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    πŸ”₯ Discord Scams - Confirm Trade Through Onsite Messaging System πŸ”₯

    Ownedcore will only investigate scam reports and disputes that occurred directly on our forums, through private messages or our middleman service.

    If no contact was made on the forums prior to the trade taking place, then all reports & disputes against that user will be immediately dismissed.

    The private message should include:

    • a detailed description of what you are buying or selling;
    • the price/value of the transaction;
    • the payment method that will be used;
    • the payment address (PayPal email, wallet, etc);
    • any other relevant information regarding the transaction such as disclaimers, guarantees, refunds, etc.

    You are still required to submit proof in order for your report to be valid.

  2. DvASystems's Avatar Elite User Overwatch Hack & Cheat Mod /M.LG\
    Authenticator enabled
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    Aug 2016
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    These rules are for the general usage of the OwnedCore Forums.

    If you are looking for Trade section rules please go here

    1. General information

    1. A lot of information regarding our Forum can be found in our FAQ.
    2. You can check out the current forum staff here. You can also see a list of all assigned moderators on the bottom when viewing a forum under Forum Information and Options. An overview of all existing forum ranks can be found here.
    3. Infractions and Infraction Points
      When you break the rules in a post or thread, there is a likely chance of you receiving an infraction from a Moderator as punishment.

      If you receive 3 separate infractions (On separate occasions), you will automatically be given a 2 day ban from the forums.If you receive 12 Infraction POINTS (Each separate infraction can give a number of infraction points, decided by the Moderator depending on how bad the offense was) the result is a permanent ban from OwnedCore.

      Expired Infractions
      Every infraction you receive will expire within a set amount of time. When an infraction you've received expires, it will still be displayed on your profile as it had before, but it will say 'Expired' and will no longer count towards the 12 Infraction points.
      Though expired infractions don't count point-wise, they still count infraction-wise, so it still counts towards the 2 day ban. Expired infractions are kept on your profile because they allow Moderators to see what sort of trouble you may have been up to in the past if needed, and so that even waiting a bit after getting in trouble won't save you from a suspension.
    4. Complaints and Support issues
      For site issues, such as threads or posts, please use the ownedcore ticket system.
    5. The board administration has the final say in any discussion.
    6. Do not complain about moderation.
    7. You are free to create a new account after a permanent ban, provided you have not been flagged as no longer welcome.
    8. The following rules apply to all forums and the online chat, The ShoutBawx.

      You can find the trade section specific Rules here.

    2. Strictly forbidden - Permanent ban

    1. We do not allow illegal activities such as fraud, stolen credit cards or the likes. This also includes hacking computers, servers or DDoS attacks etc. Please note that it is not illegal to exploit cheat in online games, it may result in a ban, but not from OwnedCore.
    2. Spreading malware of any kind (stealer, keylogger, RATs etc.) is forbidden.
    3. Extreme insults, baiting or racist comments β€” especially when addressed to the forum staff β€” will not be tolerated.
    4. The use of multiple accounts to manipulate your reputation, trade feedback or similar will not be tolerated. If you NEED to have two accounts on OwnedCore, please contact our support.
    5. Massive spam on the forums or via private message is forbidden.
    6. Do not post real life info about other members.
    7. Do not ask for feedback, reputation or donations.

    3. Serious Violations

    1. Insulting, flaming, accusing and baiting other members is forbidden.
    2. We do not allow posting links in thread titles.
    3. Usernames which partially or fully contain an URL are forbidden.
    4. Posting pornography is forbidden. We consider images/videos to be pornographic if they show primary or secondary sexual characteristics.
    5. You are not allowed to impersonate a member of the forum staff (e.g. by using rank icons as your avatar or misleading nicknames).
    6. Posting referral and affiliate links is forbidden. If they are posted to fool other members it counts for a permaban!
    7. Advertising other websites is only allowed if you have an agreement with staff, please please contact our support or check our CoreCoins system for ADVERTISING on OwnedCore.
    8. We do not allow the use of survey download mirrors (e.g. Sharecash), unless you can provide an alternative download mirror with no such limitations.
    9. You are not allowed to post questions or requests in a forum marked with [NO QUESTIONS] in the description.

    4. Minor Violations

    1. Please use common sense on the forums. Try to refrain from using profanities, exceeded use of profanities or bad language can lead to infractions.
    2. Posting twice in a row is to be avoided. Exceptions due to compelling reasons should be discussed with a moderator first.
    3. Pushing/bumping outdated threads is only allowed if there is a good reason, e.g. if you have the same the question, but so far no satisfying answer has been given in the thread. If in doubt, ask a moderator whether you should pick up the old thread or rather create a new one instead.
    4. We do not take kindly of unfriendly or provocative behavior towards other members; the same goes for excessive trolling.

    5. Signature Rules

    In addition to the general board rules, the following special rules apply to signatures :

    1. Signatures should not cause discomfort or annoy other members (e.g. by using excessively bright colors or annoying animations)
    2. Signatures may be edited by staff.
    3. Signatures with links to a trade thread can be allowed if you are a Donator.

    6. Global Trade Rules

    1. 1. All external links are automatically disabled until you upgrade your thread to Legendary.
      To get Corecoins head over here.
    2. No links in images are allowed if your thread is not Legendary.
    3. Hexpay, Selly or any automated shop links require Premium threads.
    4. You cannot bump more than 3 threads per page. If you are a Premium seller you can have max 5 threads per page.
      To upgrade to Premium seller upgrade head over here.
    5. Do not advertise your thread as the definitive one. "Best", "Greatest", "Cheapest" or "Better than the competition".
    6. Do not recreate the same thread over and over again. Press the Bump button in your thread's control panel to bump the thread.
    7. Do not leave "I'm online now" messages or you might eventually get banned and spam cleaned.
      You are allowed to leave promos or service status updates in your thread instead. "Our website is working again" or "We are offering a 5% discount".
    8. Do not include a website domain in your thread title, username, signature, title or profile.
    9. Do not advertise any free services.
    10. Free software belongs in the Cheat or Exploit section. Paid software belongs in the appropriate Trade section.
    11. You must add a refund policy in your thread.
      This applies to every section. No links to any refund policies are allowed as they can be changed.
      If you do not have a refund policy then the outcome will be based on the circumstances and how much work was performed.
    12. No lifetime/1 year keys to any service.
      The average service lifespan is 4 months.
    13. Off-site behavior is not moderated by Ownedcore or its staff.
      Please consult the anti-trust section to see what we look into.
      Every seller is free to run their service as they like as long as it does not hurt Ownedcore or another seller.

    GRAY AREA SALES - Reselling and unusual services.



    User replies guidelines


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