Multiboxing BattleNet account (included D3) - 15 level 90s across 5 accounts menu

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  1. #1
    Multib0xer's Avatar Corporal
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    Multiboxing BattleNet account (included D3) - 15 level 90s across 5 accounts

    <SORRY - I posted this in the wrong forum. There is a duplicate post in the forum for selling accounts. Mods please delete this post. Anyone who is interested, please respond in the actual forum for account selling. Thanks!>

    Hi all,

    I am the original owner of the account and have all the security information. I will also go through the verification process on OwnedCore if I find a serious buyer, who I will also request be a verified user.

    - Diablo 3 is on the battlenet account, but I've never played it.
    - There are a total of 8 WoW accounts on the battlenet account, but only 5 of which have characters of interest. The other 3 were used for RAF leveling and have some level 60's.
    - Toons at level 90 include:
    - There are also 4-druids and 4-priests at level 84-85

    The shamans have been the most fun for this expansion so far, and I have some YouTube videos of them wrecking people. With the new patch you can expect 4-enhancement shamans with an independent healer to be at the top of the 5v5 arena (link to another shaman team that posted this video a couple of days ago... this team is NOT the one that is for sale: I have no friends cleave 2 [Multiboxing 2.1k+] - Enhancement Edition By Kruschpak - World of Warcraft Movies ). The rogues were ok, and definitely fun for world PvP, but they didn't turn out great for arena. For PvE, the shamans mixed with a druid tank have done well, though last expansion the most fun was rolling with 4 discipline priests and using atonement everywhere... you never died!

    Included is a level 25 guild. I think there is about 20k gold between all toons, and varying levels of professions. No guarantee on the gold, but as a multiboxer you can make gold very quickly anyway.

    Server is a US PvE server (I know, that sucks, but with the new zones there is still lots of PvP. Plus you can always just have someone else port you to another realm since most likely you'll only want to PvP with 4 at a time... you'll want to PvE with 5 for the most fun).

    I'm not sure how much this account is worth, but I'm serious about selling it. My multiboxing computer died and I lost interest anyway. Looking for some starting cash to play some HearthStone. I'll start bids at $500.
    Last edited by Multib0xer; 08-23-2013 at 12:07 PM.

    Multiboxing BattleNet account (included D3) - 15 level 90s across 5 accounts
  2. #2
    bert93458's Avatar Private
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    Status: Trade
    Hey I was wondering if you would trade for this account it is worth way more but I am looking for a multiboxing account

    WANT TO TRADE 3X Hero of the Alliance With 4 Level 90s WARRIOR-MONK-WARLOCK-HUNTER also 2400 Grand Marshal TITLE/2200 EXP IN 3S/Hero of the Alliance FOR A MULTIBOXING ACCOUNT

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