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  1. #31
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    FollowBot v4.1:

    - Fixed some problems in the Ui that was not saving some configurations.
    - Reorganized the Ui in Tabs to be more clear.
    - Added Gem leveling task and Settings. This will level up your gems as per configuration.
    • Level Offhand (all) gems ONLY: will only level the gems slotted in your secondary weapons. Note: Gems in the ignore list are ignored.
    • Level (all) gems: All the gems socketed will be leveled. Note Gems in the ignore list will be ignored.
    • Gem to Ignore: Let you add the name of the gems you do not want to level up. Note: You can select a max target level after the name, separated by a coma, to make so the bot level up this gem till the target level before to be ignored, EX: Fireball,5 will level up all Fireball gems to level 5 and then ignore them.

    - Added 2 new configuration to Defensive Skills: SleepOnUse and CastOnLeader. SleepOnUse will ignore this skill for the configured number of seconds after use. CastOnLeader will target the party leader when using this skill, this is perfect for Link skills.
    - Added a new task that will unlock Waypoints if they are not already open when you get close to them, this is a helper task used during questline.
    - Reduced the WorldItemScan from 50 ms to 300 ms, this will help in uber jucy maps where thousands of items drops. Note: Its really important to use a game item filter that filter out all the trash items b/c the scan only consider visible labels and the filter will increase your speed drastically.

    Important: As of DPB v3.16.35, the Garena Tw client is supported and the FollowBot can work with it, make sure you use the chines Skills and Gems names to make it work properly.

    FollowBot v4.1.zip
    Last edited by alcor75; 04-15-2022 at 03:28 AM.

    (free)FollowBot for DPB
  2. #32
    csherman's Avatar Member
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    ty alcor <3 edit: tested gemlevel up and flame link etc and everything is working well
    i have 1 final suggestion now

    it sucks at following in delve, reason:

    it doesn't prioritize going through the portal delve creates to follow leader into zones, it will just keep trying to blue swirling click onto player and fail
    it you could give it special delve logic where if it sees the delve yellow portal it automatically drops everything and tries to go in there
    because as of right now, whenever you go into a new delve zone you have to manually stop it and follow in there manually and start it again
    overtime it adds up about 20-30seconds per delve travel node

    this is the delve portal that appears in leaders hideout and in delve encampment/end of delve node that appears to get follower to take
    delve-portal — ImgBB

    great work and thanks for your hard work on update though!

    hehe third edit i just thought of another thing to possibly add:

    when you heist contracts at the end is a green item that you should auto pickup to sell for coins
    if you could make it consider these items quest green items like story mode and auto pick them up that would save some time start/stopping to manually swab
    and grab these items
    Last edited by csherman; 04-15-2022 at 01:06 PM.

  3. #33
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    FollowBot v4.2

    - Added priority to Delve portals.
    - Fixed Aura cast to account for chines name in Garena Tw client version.

    Regarding the Quest item in Heist, this is something that need to be fixed in the API itself, and ill try to do it asap.

    FollowBot v4.2.zip

  4. #34
    SecretPender's Avatar Member
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    Are there any plans to release the Github for this project?

    If possible, I'd like to fork the repo and create modified behavior to avoid bans and keep the fork updated with your updates.
    Last edited by SecretPender; 04-19-2022 at 12:43 PM.

  5. #35
    csherman's Avatar Member
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    hmm the follower is still not taking portals in delve? anyone confirm/test? also before when you would do lab/uberlab the follower would come with you into the boss room and now it says

    [TravelToPartyZoneTask] can't follow the leader into the labrynth when the lab

    it used to follow the user perfectly into izaro/boss room

    do you need to delete / recopy paste the followbot every version or can you simply paste it into the folder?

  6. #36
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by SecretPender View Post
    Are there any plans to release the Github for this project?

    If possible, I'd like to fork the repo and create modified behavior to avoid bans and keep the fork updated with your updates.
    The Git is now in my Signature:

    Originally Posted by csherman View Post
    hmm the follower is still not taking portals in delve? anyone confirm/test? also before when you would do lab/uberlab the follower would come with you into the boss room and now it says

    [TravelToPartyZoneTask] can't follow the leader into the labrynth when the lab

    it used to follow the user perfectly into izaro/boss room

    do you need to delete / recopy paste the followbot every version or can you simply paste it into the folder?
    Nothing changed on that side, so it should still work, Be sure that:
    A) you dont stop the bot while inside the Lab, or it will break the full logic.
    B) you keep your follower close to you before to enter the door.

    About the delve portal problem, i tested it on my side and it seem to work, i sent you a PM so we can test together and solve your problems.

    Core Developer of DreamPoeBot
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  7. #37
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    FollowBot v4.3
    Fixed Lab area transitions.
    Fixed Delve portals Transitions.

    FollowBot v4.3.zip
    Core Developer of DreamPoeBot
    DreamPoeBot Thread

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  8. #38
    KVon's Avatar Member
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    I've been trying this and FollowerV2 (GitHub - NetStyla/FollowerV2: A follower plugin for Queuete&#39;s ExileApi (PoeHUD)) out with an Aurabot on VM.
    Movement is a pretty big issue for both plugins but less for FollowerV2. FollowBot ends up getting left behind and stuck navigating through maps. Mainly this is because there's a delay between stopping once close to the leader and starting to move again when the leader moves. This delay is pretty significant when the leader is using a speed build. I've tried all sorts of settings in FollowBot but the difference was pretty minimal.

    FollowerV2 isn't perfect but I'd say the movement navigation is way better than FollowBot. There's less delay when stopping and starting movement and more importantly I find that FollowerV2 often makes the Aurabot move ahead of the leader and then stop. That's the only thing FollowerV2 has over FollowBot but it's pretty big. FollowBot's stop and start movement "stutters" made it unusable for an Aurabot. If those stutters were removed and an option to have FollowBot always place the character a little ahead of the leader was made, then FollowerV2 would be outclassed.

  9. #39
    kemathon's Avatar Member
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    Bot get stuck trying to "[waitfor] Wait for aura applying"

    Originally Posted by alcor75 View Post
    FollowBot v4.3
    Fixed Lab area transitions.
    Fixed Delve portals Transitions.

    FollowBot v4.3.zip

  10. #40
    Hellommspy's Avatar Member
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    What programming tool does it take to launch this source code? Please tell me

  11. #41
    Sychotix's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by Hellommspy View Post
    What programming tool does it take to launch this source code? Please tell me
    This is written in C#, so you'd need to get Visual Studio or another C# compatible IDE. Visual Studio 2022 IDE - Programming Tool for Software Developers

  12. #42
    mrcjevans's Avatar Member
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    Just curious guys, is this the kind of thing you could use at start of league, basically when levelling you have a second toon follow you which in turn will boost drops etc in mapping?

  13. #43
    Sychotix's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by mrcjevans View Post
    Just curious guys, is this the kind of thing you could use at start of league, basically when levelling you have a second toon follow you which in turn will boost drops etc in mapping?
    You could run the test right now and see how well it handles it. That said, I fully expect DPB would need an update on release as offsets will change. That could take some time unless he's got some damn good pattern scanning or has access to the alpha binary. I don't know his update process, so for that... asking in his support thread may be more beneficial.

  14. #44
    GameAssist's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by Sychotix View Post
    You could run the test right now and see how well it handles it. That said, I fully expect DPB would need an update on release as offsets will change. That could take some time unless he's got some damn good pattern scanning or has access to the alpha binary. I don't know his update process, so for that... asking in his support thread may be more beneficial.
    for leveling on acts it is definitely better to use
    https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo...exile-api.html (GameHelper: A light version of PoeHUD/Exile-Api)

    because it is available literally in the first hour after the start of the league, and this API will start working no earlier than 2-9 days (depends on how many changes will be made to the sources from GGG) - if we look at the statistics of the previous two leagues
    League start: 23.07.2021__ DreamPoeBot v3.15.3: ____________25.07.2021 ~ 2days?
    League start: 22.10.2021__ DreamPoeBot v3.16.010-Stable___ 31.10.2021 ~ 9 days.
    League start: 04.08.2022__ DreamPoeBot v3.17.0-Beta________08.08.2022 ~ 4 days

    you can adapt the code of all 3 "fallow" bots available on this forum to "gamehelper core", since it is now open to the public
    Last edited by GameAssist; 05-08-2022 at 05:02 PM.

  15. #45
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    DPB was updated in just 24h as of Sentinel League, i usually do all i can to update it as fast as possible, as some people live from this.

    FollowBot v4.5
    - Fixed a bug in LevelGemTask that was preventing the gems to be leveled if the debugStatement option was disabled.
    - Reworked the FollowTask a little, the follower should be more reactive to Leaded movements.
    - Added items without a visible label to ignore list while looting.
    - Added an option to use the Stalker Sentinel as soon as we enter a new map.
    - Added Cooldown option for Flasks. The flask will cooldown for a number of milliseconds equal to the configured Cooldown, even if the triggers are validated, after each use.

    Make sure you use the last DreamPoeBot release (3.18.6 when this post was made)

    Some suggestion to those that experience shuttering move:
    Make sure your default move skill is not slotted in a mouse button, i usually sugest to slot it in q,w,e,r OR t, and be sure its slotted only in 1 slot (you do not have multiple copy of this skill in your skill bar)

    Also make sure you use a ingame filter that filter out all the unwanted items, this will make the game run faster and smoother.
    Its also really important that you configure the game to use a key to pickup items (example the F key).
    And last, i would advice you to always run the game in Lockstep configuration when possible, Predictive mode will create alot of desync problems.

    FollowBot v4.5.zip
    Core Developer of DreamPoeBot
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  16. Thanks Mykhalich (1 members gave Thanks to alcor75 for this useful post)
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