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  1. #1
    Parziwal's Avatar Member
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    WoW BIG Char Collection Retail/WOTLK Duellist Elite GEAR ZG TIGER

    Hey want to sell my Account, im not the first owner. Account has many chars too much to count^^ Many chars on Wotlk and Retail, account exist since tbc 2007. unobtainable stuff on it!

    Country is Swiss most Chars on 2 accounts from Bnetaccount

    Wotlk Chars:

    1x Lvl 80 Rogue with Armani War Bear and Winterspring Frostsaber, title hand of adal, knight lieutnant title, Warglaive offhand in Bags. GS 4200

    1x Lvl 60 Mage with title Corporal and ZG Tiger Mount! NOW Account wide on WOTLK CHARS !!!

    1x Lvl 60 Hunter with Rok'delar and Lok'delar

    1x Lvl 60 Priest with Benediction/Anathema Staff and title Sergeant

    1x Lvl 60 Rogue with title Senior Sergeant

    1x Lvl 70 Priest with Amani War Bear , Title hand of adal, title sergeant

    1x Lvl 70 Rogue

    1x Lvl 70 Warrior with title Senior Sergeant and Champion of the Naaru and Guardian of Cenarius

    1x Lvl 70 Rogue

    1x Lvl 70 Warlock with Armani War Bear, hand of adal, the horsemans reins ACC wide now!

    1x Lvl 70 Mage with Amani War Bear, Hand of Adal

    1x Lvl 71 Warrior with Armani War Bear

    1x Lvl 70 Warrior

    1x Lvl 62 Paladin

    Retail: Account with 12k Achievs

    1x Lvl 60 Pala

    1x Lvl 60 Rogue

    1x Lvl 60 Hunter

    1x Lvl 60 Pala

    1x Lvl 60 Rogue

    1x Lvl 60 Monk

    1x Lvl 60 Priest

    1x Lvl 60 Priest

    1x Lvl 60 Warrior

    1x Lvl 60 Warlock

    1x Lvl 60 Druid

    1x Lvl 45 Hunter

    1x Lvl 45 Warrior

    ​1x Lvl 45 Priest

    ​1x Lvl 45 Deathknight

    ​1x Lvl 45 Mage

    ​1x Lvl 45 Demonhunter

    ​1x Lvl 45 Warlock

    ​1x Lvl 45 Druid

    ​1x Lvl 45 Rogue

    ​1x Lvl 40 Pala

    ​1x Lvl 40 Druid

    Mounts: The Horsemans Reins, Ashes of Alar, Invincible Reins, Deathcharger reins, spectral gryphon, clutch of ji-kun, Antoran Charhound

    Achiev: Duellant s1 Shadowlands, Competitors Tabard, Hand of Adal ... much more

    Transmog: Sinful Gladiator Plate Elite Set Shadowlands S1, Taeshalach, Sinful Gladiator Leather Elite set Shadoewlands S1, Sinful Gladiators Mail Elite Armor

    Sinful flame weapon illusion from Shadowlands s1

    Payment via Paypal friends

    Contact me here via Chatbox or Discord Parziwal1992

    Price is Negiotable 220€
    Last edited by Parziwal; 12-21-2023 at 05:57 AM.

    WoW BIG Char Collection Retail/WOTLK Duellist Elite GEAR ZG TIGER

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