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  1. #211
    Nomin's Avatar Member
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    Iv'e been a CH user since day 1, almost 10 months ago, and have used it ever since, iv'e also hit top500 on almost every account i play on, and have an account at 4.4k that hasn't been banned since i started using CH, so its safe to say, i know what i'm talking about.

    The ESP, although not an outline ESP or a glow ESP, is still extremely advanced, and has improved with every update. it has a box, head hitbox, enemy hero names and HP bar, each of the esp features can be turned off individually, or be set to only appear when either not visible, only visible, always, only when you are targeting the enemy, each feature can have any option you'd like. The ESP also changes color, red if the enemy is not in your fov, orange if the enemy is in your fov and yellow if you are targeting the enemy. This kind of ESP is also alot safer than outline or glow, as it is fully external, and an overlay. 10/10

    The aimlock is dead accurate if you need it to be, and is insanely customize-able. you can set different X and Y values for smoothing, going up in increments of 1, all the way past 10k. you can set the bone, chest, head or closest bone. You can set any key to be your aim key, you can also have the aimlock auto shoot when over an enemy, and have it lock to just one enemy, so if another enemy runs into your crosshair, it wont switch to them. (9.5/10)

    Flickbot is one of the strongest, if not the strongest feature of this cheat. once again it can be set to any key, and you can adjust X and Y smoothing values to anything you'd like. you can decide the type of smoothing used, exponential (meaning the longer the flick takes to reach the target, the more it speeds up) or linear (meaning it will stay at the same speed regardless) you can chose whether or not the flick will lock your mouse input, when locked, you moving your mouse wont have any affect over the flick until its finished, with it off, you can move your mouse around a bit as it flicks. once again you can chose any bone, chest, head or closest (closest will aim at either knee, hip, chest, either shoulder, either elbow, neck and head, depending on whats closest to your crosshair, the flick on CH is dead accurate, with 0 smoothing, its near impossible to miss, and even with very high smooth, it will hit almost every time, its the best flickbot iv'e ever used. (10/10)

    The misc features, man oh man... this is the most customize-able and yet user friendly bot iv'e ever used.

    DOOMFIST:Auto combo, Auto melee, Punch prediction, spread compensation (aims a bit below the head so every pellet hits), the ability to turn off auto uppercut, allow or disallow flickbot and aimlock mid air and smoothing for the airlock. it works like a charm.
    GENJI:Auto Dash enemies that are killable, or set any health it should auto dash at, the ability to decide if it should only dash enemies within your FOV, or if it should dash in a 360 degree FOV, smoothing for how fast you want your crosshair to move to the enemy when dashing, auto dash aimlock with prediction when you manually dash into an enemy, and auto 180 and combo to do extra damage and usually 1 shot combo the enemy and the option of only having autodash while holding a key of your choice down. Auto Blade, use your blade and hold down mouse 1, the bot will dash, slash and dash to the next target, letting you relax and just hold 1 button while racking up blade kills. you can also fully customize this, choosing the smoothing for the blade aimlock, the smoothing for dash, the ability yo use your FOV or have it use 360 degree FOV, change your ult key, decide if you want it to dash killable targets while mid blade and decide if you want it to auto dash to the next target. by far the best and most customize-able Genji setup i've seen.
    OTHER: tracer dash lock, spread compensation and auto recall when below the hp of your choosing. Ana sleep dart prediction and auto sleep dart when the enemy is close to you (you set a distance). Zen auto discord orb and flick heal orb. Hog spread compensation, hook prediction and the ability to decide which bone it should try and hook. McCree auto flash and auto flash range (your choice). PERFECT prediction for all projectile heroes, as well as prediction for abilities that are projectile (soldier helix for example). Auto melee an enemy if they are killable... what more could one ask for?! (10/10)

    HITSCAN HELPER: slight silent aim- this is the most legit looking way to play for any flick hero, projectile included. just aim and shoot like normal, but when you shoot, if your bullet or projectile is not on the enemies head, it will slightly curve the bullet so it hits the enemies head. you can adjust how many pixels it will adjust your shot, and will only work within the fov you have set, but you can make it high enough that you can be aiming at the enemies feet and it would hit the head (if you want to). your aim looks completely legit since it is completely legit, just your bullet curves a bit. i cant state this enough, this is the most insane legit feature on an Overwatch cheat that iv'e ever seen (besides SharpShooter, but that's made by the same Dev's and costs $600 a month). Target assist- this basically will slow down how fast your mouse moves while an enemy is within your fov, allowing you to track better (think console aim assist) this, like every other feature can be turned on and off, and its speed reduction can be adjusted. silent aim is legit, barely noticeable to enemies and even myself often, and is stupidly good. (10/10)

    MENU & EASE OF USE: The menu is view-able in game, just by pressing insert to open and close it. each hero has their own profile, and the menu will automatically change profiles depending on your hero selection. Arrow keys to navigate and change things, insanely customize-able, and easy to understand and use. This cheat is easy to set up, and easy to adjust to your own liking. (9/10)

    SUPPORT: The best support iv'e ever seen for a cheat, the discord is private and only joinable with a 1 time use invite code you get once you buy the cheat, and then you must verify you actually own it, super private server. The discord has 5 support members, 3 Admins and a ton of other experienced users always willing to help. people share their settings so newbies can easily set every hero up and talk a lot in main chat, This isn't just a discord, It's a community (except for sequel, eat a dick lol). you'll find people on at all times of the day, and an admin or support is almost always on to help and answer questions. The most dedicated Dev iv'e ever met or seen. He is active in the server, helps out all the time, listens to feedback and pushes new updates with changes, fixes and new features all the time. The cheat will almost always auto update when a new patch comes out, and on rare occasions where it wont auto update (seasonal events for example) he will update it within an hour or two. (11/10)

    PRICE, VALUE & SECURITY: This cheat is just $200 a month. 200$ and you get the best OW cheat iv'e ever used. (iv'e tried xeraph: $240 a month but they exit scammed. HyperFlick: no customization, the most expensive version which barely compares to ch is $300 a month, and even the second tier is $250 a month. Unleashed: literally the same people that made xeraph and exit scammed 200k USD, if you're stupid enough to buy this cheat (i tried when it was free) you deserve to be exit scammed and Aimbuff: do i even need to say anything? this cheat is so shit the Dev is literally reselling CH...) this cheat is worth $200 a month EASILY. CH has only had 2 ban-waves in 9 months, and the things that got detected weren't even the bot... (Outline ESP which everyone cried for, even though the Dev said its easy to detect), and once for some function which has since been removed. other times people have been banned, it was due to their own stupidity- people kept using ch when the function got detected, and they would open our old, no longer in use settings program while in game, which the Dev warned people would get them banned.) Since this the cheat has been completely re-written and changed, there have been 0 detection's since this, and the cheat has been safe to use for months, and will continue to be. You are a moron if you chose any cheat over CH, and that's a fact. (10/10)

    TL;DR: This is the best cheat on the market, regardless of price. Buy it.

    Overall: (10/10)
    Last edited by Nomin; 01-17-2020 at 12:46 AM.

    NEW - CRITICAL HIT ◎ Augment your skill
  2. #212
    jakeeb12's Avatar Member
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    amazing cheat and awesome support always attentive and ready when you need them they also post settings and are great with updating and fixing bugs you should for sure check them out and maybe even think of using the cheat i would highly vouch!!!!

  3. #213
    chickenfeet's Avatar Member
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    Impressive engine, most of the characters are tuned to perform almost human-like with the aim. Developers always patch for each update promptly and communicate with the community well.

  4. #214
    golden_shart's Avatar Member
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    Playing OW currently through wine on Linux. I'm just gonna assume that this won't work with that just because you can't call into Windows kernel with Wine, and whatever kernel drivers it exploits to hide itself probably aren't present in Linux kernel. Fuck. I almost want to db just to use the genji hacks lol.

  5. #215
    Sawich's Avatar Member
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    I bought it for one day. I rarely play overwatch, but always with cheats and is my first experience with CH.

    The strongest side of the cheat is flickbot, the first time I see cheat that is so convenient and easy to use (but after the last update we added another tab and navigation became less convenient and intuitive). It’s also very convenient that when you change the hero, the profile you play on immediately changes, that is, for each hero certain settings can be changed very quickly, and you don’t need to minimize the game, open many windows and change something. All. Highly. Conveniently.
    In addition, here, you do not need to buy any profiles of heroes, etc.
    And yet, starting settings for almost all characters are ideal, sometimes nothing needs to be changed.

    Result: (3989/10) I have never met better.

  6. #216
    Titburglar's Avatar Member
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    A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to affect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing (fusion of sperm and eggs from different individuals in a population) or allow selfing (fusion of sperm and egg from the same flower). Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization (parthenocarpy). Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes develop. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower develops into fruit containing seeds.

    In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans to bring beauty to their environment, and also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and as a source of food.
    Last edited by Titburglar; 01-21-2020 at 06:38 PM.

  7. #217
    anthony420's Avatar Member
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    It's a really good cheat and hard to tell you're cheating at all if you play correctly, plus it's super cheap for what the cheats have. The salesmen always respond quickly so you never have to wait for support and it's really easy to set up. Would 100% recommend buying!

  8. #218
    anderpander1234123's Avatar Member
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    Great Cheat

    Great cheat, never detected and great for climbing without worrying of reports would buy this cheat again and again

  9. #219
    javichavi's Avatar Member
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    Have been using this cheat for a few months, and so far for the price, it’s a steal. It’s one of the best cheats you’ll come across, if not, the best. It is super customizable for either legit or rage. Should i mention an extremely low ban rate I rate it 10/10!

  10. #220
    GhostCat2's Avatar Member
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    best hack on the market and the silent aim is so op but looks legit thanks!

  11. #221
    lurikeenrock's Avatar Member
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    esp turns off as hamster is in ball mode and as brig or rein with shield up. can this be fixed?

  12. #222
    Raizn's Avatar Member
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    I can totally recommend this cheat.

    It's easy to set up, even ingame. It's smooth as hell if you're using the right settings.

    The devs are working constantly on new updates for the cheat. It comes with a discord group where settings get shared and if you need help, you'll find it there.


  13. #223
    L4a's Avatar Member
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    I'm using it on Hanzo so far and it's impressive!

    Works amazingly well, to be honest much much better than I would have imagined (and I've been using tools in various games for a very long time). Kudos to the coder(s) for such a great product and service. Highly recommended.

  14. #224
    TamilJala's Avatar Member
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    best cheat i buy for my ranked games

  15. #225
    kekwinthechat's Avatar Member
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    Very customizable hack and great value for the price. silent aim is top-notch.

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