Chanter Aion Classic EU - Arteria/asmo menu

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  1. #1
    ChanterAion's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
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    Chanter Aion Classic EU - Arteria/asmo

    Hello - Chanter for sale.

    Chanter 55. 5/5 ( Full SW + staff.) Att4 , Att5 , Hp95 , crit17+15 on gear + Storm WINGS.
    And + Arena TAC combined with Bakarma staff +6 , full manastones att+4
    x2 PVP rings - x1 pvp Earrings . Full pve accs .
    Aethertapping 499/500- Essencetapping 81/99.
    Full support stigmas + some attack stigmas .
    2 Motions Ethernal Silence and Yoga and Shop . Many titles + the
    3%speed/+3%attack/3%casting and +2%pvp attack with speed4%.
    2/3 outfits in Wardrobe.
    High rank and +2.2M AP
    70Days of Siels aura + some pets

    Azure Gold Medal - 250
    Crucible Medal - 19k
    Some other stuff in warehouse from events and instances , Materials , Tahabata's Insignia x100
    manastones , Godstone Silence , kinah ... etc..

    + SM twink lvl 38
    +Gladi twink lvl 14

    For more details PM me <--- Paypal
    Last edited by ChanterAion; 11-23-2023 at 08:52 AM.

    Chanter Aion Classic EU - Arteria/asmo

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