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  1. #1
    RMTStorm's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    ♦♦♦WTS Path Of Exile Orbs On Standard And Warbands ♦♦♦

    I'm Selling Path of Exile Orbs on Standard and Talisman SC

    Skype name: RMTStorm
    To automatically add me on skype click the Button below:

    ONLY NOW :
    Exalted Orbs: on Talisman SC: League
    only for
    <<< $5.00 >>>

    Current Prices:
    (Updated on 26.12.2015)

    Exalted Orbs:
    Talisman SC: 5.00$/each (Ask for Stock)
    Standard: 0.95$/each (Ask for Stock)
    Last edited by RMTStorm; 02-02-2018 at 10:13 AM.

    &#9830;&#9830;&#9830;WTS Path Of Exile Orbs On Standard And Warbands &#9830;&#9830;&#9830;

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