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  1. #16
    SaulRobinson's Avatar Member
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    Hey guys,

    Please remember that this is just my personal Experience & Opinion, The reason I write this review is to give WoW Grinders future customers a better understanding of what to expect if they decide to go ahead purchase this at the current time of writing this post. (17/07/2021)

    So my first issue was when I created a path from level 1-10 this seemed to work quite well at first for the Non-Aggressive monsters but unfortunately after a while I realised that creating a path for higher level aggressive mobs was quite a task if they aggro you (You need to create your own path, There are no set paths or profiles to choose from) While this gives you freedom to create your own path it really isn't as simple as you would like to think it would be.
    If you do manage to create a path then it may still may not work correctly, If it does work & Happens to follow the path you laid out a lot of the time it would just follow the path without doing any action to kill the mobs, You then have a bunch of aggressive mobs chasing you rather than taking them one at a time meaning you die more than you can grind.
    If it does work (My success rate for this was around 50%) another issue while running the path created can get your Character acting very weird and not human like what so ever, running in circles, Run AWAY from the set path & Some other weird little things I also need to mention that when your character isn't following the set path correctly of course it can get stuck behind a tree or wall (Fences or anything you can jump over does work SOME of the time) But mostly just expect to be running into trees, Walls & Other objects.

    I disregarded the option of grinding my account level (Yes it was that bad after 24 hours i had given up trying to change the settings & Options to hopefully get the bot working) So i simply decided to try out Skinning on my level 20 hunter as the bot actually gives you the gathering option which at first thought, I actually liked the thought of using the bot to gather for me, Until i tried to use it.. So i made a simple path in an open starting area which was Orgrimmar for Skinning low level mobs, This would stop the bot getting stuck on trees & Other objects, It also helped that even if the bot didn't tag or attack mobs i wasn't going to be dying every 5 minutes & I could make progress in some way that I didn't waste my purchased licence time.
    Once all this was finally set up and my Hunter got to work slowly killing around the path area (It worked better which leads me to believe that the objects are a huge issue for the bot, I only had 1 small issue about the set path as the bot went off track a little but wasn't an issue for the area or gathering i was doing) BUT after leaving it to run for around 5 minutes to get an idea of how well the bot would work gathering leather i only had 2 leather & A bunch of kills, but not enough for the 5 minutes i let the bot running, The bot would work more efficiently this time around with the path route but my character would NOT skin mobs, It would loot, Stop & then continue to kill the low level area mobs it was a huge disappointment.

    After all this i decided to try and contact someone on the WoW Grinder team to help with my issue, I requested a Personal message via the general support group on discord & Unfortunately i got ignored or simply over-looked as the person after me had a reply but i never did.. So i then had to personally message one of the team members ( His discord name is Coperator ) myself rather than waiting on them to contact me, hoping to get this resolved & Help the bot grow by reporting the issues i had encountered (I did not post anything in the group support chat as i did not want it to stop future customers as the time i really thought the bot had potential & I made the team member fully aware of this point) I was told that i wasn't speaking about WoW Grinder at first which made absolutely no sense because of course i was talking about WoW Grinder, WHY ELSE WOULD I BE IN THAT DISCORD?.. I had to explain that i most defiantly was talking about this bot & Simply got called a liar.. To 'prove' my issues were legitimate i had to stream my screen to them or do a video about the issues. I was happy to do this, I wasn't very happy that i wasn't being believed & Practically called a liar.. But never the less i went ahead and did the video to show what the skinning issue was (I made it clear i was doing multiple videos about the issues i had encountered). I sent off the video and the 'support' member basically told me they could see the skinning issue but anything else i had said was not true & I was contradicting myself which again doesn't really make all that much sense to me. How can i be a liar or contradicting myself if you agree there's an issue that i brought to his attention? I quite don't understand the logic, Never the less i was patient and explained what i had said before that i was making multiple videos to show the issues & His reply was because i made the video on my ipad (I don't have any screen recording software as i don't tend to use it much) that my claim to have used bots since HB & Others are somehow false? Again i have not got any idea what he was talking about but he didn't make any sense what so ever, I explained that other users in the support group had raised this issue about getting their character getting stuck & Also other issues the bot has but he simply sent me a message saying the response was as expected & Ignored any other message i sent after this.. In the end i told him i'll just have a refund & Move on..

    So based on everything i have experienced with this bot i have to say it could have had potential in the long run but right now in my opinion that this bot just isn't worth the price nor the wasted time, I personally have stopped 2 of my other friends buying this bot just for the pure lack of support when you need it, When you try to help the 'Support' team by reporting issues you simply get ignored, Called a liar, Told you are incorrect & Contradictory BUT When you prove yourself to be correct you simply get pushed to the side & Do NOT receive any bit of support for the issues raised with the 'Support' staff (I use the term Support very loosely as the support has been non-existent).

    Even though i think the bot most defiantly HAD potential in the future the sad thing is that the 'support' you receive as a user/customer of the product means if you do ever encounter an issue with the bot just be prepared to accept that you probably wont receive any help, If anything you will possibly encounter hostility & No actually fix to your genuine issues so keep that in mind if you decide to give this bot a try!

    Thank you for reading, I hope this helps give you a better understanding of WoW Grinder bot in its current state for anyone who is interested in purchasing this.

    WoW Grinder - Grinding Bot [Classic & Retail] (German & English)
  2. #17
    Endora's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    So i was using this bot couple months ago, even year maybe from now, and i am using it today, always fully updated, fully responsive! I enyoy it, and i can say for 5 euro that i spend on fishbot i recieve alot more i can only suggest it to any of you who are struggling to buy it or not! You will not be dissapointed with it.

    I've tried maany, but this one is the best! <3
    Huge thanks for creating such amazing software!

  3. #18
    Endora's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    So i am using once again Fishing bot, and software is once again same, no issues, no any problems. Program is very simple. Pick frame in which you wanna catch your fish, pick color of float, usually i always try to pick darker in red, since it stays during night and day mostly prinkless works by default, and i have adjusted my self width so if it ever happends that pringles are not in range, i made sure they are Program is very adjustable you can literaly do anything, and its so so simple to work with it!

    I cannot give it any bad words, or anything that would make me not want to get it, firstly its cheap, secondly it makes me money, and money is always welcome!

    So far it catched me over 5000 fishes, and nice amount of €€
    Zero banns occured, no crashes in program or anything. Basicly stable and well working platform!

    If you have doubts, contact me on discord: Rogue#9776 and i'll screenshare or show photos of how it all works, so you can see it your self
    Last edited by Endora; 01-11-2022 at 09:58 PM.

  4. #19
    skrthole's Avatar Member
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    +rep!!! skinning bot work without a doubt! easy to make your own routes and really noob friendly! highly recommend this bot

  5. #20
    sn69's Avatar Member
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    Skinning works super well, even on freshly-dinged max-level chars with barely any gear.
    It's easy to set up routes and get going within 15 minutes.

  6. #21
    Hagi8756's Avatar Member
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    Ich nutze den Bot jetzt schon über ein Jahr und möchte nun ein Feedback abgeben.
    In der gesamten Dauer der Nutzung wurde der Bot stetig weiter entwickelt, verbessert und sicherer gemacht.
    Vorschläge, Kritik und Fehlermeldungen werden angenommen und umgesetzt bzw. gelöst, falls dies möglich ist. Bei auftretenden Problemen kann man sich immer an hilfsbereite Mods wenden.

    Farmrouten, Kampfroutinen und Verkaufsrouten lassen sich sehr einfach einstellen und verbessern.
    Gerade in Sachen Kampfroutinen hat der Bot einen großen Sprung nach vorne gemacht. Man kann zum Beispiel Routen damit verknüpfen und sie mit bestimmten Leveln laden lassen, wodurch die Levelphase automatisiert wird.

    In puncto Sicherheit wurde ich positiv überrascht. Bisher hatte ich sehr wenig Probleme mit Bans oder anderen Problemen.
    Dies ist wirklich ein großer Pluspunkt und sollte auch immer lobend erwähnt werden.

    Als Fazit kann ich sagen, dass ich mit dem Bot sehr zufrieden bin. Mobs grinden, looten und häuten geht nach ein paar Einstellungen ziemlich problemlos und flüssig von der Hand. Natürlich muss man sich in die Materie etwas einarbeiten, aber dann ist es wirklich top!


    I've been using the bot for over a year and would like to provide some feedback.
    Throughout my usage, the bot has been constantly developed, improved and made more secure.
    Suggestions and criticism are always considered. Bug reports are taken care of and you can always turn to helpful mods if problems occur.

    Farm routes, combat routines and sell routes can be set and improved very easily.
    Especially when it comes to combat routines, the bot has made a big step in the right direction. For example, you can link routes to them and have them load with certain levels, thus automating the level phase.

    In terms of safety, I was pleasantly surprised. So far I have had very few problems with bans or other issues, which is really a big plus.

    In conclusion, I can say that I am very satisfied with the bot. After a few adjustments, grinding, looting and skinning work without any problems. Obviously you need to work your way into the subject somewhat, but then it's just fantastic!

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