EUW League of Legends Account, 98 Champions, ~ 90 skins menu

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  1. #1
    legionairre95's Avatar Private
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    EUW League of Legends Account, 98 Champions, ~ 90 skins


    I would like to sell my Level 30 League of Legends Account on EU West.

    I have 9 Rune Pages, with runes for AD Carry, AP Carry, Jungling (Both AP and AD), Tank, Support, Mana.
    At this time i have about 1020 Normal wins, with only ~ 900 losses.
    Pulsefire Ezreal Icon, 4 Halloween Icons, 4 Christmas Icons.

    Champions with Skins:

    Ahri - Foxfire Ahri
    Akali - Crimson Akali + Silverfang Akali
    Alistar - Unchained Alistar + Infernal Alistar
    Amumu - Almost-Prom King Amumu + Pharao Amumu
    Anivia - Hextech Anivia
    Annie - Reverse Annie
    Ashe - Woad Ashe
    Blitzcrank - Boom Boom Blitzcrank
    Brand - Cryocore Brand
    Caitlyn - Officer Caitlyn
    Cassiopeia - Mythic Cassiopeia
    Cho'Gath - Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath (Legendary)
    Corki - Urfrider Corki
    Diana - Dalk Valkyrie Diana
    Dr. Mundo - Mr. Mundoverse
    Draven - Soul Reaver Draven
    Elise - Death Blossom Elise
    Evelynn - Shadow Evelynn + Masquerade Evelynn
    Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal + Pulsefire Ezreal
    Fiddlesticks - Bandito Fiddlesticks + Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
    Fiora - Royal Guard Fiora
    Fizz - Fisherman Fizz
    Galio - No skin
    Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gangplank
    Garen - Sanguine Garen + Steel Legion Garen
    Gragas - Gragas Esq.
    Hecarim - Headless Hecarim
    Heimerdinger - Snowmerdinger
    Irelia - Nightblade Irelia
    Janna - Frostqueen Janna
    Jarvan IV - No skin
    Jax - Vandal Jax + Nemesis Jax
    Jayce - Full Metal Jayce
    Karma - Sakura Karma
    Karthus - Phantom Karthus + Statue of Karthus
    Kassadin - Pre-void Kassadin
    Katarina - Mercenary Katarina
    Kayle - Judgement Kayle
    Kennen - Karate Kennen
    Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix
    Kog'Maw - Jurassic Kog'Maw
    LeBlanc - Prestigious LeBlanc + Mistletoe LeBlanc
    Lee Sin - Dragon Fist Lee Sin
    Leona - Valkyrie Leona
    Lux - Sorceress Lux + Steel Legion Lux
    Malphite - Glacial Malphite
    Malzahar - Overlord Malzahar
    Maokai - Haunted Maokai
    Master Yi - Assassin Master Yi
    Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune
    Mordekaiser - Pentakill Mordekaiser
    Morgana - Sinful Succulence Morgana + Blackthorn Morgana
    Nasus - Galactic Nasus
    Nidalee - Leopard Nidalee + French Maid Nidalee
    Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne (Legendary)
    Nunu - Demolisher Nunu
    Olaf - Pentakill Olaf
    Orianna - Gothic Orianna
    Pantheon - Glaive Warrior Pantheon
    Poppy - Nocus Poppy
    Rammus - Freljord Rammus
    Renekton - Bloodfury Renekton
    Rengar - Headhunter Rengar
    Rumble - Rumble in the Jungle
    Ryze - Uncle Ryze
    Shaco - Asylum Shaco
    Shen - Warlord Shen
    Shyvana - Darkflame Shyvana
    Singed - Mad Scientist Singed
    Sion - Warmonger Sion
    Sivir - Bandit Sivir
    Sona - Pentakill Sona
    Soraka - Dryad Soraka
    Swain - Tyrant Swain
    Syndra - Justicar Syndra
    Talon - Renegade Talon
    Taric - Bloodstone Taric
    Teemo - Super Teemo
    Thresh - Deep Terror Thresh
    Tristana - Buccaneer Tristana
    Trundle - Junkyard Trundle
    Tryndamere - No skin
    Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
    Twitch - Vandal Twitch
    Udyr - Black Belt Udyr
    Urgot - Giant Enemy Crabgot
    Varus - Arclight Varus
    Vayne - Dragonslayer Vayne
    Veigar - White Mage Veigar
    Vi - No Skin
    Viktor - Prototype Viktor
    Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir (Legendary)
    Warwick - Hyena Warwick
    Wukong - General Wukong
    Xerath - Scorched Earth Xerath
    Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao + Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
    Yorick - No Skin
    Zilean - Time Machine Zilean

    Skype - staas95
    Mail - [email protected]

    EUW League of Legends Account, 98 Champions, ~ 90 skins
  2. #2
    Uncontrolable's Avatar Active Member
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    How much are you looking for?

  3. #3
    legionairre95's Avatar Private
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    Since I started playing Leauge 2-3 years ago, i have spent between 5 and 600 Euros on it, so im not looking for 50 euros if you understand.
    Im not really sure how much i want for it, but minimum 100, depends on how fast someone wants to buy it.

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