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    arturino009's Avatar Contributor
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    This is actually very cool!
    It's not a lot, but I can give some possible feedback.

    Core - it's pretty cool I guess, but I've never been too proficient with DevTree, so not much use for me.

    PreloadAlert - works as intended, though not too much from the start, have to add a lot manually. I checked the preloads.txt file, and I honestly recommend changing formatting for that. Currently it takes a lot to add a new preload there, and everything is formatted as json and not really readable. The PoeHuD implements it as follows:
    Metadata/NPC/League/Perandus/Cadiro; Cadiro; ffD2742D (path;name;ARGB color). Same functionality, just more user friendly. But it's just my opinion.

    Radar - it's very cool. Only it seems that there are absolutely no "important tiles" for now, and all of them have to be created manually. I'm not really sure if there is a good way to implement all waypoints and transitions and quest items without going to each zone and adding it manually one by one.
    (Unrelated, but geez delve has soo many options for icons. Maybe there could be an option to have 'groups' like fossils, chests, azurite and give them all one icon?)

    SimpleFlaskManager - it's cool, but I definitely wouldn't call it "simple". Vitals is simple, but Animation has insane amount of customization, and I would argue that most of it is useless (but I guess it's just automatically imported). Status_effect probably is very useful, but you actually have to know the names of debuffs to use it. Flask_effect checks if another flask (or the same) is in use (as far as I can tell), so nothing to add there. Flask_charges is understandable, but it would be simpler to use flask uses for that. There is really no point to tell "use flask when it has more than 19 charges" instead of "use flask when it has more than 0 uses", but that requires a bit more math and more info about the flask. Again, BasicFlaskRoutine does this pretty well, and it has a bit better interface for users.
    I would say that it only lacks conditions if there are certain mobs nearby, but I'm not sure if that is within the scope of this plugin.

    This is pretty awesome overall. I will definitely use this at the next leaguestart.
    (I hope I didn't sound rude, these are just things that I thought about.)

    Also, I close this tool all the time. I guess I'm too used to ExileApi. Maybe it could minimize to notification tray when I press X instead of closing?
    Last edited by arturino009; 09-07-2021 at 03:54 PM.

    GameHelper: A light version of PoeHUD/Exile-Api
  2. #32
    arturino009's Avatar Contributor
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    Btw, I see that tiles are loaded instantly when I enter the zone and are seen in the map, but monsters are only shown when I get close nearby. Are monsters loaded only when you get closer, and then unloaded when you get further away?

    And I would like to know how far are you ready to go with plugins. Are Healthbars, SimplePickIt and SimpleHotkeyChain possible to implement?

  3. #33
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    That's great feedback!!! I need feedback like this while the tool is in beta mode so once it's out of beta mode it's stable and usable. Let me try to reply it one by one.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Core - it's pretty cool I guess, but I've never been too proficient with DevTree, so not much use for me.
    Normally i use it for finding new preloads, new monsters/chests to put icon on or debugging why something isn't working, finding buffs/debuff names etc etc. So basically for debugging/development purposes. A normal user who wants to race in league start would never use it.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    PreloadAlert - works as intended, though not too much from the start, have to add a lot manually. I checked the preloads.txt file, and I honestly recommend changing formatting for that. Currently it takes a lot to add a new preload there, and everything is formatted as json and not really readable. The PoeHuD implements it as follows:
    Metadata/NPC/League/Perandus/Cadiro; Cadiro; ffD2742D (path;name;ARGB color). Same functionality, just more user friendly. But it's just my opinion.
    I really dislike the fact that other overlays don't support in-game/in-tool ability to quickly search/add/modify/remove preloads.The way Gamehelper is written is that you would never have to open that json file, if you see something nice while mapping/doing stuff. You can just open the "Data Visualizer", search for that interesting thing in the loaded files area e.g. "vaal,side,area". Click it (click is copy) and paste it into your preload menu and volla you got a new preload.

    I still have to write some HOW-TOs so, once I have written those with images, it will be more clear.

    Also, I think you got a valid point, it's PITA to transfer other overlay preloads into this format. For that I can easily create a tool which convert preloads from 1 format to another.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Radar - it's very cool. Only it seems that there are absolutely no "important tiles" for now, and all of them have to be created manually.
    That's where I need community help (if community doesn't help me I will do it myself in next few weeks ~ before league st). It's a one time thing that I/community have to do and once it's done it will remain there forever until GGG changes the quest (which they never! POE2 maybe). So I don't see this as a problem, basically next league start it will be ready. If anyone wants to help, I will write some HOW-TOs on how to do it and why and what.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    (Unrelated, but geez delve has soo many options for icons. Maybe there could be an option to have 'groups' like fossils, chests, azurite and give them all one icon?)
    yeah Delve chests is still WIP. I got lazy over there. Hopefully once I am done with it, only important chests are visible.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Also, I close this tool all the time. I guess I'm too used to ExileApi. Maybe it could minimize to notification tray when I press X instead of closing?
    I will add a "Do you want to close the overlay?" popup.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Animation has insane amount of customization, and I would argue that most of it is useless (but I guess it's just automatically imported).
    I think animation is far from useless. for example, following conditions can be created just from animation customization.

    1: Always drink flask -> "Drink flask when user not equal to idle for 500ms" (this also make sure you don't drink flask as soon as u enter the map and you still have that enter-area buff on)
    2: Drink flask/use skill when moving for Xms -> "Drink flask when user is running for 500ms"
    3: Drink flask/use skill when user is using cyclone -> ""Drink flask when user is cyclone for ..."
    4: Drink flask when user isn't moving -> "Drink flask when user is not running for 500ms"
    5: use flask when u use teleport skill is also possible.

    Sure, there might be some animations that no one will ever use but who knows someone might come up with a really cool way of using flasks by looking at animations.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Flask_charges is understandable, but it would be simpler to use flask uses for that.
    yeah I wanted to do that (since i created that original math function in the first place in my original PoeHUD flask manager ~ old times) but it was going against my rules i.e. less number of offsets. Basically to figure out the number of uses I had to read player stats, flask implicit/explicit mods/belt mods etc etc. Since this is a league start tool with very very limited number of offsets involved. I just created it in a way that user can tell how many charges are good to drink a flask.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Status_effect probably is very useful, but you actually have to know the names of debuffs to use it.
    btw you can create auto-mine-detonator just by this condition

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    Btw, I see that tiles are loaded instantly when I enter the zone and are seen in the map, but monsters are only shown when I get close nearby. Are monsters loaded only when you get closer, and then unloaded when you get further away?
    Monsters are loaded only when they are in the network bubble (i.e. closer to you). They are only unloaded once you change the map/zone/go-to-hideout/etc.

    Also, dead monsters and opened chests don't appear on the radar plugin.

    Originally Posted by arturino009 View Post
    And I would like to know how far are you ready to go with plugins. Are Healthbars, SimplePickIt and SimpleHotkeyChain possible to implement?
    healthbars -> I am thinking about it since no new offset needed to be added. Definitely not coming in 3.16 league start.
    SimplePickIt -> No, requires adding some offset
    SimpleHotkeyChain -> what's that? isn't simple-flask-manager enough for this? given that you can trigger skills from that plugin.
    Last edited by GameHelper; 09-07-2021 at 05:23 PM.

  4. Thanks snowhawk, levelmax, arturino009, alcor75 (4 members gave Thanks to GameHelper for this useful post)
  5. #34
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    oh btw there are 2 missing conditions that i will add in couple of days

    1: Drink flask after X time passes
    2: Drink flask when frozen/ignited/corrupted etc etc.

  6. #35
    shaneomahony's Avatar Member
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    2: Drink flask when frozen/ignited/corrupted etc etc.
    This is the most important of course. Make sure that the cooldown are respected ( customizable maybe?)

    BTW do I need to restart or do anything special after the microsoft library install in order to see the radar? It's not showing up for me.
    Last edited by shaneomahony; 09-07-2021 at 10:00 PM.

  7. #36
    hienngocloveyou's Avatar Member
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    My map can not show waypoint, transaction when I go in a map.
    How I can reveal those ? I am using POE Smother for reveal map.
    So it may clash with your tool ?


  8. #37
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by hienngocloveyou View Post

    My map can not show waypoint, transaction when I go in a map.
    How I can reveal those ? I am using POE Smother for reveal map.
    So it may clash with your tool ?

    that part needs to be configured.
    go to Radar -> "Show all tile names"
    then find out the waypoint/transition tilename
    then add it to Radar -> "Important tile setting"

    do this for all the Acts/Areas/zones.
    have to only do it once, and it will work forever.

  9. #38
    hienngocloveyou's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    that part needs to be configured.
    go to Radar -> "Show all tile names"
    then find out the waypoint/transition tilename
    then add it to Radar -> "Important tile setting"

    do this for all the Acts/Areas/zones.
    have to only do it once, and it will work forever.
    Thank for your informatin. Your tool is creat !

  10. #39
    batebono's Avatar Member
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    Thanks about your amazing hud
    do you have mind to add another poe client process add ?
    kakao(korea) server's client process name is PathOfExile_KG.exe and It has the same memory structure.
    Thank you

  11. #40
    hienngocloveyou's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    that part needs to be configured.
    go to Radar -> "Show all tile names"
    then find out the waypoint/transition tilename
    then add it to Radar -> "Important tile setting"

    do this for all the Acts/Areas/zones.
    have to only do it once, and it will work forever.
    Hi mate,

    I think I have problem with the culling large window. It show the information but can not overplay on game large map ?
    So Ican you help me ?


  12. #41
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by hienngocloveyou View Post
    Hi mate,

    I think I have problem with the culling large window. It show the information but can not overplay on game large map ?
    So Ican you help me ?

    Culling large window is suppose to be invisible while you are playing the game, did u try doing what culling large window asks you to do?

  13. #42
    hienngocloveyou's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    Culling large window is suppose to be invisible while you are playing the game, did u try doing what culling large window asks you to do?
    Thanks mate. I forgot to double click to make it behind game scene

  14. #43
    hienngocloveyou's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    oh btw there are 2 missing conditions that i will add in couple of days

    1: Drink flask after X time passes
    2: Drink flask when frozen/ignited/corrupted etc etc.
    Hi mate,

    Can you guide how to setup auto flask ?


  15. #44
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by hienngocloveyou View Post
    Hi mate,

    Can you guide how to setup auto flask ?

    I am slowly updating the first post. It will be ready soon, prob by Sunday.

  16. Thanks hienngocloveyou (1 members gave Thanks to GameHelper for this useful post)
  17. #45
    KVon's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    I am slowly updating the first post. It will be ready soon, prob by Sunday.
    Could you add an option to change the close/show Hud key (F12)?

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