Prayer Bot (you can specify amount of characters, new, autoit) menu

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    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Prayer Bot (you can specify amount of characters, new, autoit)


    This was made using AutoIt, I couldn't find a working prayer script, so I made my own. I've included source code, and anything else used for the script.

    Should be very simple to set up and run. You want to unzip the zip file to its own folder, then run the nw_prayer_adv.exe.


    The way the bot works is it will progress sequentially, from top to bottom, on the character list, it doesn't search for specific characters (since character list isn't randomized, at least not that i've ever seen).

    Example: you have 5 characters, so you choose 5 in the script window, it will hit the "up" key 5 times to start at the top regardless of anything, it will then log into the first character on the list, pray, log out, then hit "down" 1 time to go to the next char, pray, log out, hit "down" 2 times to go to third char, etc.

    Required set up:
    -ALL images should be saved in .png format.
    -You need to be LOGGED IN, bot doesn't have/save your user/pass, so you need to at least be at character select, or logged into a character
    -bot should auto focus the game window if it doesn't or loses focus
    -Once you've done this, you can hit the hotkey (HOME) to begin botting.

    You might have to use your own images (some images included).

    My screen resolution is 1920x1080 and Full Screen Windowed, on windows 8.1, with a 1.25 interface scale and 1.00 resolution, yours will probably be different and maybe require your own images. Just do a print screen of the screen where you can get the image and crop it down to look like the ones i've included, save them exactly as i've named them, including extension. (i just use microsoft paint, works great)

    Required images:
    "loggedIn.png" - this image is used to check if the character successfully logged in, will try to find anywhere on the screen, can be anything, by default i used the right head on the ability hotbar, just make sure it's something that's static and won't be transparent or changing

    "loggedOut.png" - same idea as above, just used to check if on character select screen, by default i use the 'logout' button

    Not required image (included anyways):
    "exitNow.png" - used to decrease time between switching characters, tries to find the "exit now" image after you use /gotocharacterselect, if found, click on it and avoid waiting 15 seconds

    new version:
    "altar.png" - a cropped screenshot of the portable altar icon, try to avoid including the amount in the screenshot

    "homeWindow.png" - a cropped screenshot of the "queue" tab in the home / catalog window that pops up when you first log into the game, or when you hit "L", used to close it when first logging in

    "openBag.png" - a cropped screenshot of the bag icon from your inventory, the tab icon which you use to navigate to your actual bag (other icons are for currency/profession items/etc.), this is done in order to make sure the bot is looking at your actual inventory

    "openAnother.png" - cropped screenshot of the 'open another' button that shows up when you open a box/crate/barrel and you have more of the same type which you can open

    "vendorOpen.png" - [default] cropped screenshot of the 'buy' button which shows up when you open a vendor window, used to check if character can open vendor, (other vendor buttons can say 'done', like when you have to make a choice before you actually can sell/buy)

    Opening Boxes:
    1 - uses default 'i' for inventory key, can be changed
    2 - i've included 3 default box images, you can use as many as you want, just add the images you wanna use, and use the same format as i have for the included images, ex: "box1.png" "box2.png"

    Selling Trash:
    1 - you must be standing in front of a vendor (i just log out all my alts standing in front and almost on top of a vendor)
    2 - you must be FACING that vendor (whenever you log in, the camera will turn in whatever direction you're facing)
    3 - default interaction key 'f' is used, can be changed
    4 - i've included some images of items i want to vendor/sell, you can add/use as many as you want, all you have to do is increase/decrease the items in the program interface, and also add whatever images you want, using the same format as i have used for the included images, ex: "enchant1.png" "enchant2.png"

    Why I made this:
    I currently have 13 leadership alts running, i hate logging in to each one, praying and then opening boxes and vendoring stuff, so i made this with me in mind, i like to leave it doing it's thing while i go watch tv....will probably try it out on a virtual machine at some point

    I tried to make it as generic as possible without losing some specifics, so you can use as many characters as you want, open as many boxes, vendor as many items.

    I usually park my toons in front of a vendor before i log out, facing them, and make sure i have portable altars (i didn't bother to look for a vendor that would let me sit at a campfire while being able to interact with them, if you know of one, let me know)

    Testing Tolerances:
    I added this so you can check if some of your images work.

    The way to use this feature is to put your game in the scenario where it would look for that image, ex: for "loggedOut.png", you would be at the character select screen, then run the test, ex: for "exitNow.png" you would log in, type /gotocharacterselect, hit enter, then run the test [page down key] to see if it finds the image

    Item image tips:
    Tips for screenshot crops:
    For items, this is what i do, I go into the game, i open the vendor i intend to sell stuff to, then i take a screenshot of the inventory that opens up when you interact with a vendor, then i just crop out all the items i want to sell

    cropping item screenshots:
    keep the least amount of black background around the item as possible, as big as you can get without including the amount number and the black background around the icon, see my included item images for a sample, all of these items sell for me

    you might want to use the same vendor for your characters, not sure if this will cause problems, i use one of the pvp vendors in PE


    - should fix array errors
    - improved home window check
    - 'safer' box opening
    - updated some images
    - added save/load buttons for saving/loading your own options
    - added option to test some image tolerances
    - added ability to use portable altar
    - added ability to open boxes (you can provide your own images to use as many as you want)
    - added ability to vendor items (same as boxes, provide your own images or use mine, as many as you want)
    - added check to make sure bag is open/chosen when vendoring trash/praying/opening boxes
    - added options to set your own inventory, interact keys
    - added option to choose a vendor window option, such as when you need to choose 1, 2, or 3 ithe vendor window menu, strictly optional, but if you want to use it, make sure you update the vendorOpen image for your new vendor
    - changed /gotocharacterselect to send 'enter' and enable chat window before it sends the command
    - rearranged the item images into specific types, created folders for each one, naming convention changed, see included images for guide
    - made ui a little easier on the eyes
    - cleaned up some code
    Last edited by breadguy; 12-28-2014 at 05:05 PM.

    Prayer Bot (you can specify amount of characters, new, autoit)
  2. #2
    Absalon's Avatar Member
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    Hey bro, tnx for the bot! I've tested in here and had some problems. Everythings runs perfectly until it trys to log out. Instead of going for /gotocharacterselect, it starts to opening windows (guild, social,..) and using skills E seems to be missing some ENTER before sending the command to change the char...but since you said it works fine for you, must be something at my own setup...

  3. #3
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Absalon View Post
    Hey bro, tnx for the bot! I've tested in here and had some problems. Everythings runs perfectly until it trys to log out. Instead of going for /gotocharacterselect, it starts to opening windows (guild, social,..) and using skills E seems to be missing some ENTER before sending the command to change the char...but since you said it works fine for you, must be something at my own setup...
    weird, i'm sending "/' then i send "gotocharacterselect" (which is why it does all that stuff, it's hitting each key sequentially)

    the "/" is supposed to enable the chat window, maybe you have another key set for it?

  4. #4
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    the bot don' work with me when i hot home key they do nothing (just show me the tooltip)? and stay in the character select.

    any idea ? i don't change the crop image because i have the same resoltion so ...
    Last edited by W@RRIOR; 12-17-2014 at 10:00 AM.

  5. #5
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by W@RRIOR View Post
    the bot don' work with me when i hot home key they do nothing (just show me the tooltip)? and stay in the character select.

    any idea ? i don't change the crop image because i have the same resoltion so ...
    what does the tooltip say?

  6. #6
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    replying to myself apparently haha

    but anyway, i've added some stuff:

    - saves your options

    - opens portable altar if unable to pray without one

    - updated some images

    working on:

    - opening boxes/barrels from leadership, then vendoring the trash that it produces [edit: added]
    Last edited by breadguy; 12-21-2014 at 03:01 AM.

  7. #7
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by breadguy View Post
    what does the tooltip say?
    it said :
    choosing char to log into..
    logging in..
    checking if logged in...
    successfully logged in...
    logging out...
    checking if logged out...

    and then repeat the two last tooltip.

    and i suppose when the script run i can see my charater ogging in pray, etc...
    me i don't see nothing and stay to character select.

    Ps: sorry for my bad english

  8. #8
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by W@RRIOR View Post
    it said :
    choosing char to log into..
    logging in..
    checking if logged in...
    successfully logged in...
    logging out...
    checking if logged out...

    and then repeat the two last tooltip.

    and i suppose when the script run i can see my charater ogging in pray, etc...
    me i don't see nothing and stay to character select.

    Ps: sorry for my bad english
    hmmm, not sure, that's weird

    try the new version i just posted

    so it says all that in the tooltip, but it just stays in the character select?

    the only thing i can think of is autoit is not sending the keyboard commands for some reason, it's supposed to scroll to the character it needs to log into, then it's supposed to hit "enter"

    maybe something else is not letting it get control of the keyboard for that part, or maybe you can try running the script as administrator?

    how many characters have you chosen?

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    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    thx i go test your new script.

    i have 6 character. and yes they don't login in and stay in character select when it see tooltips.

    come back to you when i tested the new script.

  10. #10
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by breadguy View Post
    weird, i'm sending "/' then i send "gotocharacterselect" (which is why it does all that stuff, it's hitting each key sequentially)

    the "/" is supposed to enable the chat window, maybe you have another key set for it?
    the new advenced script work for me now, (don't stay in character select).
    but i have the same problem because the default command key for this is the "enter" key, and i can't configure the "/" because i have a azerty keyboard perhaps need to have a configuration slot in script like inventory key or use key.


  11. #11
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    you don't have the "/" key? i see it on there haha

    also, i mispoke, "/" doesn't directly enable the chat window as a keybind, it's just built into the game, i may be wrong

    edit: i just updated it so that it sends "enter" before it does the /gotocharacterselect command, accomplishes the same thing, works for me, download the latest
    Last edited by breadguy; 12-23-2014 at 01:16 AM.

  12. #12
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    yes i have the "/" in my keyboard but i can't type directly a /command without hit enter and the "/" in AZERTY keyboard are shift+: to have hit so can"t configure this..

    with a QWERTY keyboard il you configure the "/" to open the chat you can type directly a /command.

    i go test the last version and telle you if it's ok now
    thx for your reactiness.

    edit : work perfectly now just one error a the end of script :
    Line 3826 (flile"X:\xxx\xx\nw_prayer_adve.exe") error : Subscript used on non accessible varaible
    Last edited by W@RRIOR; 12-25-2014 at 11:39 PM.

  13. #13
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    i have a new problem in the 1.01 version.
    when i launch the bot it logging in first and then test if log out but don't find the logout.

    i look in you script, because i have some knowledge in algorithmy and progamation language and i see some abnormal test :
    If $result = 0 Then
    	   ;not logged in or not found, check if at character select
    	   ;logged in, log out
    	   ToolTip("logging out...", 0, 0)
    in algorithmy if you have nothing after the "then" in your if i'ts not good.
    the "if test then nothing else action" must be replace for a "if different test then action.
    you did'nt need a else with that.

    exemple :
    i want do a action if my variable A not equal 1 and do nthing if equal 1 so i do this test :
    if $A<>1 then action.
    this is better than
    if $A=1 then ntohing else action.

    so you need to changed your test where there is a nothing in the then like this :
    If $result <> 0 Then
    	   ;logged in, log out
    	   ToolTip("logging out...", 0, 0)
    perhaps this why they logging in first time.

    i don't compare the new script with the old script.

  14. #14
    breadguy's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by W@RRIOR View Post
    i have a new problem in the 1.01 version.
    when i launch the bot it logging in first and then test if log out but don't find the logout.

    i look in you script, because i have some knowledge in algorithmy and progamation language and i see some abnormal test :
    If $result = 0 Then
    	   ;not logged in or not found, check if at character select
    	   ;logged in, log out
    	   ToolTip("logging out...", 0, 0)
    in algorithmy if you have nothing after the "then" in your if i'ts not good.
    the "if test then nothing else action" must be replace for a "if different test then action.
    you did'nt need a else with that.

    exemple :
    i want do a action if my variable A not equal 1 and do nthing if equal 1 so i do this test :
    if $A<>1 then action.
    this is better than
    if $A=1 then ntohing else action.

    so you need to changed your test where there is a nothing in the then like this :
    If $result <> 0 Then
    	   ;logged in, log out
    	   ToolTip("logging out...", 0, 0)
    perhaps this why they logging in first time.

    i don't compare the new script with the old script.
    i understand the logic, but they accomplish the same thing in this case

    that piece of code you quoted, it's only run once, when the bot starts, it's done in order to log you out, if you're not at the character select, ideally you want to already be at character select

    there is another piece of code that does the actual logging out every time you log into a new character

  15. #15
    W@RRIOR's Avatar Member
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    yes they do the same but in IT language for no reason they can react differently because aftera then they search a action and don't find it so when you ahave nothing to do if your $A=1 you do a different test.

    for me when i am in character select and launch the script they logging (think they send "enter") then test if it's loggout (think miss test if login) but don"t find it. so it check all the time if they logout.
    need to logout manually for the script reun like a charm.

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