PoeHUD - Overlay for Path of Exile menu

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    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    PoeHUD - Overlay for Path of Exile

    The project

    This project is a further development of Evozer's multihack tool. Since he's dropped support of it, I decompiled the binary, refactored the sources and am currently working on new features (listed below)
    Remember, using this program is an offence of the rules GGG has set for their players, and it may end up with a permanent ban to your account. So use at your own risk.

    Download from: https://github.com/poehudcontrib/PoeHud

    • .NET framerwork v.4 or newer (you already have it on Windows 8+, otherwise here's your dowload link)
    • Slim DX (download link - pick version 4.0, for x86 platform) Do not install x64 version
    • Windows Vista or newer (XP won't work)
    • Path of Exile should be running in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen mode (the pure Fullscreen mode does not let PoeHUD draw anything over the game window)
    • Windows Aero transparency effects must be enabled. (If you get a black screen this is the issue)

    New features
    • Item alerts show special icons when the item is 6s, 6l, has chroma link or other useful properties
    • Minimap icons: Icons for different loot types are color-coded for easier location in the loot explosions. (icons drawn by mecheslav)
    • Clock - shows the real-world time
    • Timer showing how long you stay in a zone and the very zone name and level. (This is to measure clear speed and brag about it)
    • A single executable for standalone client and the Steam-powered one (thanks to D0tty)
    • An extended tooltip showing how good are the rolls of explicit mods on magic and rare items (made by D0tty)
    • Reworked menu look and feel (made by vmw)
    • Loot alert no longer overlaps quest tracker panel
    • You may edit config/monster_mod_alerts.txt to disable alerts of certain monsters
    • Icons are also also on large map
    • Enemy health-bars can show absolute values of health and relative ones (percentage)
    • Dps-Meter
    • Disable particle effects option (client hack)

    The features below are inherited from Evozer's code
    • Healthbars: Displays healthbars on top of allies, enemies and minions in different colors.
    • Minimap icons: Draws icons for enemies, minions and strongboxes in different colors
    • Item alert: Plays a sound when a rare, unique, 5-link, 6-link, map, currency item is dropped
    • Tooltip item level: Shows item level of item on its tooltip
    • Boss alerts: Shows a warning when certain monsters (reflect, inner treasure, wealth, rogue exile, invasion boss) are in range of you.
    • Ingame menu to quickly edit settings
    • Experience per hour: Shows current XP/hour and estimated time to level up
    • Preload alerts: Tells you if there is a strongbox, rogue exile or invasion boss in the current area.
    • Zoomhack
    • Fullbright
    • Maphack

    The file config/crafting_bases.txt has the following syntax:

    Examples of valid declarations:
    Vaal Regalia,78
    Corsair Sword,78,10
    Gold Ring,75,,White,Rare
    Ironscale Gauntlets,,10,White,Magic
    Customizations: (made by other players)
    Last edited by Coyl; 01-07-2015 at 06:44 AM.

    PoeHUD - Overlay for Path of Exile
  2. Thanks TehCheat (1 members gave Thanks to Coyl for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    Q: Can you make the HUD do something instead of me doing manually? (ex: /oos, call /remaining, spam tradechat, switch zones until there's a corrupted area)
    A: Not at the moment. There is a chance that this project will also emulate player's actions for the PoE client, but this is not to happen soon.

    Q: My screen goes black and I see only menu on top of it
    A: Make sure your Windows UI settings allow frames to be transparent (those glass-like window borders, known as Windows Aero)

    Q: The executable gets detected by a few antiviruses as Trojan.MSIL.Injector.Gen (or something like that)
    A: That is to be expected. Client hacks do write into the PathOfExile process memory - since it's mostly malware that writes into memory of other processes, PoeHUD gets detected for having a similar behaviour.

    Q: The map icons are misaligned on the map, minimap and info panels float somewhere over the minimap.
    A: Make sure your font size in Windows is set to 100% (Control Panel - Display - Select Smaller 100%.) Also Check "Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays". Apply.

    [more common questions and answers to follow]
    Last edited by Coyl; 11-05-2014 at 11:54 PM. Reason: added magnificatoin problem

  4. #3
    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    Features requests and status summary

    1. Support for multiboxing.
    - Finished. PoeHUD asks on start which process to attach to. Limited to 2 clients.

    2. Support for Garena client
    - Also possible, can implement in no time if offsets are provided

    3. Control over player (automatically change zones, until there's one with corrupted area or gemcutter's box)
    - Won't happen, don't ask for it.

    4. Customizable looks of alerts for different mosters mods, add flame/ice/strom-blood to list
    - To be implemented (no ETA yet)

    5. Special icon for 6S5L or just 5L
    - Nothing difficult, but please draw an icon for these

    6. Extract plugins from the main executable (into DLLs or source files to be compiled on launch) so that players acquianted with programming develop their customized modules
    - Hope I'll make it before vacation

    7. Filter items by rarity in creafting_list.txt
    - Done. See syntax in 1st post
    Last edited by Coyl; 10-03-2014 at 04:59 PM.

  5. #4
    Treasure_Box's Avatar Contributor
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    First Thank you and others for the contribution to the continuation of this tool. I also like how you added the alpha background to the detected items.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to move the render of the item detection list to the bottom of the screen and print the item names from left to right in the empty area between the flask and skills part of the UI horizontally.

    As an example of my desire:

    |------------| ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM |--------------|
    | _______| ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM |________|

    Also when i try to run the source in debug from within Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate(update 3) i get an error message stating: Error when loading alert.wav: Please be sure a sound file exist at the specified location.

    Also with or without edits to any of the files, when i compile the application works, but the menu that is normally in the upper left hand corner is missing.

  6. #5
    Dant121's Avatar Member
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    I have a suggestion for improving the quality of the alert.
    Sorely lacking signaling of "Volatile Flame/Ice/Storm blood" (for many it is dangerous not less than "Corrupting Blood"). Ideal if it would be possible to users to enable or disable these alerts (someone phys/ele reflect is not dangerous, and someone for example indifferent Corrupting).

    PS for MF chars it would be useful signal of the "Wealth" mobs.

  7. #6
    Druzil01's Avatar Member
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    im not used to using git, so im not sure if my commits today worked. i added some entries to rolls.xml wich lead to RTE when showing advanced infos on mouseover, because those levels (lvl 6 for Mana Reg and lvl 6 for life reg) didnt exist

  8. #7
    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Treasure_Box View Post
    I'm still trying to figure out how to move the render of the item detection list to the bottom of the screen and print the item names from left to right in the empty area between the flask and skills part of the UI horizontally.
    To start with - alter the itemalert.render method to draw a rectangle around the area where you want so that you can keep its bounds in variables and visually control the area. Saving the offsets as % of the window you'll make it independent of actual window size (and/or screen resolution)

    Then try to output items horizontally in a line.
    After that do measure each string before drawing it, so that you can check if it would overflow horizontally. And if it does, rise to the next line and keep drawing notification from the very start.

    Originally Posted by Treasure_Box View Post
    Also when i try to run the source in debug from within Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate(update 3) i get an error message stating: Error when loading alert.wav: Please be sure a sound file exist at the specified location.
    Check the working directory set for your project, it should point to the root of the repo.

    Originally Posted by Treasure_Box View Post
    Also with or without edits to any of the files, when i compile the application works, but the menu that is normally in the upper left hand corner is missing.
    That's intended. I disabled the menu in DEBUG builds, because when you hit a breakpoint, the mouse remains captured and it takes a while (usually pressing ctrl-alt-del) to release control over it. So switch to Release when you need the menu.

    PS: I suggest you fork directly from my project, rather than vmw's, because in that way my updates won't be delayed for your repository
    Last edited by Coyl; 10-01-2014 at 07:25 AM.

  9. #8
    vmv's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Small suggestion...:

    1. - Integrate the /remaining command somehow to be automatically and to check every 1sec for entity. I think is very useful. Same as Guru AutoFlask but without that "pressing enter" every time.
    The result then should be drawn next to "Menu" or somewhere else.

    Thank you,

  10. #9
    An7hrax's Avatar Active Member
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    Bravo on the update you pushed out today.

    Would be awesome to be able to config this a bit more to one selves likings.
    eg. Out lined loot alert instead of bg background. a three way setting none/background/outlined.
    instance timer on/off.
    Make so the clock is not in the xp/hr and instead make it standalone and move it to be shown inside the center top/bottom center of the minimap.
    Customizable warnings for mobs with corrupting blood and such since not everyone is afraid of phys/ele refl
    Make so the boss warnings would be able to warn about nearby masters in a instance, so it would be easier to locate them in bigger instances since they are not shown on the minimap so you know if you're close to them or not.

    Sorry if that is a lot

  11. #10
    clopman's Avatar Member
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    Maybe item icons should be circles or something on the map instead of crosses like enemy's would make it faster to notice what is what

  12. #11
    ReadyToKill's Avatar Banned
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    What should i edit, so that the items are shown above the mana pool instead of the top?

  13. #12
    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    This is an answer to PM actually, that I could not send because your mailbox is full

    You should fork my project to get a copy where you are allowed to commit changes.
    Then make a pull request. This article may be of help: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests

    Originally Posted by Druzil01

    im completeley new to Git, until today i only used it to get a local copy of some projects, but now i want to take a more active part.

    i made 2 Bugfixes to PoEHud (some entrys where missing in the rolls.xml leading to an error)
    added the missing Stack.cs Component.

    i commited those patches, but it seems i have to push them too (whatever that means, in old Svn the Commit was all i had to do).
    but when i klicked push (im using tortoise git) i get the following.

    remote: Permission to max-mtg/PoeHud.git denied to %username%.
    fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/max-mtg/PoeHud/': The requested URL returned error: 403

    do i need rights to push changes ? or what do i have to go to become more active to the project ?

  14. #13
    Druzil01's Avatar Member
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    Thanks a lot Coyl. gonna try it.

    i also have a feature request in mind.
    how about implementing the Autopotion and stuff from multiscript that we dont have to run multiple Programs for those features.
    Last edited by Druzil01; 10-01-2014 at 10:52 AM.

  15. #14
    SirAnon's Avatar Member
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    I constantly get mixed up with monster_enemy_orange and monster_enemy_yellow on the minimap, so I'm making the yellow one more yellow. It currently blends with the red to appear orange.
    The texture: https://i.imgur.com/1U3Doom.png
    Preview: https://i.imgur.com/kp31i6f.png

    Edit: *snipped the bottom here* Nvm I had the main category for them disabled. lol

    Nice work.
    Last edited by SirAnon; 10-01-2014 at 11:23 AM.

  16. #15
    Coyl's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by vmv View Post
    1. - Integrate the /remaining command somehow to be automatically and to check every 1sec for entity. I think is very useful. Same as Guru AutoFlask but without that "pressing enter" every time.
    The result then should be drawn next to "Menu" or somewhere else.
    Than means sending commands to server on behalf of the player. I'm afraid, this won't be possible at the current level of technology (while the application is only a hud, not a bot or assistant program)

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