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    [Guide] Apoc's Final Bone Necro PvP Guide


    Frame - FHR

    13 - 0%
    12 - 5%
    11 - 10%
    10 - 16%
    9 - 26%
    8 - 39%
    7 - 56%
    6 - 86%
    5 - 152%
    4 - 377%

    Frame - FCR

    15 - 0%
    14 - 9%
    13 - 18%
    12 - 30%
    11 - 48%
    10 - 75%
    9 - 125%

    Useful Terms

    FHR = Faster Hit Recovery
    FCR = Faster Cast Rate
    BS = Bone Spear (sometimes referred to as Bone Spirit, but not very often)
    IBS = Invisible Bone Spear
    Golem Glitch* = We'll get more into this later on in this guide
    US Lock* = Unsummon Lock, Again we'll get more into this later on.
    BA = Bone armor
    T/S = Refers to a type of Necro vs Necro dueling. (Teeth/spear only)

    ________________________________________________________________________________ ____

    Max Block Build:


    Teeth - 20
    Bone Spear - 20
    Bone Spirit - 20
    Bone Prison - 20
    Bone Wall - 20
    Clay Golem - 1
    Golem Mastery - 1
    Amplify Damage - 1
    Prereqs - 2

    You may put a point into revive and Iron Maiden if you choose to. I'll get more on to this later.

    W/o Vives, IM you should have all skills maxed by 93-94. (I choose not to max wall out completely, the damage difference is very small)


    Strength - None
    Dexterity - 200 (This is max block)
    Vitality - Everything else
    Energy - None



    08 Valk - Simply put. We all know what this is. I suggest you socket it with either a shael, or like my current setup, a 7fhr/15 all res jewel.

    If you can't afford an 08 valk, try for a nice 2socket necro circ. And dual shael it. (40 fhr) Then use some PnB fhr's for the extra fhr. (you'll need to use mages to hit the right bp)


    Enigma - Any low strength enigma works fine. (BP, MP, LP, Dusk icon_pointl.gif Looks real ugly) You cannot use an AP nigma with this build. Unless you don't mind glitching your gear on.


    Grim Spurs - 19 strength, 20 fhr, resist. What else would you want? (Vtramps are also useable. No guarantee on base strength though)

    Sshanks - If you really want the res and can make up for the fhr elsewhere

    Treks - Decent boots, lacking res though.


    Bloodfists - 40 life, 30fhr. Enough said.

    Mages - Only use if you cant get an 08 valk!


    Ber'd Stormshield - Indestructable shield. 43% DR when Ber'd. A total of 51% with SS/Enigma. And max block happy.gif


    Arach - 1 skill, 20 fcr. Enough said.


    Hoto - 3 skills, 40fcr, Oak charges, and up to 40 res all.
    Wizzy - If you REALLY need the stacked res. icon_pointl.gif Wouldn't suggest this


    Storm Circlet - 2 skills, 20fcr, 18 str, res. Beautiful.


    2x FCR rings. Bmasters work nicely here as they have great res and high mana. Any nice rings will work as well. (Get some nice dex rings and you can save some stats for vita)

    Wep Switch

    6BO Cta - More life
    Spirit - 2skills. Higher BO.


    19+/19+ Necro Torch
    19+/19+ Anni
    9x PnB GCs. Preferably Lifers
    10x 20life/5res scs. icon_pointl.gif 20/11's work just as nice.


    Sorb if you please. (I choose not to sorb as it's not really needed)
    8bs white + Mages + Necro circlet + 35 FCR spirit monarch (For NvN of course. =)) icon_pointl.gif May toss BK's on for some extra life.

    Non-Max Block


    Teeth - 20
    Bone Spear - 20
    Bone Spirit - 20
    Bone Prison - 20
    Bone Wall - 20
    Clay Golem - 1
    Golem Mastery - 1
    Amplify Damage - 1
    Prereqs - 2

    You may put a point into revive and Iron Maiden if you choose to. I'll get more on to this later.

    W/o Vives, IM you should have all skills maxed by 93-94. (I choose not to max wall out completely, the damage difference is very small)


    Strength - None
    Dexterity - None
    Vitality - All
    Energy - None



    2/20FCR/20FHR Necro circlet. (Preferably with Res. str is a plus)


    Enigma - Any low strength enigma works fine. (BP, MP, LP, Dusk icon_pointl.gif Looks real ugly) You cannot use an AP nigma with this build. Unless you don't mind glitching your gear on.


    Grim Spurs - 19 strength, 20 fhr, resist. What else would you want? (Vtramps are also useable. No guarantee on base strength though)


    Magefists - 20FCR and some mana regen


    35 FCR Spirit Monarch - 2skills, 55fhr, res, 35 fcr. God in a shield.


    Arach - 1 skill, 20 fcr. Enough said.


    8 Bone Spear White - Massive damage.
    Hoto - 3 skills, 40fcr, Oak charges, and up to 40 res all.
    Wizzy - If you REALLY need the stacked res


    Storm Circlet - 2 skills, 20fcr, 18 str, res. Beautiful.


    2x BK's or 2x SOJs (If you need the mana)
    2x FCR rings. Bmasters work nicely here as they have great res and high mana. Any nice rings will work as well. icon_pointl.gif Use bfists if you decide to use FCR rings.

    Wep Switch

    6BO Cta - More life
    Spirit - 2skills. Higher BO.


    19+/19+ Necro Torch
    19+/19+ Anni
    9x PnB GCs. Preferably Lifers
    10x 20life/5res scs. icon_pointl.gif 20/11's work just as nice.


    Sorb if you please. (I choose not to sorb as it's not really needed)
    Ber'd SS for windys/barbs/bowas/smiters.

    The Dueling Strats



    Max Block:

    These are easy duels. You can out tank these barbs pretty easily, and 50% DR cuts their damage literally in half. Even though you can out tank these barbs, don't just stand still and let them ww through you. Move to one side or another and spirit/spear them. If they're low on life, feel free to tank them and take them out.

    Non Max Block:

    These are EXTREMELY hard duels. These barbs can take you out in 1 ww. Stay away from their ww's at all costs. Basically spam and move, spam and move. Good luck here.

    Conc Barbs:

    Prison them. Most don't make use of an enigma. Simply prison and spam. They drop easy.

    WC Barbs:

    Max Block:

    Medium duel. Just stay out of their WC's and you should be fine. Your FHR will get you out if needed. Remember, try not to tele out of the wcs. Walking out works much better. As they tele back on you. Simply tele away. Your 50% DR will cut their damage down to basically nothing.

    Non Max Block:

    Hard Duel. They can make your life drop incredibly fast. So go to your stash and put on your ber'd ss. Try and stay somewhat away from these. The 50% DR from the ss should help if you get caught.




    Max Block:

    Easy duel. Simply tele near them and prison them. Prison 1-2 times so they have minimal movement. Tele DIRECTLY on top. This is a glitch with bowzons, where they can shoot their little hearts out, and never touch you. Have some fun with these. Teeth them to death. biggrin.gif

    Non Max Block:

    Hard duel. Same stratagy as max block, except you need to be 10x faster. Any zon who is smart enough to use strafe/multi will take you out easily.

    CS Zons:

    Legit CS Zons:

    Easy duel. Prison them and spirit till dead. Thats honestly all it takes. If they make use of an enigma. Tele a bit and spam. They WILL chase you. So you have the upper hand here.

    FC Zons:

    Well, in all honesty. Unless you fully sorb these. Your their bitch. Your only real hope is to get on top and spear them before they know what happened. Their d/a/e isn't usually enough to dodge many attacks. Teeth works well here. (Works similar to a sorcs charged bolt)




    These are hard duels. Try and stay away from trap range, and off screen if possible. Throw a train of IBS in their way if you can, then lure them out into it. Be careful. They can namelock and mb/trap you from a good distance.


    Max Block:

    Medium duel. Good wwsins will give you a run for your money. That wep block hurts your advantage. But your max block hurts theirs. Try to stay out of WoF traps when they lay them down. And above all. DON'T STAND STILL.

    Non Max Block:

    Good luck. Honestly, I mean that. Good Luck. Any wwsin will easily take you down. DF/WW will drop you to 1 life before you can say "what the ****?". Only strat here is to play extremely defensive. Run away and spam behind you. There honestly isn't much else you can do.


    Read wwsins.




    If your max block, no gear change needed. Non max block, go grab your ber'd ss. These are tough duels. Any good windy will take you down like a random in a cow game. Only hope here is to tele away and teeth behind you to kill most of their summons. Then catch them in FHR lock with your spears. These are the types of chars where there isn't much you can really say to help. Just need to duel them. Very tough duels.

    When you duel windys, you can actually walk BEHIND the nados, and be in basically a blindspot. Giving you time to either tele away (reccomended) or to kill.


    Read Conc Barbs. Wolf/Bear means they can't tele. Easy duel.




    Hard duel. 1 FB can almost take you out. Dodge the FB's as much as possible. And spirit. If they get within screen range, spear them. Most don't have the FHR they need to break the FHR lock. Still a very hard duel.


    Medium/Hard duel. Depending on what type of skill they have. These can be very easy duels, or very hard duels. Simply try to dodge their attacks, and not get too close to these. Their Tstorm hurts quite a bit. If you get them to low enough life. Simply tele on them and spear till their dead.


    Dodge the blizz's. When they blizz try to tele right on top of them, as they have a skill timer that they need to wait out. You have around 1/2 a second to get on top and take them down. Try to tele around them while dodging blizz/blast and spear/spirit. Teeth every once in a while to stun them a bit.


    Your dead meat here. In all my duels, this is the hardest class to duel. You'd be suprised how fast an orber can make your life drop to nothing. Your only strat here is to stay far enough out of the way where orb won't hit you. But close enough so that you can get some hits in. These also have a timed skill, but believe me, that doesn't help you one bit.



    There is a reason why I put this in its own post. I'm going to go VERY in depth here. NvN is one of the most fun things about Necromancers.

    First things first. Lets get psn necs out of the way.

    Psn Necs

    Easy/Medium duel. Use basically the same strats as you would Bone vs Bone. (read below) Except you need to be extremely fast. These will take you down to 1 life very fast. Get on top and spear away. Or throw trains of IBS at them.

    Bone Necs

    These are the most fun duels for a bone necro. These range from extremely easy, to extremely hard.

    The key to NvN is golem glitching. This means that your golem is in front of your opponent and taking all/most of the damage. Giving you plenty of time to spear them to death. Remember though, this usually only works when you are on top of them. There is the rare time where you can get a golem glitch when you golem is wandering. Heres a few things you need to know. I consider them rules.

    * Never let your golem die.
    * Always tele directly on top of your opponent.
    * Never play defensive.
    * If you get tele'd on. Retele back on them, or break the lock.
    * Have fun. Don't get hot-headed because you lose. This is when you make big mistakes.

    Now that we have some basic "rules" established. Lets get to the fun.

    Teeth/spear NvN'ing.

    There's alot you need to learn here by just dueling. You won't be a great NvN dueler just by reading this guide. Although it is here to help, it will not make you a god.

    When you duel someone teeth/spear, it means exactly that. You can only use teeth and spear. No spirits allowed here. The best thing to do in these duels are stay on top of your opponent. Hotkey Unsummon for this. This is hands down one of the most versatile skills in the game. Alot of the good duelers use this alot as you can lock your opponent about 2-3 screens away, and tele right on top of them.

    When you first start your duel, spam 1-2 waves of teeth, with a spear right thru the middle. Remember, teeth do stun. Try to get on top of your opponent and dodge his/her spears. Once you see an opening, take it. Hop right on top and spear below you. Doing this will give you whats called the Golem Glitch, as explained above. You can hit them, but they can't hit you. This will usually put them in FHR lock as well, and thus the duel is over.

    You don't NEED to lock your opponent! You can lock their golem if you need to! Only do this when tele'ing tho. Locking a wandering golem with spear doesn't help much.

    Teeth/Spear/Spirit NvN'ing.

    This is a battle of IBS trains. Whoever can throw the most and land more hits. Some T/S dueling strats are in this. But thats only when you can get right on top. Thats basically it for T/s/s.


    What if my golem dies?

    Simple. Go recast it.

    What if someone tele's on me in NvN?

    You have 1 of 3 choices here.

    You can tele back on them. Giving you the upperhand of being on top and usually golem glitching.

    You can tele away and try again.

    Or, you can attempt to kill their golem and your opponent. icon_pointl.gif I don't suggest this, it rarely works

    What if I run out of mana mid duel?

    ...Mana pots...

    Why does my spear lock up? (Won't cast)

    This is usually because you have spear on left click, and tele on right. Left to right, and right to left clicking are NOT instantaneous. There is a small lag. If you tele, and mid tele you spear. You'll lock your keys. It's as simple as that.

    What if I die?

    Try again.

    I've read your guide, but can't find the answer I'm looking for. What should I do?

    PM/Post here!


    Any nec I have dueled. (Drake-, IRTehHorseMoo, Golems, Jewbs, Dirge, Pussies, many many more)
    All the people in pub games.

    Hardcore-Skater icon_pointl.gif NvN partner

    Many many more people.

    [Guide] Apoc's Final Bone Necro PvP Guide

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