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    Valliana's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    FFXIV release date announced

    As title says FFXIV ARR will be release on both PS3 and PC August 27th 2013. As a Alpha and Beta tester this game is going to be wonderful. I have enjoyed all aspects and venues it's had to offer. I highly suggest any MMO fan to try this game out. I already have a max lv toon well a toon with many maxed jobs but I will be preordering everything for all the new items etc.. So basic heads up to anyone wonder about this games state...

    FFXIV release date announced
  2. #2
    UDontKnowWhoIAm's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks mate for the heads up mate.. as a noob in FF MMOs but a fan of the series I'm asking: in what aspect does the MMO differ from the other games?

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    Valliana's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    it kinda differs on which game u compare it to the " jobs" how they work etc but I assure you over all its a great game..I have 2 inactive FFXIV accounts one with my mains and one for a bs bot hack eploit test account they both will be getting resubs the day the servers go live..you can still try for the Beta https://secure.square-enix.com/enqt/...4b3be25c95e819 link should take u to beta sign ups...

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    UDontKnowWhoIAm's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Valliana View Post
    it kinda differs on which game u compare it to the " jobs" how they work etc but I assure you over all its a great game..I have 2 inactive FFXIV accounts one with my mains and one for a bs bot hack eploit test account they both will be getting resubs the day the servers go live..you can still try for the Beta https://secure.square-enix.com/enqt/...4b3be25c95e819 link should take u to beta sign ups...
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    Valliana's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    OK I took a diff route to the beta aign ups so I hope this helps sorry took so long.

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    UDontKnowWhoIAm's Avatar Active Member
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    Same error :/ Maybe it's country restricted?

  7. #7
    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    I hadn't heard they were making a new one until a month ago. I went to login to my enix account, and nothing works anymore. I looked back, and apparently at some point in 2011 or something, they decided to stop sending me square-enix emails with offers and such somehow. So I know the email account that has access to it. However, I have the CE of FFXIV with the security token, and nothing works. The reply I got from their tech team basically told me to go away. Curious about this new version of the game, hopefully it's better than the crap they put out the first time.


    I wanted to clarify. I actually enjoyed parts of the game, but it was like they took away everything that made final fantasy fun to play, and easy to use. The menu system was something someone on crack-cocaine dug up out of his ass, and wanted to make it "better for consoles and pc users to use alike" and just totally screwed the pooch on it. They should have just replicated the menu system and multi-item sale/purchase like the consoles did. No one minded it on PC or Console... they just did it wrong.

    But really... there are a lot of good things to say about the game in general, but the specific areas of how the game operated were what killed it. Not enough people to play with, because they felt it was a moneygrab for Square-Enix to make a FF game that could push the genre to a new-style. But that style was not thought through well enough, and they didn't really look at what they had done, to what their games are now. Even in the newer games, a lot of the systems in place that haven't changed all that much, were completely re-worked and screwed up compared to anything a person could play when they bought an XBOX/PS3 game.

    I really hope they don't take into account the PC players, and make a PC port of a console game in the same style as what they have always put out. At least then it'd have a fighting chance. They can always change the PC client to react differently compared to a console client, so that turning the mouse or using the menu systems would be slightly different. UI doesn't equal the same thing as re-writing the back-end of a system. They can keep the same back-end systems for handling purchases, auction house and make it so the information is displayed differently in a PC client... really. This is 2013 by now... someone has to be thinking like this.
    Last edited by Veritable; 05-29-2013 at 11:43 PM. Reason: Clarifacation

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    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    Update: I'm in. Time to write a bot

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    Valliana's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    glad to hear u got it all fixed and not sure if u know but everything in Phase 4 IE open beta will be saved and in use when game goes live Aug 27th... Phase 3 is I tink 2-3 week testing times and then phase 4 starts soon. I will be on the Hyperion server when game is live..

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    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    Phase 3 was this weekend, and I got to play a little bit before it ended. So my character progress is gone, but... found some interesting things out.

    If you speed up the game by 1.5 (speedhack in ce), you can run faster, but not too fast. Also, I used my return to go back to town, started the cooldown, then used the speedhack to finish the cooldown, but it's saved server side, and wouldn't go again, started the timer where it left off so. Some of the stuff is saved server side, while others are local.

    There was the teleport hack for 1.0, and it looks like it will still work if it's modified to work for 2.0. There seems to be more 'zones' where it has load screens this time around, but it would still make travelling that much faster. Although, I didn't really see a point in too much speed hacks. The animations don't increase your attack time, so there's no point in doing it to attack faster, doesn't work from what I can tell. Most of the quests you go on are right outside, so there's not really a reason to run really fast anyway, everything is within reach or takes very little travel time to get to.

    The fates system is pretty cool though, reminds me kind of like Rift actually. If there are any other questions, feel free to ask. I did play 1.0 so, there are some really awesome changes that were badly needed, and it looks like they did it quite well.

    edit: Also, I didn't get my account back. I just made a new one instead. Not a big deal, if I like it I'll buy the new CE if the game is worth it.
    Last edited by Veritable; 07-16-2013 at 11:31 PM. Reason: account update

  11. #11
    Speedfreak05's Avatar Member
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    The major flaws I see in this game (some people might not consider them flaws but I do) is that the combat is very slow with a 2.5 second GCD, and too simple with 3-4 skill rotations + long 1-3 minute CD skills. The other flaw is that there is virtually zero class specialization/customization. Other than that everything seems very polished.

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    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    I thought the combat was slow during 1.0 as well, but once you put the fact, that there is no PvP out of your mind, it makes sense. Kind of a middle point to the turn based FF3 kind of gameplay, where your decisions actually make sense during an encounter. They probably will never have PvP since no FF game has ever had PvP to my knowledge, so... it should all be good. Different game-play style = good.

    The class specialization comes to the point where, you spend the time to do what you feel you want to do. You are not a special snowflake. Anyone can attain what they want if they put the time/effort into it. I realize there isn't a "customization" aspect of the game that rivals any other game in the way of "talent trees".

    But if you look at it, the game is about having fun. It is not a game to hit end-game and win. It is kind of a throwback to the old school games, where you can obtain anything you want if you work long and hard enough at it.

    Sure, someone is going to be a tank/dps/healer tri-spec god. But the person that can do all of the class combinations is going to rule. Put the time and effort into getting high-level in all of the jobs, and you will be over and above all others. But it's going to take you a while to do it

  13. #13
    Speedfreak05's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Veritable View Post
    I thought the combat was slow during 1.0 as well, but once you put the fact, that there is no PvP out of your mind, it makes sense. Kind of a middle point to the turn based FF3 kind of gameplay, where your decisions actually make sense during an encounter. They probably will never have PvP since no FF game has ever had PvP to my knowledge, so... it should all be good. Different game-play style = good.

    The class specialization comes to the point where, you spend the time to do what you feel you want to do. You are not a special snowflake. Anyone can attain what they want if they put the time/effort into it. I realize there isn't a "customization" aspect of the game that rivals any other game in the way of "talent trees".

    But if you look at it, the game is about having fun. It is not a game to hit end-game and win. It is kind of a throwback to the old school games, where you can obtain anything you want if you work long and hard enough at it.

    Sure, someone is going to be a tank/dps/healer tri-spec god. But the person that can do all of the class combinations is going to rule. Put the time and effort into getting high-level in all of the jobs, and you will be over and above all others. But it's going to take you a while to do it

    Actually there is going to be PvP in this game, do your research. Even if there wasn't going to be pvp that is no excuse for having a boring and shallow combat system. Many people will over look this games faults because it is shiney and polished, but that isn't enough to keep people playing a game, let alone paying a subscription in todays market, especially when there are big titles on the horizon like ESO, Wildstar and Archage. Once the excitement of playing a new game fades out, and people have spent 1-2 months levling their classes (yes this game is going to be grindy) the bad combat is going to stat taking its toll on the end game. You don't even have to take my word for it, if you have beta access check out the beta impressions forums under Battle System. There are pages and pages of people who are less then happy with the current system.
    Last edited by Speedfreak05; 07-19-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  14. #14
    Glacious's Avatar Member
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    Hey There, just been reading this post and various other posts on the game, I have applied to join the beta since day 1 and I am sadly yet to have been given chance DO we have any idea how or when the open beta starts as at least then I will be able to hopefully play

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    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    The next phase (4) is the last one before launch. So sometime probably early to mid august. I would think that most of the people who signed up will get in if you haven't already. High Hopes

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