As the title says I want to trade a LOL Account on EUW for a wow token on the EU Servers. Contact me on skype if you want to trade- Sergioalarcon23
Info about LOL Account:
I have almost all champions except theese ones Camille, Ivern, Kled, Illaoi and Tahm Kench because I have not played in like 5 months.
I have 13 Rune pages with a lot of runes. Almost all good runes for Ap, AD, Tanks or support so you can play anything you want.
Here is a list of skins:
Headhunter Caitlyn
Nottingham Ezreal
Sorceress Lux
Spelltheif Lux
Challenger Nidalee
Cutthroat Graves
Nosferatu Vladimir
Blood Lord Vladimir
Bandit Sivir
Victorious Sivir
Bloodstone Lissandra
Blackfrost Anivia
Heartseaker Ashe
Nightblade Irelia
Order of the Lotus Irelia
Yellow Jacket Shen
Monarch Kogmaw
Reindeer Kogmaw
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Ufo Corki
Obsidian Malphite
Heartseaker Vayne
Nightmare Chogath
Koi Nami
Glacial Olaf
Pharaoh Amumu
Traditional Karma
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Traditional Trundle
Forecast Janna
Sailor Gangplank
Sultan Gangplank
Gangster Twitch
Panda Annie
Vandal Jax
SKT T1 Jax
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
Commando Garen
Darkforge Jarvan
Judgement Kayle
Riot Kayle
Victorious Morgnana
Muse Sona
Pentakill Sona
Armor of the fifth age Taric
Astronaut Teemo
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Tundra Hunter Warwick