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  1. #16
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by SmoothGold View Post
    Should deff set up a forum, where you can exchange profiles and talk about issues and whatnot.
    After that's setup i would deff buy the bot :)
    Yay thank you!
    We are already making final preparations in our forums, and we'll make them available very soon.
    There will be lots of guides, tutorials, and profiles for different features.
    And you will be able to discuss any issues or feature requests.

    Hope you will enjoy it :)

    Miqobot | The First FFXIV DX11 Bot
  2. #17
    neffuu's Avatar Member
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    Hello there... I'v an question which make me curious all the time... What is the % rate of possibility to get ban for using hacks? Im not talkin about ur own (which make me interested in it) but about whole hacking. Is this "safe"? Should I be worried while using "supporting" programs?

    Sorry for my english and thanks for reply

  3. #18
    dc0ke's Avatar Member
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    Just wanted to say that I love what you've done with Miqobot. Great Work!

    I tried a few of the other options out there, but your work definitely makes the most logical sense and is the easiest to configure so far! I know you have a list of features that you're already working on, however the following is what I'd love to see (I'm sort of new so I may just not have figured it out):

    1) Advanced Gathering - The basic functionality works really well, however there is still no easy option for Red/Blue Scrips, Maps, and Collectables.
    2) Import/Export of Navigation Paths - I think I've done a really good job of creating some great paths, however there's nowhere for me to either compare my work to other people or share what I've created. I'd love to be able to help out the community here (official forums would be helpful too =P )
    3) Stealth Improvements - While I've been able to do a decent job of avoiding all sorts of monsters, sometimes stealth is a little buggy. Some examples are if I catch aggro on while flying, it won't be able to disengage monster before stealthing (it'll just drag the monster to my gathering node and I die). Also sometimes, it will detect a monster and stealth, but then RIGHT before gathering it'll de-stealth gather and the monster will attack (more death).
    4) Combat Features - I'd love to see Combo 1, 2, 3 incorporated to this bot so I can farm animals for materials. I see that filter option is available, so hopefully target and kill features should be coming soon!~
    5) Crafting - Even the basics like use the following skills then quick synthesis would be appreciated

    Thanks again for your hard work!

    Also: I have no clue how beacons work... Could you provide a brief description on how it's supposed to be used?
    Last edited by dc0ke; 01-14-2016 at 11:29 AM.

  4. #19
    hokiecmo's Avatar Member
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    Once you have Scrip and Ephemeral nodes working well I'll definitely buy this. Once the Beast Tribe dailies are working I'd probably donate extra haha.

  5. #20
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by neffuu View Post
    Hello there... I'v an question which make me curious all the time... What is the % rate of possibility to get ban for using hacks? Im not talkin about ur own (which make me interested in it) but about whole hacking. Is this "safe"? Should I be worried while using "supporting" programs?

    Sorry for my english and thanks for reply :)
    Thank you for your question :)

    First of all, we have to understand that there are 2 main reasons for getting a ban:
    1) Being detected by the game.
    2) Being detected AND being reported by another player.

    Hacks are easily detected. Things like making your character walk through the walls or teleport around - they have a very high ban rate. And you don't even need a GM around. The game server can easily analyze your movements and detect that hacks are being used.

    And that's why Miqobot doesn't use any hacks at all.
    Just plain data-reading and keypressing.
    So reason 1 is out of the question with Miqobot.

    For reason 2, when you are detected by another player, you can get a ban only when he or she reports you to the GM.
    And in order for that to happen, you'd have to make someone really mad.
    Because people are usually very kind, they don't mind you being rich :) And they are too lazy to even learn the reporting process, since writing reports is not fun at all. People don't want to work here, they want to play the game and have fun.

    So unless you tell everybody about using the bot, you have nothing to be afraid of ;)

  6. #21
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by hokiecmo View Post
    Once you have Scrip and Ephemeral nodes working well I'll definitely buy this. Once the Beast Tribe dailies are working I'd probably donate extra haha.
    Thank you very much for your support!

    You can already farm Blue Scrips with Fishing in Miqobot ;)
    There are 2 presets for Blue Scrips: one for Goblin Jig, and another one for Brute Leech.
    Select the one for your bait, and go fish Illuminati Perches in Thaliak River: Illuminati perch

    And we already have a solution for Red Scrips and Ephemeral nodes - it's called Scenario Scripting.
    Basically, you prepare a list of teleports and navigation routes in a pre-determined order, with the reference to Eorzea time.
    For example:
    - At 7:00 teleport to Falcon's Nest
    - Switch to Botanist
    - Use the navigation route to fly to the far corner of the map
    - Wait until 9:00
    - Harvest the Chysahl Greens
    - Teleport to Azys Lla
    - Switch to Miner
    - Use a Cordial
    - Fly over to the Adamantite island
    - Wait until 11:00
    - Mine the Adamantite Ore
    - Repeat from the start
    This is a scenario, which Miqobot can easily follow for however long you like.
    Both Red Scrips and Ephemeral nodes can be farmed this way.

    But we have to admit that this is a rather complex and advanced feature (when compared to the rest of features in Miqobot).
    So we are preparing a detailed guide on our forums, and it will be released at around the same time.

    For Beast Tribe dailies you can already use our 3D Radar.
    It's not automatic yet, but it will be very soon!

    We hope that you will enjoy it.
    Thank you! :)

  7. Thanks fearfart (1 members gave Thanks to Miqobot for this useful post)
  8. #22
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by dc0ke View Post
    Just wanted to say that I love what you've done with Miqobot. Great Work!

    I tried a few of the other options out there, but your work definitely makes the most logical sense and is the easiest to configure so far! I know you have a list of features that you're already working on, however the following is what I'd love to see (I'm sort of new so I may just not have figured it out):

    1) Advanced Gathering - The basic functionality works really well, however there is still no easy option for Red/Blue Scrips, Maps, and Collectables.
    2) Import/Export of Navigation Paths - I think I've done a really good job of creating some great paths, however there's nowhere for me to either compare my work to other people or share what I've created. I'd love to be able to help out the community here (official forums would be helpful too =P )
    3) Stealth Improvements - While I've been able to do a decent job of avoiding all sorts of monsters, sometimes stealth is a little buggy. Some examples are if I catch aggro on while flying, it won't be able to disengage monster before stealthing (it'll just drag the monster to my gathering node and I die). Also sometimes, it will detect a monster and stealth, but then RIGHT before gathering it'll de-stealth gather and the monster will attack (more death).
    4) Combat Features - I'd love to see Combo 1, 2, 3 incorporated to this bot so I can farm animals for materials. I see that filter option is available, so hopefully target and kill features should be coming soon!~
    5) Crafting - Even the basics like use the following skills then quick synthesis would be appreciated

    Thanks again for your hard work!

    Also: I have no clue how beacons work... Could you provide a brief description on how it's supposed to be used?
    Thank you for your kind words! :)

    1) Advanced Gathering.

    Indeed, there's still no easy option. But it's already coming!
    Scenario Scripting is the solution we have prepared for Scrips and Collectables.
    And for Maps, there will be Gathering by Name. Coming really soon as well!

    2) Import/Export of Navigation Paths.

    It will be great if you share with other people and help the community :)
    So Import and Export are one of our top priorities as well. There are just some minor technical difficulties left, but we have already figured out how to fix them.

    Official forums are being prepared at the moment too.
    I think both Forums and Import/Export will be released around the same time.

    3) Stealth Improvements.

    Yes, I see your point.
    Now that I think of it, there's a room for improvement indeed.
    Right now, Miqobot uses a radius of 25 yalms to detect aggressive monsters (the actual hate distance is around 18). But while your character is mining, you can't stealth in the process, and the monsters are still moving around.
    So in order to prevent death, we have to use a wider range for stealth just before engaging with a gathering node.

    As for flying, there's another solution - when monster attacks Miqobot in flight, she will actually fly up to lose hate. As you can see on this part of the video: https://youtu.be/JJmqQhal2S8?t=134
    The only case it wouldn't work is when your character hits the ground too soon.
    If you could send us your settings.json file and say which Navigation grid is giving you trouble, we could think of more improvements for avoiding aggressive monsters. Or maybe you'd like to share your own thoughts on the matter :)

    There's also another solution in development - a fleeing AI.
    It's designed for non-flying areas mostly (because in order to flee from small flying islands, you'd have to be able to mount - and you can't do that under attack).
    But I think we can semi-adapt it to all situations in the game.

    Anyway, thank you for sharing this :)
    It means a lot to us!

    4) Combat Features.

    Awesome idea!

    Since Combat bot is a part of our upcoming FATE Grinding bot, we can easily adapt it to farming specific targets in the area.
    Thank you very much!

    5) Crafting.

    Why not, here you are :D
    Miqobot - Crafting

    Originally Posted by dc0ke View Post
    Also: I have no clue how beacons work... Could you provide a brief description on how it's supposed to be used?
    Sure :)
    Beacons are actually an alternative to gathering senses.
    Take, for example, Cloud Mica in the Churning Mists. When you mine a pair of nodes that are close together, they disappear, and you don't see any other nodes around.
    Miqobot always flies directly to the next node, but since there's no node in the immediate vicinity, she doesn't know where to fly.

    So you have 2 options:

    1. Turn on Lay of the Land/Arbor Call.
    This is what's called a compass in Miqobot.
    It will guide her to the next gathering node.

    But sometimes, it can mislead her into the wall or some other material you're not interested in (there are places with several mats spawning, of different level and value).
    So that's where you switch to:

    2. Beacons.
    You just switch to Red mode in 3D Editor, select any point on your navigation grid, and click that point with Right Mouse Button.
    Until it turns to "beacon".
    So beacons are like stationary senses.
    When there are no gathering nodes around, Miqobot will fly to the beacon, and look for materials from there.

    It's best to see this in action.
    There's a navigation preset called "Cloud Mica". Fly over to it and start gathering.
    You'll see what happens :)

    Good luck!

  9. Thanks Relican (1 members gave Thanks to Miqobot for this useful post)
  10. #23
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    1. Select a recipe in your Crafting Log.
    2. Input the key combination into Miqobot.
    3. Press Start!

    Miqobot will craft the desired recipe for you over and over.
    You can adjust the number of crafts and even repair along the way.

    To make Auto-Repair work:
    1. Drop a Repair icon on your hotbar.
    2. Make sure that you have enough Dark Matter for your gear.
    3. Turn on repair on Crafting tab.
    4. Input the amount of crafts, after which the Repair should happen.
    (Actually, step 4 will be removed in the future - Miqobot will just track your gear's condition and repair automatically.)

    We are preparing lots of improvements for Crafting in the future, like rotation solver and materials finder (in your retainer or in the Market Board).
    Have fun!
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:50 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  11. #24
    ladygamer's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    no forums for support?

    would go a long way.

  12. #25
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by ladygamer View Post
    no forums for support?

    would go a long way.
    Why, we already have forums. They are just in closed beta, not public yet
    Once we finish all the preparations, we will release them.

    In the meantime, you have our friendly Tech Support!
    Have you encountered any issues? Just let us know, and we'll fix them.
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:50 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  13. #26
    fearfart's Avatar Contributor
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    Interesting bot, will look into using it for my second account to streamline things on the crafting and gathering end!

  14. Thanks Miqobot (1 members gave Thanks to fearfart for this useful post)
  15. #27
    ladygamer's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    i'll wait until fearfart puts some sort of review, or when you put up your support forums and i'll start testing it as well and review

    Looks awesome tho, GL.

  16. Thanks Relican, Miqobot (2 members gave Thanks to ladygamer for this useful post)
  17. #28
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    Originally Posted by fearfart View Post
    Interesting bot, will look into using it for my second account to streamline things on the crafting and gathering end!
    Thank you, hope you will enjoy Miqobot!
    There will be a lot more than just crafting and gathering. FATEs, Chocobo Racing, new MGP minigames, Triple Triad, Dungeons, Beast Tribes, Hunting Logs... Make sure you check them all out
    Don't hesitate to ask questions or suggest feature requests if you have any.

  18. #29
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    Originally Posted by ladygamer View Post
    i'll wait until fearfart puts some sort of review, or when you put up your support forums and i'll start testing it as well and review

    Looks awesome tho, GL.
    Sure, you can start whenever you like
    There will be a News section on our forums, with regular status updates on every feature in development. You will be able to discuss anything with the community or developers themselves.
    Thank you!

  19. #30
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    A sneak preview of Chocobo Racing bot.
    It's a navigation mesh for the upcoming Chocobo Racing AI.

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