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  1. #1
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    Outland-EU Alliance gold privately!

    Hey guys. I am looking for some private buyers for Outland-EU Alliance gold. Prepared to offer good prices to returning customers. Please leave a PM, serious only.

    Item name: Gold
    Item type: Currency, thousands of
    Payment Method: Moneybookers Skrill
    Payment Amount: Negotiable
    Info on it: Currently offering only on Outland-EU ally side
    Pictures: none
    Last edited by hipdrahve; 12-26-2012 at 02:07 PM.

    Outland-EU Alliance gold privately!
  2. #2
    borrettt's Avatar Corporal
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    u inbox is full.add my skype if u still have gold for sale,want to buy some
    Last edited by borrettt; 12-03-2012 at 05:32 AM.

  3. #3
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by borrettt View Post
    u inbox is full.add my skype borrettt if u still have gold for sale,want to buy some
    sure thing, 1 sec

  4. #4
    makaveli10a's Avatar Banned
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    Skype mate ?

  5. #5
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    replied to you via PM

  6. #6
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    CSGAM3R confirmed for scammer :/

  7. #7
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    makaveli10a is a scammer, with his entire shady Gold4Account fraudulent operation. Bad day today.

  8. #8
    technostartwiz's Avatar Corporal
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    So after now getting scammed by Gold4account, and now reading the forums this places a bad taste in my mount. Ownedcore should delete these account associated with gold4account.
    Made a guild transfer of 100k and then no payment was sent then lisa went offli

    [6:09:00 AM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Hello Sir, My name is Lisa. We at gold4account.com are looking to buy your currency! We are looking forward to a long relationship with you, If you could please leave a review at gold4account.com and include my name "Lisa" after the transaction. Amount: [100k] Game: [World of Warcraft] Server: [Muh Thol] Faction: [Horde] By [Lisa]
    [3:15:21 PM] Chris: Chris has shared contact details with Lisa Gold4Account.com.
    [3:17:37 PM] Chris: how much per K are you offering?
    [3:18:22 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: 0.7$ up to a total of 400k, then after that, we can offer 0.4$ due to overstock
    [3:18:41 PM] Chris: i only have 100k atm
    [3:19:04 PM] Chris: but i farm that in about a week
    [3:19:24 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: okay, we offer payment via paypal, moneybookers and western union
    and ingame we offer Face 2 face or Guild bank withdrawel for your security
    [3:19:45 PM] Chris: so its .7$ per K right?
    [3:19:50 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: that sounds very good, we are looking for long therm corporation, not so many suppliers on your server
    [3:19:53 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: yes, USD
    [3:20:00 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: so, 70$ for 100k
    [3:20:03 PM] Chris: yes
    [3:20:20 PM] Chris: im in game atm if you want to give me character name
    [3:20:41 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: okay, want me to set it up sir ?
    [3:20:52 PM] Chris: yes
    [3:21:11 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: moment sir
    [3:21:19 PM] Chris: np
    [3:21:45 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: what is your paypal/moneybookers/western union id/email ?
    [3:22:10 PM] Chris: paypal - [email protected]
    [3:22:30 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: ok, please go to orc starting area and standby sir
    [3:23:00 PM] Chris: thought we are doing this through guild transfer
    [3:23:12 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: you did not specify, so i asumed it was F2F
    [3:23:15 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: we can do that too
    [3:23:18 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: one moment please
    [3:23:25 PM] Chris: i can fly there and fly you back
    [3:24:12 PM] Chris: i feel its safer through guild transfer
    [3:24:15 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: One moment please, that will not be neccesary sir

    But thank you for the offer
    [3:24:38 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: I am setting it up atm
    [3:26:17 PM] Chris: I also have account on bloodscalp and buring blade in which only have 40k atm but I will be building them up
    [3:26:53 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: I will note your skype under those relms if it is okay, we will contact you when demand is up there for a better price, we can take that to, but i dont think there is high demand, one moment
    [3:27:26 PM] Chris: np , i dont want to sell it if its .4$ way too low
    [3:27:50 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Yes i can confirm its .4$ on overstocked servers
    [3:27:53 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: but demand will go up
    [3:28:07 PM] Chris: we can only hope
    [3:28:21 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: It is looking good, 2 weeks ago, price overall was lower
    [3:28:21 PM] Chris: im in org when you are ready for the g invite
    [3:28:35 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Okay sir, one moment, there will be a small delay, i hope it is not a problem
    [3:28:42 PM] Chris: no
    [3:28:47 PM] Chris: no problem
    [3:30:46 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Ok sir, its getting setted up now
    [3:30:55 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Char name ?
    [3:31:08 PM] Chris: logging back in electricshoc
    [3:31:43 PM] Chris: kk im in
    [3:31:50 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Ok one moment
    [3:33:16 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: You have a guild that our guy will get invited to and withdraw right? Or is it us that invite you and you deposit?
    [3:33:28 PM] Chris: i have a guild
    [3:33:39 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: okay one second
    [3:35:31 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Sorry for the small delay again, account team had a little issue logging in, they should be in, in a moment
    [3:38:42 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Sorry to delay again sir
    [3:38:52 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: but is it possible for you to deposit to our guild?
    [3:39:07 PM] Chris: sure lemme make a toon
    [3:39:10 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: thank you
    [3:39:52 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: For your security we recomend that you deposit x4 25k, rather then 100k at once
    [3:41:10 PM] Chris: ok , you want to bump me up to .75 for my troubles
    [3:41:40 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Argh, let me ask my manager about that
    We might be able to add another 5$ on top for the time delay
    [3:41:53 PM] Chris: cool
    [3:42:08 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Ok, whisper Witardathtom and you will get an invite, deposit 5x 20k right after eachother
    [3:42:19 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: your char name ?
    [3:42:27 PM] Chris: getting him in org
    [3:42:34 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: okay
    [3:42:36 PM] Chris: premiumrush
    [3:43:25 PM] Chris: if this sent over through paypal as a gift so they dont charge me?
    [3:43:31 PM] Chris: is*
    [3:43:52 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: We can send as gift, we also offer a costum note if you wish, even if we dont send as gift, charge is on our end
    [3:44:13 PM] Chris: yea but paypal doesnt charge if its sent as a gift
    [3:44:31 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: we cant find you ingame sir, premiumrush?
    [3:44:41 PM] Chris: loggin on had to xfer the gold
    [3:44:43 PM] Chris: im in now
    [3:44:51 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Yes, but we are only allowed to send as gift to certin amount of money as buisnesss
    [3:45:04 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: But we can send as gift yes
    [3:45:17 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Leave current guild if possible please
    [3:45:31 PM] Chris: done sorry
    [3:45:35 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: no problem
    [3:45:42 PM] Chris: loo is the guild right
    [3:45:55 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Moment
    [3:45:58 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: confirming
    [3:46:38 PM] Chris: yea it was by the person you said to whisper
    [3:46:44 PM] Chris: depositing now
    [3:46:45 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: ah ok, go ahead
    [3:46:49 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: please confirm when deposited
    [3:47:06 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: 5x 20k
    [3:47:17 PM] Chris: oh you said 4X 25
    [3:47:22 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: that is ok too
    [3:47:29 PM] Chris: done
    [3:47:36 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Moment
    [3:50:20 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: We have a order of 100k just placed on bloodscalp horde btw, if you wish to fill that out
    [3:50:33 PM] Chris: dont have 100k yet on that one
    [3:50:49 PM] Chris: building up i will let you know when i have 200k
    [3:50:56 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Okay no problem
    [3:50:58 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: confirmed btw
    [3:51:31 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: 70$ to [email protected]
    [3:51:33 PM] Chris: so $75 via paypal to [email protected] right
    [3:51:37 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Argh yes
    [3:51:39 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: i have to ask manager
    [3:51:41 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: moment
    [3:51:44 PM] Chris: ty
    [3:51:57 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: btw if you wish to fill out as much as you can off the order on bloodscalp while there is demand it is no problem
    [3:52:06 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: anyway, one moment
    [3:53:29 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: We can give you 5$ for the delay
    [3:53:31 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: so 75$
    [3:53:32 PM] Chris: ty
    [3:53:35 PM] Chris: yes
    [3:53:48 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: Do you wish to fill as much of order as you can on bloodscalp while there is demand, or do it other time ?
    [3:53:58 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: it is 0.7$
    [3:54:13 PM] Chris: no atm, I need to the gold to make the gold atm , professions and what not
    [3:54:22 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: ah see, i will send now then, one moment sir
    [3:55:22 PM] Lisa Gold4Account.com: sendt, check it please
    [3:55:46 PM] Chris: dont see anything in my paypal
    [3:58:18 PM] Chris: ?
    [4:00:14 PM] Chris: ?
    [4:00:37 PM] *** Call to Lisa Gold4Account.com, no answer. ***

  9. #9
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    anyway, bump

  10. #10
    hipdrahve's Avatar Corporal
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    bump to the top!

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