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  1. #16
    wirmate's Avatar Member
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    It seems like some of you are having troubles reading the fact that I refund anybody that was unsatisfied with the new system, the bot is still up, the site is still here, I'm not running anywhere.

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  2. #17
    darkhon's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by wirmate View Post
    It seems like some of you are having troubles reading the fact that I refund anybody that was unsatisfied with the new system, the bot is still up, the site is still here, I'm not running anywhere.
    you also refunded and banned a lot of people satisfied with the system, that did not even ask for a refund and were happy for you to keep the money by rage reading and having a fit and taking not thought out conclusions without contacting them.

  3. Thanks Toalettduck (1 members gave Thanks to darkhon for this useful post)
  4. #18
    botuser's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by wirmate View Post
    I'll tell you my story : I'm not trying to hide myself, i'm not trying to scam anyone and i actually refunded absolutly anybody that was too brain limited to understand the situation beside the paypal disputes that escalated and i don't have control on anymore until they are "unlocked".
    I'm not really open minded about being aggressed directly by people via PM/Mail/Whatever so i answered proportionally, period.
    About the logs, there are none kept about anyone using the bot.

    If you came to talk to me not being "enraged" as you said, maybe your case wouldn't have turned out this way.
    My requests for a refund is being ignored. What is going on?

  5. Thanks Toalettduck (1 members gave Thanks to botuser for this useful post)
  6. #19
    czullo1's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by botuser View Post
    My requests for a refund is being ignored. What is going on?
    You want honesty and honor from a scammer who revoke liftime licences?

  7. Thanks Toalettduck (1 members gave Thanks to czullo1 for this useful post)
  8. #20
    Umbrielik's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by klh View Post
    Yes he's name is Vincent Thomas and he's french. [email protected]

    Personaly iv a lifetime key who disapeared (20 euros key bought in 2014)
    same here and blocked from the forums, can't even dispute... what a scammer...

  9. #21
    czullo1's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Umbrielik View Post
    same here and blocked from the forums, can't even dispute... what a scammer...
    Guys theres a lot of reports from people who buy 15Euro/Montly keys and didnt recive them, this guys is scamming like hell. I dont know why paypal didnt block his account yet. I cant get refound from paypal because 3 months protection pass. But remember not buying anything from this guy.

  10. #22
    xcureanddisease's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by wirmate View Post
    I'll tell you my story : I'm not trying to hide myself, i'm not trying to scam anyone and i actually refunded absolutly anybody that was too brain limited to understand the situation beside the paypal disputes that escalated and i don't have control on anymore until they are "unlocked".
    I'm not really open minded about being aggressed directly by people via PM/Mail/Whatever so i answered proportionally, period.
    About the logs, there are none kept about anyone using the bot.

    If you came to talk to me not being "enraged" as you said, maybe your case wouldn't have turned out this way.
    Except you still clearly are scamming people. You talk about "im gonna report you to blizzard if you do a charge back and are not honest" when you switched your lifetime license. You're asking people to be honest while doing dishonest things. How the hell do you think people were gonna react to that? With anger. If you couldn't afford to keep the server going then why did you even bother selling lifetime licenses in the first place? If you're trying to do the right thing why threaten people with reporting them to Blizzard? And people couldn't go TALK TO YOU because you banned anyone that said anything.

    You're a scammer, you're dishonest and your ship is gonna sink REAL fast.

    Anyone even thinking about buying this, DO NOT do it. You're gonna get scammed, you're gonna get ignored and it will only be your fault. STAY AWAY!

  11. Thanks serkio, Raidmaxxx (2 members gave Thanks to xcureanddisease for this useful post)
  12. #23
    Valcan's Avatar Member
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    I can confirm the OP story, Wirmate is a BIG TIME SCAMMER. Lots of innocent folks who were once a forum member is now banned and their lifetime license key made void/expired, without any good warning or explanation at all!

    Please avoid SMARTBOT at ALL COST!

  13. #24
    czullo1's Avatar Member
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    DO NOT BUY from this guys hes scammer, do you want a prof? Look down

    WARNING SmartBot shady stuff going on-yi6otil-png

  14. #25
    Surrealism's Avatar Private
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    Yup, he scammed me hard. No refund, no nothing. Just totally disabled my forum account and license. Total scum.

  15. #26
    wowmerq's Avatar Member
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    Not sure what the fuss is about. I had a lifetime subscription also, but got plenty of time out of it before he decided the costs were too high for his time. So if you divide the lifetime license money paid, which was incredibly cheap, by the time used, I got my money's worth IMO.

    Would you rather the bot just shut down completely because he was no longer making money to keep it going? It's literally the only bot hitting legend out of the 3 bots available for HS. If any other bot has hit legend, I guarantee it's not at the magnitude Smart Bot has been doing. I'm 8 legends in with Smart Bot and still running it to this day. Most likely will hit legend for May 2016 tonight. Sitting at rank 1, just waiting for the prime time to let it play. (I've figured out the best times to rank versus the worst times to bot.)

    It was shitty to lose a "lifetime license" but also understandable when you look at it from his side of things. Community was getting bigger, also had a ton of shitty attitude people demanding update after update, with no incentive to wirmate because no monthly money was coming in. I'd start feeling the same way personally.

    We live in a world of money folks. Time is money. You're either gonna be mad about losing what, $40? (Which you didn't really lose, you got plenty of bot time out of it for sure + a free 3 months when he decided to cancel the lifetime license.) Or just realize you wouldn't waste your personal time on something that didn't profit you once you got bored with it either. Guess we all have different opinions.

    Also remember you're cheating - botting - so everyone calling this a "contract breach" or whatever is a bit over the top. It's like wanting to call the cops to report your weed got stolen or your dealer ripped you off. You take a risk by cheating/botting with not only your account, but also whatever you decide to pay for it. Are you willing to pay for legend or not? If not, go use the rank 10+ bots known as HR or HB.

    Wirmate has clearly kept the bot alive and well with the updates to the expansion and it's still hitting legend as of this post. I'd believe he was a scammer if the bot was shut down by now and never updated for this recent expansion, but he's proven that he still puts in time because people understood his stance on the license thing. I ain't mad at him. He even refunded everyone who threw a pity party about it.

    Just my 2 cents. I don't feel ripped off at all and I was part of the licenses revoked and had to re-sub monthly.

    To anyone wondering - the bot is alive and well, and still working perfectly today. Don't let this thread alter your mind if you're set on finding a HS bot. This is hands down the best one to buy. Wirmate is not actively scamming people at all. Not from what I can see. He also fixes reported misplays almost weekly. I damn near AFK and sit 24/7 on his forum's chat box and the people are actually nice and decent to talk to. Very helpful too.
    Last edited by wowmerq; 05-31-2016 at 03:52 PM.

  16. #27
    xcureanddisease's Avatar Legendary
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    Im gonna address your post point by point:

    Would you rather the bot just shut down completely because he was no longer making money to keep it going? It's literally the only bot hitting legend out of the 3 bots available for HS. If any other bot has hit legend, I guarantee it's not at the magnitude Smart Bot has been doing. I'm 8 legends in with Smart Bot and still running it to this day. Most likely will hit legend for May 2016 tonight. Sitting at rank 1, just waiting for the prime time to let it play. (I've figured out the best times to rank versus the worst times to bot.)
    How is him not having any income the customers fault? He sold a product and people expect to get said product. "I have no money *****" isn't an excuse; you deliver what you sell and thats that. If he couldn't afford it, then he never had any intention on offering a LIFETIME subscription and he baited people into buying it under false pretenses.

    It was shitty to lose a "lifetime license" but also understandable when you look at it from his side of things. Community was getting bigger, also had a ton of shitty attitude people demanding update after update, with no incentive to wirmate because no monthly money was coming in. I'd start feeling the same way personally.
    Oh how sad. The community was getting bigger. OH my goodness people were demanding updates. Oh boy no money was coming in? Surely he didn't have a problem with taking the money to begin with. People who bought this will never and should NEVER look at it from his perspective. The only thing that matters here is AM I GETTING WHAT WAS ADVERTISED TO ME?

    We live in a world of money folks. Time is money. You're either gonna be mad about losing what, $40? (Which you didn't really lose, you got plenty of bot time out of it for sure + a free 3 months when he decided to cancel the lifetime license.) Or just realize you wouldn't waste your personal time on something that didn't profit you once you got bored with it either. Guess we all have different opinions.
    Uh, yea they're gonna be mad about losing 40 dollars which they actually DID lose because they didn't get the product and lifetime sub they paid for. And your assumption with 'well you were gonna stop using it when you got bored' is horse shit. I've been using Honorbuddy since 2008. Im still not bored.

    Also remember you're cheating - botting - so everyone calling this a "contract breach" or whatever is a bit over the top. It's like wanting to call the cops to report your weed got stolen or your dealer ripped you off. You take a risk by cheating/botting with not only your account, but also whatever you decide to pay for it. Are you willing to pay for legend or not? If not, go use the rank 10+ bots known as HR or HB.
    Its not a bit over the top at all. This is a contract breach. He sold something he had no intention on delivering on.

    and for any new customer, read this next part and think TWICE about buying ANYTHING from these people:

    You take a risk by cheating/botting with not only your account, but also whatever you decide to pay for it

    This guys is saying, well if you get ripped off, its your own fault cuz what you're doing is illegal anyways so too bad. If this mentality doesn't stop you from buying this RIP OFF of a bot, then I dont know what will

    Wirmate has clearly kept the bot alive and well with the updates to the expansion and it's still hitting legend as of this post. I'd believe he was a scammer if the bot was shut down by now and never updated for this recent expansion, but he's proven that he still puts in time because people understood his stance on the license thing. I ain't mad at him. He even refunded everyone who threw a pity party about it.
    Only he did shut down the bot for people who already paid for a lifetime sub. And he didn't refund anyone who went on his forums and spoke about him. Not only did he NOT refund them but he completely shut down their account as well with the 3 months left over. Because they hurt his "FEELINGS" LOL please. What a chump.

    To any new person wondering if you should buy this bot or not, I would say, absolutely without a doubt NO. Right now he has his monthly subscripon model and its only a matter of time before he deicdes to change his mind and make it a bi-weekly sub or even a weekly sub. He will steal your money and not refund you if you speak out against him and he will lock you out of your own account with time left and do whatever he can to not refund you. He even threatened to blackmail people if they decided to do a reverse charge for not delivering their originally paid lifetime subscription. He threatened people with submitting user logs to Blizzard. Think about this for a moment, he has all your information, but so does Honorbuddy and any other bot you use. So whats the difference? The difference is HB or Soapbox etc has never and will NEVER blackmail people, they have never and will never threaten to submit our user logs over to Blizzard.

    Here's the Reddit thread to it. And take a look at how he replies to the people, no care, no thought about what he did. All he wants is more money and is willing to rip you off in order to get it:


    Last edited by xcureanddisease; 06-03-2016 at 11:12 AM.

  17. Thanks shahinpb (1 members gave Thanks to xcureanddisease for this useful post)
  18. #28
    vanistuff's Avatar Member
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    J'ai payé un moi pour ce bot, il y a de ça 3 semaines.

    Mon bot est presque Legend

    Merci & aurevoir. Votre drama fait pitier

    Un random utilisateur de Smartbot, satisfait de son achat.

    Ps: Google traduction

  19. #29
    VesperCore's Avatar Contributor
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    I would like to ask, the guy basically threatens you to report to Blizzard if your charge back... All right, sounds almost "fair" in the weird universe.

    But... how does he get the informations on your account/battle.net, etc ?

    I don't recall any bot wow/hearthstone on the market that actually let this informations leave your computer, for what purpose ?

    That's kind of violating private life & stuff, also heard about the eventual skype archive logging, what the **** with this guy...

    You basically pay 20 euros, and if your account actually make it to legend, it's gone? He'll resell it to some dude ?

    @xcureanddisease: No, others bots don't have your informations, we have absolutly NO reasons to log any of those server side.
    The only way my server can even read your username of the connected character, is if you activate the "remote control" that allow you to shutdown the bot remotly from TheNoobBot - Remote Control Login Also, that informations expire every minute, so if you close the bot, it's gone from our server.
    It doesn't even send your realmname.
    Last edited by VesperCore; 02-28-2017 at 05:37 AM.

  20. #30
    surgesurge's Avatar Member
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    So I'd like to say a few things

    I did purchase lifetime, and I also purchased many subscriptions before and after I made the "lifetime" purchase.

    So I made wirmrate hundreds of dollars.

    Anyway, the way a game playerbase or a youtube channel or a product consumer base works is.

    you have the main body, consisting of all currently active users, and then there is like 1% quitting every day, and there is 1% discovering the site and paying every day.

    Sure the best money making method for him would be to put everyone on a monthly subscription, that's what he did.

    I'm sure the people who had lifetime and he invalidated their lifetime key, like my lifetime key, i'm sure a ton of those people quit instead of paying money, but to him, it doesn't matter, as the people that do buy the product permanently, they will never pay him a cent again. So to him, we're dead and quit anyway. I think that he must be a psychopath. The moral thing people would do is a) not do this in the first place. b) refund all the lifetime purchases if he does make a business decision to have no more future lifetime packages. He didn't do this, selfish degenerate cunt.

    So remember I was talking about the 1% quitting and 1% new players discovering smartbot like every month or something?

    Well that's income right there. Over time the active users cycle, and people with life time purchases quit permanently, and new users will buy life time purchases, giving you profit.

    So what he did was inexcusable, he was getting his profit, and he will keep getting his profit, yet he decided to screw everyone over for more money.

    I don't really care either way. Tons of hearthstone players are human trash. Playing the same tier 1 or teir 2 decks for hundreds of games. Never taking risks, always taking lethal, never having any fun. Just sitting there like a retarded bot ranking, at ****ing rank 20 lol. Also don't forget those retards that play rank 20 games while taking 25 minutes a win. Also don't forget those retards who perma rope to make sure to never misplay.

    I feel like if there was open communications between players, then players would shame shitty and frustrating cards, combos, and tactics from each other, discouraging their use and making everyone less frustrated.

    Idk I love hearthstone because it's got so much diversity to offer. Something like 1500 cards. You could make any wacky or crazy deck you want. You can do so much and have so much fun in hearthstone. Yet none of that is what 99% of the player base does. Just degenerate man children killing themselves in front of the computer all so that they can see the victory screen on their monitor.

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