70 Warrior | Full T3 Dreadnaught & Icebane | Naxx 40 Weapons | 22k Ach | 387 Mounts menu


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  1. #1
    AccountShark's Avatar OwnedCore Helper 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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    Jun 2016
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    70 Warrior | Full T3 Dreadnaught & Icebane | Naxx 40 Weapons | 22k Ach | 387 Mounts

    💬 Contact

    Email: [email protected]
    Web Chat: Buy WoW Account | Sell WoW Accounts | World of Warcraft - ACCOUNTSHARK
    Discord Username: accountshark
    Legacy Discord ID: AccountShark#1122
    Numeric Discord ID: 245981634187231232

    ⚠️ Beware of imposters on Discord. Send us a message on the AccountShark website or this forum to verify you are talking to the right person.


    Account Details

    Region: United States
    Servers: North America
    Currency: USD


    Level 70 Warrior - Safe Armory

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    Tier 3 Dreadnaught Set (8/8)
    Tier 3 Redemption Set (5/8)
    Full Icebane Plate Set
    Full Soulforged Dreadplate Set (Mythic)
    Full Blackhand's Battlegear Set (Mythic)
    Arcanite Ripper
    Gurubashi Crusher
    Edict of the Redeemed Crusader
    Blade of Unholy Might
    Refurbished Purifier
    Nerubian Persuader
    Strength of Menthol
    Sul'thraze the Lasher
    The Face of Doom
    Stygian Shield
    The Plague Belcher
    Replaced Servo Arm
    Harbinger of Death
    Blade of the Fallen Seraph
    Fiery Vengeance
    Warbled of the Hakkari, Reborn
    Bloodlord's Reaver
    Gurubashi Hexxer
    Midnight's Graze
    Weaver's Fang
    Widow's Weep
    Shade's Blade
    Axe of Sundered Bone
    Replica Lion's Heart
    Replica Lion's Fang
    Jewel of the Firelord
    Crown of Eternal Winter
    Bones of the Bloodhunter
    Darkmoon Harlequin's Bells
    Human Heritage Armor
    Worgen Heritage Armor
    Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
    Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
    Warglaive of Azzinoth
    Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

    76/97 Completed Warrior Transmog Sets

    Rare Tabards:

    Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade
    Tabard of the Lightbringer
    Tabard of the Shattered Sun
    Tabard of Frost
    Tabard of Flame

    Rare Titles:

    of Lordaeron
    Agent of the Black Prince
    Gauntlet Runner
    Sword of the Primus
    Sin Eater
    Disciple of Devotion
    of the Shattered Sun
    the Scenaturdist
    Sergeant Major
    Master Sergeant
    the Eternal
    the Uncorrupted
    of Stormwind
    Lord of the Reins
    the Diplomat
    the Darkener
    Guardian of Cenarius
    the Argent Champion
    Conqueror of Orgrimmar
    Crashin' Thrashin'
    the Love Fool
    the Savage Hero
    Hero of Dazar'alor
    Associate Professor
    Avenger of Hyjal
    the Hallowed
    The Honorable
    the Fabulous
    Defender of a Shattered World
    Empire's Twilight
    the Fearless
    the Dreamer
    the Exalted
    Bane of the Fallen King
    Storm's End
    Delver of the Vaults
    Vengeance Incarnate
    Champion of the Frozen Wastes
    of the Four Winds
    Hellscream's Downfall
    Defiler's End
    Blackwing's Bane
    Savior of Azeroth
    Assistant Professor
    of the Ashen Verdict
    Destroyer's End
    the Astral Walker
    the Seeker
    of the Nightfall
    Twilight Vanquisher
    the Light of Dawn
    the Kingslayer
    the Patient

    Rare Mounts:

    X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME
    Swift Razzashi Raptor
    Ironhoof Destroyer
    Phosphorescent Stone Drake
    Kor'kron Juggernaut
    Mossy Mammoth
    Gold-Toed Albatross
    Sulfur Hound
    Perfected Juggernaut
    Subterranean Magmammoth
    Ravenous Black Gryphon
    Scourgebound Vanquisher
    Felstorm Dragon
    Azure Worldchiller
    Cataloged Shalewing
    Harbor Gryphon
    Bronze Helicid
    Coldflame Infernal
    Felcrystal Scorpion
    Royal Swarmer
    Temperamental Skyclaw
    Forged Spiteflyer
    Cryptic Aurelid
    Tarachnid Creeper
    Colossal Plaguespew Mawrat
    Alabaster Stormtalon
    Grotto Netherwing Drake
    Deepstar Aurelid
    Colossal Wraithbound Mawrat
    Stormhide Salamanther
    Savage Green Battle Turtle
    Blazing Hippogryph
    Swift Armored Vorquin
    Majestic Armored Vorquin
    Armored Vorquin Leystrider
    Guardian Vorquin
    Quel'dorei Steed
    Winding Slitherdrake
    Bronze Vorquin
    Crimson Vorquin
    Sapphire Vorquin
    Heartlight Vombata
    Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn
    Risen Mare
    Vicious War Spider
    Junkheap Drifter
    Nazjatar Blood Serpent
    Obsidian Vorquin
    Rajani Warserpent
    Spectral Steed
    Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm
    Stormpike Battle Ram
    Ascendant's Aquilon
    Regal Corpsefly
    Viridian Phase-Hunter
    Fierce Razorwing
    Champion's Treadblade
    Grand Black War Mammoth
    Beryl Shardhide
    Grand Ice Mammoth
    Colossal Ebonclaw Mawrat
    Obsidian Gravewing
    Mosshide Riverwallow
    Island Thunderscale
    Plaguerot Tauralus
    Horrid Dredwing
    Time-Lost Proto-Drake
    Soaring Razorwing
    Highland Mustang
    Bristling Hellboar
    Summer Wilderling
    Slime Serpent
    Armored Razzashi Raptor
    Hand of Bahmethra
    Phalynx of Purity
    Swift Zhevra
    Mecha-Mogul Mk2
    Lurid Bloodtusk
    Sinfall Gargon
    Ice Mammoth
    Cliffside Wylderdrake
    Harvester's Dredwing
    Highland Drake
    Windborne Velocidrake
    Tangled Dreamweaver
    Umbral Runedeer
    Dune Scavenger
    Mechanized Lumber Extractor
    Stormpike Battle Charger
    Renewed Proto-Drake
    Drake of the South Wind
    Craghorn Chasm-Leaper
    Gilded Prowler
    Armored Blue Dragonhawk
    Anointed Protostag
    Amber Primordial Direhorn
    Swift Zulian Panther
    Spawn of Horridon
    Amber Shardhide
    Court Sinrunner
    Stonehide Elderhorn
    Rivendare's Deathcharger
    Sarge's Tale
    Drake of the North Wind
    Great Exarch's Elekk
    Domesticated Razorback
    Armored Razorback
    Spawn of Galakras
    Duskflutter Ardenmoth
    Minion of Grumpus
    Mekgineer's Chopper
    Sinrunner Blanchy
    Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent
    Astral Cloud Serpent
    Tyrael's Charger
    Maddened Chaosrunner
    Exarch's Elekk
    Jeweled Onyx Panther
    Wooly Mammoth
    Kul Tiran Charger
    Darkwater Skate
    Rampaging Mauler
    Amber Ardenmoth
    Blue Proto-Drake
    Wild Goretusk
    Kaldorei Nightsaber
    Lil' Donkey
    Fiery Warhorse
    Witherbark Direwing
    Celestial Steed
    Jade Panther
    Sunstone Panther
    Armored Snowy Gryphon
    Leaping Veinseeker
    Blacksteel Battleboar
    Darkmoon Dancing Bear
    Swift Albino Raptor
    Thundering August Cloud Serpent
    Swift Gray Steed
    Bone-White Primal Raptor
    Great Greytusk
    Swift Burgundy Wolf
    Swift Moonsaber
    Crimson Deathcharger
    White Skeletal Warhorse
    Battle-Bound Warhound
    Sapphire Panther
    Dark Riding Talbuk
    Amber Scorpion
    Felfire Hawk
    Ruby Panther
    Russet Ruinstrider
    Beryl Ruinstrider
    Umber Ruinstrider
    Witherhide Cliffstomper
    Swift Breezestrider
    Blue Dragonhawk
    Sable Ruinstrider
    Amethyst Ruinstrider
    Lightforged Felcrusher
    Cerulean Ruinstrider
    Swift Lovebird
    Onyxian Drake
    Green Riding Nether Ray
    Spirit of Eche'ro
    Armored Brown Bear
    Azure Drake
    Blue Riding Nether Ray
    Purple Riding Nether Ray
    Silver Riding Nether Ray
    Red Riding Nether Ray
    Rocktusk Battleboar
    Starcursed Voidstrider
    Ashes of Al'ar
    Swift Green Gryphon
    Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper
    Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
    Dark War Talbuk
    Flametalon of Alysrazor
    Swift Blue Gryphon
    Tan Riding Talbuk
    Silver Riding Talbuk
    Cobalt Riding Talbuk
    Wildseed Cradle
    White Riding Talbuk
    Golden King
    Tan War Talbuk
    Raven Lord
    Purple Netherwing Drake
    Silver War Talbuk
    Bleakhoof Ruinstrider
    Cobalt Netherwing Drake
    Cobalt War Talbuk
    Swift Red Gryphon
    White War Talbuk
    Violet Netherwing Drake
    Azure Netherwing Drake
    Veridian Netherwing Drake
    Cenarion War Hippogryph
    Drake of the East Wind
    Xiwyllag ATV
    Regal Riding Crane
    Golden Riding Crane
    Twilight Harbinger
    Golden Gryphon
    Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Steelbound Devourer
    Ebon Gryphon
    Shimmermist Runner
    Onyx Cloud Serpent
    Onyx Netherwing Drake
    Swift Springstrider
    Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent
    Snowy Gryphon
    Azure Riding Crane
    Red Drake
    Darkspore Mana Ray
    Green Primal Raptor
    Llothien Prowler
    Felglow Mana Ray
    Red Primal Raptor
    Black Primal Raptor
    Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Maldraxxian Corpsefly
    Red Proto-Drake
    Swift Purple Gryphon
    Subdued Seahorse
    Blue Drake
    Swift Brewfest Ram
    Swift White Hawkstrider
    Sinfall Gravewing
    Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Red Flying Cloud
    Armored War-Bred Bonehoof
    Elysian Aquilon
    Flying Machine
    Tan Riding Camel
    Brown Riding Camel
    Smoldering Ember Wyrm
    Flying Carpet
    Grey Riding Yak
    Armored Plaguerot Tauralus
    Blonde Riding Yak
    Ardenweald Wilderling
    Red Qiraji Battle Tank
    Corrupted Fire Hawk
    Arboreal Gulper
    Gravestone Battle Gargon
    Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent
    X-995 Mechanocat
    Great Brown Dragon Turtle
    Eternal Phalynx of Purity
    Great Green Dragon Turtle
    Great Purple Dragon Turtle
    Great Blue Dragon Turtle
    Great Black Dragon Turtle
    Great Red Dragon Turtle
    Black War Elekk
    Jade Pandaren Kite
    Crypt Guardian
    Swift Warstrider
    War-Bred Bonehoof
    Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade
    Black Battlestrider
    Brown Dragon Turtle
    Swift Mountain Horse
    Green Dragon Turtle
    Sandstone Drake
    Black War Kodo
    Blue Dragon Turtle
    Goblin Turbo-Trike
    Purple Dragon Turtle
    Black War Ram
    Umbral Runestag
    Grand Expedition Yak
    Swift Green Mechanostrider
    Dreamlight Runestag
    Black War Raptor
    Swift White Mechanostrider
    Black Dragon Turtle
    Ironbound Proto-Drake
    Rusted Proto-Drake
    Great Brown Kodo
    Great Gray Kodo
    Amani Battle Bear
    Red Dragon Turtle
    Mountain Horse
    Phalynx of Courage
    Swift White Ram
    Swift Gray Ram
    Swift Yellow Mechanostrider
    Blue Mechanostrider
    Goblin Trike
    Great Green Elekk
    Swift Olive Raptor
    Swift Blue Raptor
    Great White Kodo
    Great Purple Elekk
    Swift Brown Ram
    Swift Purple Hawkstrider
    Red Mechanostrider
    Swift Pink Hawkstrider
    Great Blue Elekk
    Swift Orange Raptor
    Brown Kodo
    White Kodo
    Swift Green Hawkstrider
    Brown Ram
    Green Mechanostrider
    Unpainted Mechanostrider
    Violet Raptor
    White Ram
    Gray Kodo
    Purple Hawkstrider
    Turquoise Raptor
    Gray Elekk
    Sky Golem
    Prestigious Bronze Courser
    Blue Hawkstrider
    Gray Ram
    Brown Elekk
    Swift Stormsaber
    Garn Nighthowl
    Emerald Raptor
    Black Hawkstrider
    Spotted Frostsaber
    Green Skeletal Warhorse
    Swift Frostsaber
    Dark Phoenix
    Swift Mistsaber
    Purple Elekk
    Brown Skeletal Horse
    Ochre Skeletal Warhorse
    Purple Skeletal Warhorse
    Swift Brown Steed
    Red Hawkstrider
    Striped Dawnsaber
    Black Drake
    Swift Brown Wolf
    Red Skeletal Horse
    Brown Horse
    Black Stallion
    Striped Frostsaber
    Brown Wolf
    Blue Qiraji Battle Tank
    Green Qiraji Battle Tank
    Swift Palomino
    Striped Nightsaber
    Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank
    Black Wolf
    Swift White Steed
    Black Skeletal Horse
    Swift Timber Wolf
    Blue Skeletal Horse
    Swift Gray Wolf
    Timber Wolf
    Dreamlight Runedeer
    Twilight Drake
    Chestnut Mare
    Bronze Drake
    Coalfist Gronnling
    Dire Wolf
    Ensorcelled Everwyrm
    Wandering Ancient
    Albino Drake
    Acherus Deathcharger

    Rare Achievements:

    Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
    Warglaives of Azzinoth
    Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
    Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
    Drop Dead, Gorgeous
    Ahead of the Curve: Scalecommander Sarkareth
    Dragonflight Season 2 Master
    It's Over Nine Thousand!

    AccountShark has purchased this account from the Original Owner or an equivalent. The account has been thoroughly reviewed prior to listing and was found absent of any extensive risk. It is under our direct control and ready for immediate delivery. A game time purchase or subscription may be required to play.

    Payment Methods: Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, CryptoCurrency, Bank Wire (International)
    You may buy this account directly on our website or through this forum at your own expense.


    Why Choose AccountShark?

    - Thousands of successful sales.
    - Trusted & experienced merchant.
    - 100% positive customer feedback.
    - Zero disputes on this forum or any other.
    - Readily available nearly 24/7 for help & support.
    - We are the industry standard for high quality accounts.
    - All accounts are manually reviewed and approved for safety.
    - Well-known name among the world’s top players & streamers.

    ⚠️ Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns about our services, please drop me a message I will address them.

    70 Warrior | Full T3 Dreadnaught & Icebane | Naxx 40 Weapons | 22k Ach | 387 Mounts

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