Sooo Question for someone who does memory editing menu

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    Sooo Question for someone who does memory editing

    I am trying to learn, "OMG ABANDON THREAD!", and I figured i'd try it with something that looks like a challenge but not too hard.

    I picked the new World of Fishing game, and I could write an AutoIt script, but that's kind of the last step. I was trying to see if I could at least find things in the game, like levels, player stamina, how to tell if you have caught a fish and all that stuff.

    However, I ran into a snag, and wondered if someone could point me into the right direction.

    When I attach a debugger to it, it spits out Debug Log's and such, but while the debugger is attached I get this:

    DebugString: "_global.TopmostLevelState = false\n"

    I finally found the Search all Modules, and I a having a problem deciphering where it's jumping to in the memory, as in, what part tells it if it IS or IS NOT top most level if anyone has any idea:

    006A55CA | 68 18 DA 7D 00           | push worldoffishing.7DDA18              | 7DDA18:"getTopMostEntity"
    jumps to this, I copied all parts in between just incase I am missing something in between but...

    007DDA18 | 67 65 74 54              | je worldoffishing.7DDA70                |
    007DDA1C | 6F                       | outsd dx,word ptr ds:[esi]              |
    007DDA1D | 70 4D                    | jo worldoffishing.7DDA6C                |
    007DDA1F | 6F                       | outsd dx,word ptr ds:[esi]              |
    007DDA20 | 73 74                    | jae worldoffishing.7DDA96               |
    007DDA22 | 45                       | inc ebp                                 |
    007DDA23 | 6E                       | outsb dx,word ptr ds:[esi]              |
    007DDA24 | 74 69                    | je worldoffishing.7DDA8F                |
    007DDA26 | 74 79                    | je worldoffishing.7DDAA1                |
    007DDA28 | 00 00                    | add byte ptr ds:[eax],al                |
    007DDA2A | 00 00                    | add byte ptr ds:[eax],al                |
    007DDA2C | 00 5A 6A                 | add byte ptr ds:[edx+6A],bl             |
    007DDA2F | 00 10                    | add byte ptr ds:[eax],dl                |
    007DDA31 | 48                       | dec eax                                 |
    007DDA32 | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA34 | 70 48                    | jo worldoffishing.7DDA7E                |
    007DDA36 | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA38 | B0 49                    | mov al,49                               |
    007DDA3A | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA3C | 40                       | inc eax                                 |
    007DDA3D | 4A                       | dec edx                                 |
    007DDA3E | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA40 | 10 46 6A                 | adc byte ptr ds:[esi+6A],al             |
    007DDA43 | 00 00                    | add byte ptr ds:[eax],al                |
    007DDA45 | 00 00                    | add byte ptr ds:[eax],al                |
    007DDA47 | 00 F0                    | add al,dh                               |
    007DDA49 | 59                       | pop ecx                                 |
    007DDA4A | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA4C | 20 B3 6B 00 60 EF        | and byte ptr ds:[ebx-109FFF95],dh       |
    007DDA52 | 5D                       | pop ebp                                 |
    007DDA53 | 00 C0                    | add al,al                               |
    007DDA55 | 5A                       | pop edx                                 |
    007DDA56 | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA58 | E0 54                    | loopne worldoffishing.7DDAAE            |
    007DDA5A | 6A 00                    | push 0                                  |
    007DDA5C | D0 9B 64 00 00 8E        | rcr byte ptr ds:[ebx-71FFFF9C],1        |
    007DDA62 | 64 00 C0                 | add al,al                               |
    007DDA65 | A9 64 00 E0 7F           | test eax,7FE00064                       |
    007DDA6A | 64 00 E0                 | add al,ah                               |
    007DDA6D | 86 64 00 00              | xchg byte ptr ds:[eax+eax],ah           |
    007DDA71 | A6                       | cmpsb byte ptr ds:[esi],byte ptr es:[ed |
    007DDA72 | 64 00 40 84              | add byte ptr fs:[eax-7C],al             |
    007DDA76 | 64 00 20                 | add byte ptr fs:[eax],ah                |
    007DDA79 | 0B 65 00                 | or esp,dword ptr ss:[ebp]               |
    007DDA7C | D0 ED                    | shr ch,1                                |
    007DDA7E | 5D                       | pop ebp                                 |
    I know it's a boolean from the true/false notation in the log. Everything I choose to set as NOPs freezes the program thus far... so I know i'm missing something.
    Last edited by Veritable; 05-04-2016 at 07:36 PM.

    Sooo Question for someone who does memory editing

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