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    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    APB Ultimate

    What doesn't work yet:
    Auto Char Setup
    Minimize to Tray option.
    Also there is no extra feature functionality like buying materials/refining etc yet.

    Only report issues on this thread. DO NOT send me PMs as my space is limited and if it gets full I won't receive them at all. Reports should all be in this thread so I can keep track of them properly.

    Current Version 0.4.1b:
    Download link here: apbultimate.blogspot.com
    SHA-1 Hash of the archive: 3EA7ACA901A82BF718575B74D7F67A462D20E8CF

    Upgrading to a new version:

    Save Settings, Queues directories. Exported as well if you have exported queues there. Delete everything else and extract the files from the new version's archive.
    Thanks to "qmancan" for his donation. Beer and coffee keeps a coder working

    Guide by Methuselas (APB Ultimate)

    --Optional assets.
    --BlackIce refining
    --Refining of experimental network dying detection feature
    --Fixed issue with characters with 9 slots (9th slot not working right) that was present in the 0.4.0 internal version.
    --Implemented about box.
    --Experimental handling of your network dying while APBU is running.
    --Move the cookie.jar file into the Settings directory in order to simplify upgrades. So now when upgrading you only need to keep Settings and Queues (Exported too if you're exporting queues in there). Before running this version move your cookie.jar file to the Settings directory so that you don't have to do One-Time again.
    --Fixed an issue with settings not saving if closing the window with the X button.
    --Implemented import/export functions.
    --Added Relog delay setting. This now controls the Relog delay and is separate from the loop delay. Minimum value is 60 seconds.
    --Added Internal Timeout setting. This now controls some of the internal loops that I had hardcoded to 10, to separate them from the Timeout setting. The minimum is 8. It can not and should not be reduced EVER. If you have bad network conditions or bad route to gateway, this is the first value that you should INCREASE and then the regular Timeout value. Your settings files will be automatically upgraded by this new version with the default values.
    --Added mouseover tooltips to all the settings in the Settings window.
    --Fixed issue with clicking the remove button twice in a row without clicking a task to remove in between.
    --Fixed an issue with Reloging after timeout during switching characters introduced with the 0.3.4b changes.
    --Fixed an issue with not handling gateway dropping session in a specific function.
    --Some logging messages are now better.
    --Added missing recipes. Only a few rares in Weaponsmithing missing now! (Thanks Darxide23!)
    --Added additional and more descriptive logging messages at a specific point.
    --Additional handling of gateway being funky.
    --Delay setting is now Base Delay and a random number is applied to it.
    --Reduced memory footprint.
    --Fixed a slot misreporting in 3 log messages.
    --Fixed a memory leak in the web browser engine. (Do not keep any dll from older versions).
    --Timeouts while switching characters now handled properly.
    --Log Window implemented.
    --Added additional logging messages (more will be added as needed).
    --Fixed issue with recipes with identical names in the same profession.
    --Start button can not be pushed now if APBU is already running.
    --Something I'm forgetting right now.
    --Fixed an issue with Queue Planner task lookups.
    --Last optimizations on loop logic for now.
    --Relaxed the slot checking function timing by a second.
    --Fixed an issue introduced with 0.2.4b.
    --Fixed a bug in the Queue Planner.
    --Added missing Platesmithing recipes (thanks Darxide23!).
    --Further optimizations in loop logic and failproofing.
    --Clicking a queued task in Queue Planner will now set the Profession and Task list boxes to the appropriate task and the Repeat field to the amount of iterations of the task clicked.
    --Added 3 missing Leatherworking recipes.
    --Initial handling of the cases where Gateway kicks you off or sends message that they timed out. When Gateway kicks you out the APBU will stop unless you're in Autologin mode. In that case it will relog and continue. In the cases where Gateway sends that new timeout message, APBU will reload the URL. It is possible that I'm not handling this for every possible point in time that this may happen. So if you still get unhandled kick to login, please report it, saying where it happened if possible.
    --New icon by Methuselas!
    --Significantly reduced CPU usage (Significantly is probably the understatement of the century :p).
    --Hooked the X button so now it will close properly even if you don't press the Stop button first.
    --Further performance optimizations.
    --Fix for forcing Gateway to English so bot works on every Windows locale. (This time it's not experimental heh).
    --Fix for possibility of required gateway buttons being offscreen.
    --Password is no longer stored in plaintext, in settings.xml (it's not humanly readable anymore). This means that if you're using AutoLogin you must set your password again in the settings cause it will now be bogus.
    --Implemented "what do do on Time Out" option. The default is go to next task. The relog option only works with AutoLogin (obviously heh).
    --Experimental fix for forcing English language from Gateway if your Windows has a non English locale.
    --Enabled some HTML5 features that may make some things smoother(make sure you clear the contents of the "Cache" directory for this version.
    --Yet another fix for the Stop Button, hopefully the last (sorry too many loops to cater for heh).
    --Internal optimizations.
    --Account setting can now take numbers as well.
    --Fix a bug with First Possible Mode.
    --Tweaked FP Mode so that it works faster.
    --Once the bot is running it will update the Window Title with the account name currently running.
    --Experimental fix for forcing English locale.
    --Fixed an issue in default queue mode.
    --Implemented the other 2 queue modes.
    --Fixed an edge case timeout that could repeat for ever.
    --Fixed Stop Button issue.
    --Fixed character structure issue.
    --Further improvements on timing code. (Looks like I've nailed it on this version).
    --In case of timeouts status bar will now say where exactly it timed out.
    --Further timing code tweaking.
    --Fixed an issue with the Stop Button.
    --Further tweaking timeout code.
    --Fixed wrong library version.
    --On clicking start it now reloads any queue changes properly.
    Last edited by BaseN; 05-31-2014 at 08:58 AM. Reason: New version

    APB Ultimate
  2. #2
    Darxide23's Avatar Member
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    I got an error trying to run this.: 'The application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"'

    Googleing got me this: [SOLVED]Failed to load platform plugin "windows" | Qt Project forums | Qt Project

    Maybe that's of help to you.

    Edit: This looks even better: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/27037
    Last edited by Darxide23; 02-11-2014 at 01:33 PM.

  3. #3
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    Oops, sorry about that. I packed a wrong version of qwindows.dll by accident. Hold on, I'm recompiling qt to pick up a bug fix and I'll upload new version that also has the known issue fixed.

  4. #4
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    New version uploaded. Link at OP.

  5. #5
    RottenMind's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Nice, I must make few new accounts so I can test how it work.

  6. #6
    Rhendanwan's Avatar Member
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    how fast is it supposed to be? cause from what I see so far it takes him a lot of time just to collect 1 reward.. then again a long time to set up just 1 task slot. for many characters seems to me a much faster option to do it myself manually :/
    I'd say it's well over 1min. it would seem to reload the page several times but doesn't do anything. then about on the 5th-6th try it collects. selecting the new task seems to take even longer.
    Last edited by Rhendanwan; 02-11-2014 at 06:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Darxide23's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Rhendanwan View Post
    how fast is it supposed to be? cause from what I see so far it takes him a lot of time just to collect 1 reward.. then again a long time to set up just 1 task slot. for many characters seems to me a much faster option to do it myself manually :/
    I'd say it's well over 1min. it would seem to reload the page several times but doesn't do anything. then about on the 5th-6th try it collects. selecting the new task seems to take even longer.
    Try changing the loop delay.

  8. #8
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Rhendanwan View Post
    how fast is it supposed to be? cause from what I see so far it takes him a lot of time just to collect 1 reward.. then again a long time to set up just 1 task slot. for many characters seems to me a much faster option to do it myself manually :/
    I'd say it's well over 1min. it would seem to reload the page several times but doesn't do anything. then about on the 5th-6th try it collects. selecting the new task seems to take even longer.
    Timing code is still being tweaked (and this is why I need extensive testing on these versions..if something times out I want to know at which point and how often).

    There are some tricky stuff to deal with in this regard. The gateway has heavy scripting. Once the page loads then it is manipulated by scripts. Certain stuff in the DOM are not available when the page loads and need some waiting otherwise procedural flow control is impossible. I came up with a method to figure out when the page is actually done (which involves injecting javascript with a bridge to a C++ object that allows me event handling) but it does not work with all of the steps (for reasons that are too complicated to explain right now--one of the steps it does not work with is the last step of the reward collection) but the gateway also often times out on its own (very often actually). So I have to find a delicate balance in the timing code so that the bot is as fast as it can BUT without possibility of stopping when it gets a couple of timeouts. This is some cases means waiting a little bit extra and reloading a page if it times out.

    That said, I will make it as efficient as it's programmatically possible but anyhow a minute waiting (in fact the point you are referring to is far less than 30 seconds and it is not reloading the same pages as you think unless it's timing out..it checks the slot, it picks up the reward (picking up takes 3 loads anyhow--it may seem like it's loading the same page because I do it really fast, before the page loads entirely), then checks again if the slot is actually free before trying to apply new task(without this check, certain timeout scenarios can end up with the bot timing out trying to add a task on a non-free slot continously or using the next free one and mess up your queue--something that the old bot suffered from)) is nothing at all considering the minimum duration of a recipe without speed assets is what? 15 minutes? The bot cycles 3-4 times 7 characters in that duration even with the unoptimized timing code...

    EDIT: I'll add this so you guys can pay better attention to the weak timing spots:
    a) Character selection screen at start
    b) Last step of reward collection (clicking the button that actually takes the reward)
    c) The last step of adding a new task (clicking the start task button).

    These 3 spots are very difficult to time properly and if unrecoverable timeouts occur they will be at one of these 3 spots. I am working on making the loop entirely failproof before I start adding the rest of the features to it. At this point this is the only hard part. Once that is solid the rest of the features can be added in relatively no-time
    Last edited by BaseN; 02-11-2014 at 08:11 PM.

  9. #9
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    0.1.5a in OP.

  10. #10
    packetlossc's Avatar Member
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    I tried it out with 2 characters set up. The pages do seem to load slower than APBI. It also swapped between both characters checking their slots about 4 or 5 times before going to the delay.

    I know not much to go on, but one time when I clicked on stop it essentially froze up and I had to kill the process.

    Does it automatically save the character profession setup? Clicking on the buttons didn't seem to give any indication that it was saving anything, but it did reload what I had last set up.

  11. #11
    Darxide23's Avatar Member
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    It starts out ok but after some time it just stops. It's hard to say what's happening without the log being implemented.

    When I say it stops, I come back to my computer and it's at the login screen and the status text at the bottom says Stopped.

    Also, with this 1.5a version, anytime I click the Stop button the program locks and I have to kill the process.

    Another thing I've noticed watching it, if you only have one character setup it will repeat each loop twice between pauses. For instance, I click start. It loads each of the jobs and then the status says "switching to character <same character>" and it checks each slot then pauses. When the delay runs out it will reload the character again, check each slot, reload the character, check each slot, then pause. I don't think that's intended behavior or if it might cause some problems or not. Just an observation.

    Alright, it seems like that extra loop it's taking might be decrementing each task counter since my trial runs seem to be finishing up very early. I might do a small batch so that I can observe the whole thing to see.

    Another edit. I tried the exact same batch as I did earlier and this time it seems like it's working through the whole thing. Last time I did it, it only ran about 4, maybe 5 loops (on a 15 minute task so about an hour). This time it's been running close to 3 hours and is still going along just fine. It is still double switching the character and checking each task slot, though, but it doesn't look like it's counting that as a task loop.

    Still here. Just had it crap out again after about an hour. Status just said "Stopped!" but when I logged into the Gateway I saw that I still had 4 completed tasks waiting to be collected. It just ended for no reason. Also, after I restarted it, it did that "double check" thing I mentioned earlier, but it kept "switching to character" and checking each slot over and over. It must have done it about ten times before it finally said "Delaying for 60 seconds." Maybe there's an increment problem somewhere and each time it does the delay loop, it loops once more than last time. Would test that now, but it's 5am and why the hell am I still up?
    Last edited by Darxide23; 02-12-2014 at 04:54 AM.

  12. #12
    Rhendanwan's Avatar Member
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    yes it is exactly as you guys say and I thought that would be the toughest part. so I have only tried picking up the rewards for completed tasks and see if it picks it up and sets up a new task. it gets stuck in the loop of "switching to character" and loads the profession screen of the same character continuously but doesn't pick up anything.. so had no choice but to stop it.

    and yes have also seen that it says there is a free slot even when all 9 are full and in progress. guess will now go try and see if sets up new task when there is only free slots..

    well it seems I have no luck with that either. tried to set only 2 tasks. it finds the 1st free slot,says it is adding and then "adding task timed out. retrying". and keeps doing that without adding anything. well over 5min elapsed and no added task so stopped it. seems I can't even begin to test anything else
    Last edited by Rhendanwan; 02-12-2014 at 05:40 AM.

  13. #13
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by packetlossc View Post
    I tried it out with 2 characters set up. The pages do seem to load slower than APBI. It also swapped between both characters checking their slots about 4 or 5 times before going to the delay.
    The slower page loading has to do with 2 things. First the timing code that is unoptimized (has extra waiting time until things shape up so I can tighten them) and secondly it uses webkit (Safari's engine) which has slower javascript engine than what APBI uses (Gecko/XulRuner==Firefox). Once Qt SDK provides the new WebEngine with native DOM manipulation the bot will switch to that as it's lightning fast. Things will get faster anyhow though once the timing quirks are sorted out.

    Ok the characters swapping before delay is a bug. Has to do with the "--On clicking start it now reloads any queue changes properly." fix. In my hastiness to apply it I made a mistake and instead of overwriting the character structure I added to it. Meaning as many times as you clicked start you'd get doubles of the characters in the loop logic prior to delay. It's fixed on the version I'm finishing now.

    I know not much to go on, but one time when I clicked on stop it essentially froze up and I had to kill the process.
    Fixed in the next version as well.

    Does it automatically save the character profession setup? Clicking on the buttons didn't seem to give any indication that it was saving anything, but it did reload what I had last set up.

    Any change to the queues is saved immediately when it happens in the queue editor window. There's no need for manual saving anything.

    Originally Posted by Darxide23 View Post
    It starts out ok but after some time it just stops. It's hard to say what's happening without the log being implemented.

    When I say it stops, I come back to my computer and it's at the login screen and the status text at the bottom says Stopped.
    This next version will mention where it stopped exactly in the statusbar along with the Stopped message. Should have done this sooner as it's needed for the public testing (I run it under the debugger so it wasn't important for me). The log will be implemented afterwards..the button will open a separate window that you can keep open while you need it. This saves on resources than having logging occuring 24/7 for no reason (assuming everything is working fine and you get the status messages from the status bar).

    Also, with this 1.5a version, anytime I click the Stop button the program locks and I have to kill the process.
    See above

    Another thing I've noticed watching it, if you only have one character setup it will repeat each loop twice between pauses. For instance, I click start. It loads each of the jobs and then the status says "switching to character <same character>" and it checks each slot then pauses. When the delay runs out it will reload the character again, check each slot, reload the character, check each slot, then pause. I don't think that's intended behavior or if it might cause some problems or not. Just an observation.

    Alright, it seems like that extra loop it's taking might be decrementing each task counter since my trial runs seem to be finishing up very early. I might do a small batch so that I can observe the whole thing to see.

    Another edit. I tried the exact same batch as I did earlier and this time it seems like it's working through the whole thing. Last time I did it, it only ran about 4, maybe 5 loops (on a 15 minute task so about an hour). This time it's been running close to 3 hours and is still going along just fine. It is still double switching the character and checking each task slot, though, but it doesn't look like it's counting that as a task loop.

    Still here. Just had it crap out again after about an hour. Status just said "Stopped!" but when I logged into the Gateway I saw that I still had 4 completed tasks waiting to be collected. It just ended for no reason. Also, after I restarted it, it did that "double check" thing I mentioned earlier, but it kept "switching to character" and checking each slot over and over. It must have done it about ten times before it finally said "Delaying for 60 seconds." Maybe there's an increment problem somewhere and each time it does the delay loop, it loops once more than last time. Would test that now, but it's 5am and why the hell am I still up?
    See above.

    Originally Posted by Rhendanwan View Post
    yes it is exactly as you guys say and I thought that would be the toughest part. so I have only tried picking up the rewards for completed tasks and see if it picks it up and sets up a new task. it gets stuck in the loop of "switching to character" and loads the profession screen of the same character continuously but doesn't pick up anything.. so had no choice but to stop it.

    and yes have also seen that it says there is a free slot even when all 9 are full and in progress. guess will now go try and see if sets up new task when there is only free slots..

    well it seems I have no luck with that either. tried to set only 2 tasks. it finds the 1st free slot,says it is adding and then "adding task timed out. retrying". and keeps doing that without adding anything. well over 5min elapsed and no added task so stopped it. seems I can't even begin to test anything else
    Do not try to do anything by hand while the bot is running. That will mess up the logic for sure. I'll get the new version up in a bit, try that one as the bugs mentioned are probably messing with your runs. There are also further improvements to the timing code.

    And thanks for the testing guys

  14. #14
    BaseN's Avatar Active Member
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    0.1.6a is in OP. I think I've nailed the timing issues with this one..it's running great for quite a while now. Looking forward to feedback.

  15. #15
    Rhendanwan's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by BaseN View Post

    Do not try to do anything by hand while the bot is running. That will mess up the logic for sure. I'll get the new version up in a bit, try that one as the bugs mentioned are probably messing with your runs. There are also further improvements to the timing code.

    And thanks for the testing guys

    no no I didn't change anything while the bot is running. I did it like this. I put the task to work on regular browser and let it finish. log out and then log in through the bot,start the bot and try to pick up reward with it..is that ok?
    ok will try this new one a bit later when current tasks finish.

    I cannot extract the new rar.
    I get error. bad block for icudt52.dll and file fails CRC check.

    ok nevermind last 2 sentences. downloaded again and it's fine now
    Last edited by Rhendanwan; 02-12-2014 at 09:16 AM.

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