also keep in mind that this is but one persons appinion of the game, and happy reading

    "Here is my review for SWTOR after testing it for 20 days. Please consider that the points are my personal reflection about what I think is good (or bad) in the game.

    First to my characters: So far I have played 5 characters and followed the story. As far as possible
    I have done all the quests I have found and did not skip any - unless group quests I did not get a
    group for. The list of my characters are:

    • Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer - lvl 27 - currently on Nar Shaddaa (story line for that planet finished - on her way to Tatooine)

    • Sith Warrior: Juggernaut - lvl 22 - currently on Balmorra (story line for that planet finished - on last standard quests)

    • Jedi Knight: Sentinel - lvl 19 - currently on Taris

    • Smuggler: Gunslinger - lvl 13 - currently on Coruscant

    • Bounty Hunter - lvl 10 - currently still on Nal Hutta

    I have not seen anything, not done everything and even I did some exploring I still have alot to

    Character creation

    It has been said several times that people (including myself) want a more 'in depth' character creation. But I have started thinking. Maybe they have done it out of the reason to limit data transfer and therefore make it possible for more characters in the same place? The biggest MMO on the market has only 1 bodytype and size - so it may explain why there can be hundreds of toons in one place (even it is getting laggy then). In case this is the reason then I want to say quiet. Because it may lead to the one thing alot of PvP'ers are dreaming of: big battles between players without limiting it to only a certain number allowed in a zone.

    For the rest: Many people (including myself) would love to see a few more races - especially iconic races like the Wookies or Togruta - something I am really missing is the possibility to create a little Ashoka Tano

    Overall I have to say that - after my first disappointment in character creation - I am quite satisfied with the look of my toons. We have only 4 body types and a dozen heads - but together with the additional stuff like cyberparts, hair, make-up and so on you can quite create a unique looking character.

    But I still want them to add a few more body types (at least 2), some more heads and especially the chance to color my lips and eyeshades (and not using pre-fab make-ups).

    User Interface and Chat

    This is my really biggest point I have to complain about. Neither the UI nor the chat are coming close to any modern standard we are used from so many other MMO's. The UI is simply not customizable. Yes, I can add a second bottom bar, I can add a side bar left and right - but that's not enough for me. I want at least an option to scale the UI. The quest helper on the right can't be minimized and fills a good portion of the screen. The windows can't be moved or minimized (to switch between several windows). There is also not the slightest option to give the UI another color (in case the 'blue' is too much resembling to the light side or republic).

    Then comes the chat system and it was another shock for me. I have to get used that it is in the upper left corner and meanwhile I have to say that I like the position - especially in the conversations with the NPC and even more in space. Reminds me a bit of SWG - it had the same position in space. And it has the same behaviour: as soon as you leave planet the chat history is getting deleted. I don't know hat the reason is - I did not like it in SWG and I do not like it here either. It makes the communication a pain - you are zoning and on the loading screen - and meanwhile someone wanted to tell you something - and you miss it.

    There is also no chance so far to set a filter to a window (what you want displayed in it or not). You can't give the chat your own color system. Even they have used the 'standard' MMO-colors it is sometimes nice to create an own color. Quite disturbing is that some of the colors are not easily recognized on certain backgrounds - because the chat always stays a bit translucent and I had sometimes troubles reading stuff. And that 'say' and 'general' are using the same color is some kind of bad joke - hard for roleplayers.

    We also have no chance to create own windows or own chat channels. I really hope this system as we have seen it here is only a basic starter kit and they are still working on the final solution. Because it would be hard for me to live with it in the release version.

    Animations and Interaction

    I have noticed that some emotes are still without any animations and some are copied (giggle and laugh for example). So I really hope this is a point they are working on and some stuff is still not properly linked. I have seen my character saluting, I have seen her leaning against a wall waiting - but only in cutscenes. I can't do that myself - and this would add a really important feature for those people not only running around to hunt xp and items. A good animation and emoting system is the juice of roleplaying.

    Here comes another big flaw the game still has. We can't really interact with alot of objects. Only lore- or quest-objects can't be accessed. All the other stuff are simply obstacles, decoration - nothing more. We can't sit on chairs, we can't sit on benches (and there are really nice ones out there) - we can't even use any furniture aboard our ship - except the enhancement stations and the bankbox. I really hope this is only in this beta build. Because I can't believe they will release a game denying the slightest interaction with the environment and still want to call it a MMORPG.

    World Design

    As I have created my first toon (a Jedi Knight) on Tython 20 days ago I was released to the so-called 'starter-zone' and soon I was a bit disappointed. It looked so close to the stuff I have done a dozen times in other MMO's already... and as I have gained my first level with the typical visit at a trainer I was starting to think: "Can that be? Is that the game I was waiting for?" Of course - the voiceovers of the NPC were great - the communication with them via radial like Mass Effect or Dragon Age added some new 'spice'. But running down the path to the Jedi Temple on Tython I was a bit bored to be honest.

    Then I was entering the inner temple, standing in front of the giant hovering holocron and had the first time a 'woah' effect. I was looking around stunned in awe, jaws dropping. And soon I was sucked into the story and the boredom was gone. They have managed what they really can do good: Creating an incredible immersion into the game universe. Since then I know I am in a galaxy far, far away...

    So far I really love the worlds I have visited. I love the surroundings, the view we have from certain points, the way the planets are done and give me a very special feeling to be at a different place. I do not miss a weather system or a day / night cycle - I prefer the certain atmosphere they are creating with colour and light on the planets.

    But there are a few points I want to add: Sometimes the world is too lifeless. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaar in special. No moving neon signs - all is static. Too many static NPC - not enough patrolling ones. I would at least double the number of NPC standing around at the main hubs - not everywhere. But a spaceport has to be lively with coming and going people, farewell- and welcome scenes. The plaza before the Senate has to buzzle with activities of people from all different worlds in the galaxy. So far it is a bit lacking.

    A few other points I have already mentioned: the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is completely different to what we see in the Deceived-Trailor and therefore bad designed in my eyes. We do not see enough from Coruscant - let the Taxi have some movement in the upper regions too - we all know what we see is only some distant, not accessible scenery - but it would add so much to the immersion. Let us see the ruined temple remnants when we come close with the taxi or let us climb some high building to have at least a fantastic look over Coruscant.

    Other worlds are quite fine - Dromund Kaas has alot of different areas and a nice dark 'feeling' - on Balmorra I have loved the moving grass and the battle scenery, the shots into the energy shield over Sobrik or the artillery explosions near the factory. I really can't complain about the world size and world desing. Only a few points are missing in my eyes (as mentioned above).

    Quest Design

    To cut it short: in my eyes the quest design is amazing. It is far from: "Go and kill 20 Banthas and bring me their fur" we know out of so many other MMO's. Together with the voiceovers you are getting sucked into the world and into your 'job'. And what I love most is the possibility to do my own choices. Till yet it was only possible to accept or reject quests - now you can also have some influence. Not as much as to have a really free interaction (because that's not possible in a game) - but in sense of MMO's it's really the next step and something completely new to me.

    I also like the stories behind. The woman with her lover who is a republic spy... and the husband who wants her killed even it was his fault to hide secret plans in his drawer at the bed. The marking of objects to call in a satellite bombardement, the covering of secret operations, the retrieval of vital information out of a wrecked ship and and and. As long as you are not holding yourself back and telling yourself allt he time that it is the simply 'go there, pull a switch and bring me something-mechanic you can have alot of fun. And therefore I can't complain about the quest system. I really love it and so far it has not become boring at all.

    Another plus we have not seen in any MMO: Flashpoints - Quests with a storyline. I have only done Black Talon and Esseles so far. But I have heard already from White Nova and other stuff and can't wait to see them. I hope that the endcontent may have Operations in a way like the flashpoints. So that we have to follow some story with exciting turns. And I hope they do it with some random stuff so it will not be a 'Boss A at 20.00, Boss B at 20.45, Boss C at 21.30' - always the same, always knowing what to expect.

    Also a good point: Till Nar Shaddaar I have only discovered two not working quests. One was to retrieve a heirloom in a farmhouse on Nal Hutta - the hidden cache was simply not clickable. The other one was the dewback escort on Balmorra. I could do it early in the morning - but as soon as some players were online it was 'stuck' at the 'loading of the dewback' sequence. Maybe there can only be one escort on the road - and then the dewback is getting stuck and the next player can't go out with its own convoy - I don't know. But else I am quite thrilled about the quality of the quests so far.

    Character Story

    Well we don't need to talk about. Most people simply love it, some only like it, others think it's nothing for MMO's and changes SW:tOR to a solo RPG with multiplayer options. I belong to the people loving it. So far I have seen 5 stories - all were exciting but I have to say I love the Sith sorcerer best so far... and my smuggler. Heck, the girl is really a tough lass and the voiceover is incredible. The first time I have heard her talking I was excited all over. Yeah.... that's it, lass, demand your freighter back. Really incredible. So nothing much to say about the character stories at all - they are the real 'spice' in the game - making it unique on the market.

    Sure, there was Age of Conan who had a very thrilling character story.... so I have thought in the beginning. But it was only a few quests (after Tortage it continued at lvl 30, lvl 50, lvl 60 and finally the finale with lvl 80). And all had the same. Here we have 8 different stories - and those are really dense, following your toon and leading it on it's way through the galaxy. Incredibly done -typical BioWare - nothing more to say.

    Ship and Space Combat

    Well, the moment I was really working for was to get my first spaceship with my first character - and I really was excited as I had it. And then came the let down after discovering it is a mere solo object. You can't enter it with your group mates. You need it for travel and as soon as the group moves from one planet to another the troubles begin. When you have two characters of the same class, then you can't enter your ship sometimes - only getting a multiconversation box - that's it.
    Only known solution: disband group, travel to the next planet, invite group members.

    That's very bad done in my eyes. At least we should be able as group to travel with 'one' ship to the next planet to continue our quests - and not forcing us to split up. I also dislike that there is no customization option - the ship stays the ship. You can't give her a name. You can't paint her. You even can't use any furniture in it (as elsewhere too) and the 'Captain's Chair' is sole decoration.

    Space combat - we had a lot of discussion here already and I don't want to point out what we already said so many times. Alot of people would have liked a system like 'X-Wing vs. TieFighter' or 'Jump to Lightspeed' (SWG). BioWare said from the very first beginning such system will not be added - and so we have got what they have told us we will get.

    Not very happy about it but I have to admit that it is fun. A nice minigame between questing... and you can even let your companions craft while you are doing it. The upgrade possibilities for the ship are nice and also essential. After the first mission the difficulty is raising very high - and without equipment the next mission can't be solved for most of us. I know, some did it and I congratulate them - but the average player like me will have problems.

    Crafting and Item Enhancement

    Mentioning the crafting I can only say what a blast. In the beginning I was a bit unsure about it.
    You can't start before you are getting your first companion around lvl 10 - and oyu have to travel to your capital first.

    Slowly I was learning what the system is about. Critical success... what? Uh - the item is getting an additional slot. What are those slots for? Oh ... I can put modifications in it... good... well.... what's the use of it?

    It was a hard way to discover that SW:tOR has a very unique and exciting crafting system. Not as complex as I had it in SWG - but ... in my eyes it is the second best I have ever seen. You can not only craft items with additional slots - you can reverse engineer them to get blue or even purple schematics.... and then.... yes then I have discovered that I can change a green item with the help of blue modifications into a blue item.

    I don't want to go into detail. Only so much: I was talking to friends a few months ago, pointing a system out where you can keep our favorite weapon / armor and upgrade it every time you level up. And now I come to SW:tOR and discover that the devs made my dream come true. I only can say marvellous. And I love the system - even I have alot of questions.

    A bit of a downgrade is the ressource collecting. Always on the same spots - I think soon will people start botting after release and farm the ressources. And as soon as people discover the true abilities of the item enhancement system I bet that crafted items will have a very good market value.

    Overall: ressources not so good solved - crafting: first time after some MMO's crafting has become a sense again.

    Light and Dark - your decisions

    SW:tOR discovers something old new. We had already good and bad karma in Ultima Online. But this time your actions while questing or following your story line have some results again. You gain light or darkside points. I am fascinated - but still don't know enough about it to give a valuable statement.

    All I know is that it influences your standing with your companions - and that you need certain light/dark level for items. Is that all? I do not know - here you would have to play several times the same toon, doing different decisions to see if there is any influence on the game world.
    So far I only have discovered that it is not good as Sith to always choose the 'kill'-Option


    Here I can't say much either. I like the idea behind it to give us companions to make solo game play a bit easier and support our toons when we want to do some stuff alone. Also the affection system seems to be very nice - your companions have their own opinions about the galaxy and your actions - and they add some 'spice' sometimes in conversations. The system is neat - but still so much discover that I can't judge it right now. I only can tell I like it so far.

    Combat and PvP

    I am not very suited to give here valid statements. I am playing my toons never with an EXCEL sheet - and therefore I can't say much about stats, their impact on gameplay or the usefullness of skilltrees. I am one of the players, who judges out of feelings what would be a nice skill or not. I am never calculating DPS, it's just not my way to play a game.

    So I let others decide about it and listen to their opinions. It will not affect my kind of playstyle very much. Only when I am going on raids, then I try to have a 'useful' build, because I am a social player and care alot for the success of my friends. And so I don't want to be 'useless' or a hindrance. When someone tells me to change a skill for a certain fight, then I do it. And I am not too shy to ask those knowing better than me.

    And my opinion to PvP? Well I am a mere PvE Player - I don't like PvP very much. But here I have played some and can say I will PvP - not on a PvP server, but I will do it. I like the warzones, the ideas behind them (especially Alderaan) and I can say it is very addictive. That's something new to me and I really enjoyed the thrill. But it will not become my standard gameplay. I will do it from time to time (like the space combat).


    To the end I only want to say that I really like the game - even in the unfinished state it is. It's Star Wars - and I am a Star Wars Fan and can't deny it. It gave me already some great moments (roleplaying in a Flashpoint for example). I know I will miss the game after the test phase is done.
    And I know I will wait impatiently for it's release and pre-order it as soon as possible. Collectors Edition of course - you don't have to ask."

    In one point I want to join the side of those who do not like SW:tOR as it is: BioWare should release it in a finished state at all costs. Right now, with the many bugs on Nar Shaddaar for example, it would be a very bad idea. You never get a second chance for a first impression. But with a bit finetuning, adding of some stuff and reworking the UI I am sure SW:tOR will become a success.

    It may not displace WoW as biggest MMO. But with the right work done it will become a blockbuster and I can imagine a very solid player base - even they may be a bit smaller than some want it to be. A number in the millions may be possible though.

    But that's none of my business and I can wait for the future what it will bring.

    May the Force be with you all!

    Another Beta tester Review

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