Battlenet account with WoW Cataclysm, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 2 menu

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    Battlenet account with WoW Cataclysm, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 2

    I don't play any of these games anymore and want to get an xbox (I don't have enough money).

    It's a Battle net account with:

    -World of Warcraft (with EVERY expansion-Burning Crusade, Lich King, Cataclysm .. with a level 82 DK and 72 Hunter, and a few randoms)
    -Diablo 2 (I didn't even add this price since it is cheap/old game)
    -Starcraft 2: WIngs of Liberty

    Starcraft 2 is easily $50-$60
    WoW game+expansions come out to over $100
    Diablo 2 is $20 (I understand this is an old game so I didn't even factor it into the price)

    Save a few bucks and do me a favor (I want an XBOX 360 uggh)!

    Here's a picture of my games:

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    Battlenet account with WoW Cataclysm, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 2

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