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  1. #31
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    Chocobo Racing is already released, and we are making a promo video now.
    Here's the final look of Gold Saucer tab, along with 3D Radar extension.

    Miqobot | The First FFXIV DX11 Bot
  2. #32
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    By the way, all 48-hour trials were reset yesterday.
    So don't hesitate to check the new version out
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  3. #33
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    We have finished a promo video, so here it is:

    1. Go to Chocobo Square.
    2. Get near Chocobo Registrar NPC.
    3. Press Start

    Miqobot will register to the race, wait for invitation to pop, and try to perform as best as she can.
    With enough stats on your chocobo you can expect to be in the first places!
    Maiden, R-40, and R-60 classes are suppported out of the box.
    And you can easily create your own presets with the built-in Race Recorder.

    Additional features in this version:
    - Attach-to button on Monitor tab. Lets you switch between game instances (like multibox).
    - Automatic focus on in-game windows.
    - Chocobo Racing waypoints show on 3D Radar. Not only during the race, but also in the location where that race takes place (Southern Thanalan, Eastern La Noscea, South Shroud).
    - Random course is also supported.

    Rejoice! Next release will bring forums!
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  4. #34
    ladygamer's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    still no forums it seems

    oh well, gl

  5. #35
    dc0ke's Avatar Member
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    I've been evaluating this product (alongside a few of the competitors) for about 2 months and here are my thoughts:

    1) Pricing
    $10 seems a little high for the current feature set (compared to its competitors), but I like the simplicity of the product so I'll support it until I've finished all my crafting/gathering classes (maybe longer; if advanced gathering or combat features come along). I do wish there was a lifetime one-time payment option.

    2) Features Review
    Crafting/Gathering - I highly utilize the gathering and crafting routines. Which are a bit basic for now, but good for leveling gathers/crafters. When it comes to end-game, the bot is a bit lacking (missing priority system, if-then functionality, scenario/scheduling). Also still waiting for a combat feature so that I can farm hides/leathers/skins.

    MGP - Very simple MGP farming now available that works (and wins) pretty regularly at lower levels (Maiden, 40, 60). As I only run the bot when I'm actively monitoring the game, the MGP gain is slow, but it's nice to leave in the background while I'm doing other non-game related side activities. Haven't tried the advanced levels cause I'm not quite sure how to set it up...

    3) Usage
    The program itself is fairly easy to use, however the online videos are a bit insufficient to get an understanding of how to set up the bot (there's a lot of "figure it out youself"). Forums / Guides / Usage FAQ is desperately needed. It basically took me 1-2 weeks to even understand what I was doing (if I didn't figure it out, then I would prob not have continued to use the bot). Took me about a month how to refine my paths and routines. Love the bot, but definitely needs to up the level of support so that that new users don't feel so lost.

    Feature Requests (1 highly requested - 3 nice to have):

    - Forums (1): I know it's been announced, but the sooner the better. Guides, Export Functionality, Questions area is needed
    - Combat (1): Right now all that's really available is basic level crafting and gathering for botanist/miner/fisher. Nothing available if you need to hunt for leatherworking materials
    - Advanced Gathering (1): Outside of fishing, Botanist/Mining require some additional work to get up to speed. End game gathering, in general, is a bit lacking (it may be because I don't know how to set up the parameters well, but that should/will be addressed with Forum support). In terms of end-game, outside of scrips, the bot needs a good way to gather ephemeral/legendary/unspoiled nodes and hidden items (that shift slots).
    - Release Notes (1): While the videos are handy... Even a simple text description of what's new and what to look for would help. Sometimes I see the updates on these forum posts, but in-general I'm lost of what's released with each patch.
    - Scheduling (2): I would feel MUCH more comfortable with the bot if I could set a routine (ie... fish for 20min, MGP for 20min, gather for 20min, take a 10min break, repeat...). Right now, if I don't baby sit, I'm worried people will notice my poor patterns.
    - UI Options (3) - Wish there was a way to hide the cat graphic, hide tabs that are "coming soon" or have a mini/smaller window. For now, I'm just keeping half of the window off-screen so I can keep an eye out on what's happening, while monitoring the bots actions.
    - Navigation Organization (3) - I have like 75 grids saved now. Sometimes it take a while to find what I'm looking for. A way to reorder tabs, search, or to separate Botanist/Miner grids would be very helpful.
    - FATE Support (3) - A nice to have, but I would rather have combat for leatherworking or Advanced Gathering

    Open Questions:
    1) What's the open box under "Gathering Tab > Gathering Node" supposed to do? Any difference from "3D Radar > Filter By Name"?
    2) The bot seems to use supporting gathering skills whenever it has the GP, instead of at the beginning of a gathering session/node... i'd rather use the skill for 5 strikes of a node than the last one. Anyway to update the logic?
    3) Is there any way to bind the other keys outside of numbers? (e.g. F1, DEL, HOME, Numpad1, etc...)

    Overall great job with the bot though. Very excited for the new features to come!
    Last edited by dc0ke; 02-21-2016 at 11:53 AM.

  6. Thanks Miqobot (1 members gave Thanks to dc0ke for this useful post)
  7. #36
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by ladygamer View Post
    still no forums it seems

    oh well, gl
    Forums are already coming!
    We just need a bit more time.

    Thank you for your patience very much!

  8. #37
    Miqobot's Avatar Site Donator
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    Originally Posted by dc0ke View Post
    I've been evaluating this product (alongside a few of the competitors) for about 2 months and here are my thoughts:

    1) Pricing
    $10 seems a little high for the current feature set (compared to its competitors), but I like the simplicity of the product so I'll support it until I've finished all my crafting/gathering classes (maybe longer; if advanced gathering or combat features come along). I do wish there was a lifetime one-time payment option.

    2) Features Review
    Crafting/Gathering - I highly utilize the gathering and crafting routines. Which are a bit basic for now, but good for leveling gathers/crafters. When it comes to end-game, the bot is a bit lacking (missing priority system, if-then functionality, scenario/scheduling). Also still waiting for a combat feature so that I can farm hides/leathers/skins.

    MGP - Very simple MGP farming now available that works (and wins) pretty regularly at lower levels (Maiden, 40, 60). As I only run the bot when I'm actively monitoring the game, the MGP gain is slow, but it's nice to leave in the background while I'm doing other non-game related side activities. Haven't tried the advanced levels cause I'm not quite sure how to set it up...

    3) Usage
    The program itself is fairly easy to use, however the online videos are a bit insufficient to get an understanding of how to set up the bot (there's a lot of "figure it out youself"). Forums / Guides / Usage FAQ is desperately needed. It basically took me 1-2 weeks to even understand what I was doing (if I didn't figure it out, then I would prob not have continued to use the bot). Took me about a month how to refine my paths and routines. Love the bot, but definitely needs to up the level of support so that that new users don't feel so lost.

    Feature Requests (1 highly requested - 3 nice to have):

    - Forums (1): I know it's been announced, but the sooner the better. Guides, Export Functionality, Questions area is needed
    - Combat (1): Right now all that's really available is basic level crafting and gathering for botanist/miner/fisher. Nothing available if you need to hunt for leatherworking materials
    - Advanced Gathering (1): Outside of fishing, Botanist/Mining require some additional work to get up to speed. End game gathering, in general, is a bit lacking (it may be because I don't know how to set up the parameters well, but that should/will be addressed with Forum support). In terms of end-game, outside of scrips, the bot needs a good way to gather ephemeral/legendary/unspoiled nodes and hidden items (that shift slots).
    - Release Notes (1): While the videos are handy... Even a simple text description of what's new and what to look for would help. Sometimes I see the updates on these forum posts, but in-general I'm lost of what's released with each patch.
    - Scheduling (2): I would feel MUCH more comfortable with the bot if I could set a routine (ie... fish for 20min, MGP for 20min, gather for 20min, take a 10min break, repeat...). Right now, if I don't baby sit, I'm worried people will notice my poor patterns.
    - UI Options (3) - Wish there was a way to hide the cat graphic, hide tabs that are "coming soon" or have a mini/smaller window. For now, I'm just keeping half of the window off-screen so I can keep an eye out on what's happening, while monitoring the bots actions.
    - Navigation Organization (3) - I have like 75 grids saved now. Sometimes it take a while to find what I'm looking for. A way to reorder tabs, search, or to separate Botanist/Miner grids would be very helpful.
    - FATE Support (3) - A nice to have, but I would rather have combat for leatherworking or Advanced Gathering

    Open Questions:
    1) What's the open box under "Gathering Tab > Gathering Node" supposed to do? Any difference from "3D Radar > Filter By Name"?
    2) The bot seems to use supporting gathering skills whenever it has the GP, instead of at the beginning of a gathering session/node... i'd rather use the skill for 5 strikes of a node than the last one. Anyway to update the logic?
    3) Is there any way to bind the other keys outside of numbers? (e.g. F1, DEL, HOME, Numpad1, etc...)

    Overall great job with the bot though. Very excited for the new features to come!
    Thank you for such an awesome review!
    All of these feature requests highly correlate with our development plans. We are working hard on releasing more features as fast as possible to keep up with demand and justify the price. And of course in the future we plan to add more subscription options for Miqobot.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wishes, it means a lot to us. Your contribution and the community help us choose the right direction to move on :)

    Indeed, lots of improvements coming for end-game. Planned features are going to be posted at our forums at launch. And we will make the actual release happen as soon as possible.

    Glad that you like Chocobo Racing!
    It's pretty easy to setup for higher levels. When you create a new race preset, it comes with empty waypoints. Miqobot will accelerate and use skills, but she won't be able to steer or jump. That's what recording is for. Press Record button and start the race manually. Miqobot will remember your actions (including jumps), and after that she will try to perform as best as she can based on your example.
    In fact, R-60 preset may work for R-80 and some higher classes. It won't be perfect, but you can give it a try and decide whether you want to improve it. We will make a detailed guide on race recording and post it in Help section.

    And of course you will be able to exchange presets with the community at our forums. Very soon :)
    Also, for MGP there is a Triple Triad bot planned and another bonus feature which we keep a secret for now.

    Usage and Guides.
    We sincerely apologize that you had to go through all this.
    But the hard times are coming to an end as from now on there will be a detailed guide on every feature.

    Forums and Import/Export. Here, to reduce the tension a bit we can show a preview for Import/Export UI.

    Combat. We'll try to do it as fast as we can.
    Advanced Gathering. The logics are almost ready, but we still need to finish UI for these features.
    Release Notes. Totally agreed. We will post patch notes on our forums from now on.
    Scheduling. This feature is actually a part of Advanced Gathering since gathering multiple unspoiled nodes is impossible without timing. So it might even come earlier than expected.
    But you can already do camping for unspoiled nodes. Miqobot will patiently wait for the node to spawn and mine it as usual.
    UI Options. Also agreed. We already have several layouts in design on how to address this issue.
    Navigation Organization. Same here. We might actually go ahead and post a discussion thread with several options and allow our users to choose what you think is the best one.
    FATE Support. Well, it's coming eventually anyway, since a lot has been already implemented :)
    We understand that priorities change often, so we'll try to keep up.

    1) Boxes under "Gathering Tab > Gathering Node" and "3D Radar > Filter By Name" are essentially the same.
    But 3D Radar tab is to filter stuff on 3D Radar, while Gathering tab is for Gathering bot.
    For example, if you have Lv5 Mineral Deposit and Lv45 Rocky Outcrop spawning at the same location and you are only interested in Lv45, that's where you use that open box on Gathering tab. Type "Rocky" in that box and Miqobot will never touch Mineral Deposits during gathering.

    2) "The bot seems to use supporting gathering skills whenever it has the GP, instead of at the beginning of a gathering session."
    Yes, we are aware of the issue, it can be annoying indeed.
    The way skills work now is a quick solution to support at least something (because an advanced Skill Rotation Designer needs an advanced UI).
    This will be fixed with Advanced Gathering release.

    3) Aside from numbers, all letter keys are supported along with Ctrl/Alt/Shift.
    Macro parser for Gathering is the same as for Crafting, so you can check the example on Crafting tab.
    Advanced keys like F1, Del, Home will be supported with Advanced Gathering release (basically, you won't need to type keys - you will select skills which will convert to keys automatically based on your in-game keybinds).

    Also, we are making all the necessary preparations to fix Miqobot for patch 3.2 coming in a few hours :)
    We'll let you know as soon as we see the changes and the amount of work to be done.

  9. #38
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    We are happy to let you know that Miqobot has survived through the hardships of patch notes and is ready to play with you again. Please enjoy

    This is just a minor upgrade to bring Miqobot back to life again.
    Another release is already on its way!
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  10. #39
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    Help button works!
    Switch to tab you want to know more about and press Help in Miqobot

    Just as promised, we have released a lot of guides and tutorials. Now Miqobot has become even friendlier than before!

    New features:

    • Share Presets - Easy export and import.
    • Gathering - Assist Mode.
    • Crafting - Collectable Synthesis.
    • Several fixes and minor changes.
    • 3D Radar has been optimized in anticipation of large navigation grids covering the whole maps for FATE Grinding (600+ waypoints).

    Welcome to Miqobot community!
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  11. #40
    Latinum's Avatar Member
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    This bot looks a little better than viper, but not by much.

  12. #41
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    Originally Posted by Latinum View Post
    This bot looks a little better than viper, but not by much.
    Thank you very much.
    Would you like to suggest what else we should improve? :)

  13. #42
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    Miqobot is fully healed from the damage of patch 3.21 and you can play together again.
    If you have the latest version (v1.2.3), you don't need to re-download anything.
    Happy Feast!
    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  14. #43
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    Miqobot v1.2.4 (Beta)

    We have implemented the key features for the next version and we offer you to try them before the official release. Feedback is highly appreciated!

    • Gather by Name.
    • Crafting Solver (prototype).
    • Multibox support.

    Last edited by DvASystems; 07-28-2017 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Paid external link

  15. #44
    toastyc12's Avatar Member
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    Miqobot is down! Miqobot is completely broken as long as the server is down, it seems.

  16. #45
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    Originally Posted by toastyc12 View Post
    Miqobot is down! Miqobot is completely broken as long as the server is down, it seems.
    Yes, there is a huge collapse at DigitalOcean DNS servers. A lot of companies suffer huge damage due to not being able to reach their customers.
    You can read about it in comments at their twitter.

    We are waiting for a detailed explanation ourselves, and we're definitely taking measures to prevent this issue in the future.


    DigitalOcean fixed their DNS servers.
    Last edited by Miqobot; 03-24-2016 at 06:29 PM.

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