12ml '' new straze pulled'' high end game global ultra farmed account !!! menu

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    etimesgut's Avatar Member
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    12ml '' new straze pulled'' high end game global ultra farmed account !!!

    Server Global.
    High end game account.

    Ruele of Light.
    Fallen cecilia.
    Judge Kise.
    Little queen charlotte.
    Blood moon haste.
    Ambitious tywin.
    Spectre Tenebria.
    Remnant violet.
    Arbiter Viltred.
    Top mode luluca.
    ''Straze''Just pulled
    ''Maid Chloe'' Just pulled

    This account has so many potential do what you want way to many 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ unequiped gears.

    when there is event of free equipent you can make your own setup this account can do litterly everything.

    All expeditions auto easy 500k+.
    i dont remember 1 or 2 element even 800k+.
    Can do all hunt easy some hunts even one shot team

    pvp points highest i got so far my self is 4250.
    but i didnt play the game a while so decide to sell and enjoy the other lucky player.

    Nearly 200M gold !!!
    Nearly 22k Sky stones !!! ''Update 5-9-2021''
    100k+ Abyss drake claw Craft materialts.
    17k Pvp points all gears been bough already.
    25k Ancient coins.
    Current base energy 6k+''Update 5-9-2021''
    530 Covenant summon
    2600+ commander armband '' Guild points ''
    Brave cheast '' Guild points ''
    535 Leafs endless energy for a End game account VERY RARE so many leafs !!! ''Update 5-9-2021''
    312 Pet tickets !!!
    Out-farmed to many catalyst.
    Alot high speed dps gears.

    Cerise can get 291 spd + 100+ effectness
    145x lv 90 gears.
    53 Lv 88 gears.
    58x 6star heroes !!!

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    add me if you are intrested: Erco1789#7428

    12ml '' new straze pulled'' high end game global ultra farmed account !!!

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