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    Aslcebian's Avatar Member
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    selling steam account with over 20 games!

    i am selling my steam account due to me switching from steam to moba and fps games such as league of legends and overwatch.
    this account is well over 200 due to having all the dlc in black ops 3 and other games.
    this account has 1 VAC ban.
    though it has a VAC ban, most of the games i own don't even care about vacs since they aren't related to steam.
    i will sell this account for $90.
    i would have sell it for 120 but due to the vac i need to lower it.

    Contact me on discord: Monkey#6209
    or skype: [email protected]
    the skype name should be novagreen4
    Thank you!

    selling steam account with over 20 games!

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