yes, join our disc
How does it work? (Learn more about CoreCoins here)
yes, join our disc
discord link doesn't work : (
Pmd you about something i would like to buy today
SAlE on all eggs!
What is your discord name/number so I can add you I can't join the public discord
ADD rok drake list! all drake SALE -10%
Do you level up characters if so how much?
Hey mate, are griffens stats still the same as the images ??
hello, no(( WC Nerf griffin((
Update! NEW GEN!
8100k HP+, fert EGGS! - 10$
14k hp and 494DMG!, fert EGGS!-20$
Looking to buy wyvern, rex for PvP legacy server let me know what you have I may buy more
Only new bro, sry
What’s the highest melee giga eggs you have?
Global update!
285 dmg and 315 soon