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  1. #1
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Apply now to take the farming buisness by storm

    What this is post is about is to "recruit" members for a partnership in which we come together and offer various popular services Wow related. At this time its for US only. Pending on the success there will be a group discussion on expanding for EU. The site will launch when its ready and the staff will consist of Mmowned members only.

    Skip starting up your own low budget service that never gets much exposure. Do it as a group, get more exposure, get more MONEY!

    -80 reputation or higher. There will almost NEVER be an exception to this rule.
    -Previous exp. with Wow services.
    -Ability to work AS A TEAM!!**
    -Dedication, not 24/7, but enough to keep your spot.
    -Of course not just limited to the above...

    Whats needed:
    3-5 Honor grinders
    3-7 Power levelers
    3-5 Misc. farmers
    3-5 Customer support

    More to be added soon...

    Application Template:

    Real life name?


    Services to offer?

    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone?

    Do you use bots when providing your service?

    If you honor grind, how many K per day?

    If you Power level, how many days 1-70?

    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day?

    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone?

    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services?

    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify.

    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify.


    Sense of humor? tell me a joke.

    Anything else you want me to know?

    Please dont lie on the app. Its ok to use bots. It just needs to be known

    PM me with the app and give me some time to look it over. Please dont flood my inbox.


    Q: What will the name of the site be called?
    A: Not decided yet. This will not be set in stone until I see there are dedicated members and we come to a name.

    Q: Do you have a site up?
    A: No, not yet. Why make a site until we know what we have as far as services and prices?

    Q: Ah, speaking of prices, how will that be determined?
    A: By talking to you, the provider. I will figure out what you want to work for (In reason) and decide on pricing per provider (you).

    Q: Why do this as a group and not on our own?
    A: Many reasons, you don't have to worry about competition. There is support between us all. More exposure. Only good things come when working in a group.

    Q: So your going to take a pretty large chunk out of my payment, huh?
    A: Never. I won't take anymore then what is needed to keep the site up and pay for any fees (never more than 5%).

    Q: So what exactly do you do for me?
    A: I give you customers and a site to host your services on.

    Q: You want to know all this info about us, do we get to know you?
    A: Sure, we can chat

    This will be updated when needed. Post any questions here, in a PM, or on aim.

    AIM= RockThatKR3Wson


    Apply now to take the farming buisness by storm
  2. #2
    Remus's Avatar Banned

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    Status: Trade
    Real life name?
    Services to offer?
    customer support/ gold farm
    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone?
    Do you use bots when providing your service?
    yes/ no yes if innerspace is at a safe level.i prefer to not farm by hand due to family wanting me out of my room
    If you honor grind, how many K per day?
    If you Power level, how many days 1-70?
    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day?
    bot = 800-1200g a day via primals*varies by server listing . by hand= half that
    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone?
    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services?
    i ran my own business for a few weeks and we closed down due to my partner having to do RL things (RL work.. etc)
    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify.
    yes, mainly alliance tho
    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify.
    yes. mainly priest/mage/rogue
    [email protected]
    Sense of humor? tell me a joke.
    ah.. i have one. and they are on the spot jokes. since this keyboard doesnt talk i wont make one :P
    Anything else you want me to know?
    i have a decent internet . it is satellite. so i average 800-1k in game ping. it is manageable and the bot could care less. i will be goin on a trip tmrw for a week. and a good chance the comp will be moved out of my room cause my mom hates it. but thats cause i prefer my room more than the living room watching stupid arse soaps. ill be asking her to keep it in my room, but the bot is always viable.

  3. #3
    Yeti's Avatar Banned
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    Mhmm....This isn't gonna go anywhere i can see it now just like that 1 set of people who wanted to do something was like adrenalin3 & puh, they wanted to do

    I don't think you will get any farther.

    Also this is an easy type of thing to do, you start up a powerleveling, gold farming etc etc site and you take 10% of the sale & outsource to whoever, while you just get customers.

  4. #4
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Yeti View Post
    Mhmm....This isn't gonna go anywhere i can see it now just like that 1 set of people who wanted to do something was like adrenalin3 & puh, they wanted to do

    I don't think you will get any farther.

    Also this is an easy type of thing to do, you start up a powerleveling, gold farming etc etc site and you take 10% of the sale & outsource to whoever, while you just get customers.
    So optimistic

    And about the 10% deal...I say 5% in my post. thats really not alot if it keeps customers coming to you.

    And thank you for your app Rem, Ill keep it in mind when putting together the whole thing after a little while.

  5. #5
    Happy2k's Avatar Site Donator
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    If you need one on EU - let me know.

    My "speciale" is wow economy - 100k is about to be broken.

    I wanna tell a joke anyway

    Whats the difference between black people and snow tires? The tires doesnt start to sing when you put chains on them ..
    Last edited by Happy2k; 08-03-2008 at 06:06 PM.

  6. #6
    [Lucky]'s Avatar Member
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    If you are in need in EU partners gimme a shout.
    Very good with costumers (Customer Support)
    Lots of Exp within Wow ( All factions/classes )
    PM when and if ever needed

    EDIT: Happy2k I´m going to request you change your sig please.
    That´s very racist and i hate racists.

  7. #7
    Notahax's Avatar Contributor
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    Status: Trade
    Real life name?
    Services to offer?
    Customer Service
    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone?
    Do you use bots when providing your service?
    If you honor grind, how many K per day?
    If you Power level, how many days 1-70?
    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day?
    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone?
    Of course!
    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services?
    No experience, but it seems easy enough.
    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify.
    Yes, a dranaei
    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify.
    Yes, a mage
    Sense of humor? tell me a joke.
    Your already laughing at this application, why need a joke?

    This is a serious application btw

  8. #8
    Satchmo's Avatar Contributor
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    Real life name?
    Services to offer?
    Powerleveling/ gold farm once i get my lock to 70/customer service
    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone?
    Do you use bots when providing your service?
    If you honor grind, how many K per day?
    If you Power level, how many days 1-70?
    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day?
    500-1000 a day by botting
    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone?
    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services?
    I PL a few friend farm gold for my self and friends
    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify.
    yes/ Ally more then horde
    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify.
    yes/ moslty lock,mage,rogue
    but im on msn more which is [email protected]

    Sense of humor? tell me a joke.
    im trying to remember a clean joke haha ummm ok what kind of bee's make milk......................Boobeeies hehe

    Anything else you want me to know?
    i am looking forward to working with you

  9. #9
    0-0-7's Avatar Contributor
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    Status: Trade
    Application Template:

    Real life name?
    Services to offer?
    Honor farming//customer support
    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone?
    Yes sir
    Do you use bots when providing your service?
    Nope, I would do all Honor farming by hand ( unless told otherwise )
    If you honor grind, how many K per day?
    Depends on the character and battlegroup, but I can get a good bit in
    If you Power level, how many days 1-70?
    N/A ( Worst leveler around )
    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day?
    N/A ( I don't find farming very fun >.< )
    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone?
    Yes I always can, I won't be like the Chinese people with broken english and such, I will keep my vocabulary and spelling and everything else to the best of my ability all the time ;]
    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services?
    I haven't done much, I just enjoy the game
    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify.
    I am currently leveling a horde character so im learning that, but I know alliance very well
    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify.
    resto drood, pally, rogue, warlock, warrior ( sort of ), hunter, mage ( pretty good at mages ), I am not very good at shamans or priests ( but am willing to learn! )

    Sense of humor? tell me a joke.
    I copied this one but I found it pretty funny ;]
    The bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know
    anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?"

    "OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the
    prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is: put the
    prisoner in the prison.

    And then they made love for the first time.

    Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction.

    Nudging him, his bride giggles, "Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped."

    Turning on his side, he smiles. "Then we will have to re-imprison him."

    After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but
    the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him
    a suggestive smile, "Honey, the prisoner is out again!"

    The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently
    born foal.

    Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.

    She nudges him and says, "Honey, the prisoner escaped again."

    Limply turning his head, He YELLS at her, "Hey, its not a life sentence,

    Anything else you want me to know?

    I PvP naked..
    And also, I know you said 80 rep, but I am very trustworthy and an honest person even though I am on MMOwned I can be sly when I want to but that is not my intentions for this ;]

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  10. #10
    Brutakus's Avatar Brutakus
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    Some people don't know how to listen. He clearly said 80+ rep.
    L2 read
    My app's gonna come up in a bit.

  11. #11
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Real life name? Pat Grogan

    Age? 16

    Services to offer? Customer Service, Web design.

    Comfortable talking on Ventrilo/Phone? Yes

    Do you use bots when providing your service? No

    If you honor grind, how many K per day? ^_^

    If you Power level, how many days 1-70? ^_^

    If you farm gold/misc. items, how much/many per day? ^_^

    If you want to work customer service, can you maintain a friendly and helpful tone? Yes, quite easily. I am already a customer representative and salesman with my gameserver business.

    What is your previous exp. providing Wow services? My business.

    Knowledge of both factions? If one, specify. Yes, Horde and Alliance experience.

    Knowledge of all classes? If only some, specify. All but Warrior - never played one past 5, duno why.

    AIM: None.
    Steam: hellgawd
    MSN: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]

    Sense of humor? tell me a joke. A joke? I've got a sense of humor but i'm not THAT funny.

    Anything else you want me to know? I would be a great customer rep, as well, I can do the entire website design if you dont have anyone.

  12. #12
    0-0-7's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by chrslp View Post
    Some people don't know how to listen. He clearly said 80+ rep.
    L2 read
    My app's gonna come up in a bit.

    Thank you, but I can read, and I did read. You were the one that didn't read.

    Read the end of my post in the part on the applications where it says other things you would like me to know.

    And also before you flame about that, he said there will be ALMOST no exception to this. Which does not mean that there are no exceptions, so I took my chance and rolled the dice, if I don't win oh well I don't lose anything. If I do, I get a job it's that simple. I didn't ask for anyone to flame me when I filled the application, and I also said I did know it was 80+ rep

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