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    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Blade and Soul bot MMOviper

    The MMOViper team released their newest bot to Blade and Soul, currently it has the following features

    Current features:

    • Patrolling - Defined area where you want to hunt
    • Zone in/out of instances
    • Pick up loot
    • Rez when you die
    • Hotkey rotations
    • Harvest and gathering

    Suggested features to add:

    • Pet skills/abilities for summoners
    • Dodging

    Below is a small video of the bot in action

    My first go with MMOVipers Blade and Soul bot.

    I started off by downloading a fighting routine for my class from the forums and a path. Since this was my first time running the bot. It is also important to note that the bot is still early development and features are added daily (7th of February 2016)

    Put the grindfiles, as in where you want the bot to run in root folder of Resources/PatrolAreas

    Put the combat files etc in the profile root folder Resources/profiles

    For grinding, it is important to stress out that you need to be within 3 levels of the mob you are grinding to get XP.
    Getting started:

    1. So first thing you do is start the game and then afterwards, MMOViper.
    2. Open the profile you wish to use or create one on your own.
    3. Go to the area where your path is made for, or create your own (covered later)
    4. Start the bot

    It really is this simple.
    What strikes me is that the bot is still fairly new at this date (9th of February) and the MMOViper Bot forums are therefore not too active. One user, Zazzey has uploaded a full grind compendium that is okay as a start and he has uploaded fighting routines for most classes.

    Things to consider
    · The bot is new and the MMOViper team is constantly adding new features, therefore, this review is likely to change quite a bit over time.
    · The forums are kinda dead at the moment, so you will have to know your way around a bot, however, the Blade And Souls Bot from MMOViper is really userfriendly and you should be running within an hour or two.
    · The bot movements from your own screen looks shaky and botlike, but observe it from another toon and you will notice that it looks quite human.
    · Your $5 USD/month access isn’t limited to the MMOViper Blade and Souls bot it also gives you access to all of their other bots and radars for other games.

    PRICE: $5 USD per month ($30 USD 6 months subscription) Buy here!
    Unlike other sites where you pay for every bot, with MMOViper you pay once and get access to all of your bots. That includes all future updates, forums, and user submitted contributions that are added to the site. No more waisting money on one product only to waste more on another a few weeks down the road.

    Gameguard killer can be found in this thread

    Contents of this thread
    Post 1: hi5's review
    Post 2: News from MMOViper
    Post 3: How to make a patrol
    Post 4: How to farm world bosses

    10-14 Highland Gate - Gloomdross forest 10-13 Gloomdross forest.rar ** HEAVY TRAFIC**

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Blade and Soul bot MMOviper-mmoviper-jpg  
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 02-09-2016 at 01:16 PM.

    Blade and Soul bot MMOviper
  2. Thanks visitor, Herbs (2 members gave Thanks to KuRIoS for this useful post)
  3. #2
    HI5's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Some Random Leacher
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    Blade and Soul bot MMOviper

    HI5 Bot Review Series

    MMOViper Blade and Soul Bot

    Here we go with another short review of what seems to be the first Blade and Soul bot - is it hard to setup? is it worth the price? lets find out!

    How complicated this bot really is?

    It's the second time I'm using viperbots so I'm not gonna lie, I did had some handicap after using their ESO bot nearly two years ago. I did managed to forget pretty much everything about it since I've been using it for only a couple of days back then, but it did took me much less to set the combat properly this time, and to be precise - about 20 minutes to figure out where everything goes. As a first time user I'd say you'll spend on your first combat setup (including tweaking it to your liking) at least a couple of hours. Good news is that this is pretty much the only complicated part, because making path profiles couldn't be simpler - you click auto add, you run, you stop auto add - viola! All done. So as a new user you will most likely have everything set and running within 2h, and once you get a hold of how combat works - you will also know how to set it for any other of their bots since it's pretty much the same (which is a good thing considering the $5 / month sub covers all of the bots, not just BNS).

    How well does it actually works?

    The only right thing to say here is that it works as good or as bad as you make it to work, meaning that with all the customization (especially for combat) that you have you can make it fight on a very good level as long as you take the time to tweak everything right. 20 minutes combat setup for me was more than enough to grind mobs at 6-7 lvl while being lvl 6 without any issues (well aside of me forgetting to get the char some potions ). The only thing I found missing was that it doesn't seem to support dodging, which in this particular game can save you from taking good portion of damage, but then again - not many bots do that.

    It's also worth to mention that both paths and combat profiles can be exported, meaning there's already plenty of user-made combat profiles available for download on their forums even despite the fact the bot is barely few days old (a very good news for people as lazy as me ^ ^)

    BackGround mode

    Short - yes
    Longer - It got a very well working background mode, I was able to use my PC freely while botting, the only problem I found was a yellow text informing me about bot status that was at the top at all times, but it didin't bothered me enough to find out if I can disable it.

    Customer support

    I did not needed to use customer support for this particular bot, however after doing some research / digging through their forum it seemed to be on a very good level - bot author was replying to a lot of the threads, asking users to submit requests and ideas for improvement while keeping it very cheerful and polite - I got to say I was actually pretty impressed (might be partially because I've had a really bad experience with customer support for previous bot I was reviewing )

    Pros & Cons


    -Extremely easy and fast in use path recorder, making your own path takes less than downloading any pre-made ones
    -A lot of advanced options for tweaking combat to your liking
    -Nice customer support
    -Background mode


    -Fairly hard to setup combat
    -Lack of dodging

    To buy or not to buy?

    Bot definitely does it's job so considering you get 10+ bots for many different games for $5 / months I'd say definitely worth it. I'm not a fan of sub-based purchases, but at this price it's still a very nice deal, even if you're going to bot only one of the games.

  4. Thanks KuRIoS, visitor (2 members gave Thanks to HI5 for this useful post)
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    viperbot's Avatar Contributor
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    Arg I cant edit the post anymore to add features.. so you all are going t have to dig through the pages to find whats new. Sorry. I'm talking to the admin to try and fix.

    But today I added harvesting and gathering. A few more features too.

    FROM KuRIoS: It seems Viper is not interested in updating you guys here, so I have taken latest notes from forum
    February 10, 2016 MMOViperBot Version

    BNS Bot:
    - Tweak: Waiting longer for weapon repair when durability is <= 2
    - Bugfix: Sometimes when entering a dungeon it will say waypoint is too far away
    - Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets

    BSN Bot:
    - Bugfix: Fixed looting bug where bot would get stuck trying to loot if inventory was full
    - Bugfix: Tweaked looting, should now loot all world/boss chests
    - Tweak: Reduced distance for interaction (some objects would not press F otherwise)
    - Added: Weapon Repair when durability is 2 or less. Set campfire in patrol/misc, AND connect it with green nav mesh via patrol/navigation.

    Did you know?
    You can now repair your weapon before it breaks in the Blade and Soul Bot. Here is how you do it.
    First, load up your patrol via the patrol tab. Click on the MISC tab. Now, run to a campfire near
    where you are in game. Once you are on top of it, in the MISC tab, click SET to set the campfire
    spot. Then SAVE your patrol. Next, go into the patrol/navigation tab. Click on auto, to auto record
    green nav lines from the campfire back to your grind area in your patrol. Make sure to connect up
    all the dots. Stop the auto, and save again. Your bot will now repair your weapon when its durability
    is 2 or less. (Make sure you have some repair tools in your inventory!)
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 02-11-2016 at 03:13 AM. Reason: posted updates from forums

  6. Thanks visitor (1 members gave Thanks to viperbot for this useful post)
  7. #4
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    How to make a patrol / path of the area you wish to grind

    Last edited by KuRIoS; 02-08-2016 at 03:06 PM.

  8. #5
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    ANd here how to farm world bosses with the bot

  9. #6
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Originally Posted by visitor View Post
    Thanks a lot, maybe you guys should merge the post from hi5 with yours..
    Done, tried to make it a bit better now..

    I will seek to update this thread as much as we can so it reflects the state of the bot

    How to set it up
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 02-09-2016 at 01:07 PM.

  10. #7
    Pebyoghmoob's Avatar Member
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    This bot seem to coming along nicely, is there a way where I can make it interact with the firepit to repair? also can I multibot with 1 viperbot account or do I have to pay for each account per bot?

  11. #8
    visitor's Avatar Contributor
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    Awesome, Thanks!
    Hey I just met you

  12. #9
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Originally Posted by Pebyoghmoob View Post
    This bot seem to coming along nicely, is there a way where I can make it interact with the firepit to repair? also can I multibot with 1 viperbot account or do I have to pay for each account per bot?
    As far as I understand it, it is 1 session per account you buy.

  13. #10
    mayainverse's Avatar Member
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    so how exactly can I use this to make gold in game? as at least for a f2p player gold doesnt actually drop off mobs. and there really is not any mob drops that actually sell fo shit anyways. only farmable stuff in game it seems atm is farming blackwyrm(doubt bot can do this) and the blue dungeons. possible for the bot to queue for dungeons itself and do basic combat? doesnt have to be amaizing and just stays for loot split(doesnt even need to bid) then once it detects players leaving it would leave then requeue dungeon?

  14. #11
    mayainverse's Avatar Member
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    so how exactly can I use this to make gold in game? as at least for a f2p player gold doesnt actually drop off mobs. and there really is not any mob drops that actually sell fo shit anyways. only farmable stuff in game it seems atm is farming blackwyrm(doubt bot can do this) and the blue dungeons. possible for the bot to queue for dungeons itself and do basic combat? doesnt have to be amaizing and just stays for loot split(doesnt even need to bid) then once it detects players leaving it would leave then requeue dungeon?

    I actually thing this would be waaaay better than an open world grinder as open world grinding is not nearly as good as it is for most games.

  15. #12
    iwabo's Avatar Contributor
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    Any videos for KFM rotations?

  16. #13
    Herbs's Avatar Member
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    Is there a way to get the bot for just the 5 dollars for one month or do I need to do 30 right away?

  17. #14
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Originally Posted by Herbs View Post
    Is there a way to get the bot for just the 5 dollars for one month or do I need to do 30 right away?
    you need to pay the 30 USD, but it also gives you access to a lot of other bots but if you dont like the bot after having used it for 24 hours you can get your money back.. I just made a small tutorial on how to create a simple path for the bot to follow
    Last edited by KuRIoS; 02-08-2016 at 04:24 PM.

  18. Thanks Herbs (1 members gave Thanks to KuRIoS for this useful post)
  19. #15
    Herbs's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by KuRIoS View Post
    you need to pay the 30 USD, but it also gives you access to a lot of other bots but if you dont like the bot after having used it for 24 hours you can get your money back.. I just made a small tutorial on how to create a simple path for the bot to follow
    Is there any way to buy it without paypal? I went and got a prepaid debit with 31 on it and it wont let me link to paypal?

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