Ramp Druid Naxx (More Aggro than Defense, but not super high end, no legendaries) - Cheap Deck, relatively.
Ramp Druid Midrange (More Board Control/Defensive than Face - The Black Knight) - Medium Cost
Ramp Druid Naxx (More Defensive than Aggro, but also not the best. Loatheb and The Black Knight) - Medium Cost.
[LEGENDARY] Rushino Demolisher Druid v2.0
[LEGENDARY[ Ramp Druid Control (MOST EXPENSIVE, MY FAVORITE) - Ragnaros the Firelord, The Black Knight
Intended deck also has 1x BIG GAME HUNTER but I'm a fookin' noob and don't have it. SO I substitute with Bloodmage Thalnos
So which do I bot with?
My recommendation is to use what you can afford, the decks are generally in order of worst to best and also cheapest to most expensive, but I particularly like the final deck - with the exception of big game hunter instead of bloodmage thalnos.
This is version 1.0 of this thread. WIP