*** PD2 Season 6 Softcore *** Hand-farmed  *** Items / Runes menu

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  1. #1
    DobrevBobi's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Thanks G/R
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    *** PD2 Season 6 Softcore *** Hand-farmed *** Items / Runes

    *** PD2 Season 7 Softcore *** Hand-farmed *** Items / Runes
    Project Diablo 2 - Season 7 - Softcore Ladder - Items/Runes
    Hello fellas! I am serious adult and Gaming is one of my hobbies. I have been trading for PD2, POD since 2018, D2R since launch

    Discord ID : Bobby866#1964

    Taking item requests, HRs supply requests. As soon as they are available we can go through the details.

    Rushes will be available soon. Whatever you need I might be able to do it. Just contact me.

    Item List available:

    Your wishes. Infinity etc.

    Let me know what you are looking for and perhaps I have it or it can be acquired quickly.

    Runes List: ( )

    2x Cham

    1x Vex
    1x Gul

    Puzzlebox : 0
    Worldstone Shards : 0
    Vial of Lightsong : 0
    Lilith's Mirror : 0



    Message me what you need, as soon as it drops you can have.

    Cheers! Contact me on Discord for questions and more information.

    Discord ID : Bobby866#1964
    Last edited by DobrevBobi; 05-12-2023 at 05:33 AM.

    *** PD2 Season 6 Softcore *** Hand-farmed  *** Items / Runes

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