OwnedCore News Correspondent
Nodes and How They Work in General
Greetings! I hope that this helps explain nodes to people who have been watching videos and seen the maps and all the lines and circles like Civ V and went "what the hell is that."
A node is a point on the map that contains either a small village / farm, a city or a point of interest. A few examples of what are in these places:
- Gathering Node(s)
- Houses for Storage Upgrades
- Links to New Node Networks
- Arrays of Housing options for Crafting/Storing
Point of Interest
- Intermediary point between nodes to cover vast areas
- Points to control with guild(s) (World PvP)
For each place, you need to find the local NPC that has the title of "Node Management". They will allow you to unlock that map point, which will either start or add to a certain network of nodes. The City is the main node focal point, and it is where all the Workers that will do Gathering and Crafting while you are off killing newbs, will lay their heads to rest and dream of sugar plums and candy canes.
The Points of Interest can be useful to control trade routes with a guild (taxation of goods that are shipped between two nodes), and can become quite the hub of World PvP.
Farm's are a storage upgrade spot (and sometimes even a residence place), where often you will find some form of gathering node associated with the farm. An example is Velia, and the four main farms surrounding that contain Corn, Chicken and Potato harvesting points.
Gaining Control of The Harvesting Nodes
Once you have talked to the Node Management NPC and claimed the node, you will be able to unlock the associated harvesting points in that node with Contribution points. After you have unlocked that harvesting point, you can send a worker to do the dirty work and make you money.
Controlling Points of Interest
Once you are in a guild, the guild can claim ownership of a node for a fee (I have not gone this far into the game yet so I'll leave that for someone else).
Unlocking Cities will allow you to make bigger and bigger trade routes, and allow you to buy and sell goods and services between trade hubs. Going between Velia and one of the farms, you can bring goods from the farm to sell in the City, as well as bring city goods to bring to the farm for traders. The markets fluctuate based on supply and demand. The further you transport goods from the source of production, the more money you can make. But be wary of Bandits along your journey, and not just NPC bandits. Real players can attack you while you travel, though they may or may not get your trade pack.
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Thank you for this post I did not know about nodes!