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  1. #16
    RottenMind's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Insignis86 View Post

    Something like this should do the trick (my alch is lvl 14, I have tone of pots from playing in-game, just needs aqua stuff):

    Problem is - instead of running through the list till it finds a task it can do and running that task, then later collecting the reward and running through the list again - bot just searches for the next "doable" task on the list. This results with it basically buying stuff from shop each "run" (or in other of my slots/professions hiring rank 1 guys each damn time). As long as you could probably use that to your advantage by lets say making queue like this:

    which would make is a repeatable queue that buys and gathers all materials needed to run two simple vitriol extractions and then making aqua vitae. It doesn't allow for making of a nice self preserving queue that would allow us to just set it up right and leave it there running, levelling up professions for us. Thou it would probably work OK for already maxed leadership AD farm or something like that.

    So at the end of this wall of text of a "semi review of the bot". Would it be possible to make bot work more like the script I used and how I described I would like it to work (so use the queue as a semi - check it from top to bottom each time till finding a doable task)? Or am I just setting it up wrong way/asking for non-doable? Of course repairing all bugs people found like the adding assets not working would be nice too.
    Got some wierd errors and your findings might explain them, maybe. (got 70 hours clean run with Tailoring + Leadership 6acc. + 2char each, doing script what try keep it running after maintenace or other external failures )

    I must test Alchemy, can you post your working and or "NOT working" routes.

    + I dont use "extra assets" because Bot wont use them properly
    + I make Routes that way that all needed "materials" are available (make maps before use them)

    APB Infinite
  2. #17
    Insignis86's Avatar Corporal
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    The route/queue I used for alchemy is in first code. Its not working because of the way bot works - I missed the part of info where it explained it will run through whole list of tasks each repeat. Which resulted in me buying like 500 solvents but not even advancing from level 14 to 15 of alchemy, or 1 whole day lost cause of bot making tier 1 crafters on leadership and mailsmithing.

    Now I am using simpler queues. Basically what I do is run practically just 1/2 tasks queues. Like just level 7 mailsmithing gather high iron task on one character on all 6 slots I have there. Or run leadership protect caravan on 3 slots on another char (one has the refine diamonds added) + chart region/explore queues on two others. Last 6th slot is used for alchemy where I run something similar to the queue I put in second code in my first post:

    As bot already bought me like 500 solvents - that is a working queue for making tone of aqua vitae. I will just later change it to make tone of aqua regia (technically I could have just added Alchemy_Tier2_Aquaregia(x2 as last one and do regia with that code but whatever). At the end I will try to run changed first code (the one with experiment/research tasks) to just do bunch of experiments and researches to just go up to level 20. As I will have then all the aqua regia I need and as I already have tone of potions that should more or less work ^_^.

    This way with a bit of me paying attention to the bot I can more or less smoothly level up milesmithing on one character and leadership+alchemy on another. Will just modify queues on each level new better exp/h tasks show up - like level 14 mass gather for mailsmithing, or level 13 tasks for leadership - as I use just gather tasks to level most professions to not farm residuum or other stuff for other tasks XD in-game.

    Well I will do that at least till bot will get an update to have a queues working more like in that script I linked - then I will be able to go back to my first queues - which will just work from level 1 to 20 of levelling professions XD without me needed to pay attention to the bot.

    Alternatively I will get motivation to maybe modify that script for my personal use for 2 maybe 4/6 characters (if I will decide to just buy slots and make another characters/classes for fun/whatever), and just stick to using it instead as the script on its own works nice - adds optional assets trying to use them with brain (so not using tier 3 white crafters as optional assets)/runs gather/etc. task if needs be. It really just lacks "multichar" capabilities. Heck it even is easier to use it (well FF/Opera running Gateway with that script in Greasemonkey/etc) to sell junk while playing (I don't buy bags and have tons of potions/enchants clogging my inventory leaving me with like 4-6 slots free for drops/quest items XD).
    Last edited by Insignis86; 10-22-2013 at 08:35 AM.

  3. #18
    RottenMind's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Insignis86 View Post

    Well I will do that at least till bot will get an update to have a queues working more like in that script I linked - then I will be able to go back to my first queues - which will just work from level 1 to 20 of levelling professions XD without me needed to pay attention to the bot.

    Alternatively I will get motivation to maybe modify that script for my personal use for 2 maybe 4/6 characters (if I will decide to just buy slots and make another characters/classes for fun/whatever), and just stick to using it instead as the script on its own works nice - adds optional assets trying to use them with brain (so not using tier 3 white crafters as optional assets)/runs gather/etc. task if needs be. It really just lacks "multichar" capabilities. Heck it even is easier to use it (well FF/Opera running Gateway with that script in Greasemonkey/etc) to sell junk while playing (I don't buy bags and have tons of potions/enchants clogging my inventory leaving me with like 4-6 slots free for drops/quest items XD).
    It will be nice if Bot got routine what will skip task until it find doable task and after task is complete then it start over, then Queue can contain all task.

    Selling items from inventory is not clear for me and specially with Sharandra that option will be nice, because that place is filled with Blue/Green junk. But how to do ir, IDK?

    Anyway this Bot is safer to use than Botting in game.

  4. #19
    Insignis86's Avatar Corporal
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    By selling junk I meant that you just alt-tab to a browser with Gateway running on it (and script over it via Greasemonkey add-on) and using the inventory tab to just sell junk green/blues that drop without the need to run to vendor or just discarding stuff in-game. I'm not using bot to do it nor I use any in-game bots to run/quest/pvp for me - that's lame as f**k in my opinion and just makes game worse for other people. Anyway the "sell stuff" in bot is mainly for selling things crafted by professions to free space to craft next ones and as I am not crafting just gathering that option is useless for me.

    And yeah - main point I am trying to ask from the bot creator to implement is adding even an alternative repeat button so that bot will go from top to bottom on queued task list, and do first thing it can then start searching for task from top again each time or for example give an error that no task on the list is viable to be made (if it will error/skip the entire queue list). That would be a lot better than this "do queue once and repeat last task in the queue, or repeat whole queue each time" deal that is in it right now. Well at least for me that is ^_^.
    Last edited by Insignis86; 10-22-2013 at 11:11 AM.

  5. #20
    Cyrealkiller's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by zheeth View Post
    After cheking all 9 slots, the bot enters a wierd state and spams "[hh:mm:ss] An error occured."
    I tried disabling the 9th slot and it worked without a problem.
    I was able to replicate this issue and have corrected the logic issue causing the infinite loop.

    Originally Posted by RottenMind View Post
    + I dont use "extra assets" because Bot wont use them properly
    In regards to optional assets I have also taken a different approch. Instead of parsing informatino from the HTML code to push back into the javascript console I am now taking a far more easy passive method which seems to be handeling itself fairly well.

    Originally Posted by Insignis86 View Post
    By selling junk I meant that you just alt-tab to a browser with Gateway running on and using the inventory tab to just sell junk green/blues that drop without the need to run to vendor or just discard stuff in-game.

    And yeah - main point I am trying to ask for the bot creator to implement is that it will go from top to bottom on queued task list, and do first thing it can then start searching for task from top again each time or for example give an error that no task on the list is viable to be made. That would be a lot better than this "do queue once and repeat last task in the queue, or repeat whole queue each time" deal that is in it right now.
    I defiantly like the idea and something along the lines is in the works now. I plan on adding conditions as an optional task where essentially there are If statements through out the queue. So example if *some item exists in the profession inventory* then do this task else do whatever other task is selected. These will be nest able so you can have the else be another if.

    One of my primary goals when I started working on APB (*when Dragonef22 posted his code*) was to create leveling routes so we can just set the bot up and forget it. I am still striving to get this functionality working.

    Conditions are not quite ready for testing yet, I do have a concept but still some work to go. I will be posting later today the updated version 0.4.4 which will include the slot and asset fix. But for the conditions what are some check points you guys would like to see?

  6. #21
    Insignis86's Avatar Corporal
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    Nice to hear all the above.

    As to answer your question. It depends - yeah I know that its a stupid answer - but it really does.

    If the "if statements" will be simple ones like:

    If residuum_exist then
    craft <task of something that requires residuum>;
    gather <some resource>;
    Then technically speaking you don't need them. All you need to do is put craft task above gather task and bot with its "search for doable task from top to bottom of queue list each repeat" way of working would achieve us exactly the same (will do the craft if mats are there, else skip and do next in line so gather). And thus putting work in adding those "ifs" would be just an overkill, which also means there would be just one step - adding that functionality ("top-bottom, do first task doable, repeat").

    BUT! (Ha there is always a but, sadly its not a firm sexy girl butt) If "if statements" will be able to actually for example check how much of particular resource we have and take into account profession level, so as to make us able to make something like this:

    If artificing level>=17 and residuum>=5 (and few other check for other mats) then
    craft virtuous icon +1;
    craft virtuous icon +2;
    craft virtuous icon +3;
    craft virtuous icon +4;
    craft virtuous icon +5;
    gather <some resource>; (or no else - it just skips and check next if/task on the queue list)
    Then this bot would be then f**king amazing and if other stuff would work (like optional assets XD) then bot would be practically finished in my eyes. At this point it would be good to have at least 2 steps - one: add the "top-bottom, do first task doable, repeat" function, two: add "if statements".

    The latter above could be divided into few steps depending on how much complexity would be planned to be added. Like "if statements" being able to check all sort of things: Like not only what resources and how much we have, but also if we have items in inventory (for example dagger +1), or assets (both people and tools). Like lets say you run alchemy on 1 slot (cause its the most optimal way with the limit of 1 experiment/research task running at once) and other profession on other slots. But the moment you hit a level where you need to train next rank of an crafter-dude - bot starts to intelligently craft rank 1s, upgrade them to rank 2/3. So that you will end up with the 1 rank 2/3 and I think 3 rank 1s for optional slots (while using as much tasks slots as possible in an optimal way). After dudes are done - bot goes back to 1 slot for alchemy other slots for other stuff. This actually could be done with good if statements with actual form of separate 9 queues for all 9 slots. But then with a nice if statements you could also actually mod the bot to have just one queue that will use all slots available (especially if it could count them on its own).

    Best scenario would be also for those "ifs" to be able to know what tasks are actually running, thou I suppose it would be damn hard to code.

    All in all. The more complex stuff bot will allow us users to do, the more need for a guide would be there (Programming the Bot for dummies. lol ^_^). But then if it will still be able to just run on simple queues - like run 1 task indefinite/repeat few tasks (which it is able to do now), and that stuff with "go top->bottom searching for a doable task each time starting from top" (which is supposed to be added) - everyone should be able to use it.

    Technically if needs be I could offer a bit of help, mainly with testing the if statements - maybe even doing the code behind them - thou it depends how fast I could "get to know" the code already made and how much willing you are for some1 to help you XD. I'm not best programmer, nor I am actually programming anything right now (meaning I don't know any programming language by heart) - but I always liked that stuff and some people say I was good in it (well I did intend to mod that script to make it be able to work on multiple chars per account in the long run - while not being a java script master ^_^).
    Last edited by Insignis86; 10-22-2013 at 01:21 PM.

  7. #22
    zheeth's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Cyrealkiller View Post
    I was able to replicate this issue and have corrected the logic issue causing the infinite loop.

    In regards to optional assets I have also taken a different approch. Instead of parsing informatino from the HTML code to push back into the javascript console I am now taking a far more easy passive method which seems to be handeling itself fairly well.

    I defiantly like the idea and something along the lines is in the works now. I plan on adding conditions as an optional task where essentially there are If statements through out the queue. So example if *some item exists in the profession inventory* then do this task else do whatever other task is selected. These will be nest able so you can have the else be another if.

    One of my primary goals when I started working on APB (*when Dragonef22 posted his code*) was to create leveling routes so we can just set the bot up and forget it. I am still striving to get this functionality working.

    Conditions are not quite ready for testing yet, I do have a concept but still some work to go. I will be posting later today the updated version 0.4.4 which will include the slot and asset fix. But for the conditions what are some check points you guys would like to see?
    The main part of the bot I would like to see is the ease of setting up. The check which slots to add to is brilliant, cuts the time you need to set it up. But when you're set up and for instance your internet derps and you lose connection, or when you turn on your computer after a power outage you need to restart the bot and load the settings for each individual character. This can be improved to add a "default" settings for each character or giving the option to load them all at once. I imagine the default option would be more effective and less time consuming to implement.

    Thanks for your time and effort. Great job!

  8. #23
    RottenMind's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    One feature what I wish to see is, (same thing what zheeth thinks?)

    Load Default route per Character.

    When APBi starts it will check if there is routes named char01. APBroute etc. and then it load them on their place, if routes not exist then user load all by hand.

    I already did that with clumsy script what works but can also fail...
    Last edited by RottenMind; 10-22-2013 at 03:06 PM.

  9. #24
    Insignis86's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by RottenMind View Post
    One feature what I wish to see is, (same thing what zheeth thinks?)

    Load Default route per Character.

    When APBi starts it will check if there is routes named char01. APBroute etc. and then it load them on their place, if routes not exist then user load all by hand.

    I already did that with clumsy script what works but can also fail...
    Or just add a feature that bot will write down into its own settings a file name of last loaded route (or saved too). And just load that file for that character each next start-up of the program.

    Actually when we are on the subject of setting bot up - it remembers account details and characters, the delay option (horribly described as its time between full check-run on all characters/slots not time between each individual slot) but it doesn't remember the max gold spent amount. Some more precise description of how it works would be nice too. Is it limit how much bot can spent per each buy-task in queues? Or is it a total per bot run, and if so then maybe even add a counter how much bot already spent?.

    Option to switch off logging would be nice too. Like 2 days of using bot and it already created 65MB error html document (which I personally don't care about). Not sure how often bot opens/edits/saves the file - but will need to put the whole thing on HDD just to protect mah SSD from the possible writes.

    Just small things to make life easier and better XD.
    Last edited by Insignis86; 10-22-2013 at 06:20 PM.

  10. #25
    darkstar97048's Avatar Private
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    Depending on the language I could offer to help as well with similar caveats :-)

  11. #26
    Cyrealkiller's Avatar Sergeant
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    APB Infinite 0.4.4 is now available.

  12. #27
    Llewellyn's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for this new version CK.

    For me I would prefer to "force" a slot to use a specific main crafter. This would reduce the risks of using a Higher level for smaller tasks.

  13. #28
    RottenMind's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Nice, now I can do scripts what can do infinite run for APBInfinity.
    Last edited by RottenMind; 10-23-2013 at 06:12 AM. Reason: corrected what was user mistake

  14. #29
    WithoutSoul's Avatar Private
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    Can't dl new version, pls reload or add mirrow

  15. #30
    Cyrealkiller's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by WithoutSoul View Post
    Can't dl new version, pls reload or add mirrow
    Updated mirrors.

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