EXTREMELY RARE League of Legends account, 810 skins, Pax TF+Sivir, OG Champ Riven menu


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  1. #1
    omelol's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    EXTREMELY RARE League of Legends account, 810 skins, Pax TF+Sivir, OG Champ Riven

    Region: EUW
    Total Champion Skins: 810
    All Champions unlocked
    Blue Essence: 75+k
    RP: 678
    Avatars: 350+
    Highest carreer placement: Diamond(2014)

    Full skin list:

    Aatrox: Justicar, Mecha, Sea Hunter

    Ahri: Dynasty, Midnight, Foxfire, Popstar, Challenger, Academy, Arcade, Star Guardian

    Akali: Stinger, Infernal, All-star, Nurse, Blood Moon, Silverfang, Headhunter, Sashimi

    Alistar: Golden, Matador, Longhorn, Unchained, Infernal, Sweeper, Marauder, SKT T1, Moo Cow

    Amumu: Pharaoh, Vancouver, Emumu, Re-Gifted, Almost-Prom King, Little Knight, Sad Robot, Surprise Party, Infernal

    Anivia: Team Spirit, Bird of Prey, Noxus Hunter, Hextech, Blackfrost, Prehistoric, Festival Queen

    Annie: Goth, Red Riding, Annie in Wonderland, Prom Queen, Frostfire, Reverse, FrankenTibbers, Panda, Sweetheart, Hextech

    Ashe: Freljord, Sherwood Forest, Woad, Queen, Amethyst, Hearthseeker, Marauder, PROJECT:, Championship

    Aurelion Sol: Ashen Lord

    Azir: Galactic, Gravelord, Warring Kingdoms

    Bard: Elderwood, Snow Day, Bard Bard

    Blitzcrank: Goalkeeper, Boom Boom, Piltover Customs, Definitely Not, iBlitzcrank, Riot, Battle Boss, Lancer Rogue, Lancer Paragon

    Brand: Apocalyptic, Vandal, Cryocore, Zombie, Spirit Fire, Battle Boss

    Braum: Dragonslayer, El Tigre, Lionheart, Santa

    Caitlyn: Resistance, Sheriff, Safari, Arctic Warfare, Officer, Headhunter, Lunar Wraith, Pulsefire

    Camille: Program

    Cassiopeia: Desperada, Siren, Mythic, Jade Fang, Eternum

    Cho'Gath: Nightmare, Gentleman, Loch Ness, Jurassic, Battlecast Prime, Prehistoric

    Corki: Ice Toboggan, Red Baron, Hot Rod, Urfrider, Dragonwing, Fnatic, Arcade

    Darius: Lord, Bioforge, Woad King, Dunkmaster, Academy

    Diana: Dark Valkyrie, Lunar Goddess, Infernal, Blood Moon, Dark Waters

    Dr. Mundo: Toxic, Mr. Mundoverse, Corporante, Mundo Mundo, Executioner, Rageborn, TPA, Pool Party, El Macho

    Draven: Soul Reaver, Gladiator, Primetime, Pool Party, Beast Hunter, Draven Draven, Santa

    Ekko: Sandstorm, Academy, PROJECT:, SKT T1

    Elise: Death Blossom, Victorious, Blood Moon, SKT T1, Super Galaxy

    Evelynn: Shadow, Masquerade, Tango, Safecracker, Blood Moon

    Ezreal: Nottingham, Striker, Frosted, Explorer, Pulsefire, TPA, Debonair, Ace of Spades, Arcade, Star Guardian

    Fiddlesticks: Spectral, Union Jack, Bandito, Pumpkinhead, Fiddle Me Timbers, Surprise Party, Dark Candy, Risen

    Fiora: Royal Guard, Nightraven, Headmistress, PROJECT:, Pool Party, Soaring Sword

    Fizz: Atlantean, Tundra, Fisherman, Void, Cottontail, Super Galaxy, Omega Squad

    Galio: Enchanted, Hextech, Commando, Gatekeeper, Debonair, Birdio

    Gangplank: Spooky, Minuteman, Sailor, Toy Soldier, Special Forces, Sultan, Captain, Dreadnova

    Garen: Sanguine, Desert Trooper, Commando, Dreadknight, Rugged, Steel Legion, Rogue Admiral

    Gnar: Dino, Gentleman, Snow Day, El Leon, Super Galaxy

    Gragas: Scuba, Hillbilly, Santa, Esq., Vandal, Oktoberfest, Superfan, Fnatic, Caskbreaker

    Graves: Hired Gun, Jailbreak, Mafia, Riot, Pool Party, Cutthroat, Snow Day

    Hecarim: Blood Knight, Reaper, Headless, Arcade, Elderwood, Worldbreaker

    Heimerdinger: Alien Invader, Blast Zone, Piltover Customs, Snowmerdinger, Hazmat

    Illaoi: Void Bringer

    Irelia: Nightblade, Aviator, Infiltraror, Frostblade, Order of the Lotus

    Ivern: Candy King

    Janna: Tempest, Hextech, Frost Queen, Victorious, Forecast, Fnatic, Star Guardian, Sacred Sword

    Jarvan IV: Commando, Dragonslayer, Darkforge, Warring Kingdoms, Fnatic, Dark Star

    Jax: The Mighty, Vandal, Angler, Jaximus, Temple, Nemesis, SKT T1, Warden, God Staff

    Jayce: Full Metal, Debonair, Forsaken, Brighthammer

    Jhin: High Noon, Blood Moon, SKT T1, PROJECT:

    Jinx: Mafia, Firecracker, Zombie Slayer, Star Guardian, Ambitious Elf

    Kai'Sa: Bullet Angel

    Kalista: Blood Moon, Championship, SKT T1

    Karma: Sun Goddess, Sakura, Traditional, Order of the Lotus, Warden, Winter Wonder, Conqueror

    Karthus: Phantom, Statue of Karthus, Grim Reaper, Pentakill, Fnatic, Lightsbane

    Kassadin: Festival, Deep One, Pre-Void, Harbringer, Cosmic Reaver

    Katarina: Mercenary, Red Card, Bilgewater, Kitty Cat, High Command, Sandstorm, Slay Belle, Warring Kingdoms, PROJECT:, Death Sworn

    Kayle: Viridian, Transcended, Battleborn, Aether Wing, Riot, Iron Inquisitor

    Kayn: Soulhunter

    Kennen: Deadly, Swamp Master, Karate, M.D., Arctic Ops, Blood Moon, Super

    Kha'Zix: Mecha, Guardian of the Sands, Death Blossom, Dark Star

    Kindred: Shadowfire, Super Galaxy

    Kled: Sir

    Kog'Maw: Caterpillar, Sonoran, Monarch, Reindeer, Lion Dance, Deep Sea, Jurassic, Battlecast, Pug'Maw

    LeBlanc: Wicked, Prestigious, Mistletoe, Ravenborn, Elderwood

    Lee Sin: Traditional, Acolyte, Dragon Fist, Muay Thai, Pool Party, SKT T1, Knockout, Gold Fist, Playmaker

    Leona: Valkyrie, Defender, Iron Solari, Pool Party, PROJECT:, Barbecue

    Lissandra: Bloodstone, Blade Queen, Program

    Lucian: Hired Gun, Striker, PROJECT:, Heartseeker

    Lulu: Bittersweet, Wicked, Dragon Trainer, Winter Wonder, Pool Party, Star Guardian

    Lux: Sorceress, Spellthief, Commando, Imperial, Steel Legion, Star Guardian, Elementalist, Lunar Empress

    Malphite: Shamrock, Coral Reef, Marble, Obsidian, Glacial, Mecha, Ironside

    Malzahar: Vizier, Shadow Prince, Djinn, Overlord, Snow Day, Battle Boss

    Maokai: Charred, Totemic, Festive, Haunted, Goalkeeper, Meowkai, Victorious

    Master Yi: Assassin, Chosen, Ionia, Samurai, Headhunter, PROJECT:, Cosmic Blade, Eternal Sword

    Miss Fortune: Cowgirl, Waterloo, Secret Agent, Candy Cane, Road Warrior, Mafia, Arcade, Captain, Pool Party, Star Guardian, Gun Goddess

    Mordekaiser: Dragon Knight, Infernal, Pentakill, Lord, King of Clubs

    Morgana: Exiled, Sinful Succulence, Blade Mistress, Blackthorn, Ghost Bride, Victorious, Lunar Wraith, Bewitching

    Nami: Koi, River Spirit, Urf the Nami-tee, Deep Sea, SKT T1

    Nasus: Galactic, Pharaoh, Dreadknight, Riot K-9, Infernal, Archduke, Worldbreaker, Lunar Guardian

    Nautilus: Abyssal, Subterranean, AstroNautilus, Warden

    Nidalee: Snow Bunny, Leopard, French Maid, Pharaoh, Bewitching, Headhunter, Warring Kingdoms, Challenger, Super Galaxy

    Nocturne: Frozen Terror, Void, Ravager, Haunting, Eternum, Cursed Revenant

    Nunu & Willump: Sasquatch, Workshop, Grungy, Bot, Demolisher, TPA, Zombie

    Olaf: Forsaken, Glacial, Brolaf, Pentakill, Marauder, Butcher, SKT T1

    Orianna: Gothic, Sewn Chaos, Bladecraft, TPA, Winter Wonder, Hearthseeker, Dark Star,

    Ornn: Thunder Lord

    Pantheon: Myrmidon, Ruthless, Perseus, Full Metal, Glaive Warrior, Dragon Slayer, Zombie Slayer, Baker

    Poppy: Noxus, Lollipoppy, Blacksmith, Ragdoll, Battle Regalia, Scarlett Hammer, Star Guardian, Snow Fawn

    Quinn: Phoenix, Woad Scout, Corsair, Hearthseeker

    Rakan: Cosmic Dawn

    Rammus: Chrome, Molten, Freljord, Ninja, Full Metal, Guardian of the Sands, Sweeper

    Rek'Sai: Eternum, Pool Party

    Renekton: Galactic, Outback, Bloodfury, Rune Wars, Scorched, Pool Party, Prehistoric, SKT T1, Renektoy

    Rengar: Headhunter, Night Hunter, SSW, Mecha

    Riven: Redeemed, Crimson Elite, Battle Bunny, Championship Riven, Dragonblade, Arcade, Championship Riven 2016, Dawnbringer, Pulsefire

    Rumble: Rumble in the Jungle, Bilgerat, Super Galaxy, Badlands Baron

    Ryze: Tribal, Uncle Ryze, Zombie, Dark Crystal, Pirate, Whitebeard, SKT T1

    Sejuani: Sabretusk, Darkrider, Traditional, Bear Cavalry, Poro Rider, Beast Hunter, Dawnchaser

    Shaco: Mad Hatter, Royal, Nutcracko, Workshop, Asylum, Masked, Wild Card

    Shen: Frozen, Yellow Jacket, Surgeon, Blood Moon, Warlord, TPA, Pulsefire

    Shyvana: Ironscale, Boneclaw, Darkflame, Ice Drake, Championship, Super Galaxy

    Singed: Hextech, Surfer, Mad Scientist, Augmented, Snow Day, SSW

    Sion: Hextech, Barbarian, Lumberjack, Warmonger, Mecha Zero

    Sivir: Warrior Princess, Spectacular, Huntress, Bandit, PAX Sivir, Snowstorm Sivir, Warden Sivir, Victorious Sivir, Neo PAX Sivir, Pizza Delivery Sivir

    Skarner: Sandscourge, Earthrune, Battlecast Alpha, Guardian of the Sands

    Sona: Muse, Pentakill, Silent Night, Guqin, Arcade, DJ, Sweetheart

    Soraka: Dryad, Divine, Celestine, Reaper, Order of the Banana, Program, Star Guardian

    Swain: Northern Front, Bilgewater, Tyrant, Dragon Master

    Syndra: Justicar, Atlantean, Queen of Diamonds, Snow Day, SKT T1, Star Guardian

    Tahm Kench: Master Chef, Urf

    Taliyah: Freljord

    Talon: Renegade, Crimson Elite, Dragonblade, SSW, Blood Moon

    Taric: Emerald, Armor of the Fifth Age, Bloodstone, Pool Party

    Teemo: Happy Elf, Recon, Badger, Astronaut, Cottontaill, Super, Panda, Omega Squad, Little Devil, Beemo

    Thresh: Deep Terror, Championship, Blood Moon, SSW, Dark Star

    Tristana: Earnest Elf, Firefighter, Guerilla, Buccaneer, Rocket Girl, Dragon Trainer, Bewitching, Omega Squad

    Trundle: Lil' Slugger, Junkyard, Traditional, Constable, Worldbreaker

    Tryndamere: Highland, King, Viking, Demonblade, Sultan, Warring Kingdoms, Nightmare, Beast Hunter, Chemtech,

    Twisted Fate: PAX Twisted Fate, Jack of Hearts, The Magnificent, Tango, High Noon, Musketeer, Underworld, Red Card, Cutpurse, Blood Moon, Pulsefire

    Twitch: Kingpin, Whistler Village, Ganagster, Vandal, Pickpocket, SSW, Omega Squad

    Udyr: Black Belt, Primal, Spitir Guard, Definitely Not

    Urgot: Giant Enemy, Butchet, Battlecast

    Varus: Blight Crystal, Archlight, Arctic Ops, Heartseeker, Swiftbolt, Dark Star, Conqueror

    Vayne: Vindicator, Aristocrat, Dragonslayer, Heartseeker, SKT T1, Arclight, PROJECT:

    Veigar: White Mage, Curling, Greaybeard, Baron Von, Superb Villain, Bad Santa, Final Boss, Omega Squad

    Vel'Koz: Battlecast, Arclight, Definitely Not

    Vi: Neon Striker, Officer, Debonair, Demon, Warring Kingdoms, PROJECT:

    Viktor: Full Machine, Prototype, Creator, Death Sworn

    Vladimir: Count, Marquis, Nosferatu, Vandal, Blood Lord, Soulstealer, Academy, Dark Waters

    Volibear: Thunder Lord, Northern Storm, Runeguard, Captain, El Rayo

    Warwick: Big Bad, Tundra Hunter, Feral, Firefang, Hyena, Marauder, Lunar Guardian

    Wukong: Volcanic, General, Jade Dragon, Underworld, Radiant, Lancer Stratus

    Xayah: Cosmic Dusk, Sweetheart

    Xerath: Runeborn, Battlecast, Scorched Earth, Guardian of the Sands

    Xin Zhao: Commando, Imperial, Viscero, Winged Hussar, Warring Kingdoms, Secret Agent, Dragonslayer

    Yasuo: High Noon, PROJECT:, Blood Moon, Nightbringer

    Yorick: Undertaker, Pentakill, Arclight

    Zac: Special Weapon, Pool Party, SKT T1

    Zed: Shockblade, SKT T1, PROJECT:, Championship

    Ziggs: Mad Scientist, Major, Pool Party, Snow Day, Master Arcanist, Battle Boss

    Zilean: Old Saint, Groovy, Shurima Desert, Time Machine, Blood Moon

    Zoe: Cyber Pop

    Zyra: Wildfire, Haunted, SKT T1, Dragon Sorceress

    EXTREMELY RARE League of Legends account, 810 skins, Pax TF+Sivir, OG Champ Riven
  2. #2
    omelol's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
    Join Date
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    Request is currently € 1.500(can be discussed), bank transfer highly preferred, but can also accept PayPal from trustable sources.
    Total spent in the ingame shop: € 5.000

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